
21 KiB




  • Fix regression in handling Diaspora relayables due to security fix in 0.14.0. Payload and entity handle need to be allowed to be different when handling relayables.

[0.14.0] - 2017-08-06


  • Add proper checks to make sure Diaspora protocol payload handle and entity handle are the same. Even though we already verified the signature of the sender, we didn't ensure that the sender isn't trying to fake an entity authored by someone else.

    The Diaspora protocol functions message_to_objects and element_to_objects now require a new parameter, the payload sender handle. These functions should normally not be needed to be used directly.


  • Breaking change. The high level federation.outbound functions handle_send and handle_create_payload signatures have been changed. This has been done to better represent the objects that are actually sent in and to add an optional parent_user object.

    For both functions the from_user parameter has been renamed to author_user. Optionally a parent_user object can also be passed in. Both the user objects must have private_key and handle attributes. In the case that parent_user is given, that user will be used to sign the payload and for Diaspora relayables an extra parent_author_signature in the payload itself.

[0.13.0] - 2017-07-22

Backwards incompatible changes

  • When processing Diaspora payloads, entity used to get a _source_object stored to it. This was an etree.Element created from the source object. Due to serialization issues in applications (for example pushing the object to a task queue or saving to database), _source_object is now a byte string representation for the element done with etree.tostring().


  • New style Diaspora private encrypted JSON payloads are now supported in the receiving side. Outbound private Diaspora payloads are still sent as legacy encrypted payloads. (issue)
    • No additional changes need to be made when calling handle_receive from your task processing. Just pass in the full received XML or JSON payload as a string with recipient user object as before.
  • Add created_at to Diaspora Comment entity XML creator. This is required in renewed Diaspora protocol. (related issue)


  • Fix getting sender from a combination of legacy Diaspora encrypted payload and new entity names (for example author). This combination probably only existed in this library.
  • Correctly extend entity _children. Certain Diaspora payloads caused _children for an entity to be written over by an empty list, causing for example status message photos to not be saved. Correctly do an extend on it. (issue)
  • Fix parsing Diaspora profile tag_string into Profile.tag_list if the tag_string is an empty string. This caused the whole Profile object creation to fail. (issue)
  • Fix processing Diaspora payload if it is passed to handle_receive as a bytes object. (issue)
  • Fix broken Diaspora relayables after latest 0.2.0 protocol changes. Previously relayables worked only because they were reverse engineered from the legacy protocol. Now that XML order is not important and tag names can be different depending on which protocol version, the relayable forwarding broke. To fix, we don't regenerate the entity when forwarding it but store the original received object when generating a parent_author_signature (which is optional in some cases, but we generate it anyway for now). This happens in the previously existing entity.sign_with_parent() method. In the sending part, if the original received object (now with a parent author signature) exists in the entity, we send that to the remote instead of serializing the entity to XML.
    • To forward a relayable you must call entity.sign_with_parent() before calling handle_send to send the entity.


  • Post.photos entity attribute was never used by any code and has been removed. Child entities of type Image are stored in the Post._children as before.
  • Removed deprecated user private key lookup using user.key in Diaspora receive processing. Passed in user objects must now have a private_key attribute.

[0.12.0] - 2017-05-22

Backwards incompatible changes

  • Removed exception class NoHeaderInMessageError. New style Diaspora protocol does not have a custom header in the Salmon magic envelope and thus there is no need to raise this anywhere.


  • New style Diaspora public payloads are now supported (see here). Old style payloads are still supported. Payloads are also still sent out old style.
  • Add new Follow base entity and support for the new Diaspora "contact" payload. The simple Follow maps to Diaspora contact entity with following/sharing both true or false. Sharing as a separate concept is not currently supported.
  • Added _receiving_guid to all entities. This is filled with user.guid if user is passed to federation.inbound.handle_receive and it has a guid. Normally in for example Diaspora, this will always be done in private payloads.


  • Legacy Diaspora retraction of sharing/following is now supported correctly. The end result is a DiasporaRetraction for entity type Profile. Since the payload doesn't contain the receiving user for a sharing/following retraction in legacy Diaspora protocol, we store the guid of the user in the entity as _receiving_guid, assuming it was passed in for processing.

[0.11.0] - 2017-05-08

Backwards incompatible changes

Diaspora protocol support added for comment and like relayable types. On inbound payloads the signature included in the payload will be verified against the sender public key. A failed verification will raise SignatureVerificationError. For outbound entities, the author private key will be used to add a signature to the payload.

This introduces some backwards incompatible changes to the way entities are processed. Diaspora entity mappers get_outbound_entity and entity utilities get_full_xml_representation now requires the author private_key as a parameter. This is required to sign outgoing Comment and Reaction (like) entities.

Additionally, Diaspora entity mappers message_to_objects and element_to_objects now take an optional sender_key_fetcher parameter. This must be a function that when called with the sender handle will return the sender public key. This allows using locally cached public keys instead of fetching them as needed. NOTE! If the function is not given, each processed payload will fetch the public key over the network.

A failed payload signature verification now raises a SignatureVerificationError instead of a less specific AssertionError.


  • Three new attributes added to entities.
    • Add protocol name to all entities to attribute _source_protocol. This might be useful for applications to know which protocol payload the entity was created from once multiple protocols are implemented.
    • Add source payload object to the entity at _source_object when processing it.
    • Add sender public key to the entity at _sender_key, but only if it was used for validating signatures.
  • Add support for the new Diaspora payload properties coming in the next protocol version. Old XML payloads are and will be still supported.
  • DiasporaComment and DiasporaLike will get the order of elements in the XML payload as a list in xml_tags. For implementers who want to recreate payloads for these relayables, this list should be saved for later use.
  • High level federation.outbound.handle_send helper function now allows sending entities to a list of recipients without having to deal with payload creation or caring about the protocol (in preparation of being a multi-protocol library).
    • The function takes three parameters, entity that will be sent, from_user that is sending (note, not necessarely authoring, this user will be used to sign the payload for Diaspora for example) and a list of recipients as tuples of recipient handle/domain and optionally protocol. In the future, if protocol is not given, it will be guessed from the recipient handle, and if necessary a network lookup will be made to see what protocols the receiving identity supports.
    • Payloads will be delivered to each receiver only once. Currently only public messages are supported through this helper, so multiple recipients on a single domain will cause only one delivery.


  • Refactor processing of Diaspora payload XML into entities. Diaspora protocol is dropping the <XML><post></post></XML> wrapper for the payloads. Payloads with the wrapper will still be parsed as before.

[0.10.1] - 2017-03-09


  • Ensure tags are lower cased after collecting them from entity raw_content.

[0.10.0] - 2017-01-28


  • Add support for new Diaspora protocol ISO 8601 timestamp format introduced in protocol version 0.1.6.
  • Tests are now executed also against Python 3.6.


  • Don't crash federation.utils.diaspora.retrieve_diaspora_webfinger if XRD parse raises an xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError.

[0.9.1] - 2016-12-10


  • Made Profile.raw_content optional. This fixes validating profiles parsed from Diaspora hCard's.

[0.9.0] - 2016-12-10

Backwards incompatible changes

  • Image no longer has a text attribute. It is replaced by raw_content, the same attribute as Post and Comment have. Unlike the latter two, Image.raw_content is not mandatory.


  • Entities can now have a children. These can be accessed using the _children list. Acceptable children depends on the entity. Currently, Post, Comment and Profile can have children of entity type Image. Child types are validated in the .validate() entity method call.


  • Diaspora protocol message_to_objects method (called through inbound high level methods) now correctly parses Diaspora <photo> elements and creates Image entities from them. If they are children of status messages, they will be available through the Post._children list.

[0.8.2] - 2016-10-23


  • Remove legacy splitting of payload to 60 chars when creating Diaspora payloads. Diaspora 0.6 doesn't understand these any more.

[0.8.1] - 2016-10-18


  • federation.utils.network.send_document incorrectly passed in kwargs to requests.post, causing an error when sending custom headers.
  • Make sure federation.utils.network.send_document headers are treated case insensitive before passing then onwards to requests.post.

[0.8.0] - 2016-10-09

Library is now called federation

The name Social-Federation was really only an early project name which stuck. Since the beginning, the main module has been federation. It makes sense to unify these and also shorter names are generally nicer.

What do you need to do?

Mostly nothing since the module was already called federation. Some things to note below:

  • Update your requirements with the new library name federation.
  • If you hook to the old logger social-federation, update those to listen to federation, which is now the standard logger name used throughout.

Other backwards incompatible changes

  • federation.utils.diaspora.retrieve_and_parse_profile will now return None if the Profile retrieved doesn't validate. This will affect also the output of federation.fetchers.retrieve_remote_profile which is the high level function to retrieve profiles.
  • Remove unnecessary protocol parameter from federation.fetchers.retrieve_remote_profile. We're miles away from including other protocols and ideally the caller shouldn't have to pass in the protocol anyway.


  • Added Retraction entity with DiasporaRetraction counterpart.

[0.7.0] - 2016-09-15

Backwards incompatible changes

  • Made guid mandatory for Profile entity. Library users should always be able to get a full validated object as we consider guid a core attribute of a profile.
  • Always validate entities created through federation.entities.diaspora.mappers.message_to_objects. This is the code that transforms federation messages for the Diaspora protocol to actual entity objects. Previously no validation was done and callers of federation.inbound.handle_receive received entities that were not always valid, for example they were missing a guid. Now validation is done in the conversion stage and errors are pushed to the federation logger in the event of invalid messages.
    • Note Diaspora Profile XML messages do not provide a GUID. This is handled internally by fetching the guid from the remote hCard so that a valid Profile entity can be created.


  • Raise a warning if unknown parameters are passed to entities.
  • Ensure entity required attributes are validated for None or empty string values. Required attributes must not only exist but also have a value.
  • Add validation to entities with the attribute public. Only bool values are accepted.


  • Function federation.utils.diaspora.parse_profile_from_hcard now requires a second argument, handle. Since in the future Diaspora hCard is not guaranteed to have username and domain, we now pass handle to the parser directly.

[0.6.1] - 2016-09-14


  • New style Diaspora Magic Envelope didn't require or like payload data to be cut to 60 char lines, as the legacy protocol does. Fixed to not cut lines.

[0.6.0] - 2016-09-13


  • New style Diaspora Magic Envelope support. The magic envelope can be created using the class federation.protocols.diaspora.magic_envelope.MagicEnvelope. By default this will not wrap the payload message in <XML><post></post></XML>. To provide that functionality the class should be initialized with wrap_payload=True. No changes are made to the protocol send methods yet, if you need this new magic envelope you can initialize and render it directly.


  • Deprecate receiving user key attribute for Diaspora protocol. Instead correct attribute is now private_key for any user passed to federation.inbound.handle_receive. We already use private_key in the message creation code so this is just to unify the user related required attributes.
    • DEPRECATION: There is a fallback with key for user objects in the receiving payload part of the Diaspora protocol until 0.8.0.


  • Loosen up hCard selectors when parsing profile from hCard document in federation.utils.diaspora.parse_profile_from_hcard. The selectors now match Diaspora upcoming federation documentation.

[0.5.0] - 2016-09-05

Breaking changes

  • federation.outbound.handle_create_payload parameter to_user is now optional. Public posts don't need a recipient. This also affects Diaspora protocol build_send method where the change is reflected similarly. #43
    • In practise this means the signature has changed for handle_create_payload and build_send from from_user, to_user, entity to entity, from_user, to_user=None.


  • Post.provider_display_name is now supported in the entity outbound/inbound mappers. #44
  • Add utility method federation.utils.network.send_document which is just a wrapper around requests.post. User agent will be added to the headers and exceptions will be silently captured and returned instead. #45
  • Add Diaspora entity utility federation.entities.diaspora.utils.get_full_xml_representation. Renders the entity XML document and wraps it in <XML><post>...</post></XML>. #46

[0.4.1] - 2016-09-04


  • Don't quote/encode Protocol.build_send payload. It was doing it wrongly in the first place and also it's not necessary since Diaspora 0.6 protocol changes. #41
  • Fix identification of Diaspora protocol messages. This was not working in the case that the attributes in the tag were in different order. #41

[0.4.0] - 2016-07-24

Breaking changes

  • While in early stages, doing some renaming of modules to suit the longer term. federation.controllers has been split into two, federation.outbound and federation.inbound. The following methods have new import locations:
    • federation.controllers.handle_receive -> federation.inbound.handle_receive
    • federation.controllers.handle_create_payload -> federation.outbound.handle_create_payload
  • Class federation.hostmeta.generators.DiasporaHCard now requires guid, public_key and username for initialization. Leaving these out was a mistake in the initial implementation. Diaspora has these in at least 0.6 development branch.


  • Relationship base entity which represents relationships between two handles. Types can be following, sharing, ignoring and blocking. The Diaspora counterpart, DiasporaRequest, which represents a sharing/following request is outwards a single entity, but incoming a double entity, handled by creating both a sharing and following version of the relationship.
  • Profile base entity and Diaspora counterpart DiasporaProfile. Represents a user profile.
  • federation.utils.network.fetch_document utility function to fetch a remote document. Returns document, status code and possible exception. Takes either url or a host + path combination. With host, https is first tried and optionally fall back to http.
  • Utility methods to retrieve Diaspora user discovery related documents. These include the host-meta, webfinger and hCard documents. The utility methods are in federation.utils.diaspora.
  • Utility to fetch remote profile, federation.fetchers.retrieve_remote_profile. Currently always uses Diaspora protocol. Returns a Profile entity.


  • Unlock most of the direct dependencies to a certain version range. Unlock all of test requirements to any version.
  • Entities passed to federation.controllers.handle_create_payload are now converted from the base entity types (Post, Comment, Reaction, etc) to Diaspora entity types (DiasporaPost, DiasporaComment, DiasporaLike, etc). This ensures actual payload generation has the correct methods available (for example to_xml) whatever entity is passed in.


  • Fix fetching sender handle from Diaspora protocol private messages. As it is not contained in the header, it needs to be read from the message content itself.
  • Fix various issues with DiasporaHCard template after comparing to some real world hCard templates from real pods. Old version was based on documentation in Diaspora project wiki.

[0.3.2] - 2016-05-09


  • Test factories and other test files are now included in the package installation. Factories can be useful when creating project tests.
  • Bump allowed lxml to 3.6.0
  • Bump allowed python-dateutil to 2.5.3


  • Don't raise on Post.tags if Post.raw_content is None

[0.3.1] - 2016-04-13


  • Support for generating .well-known/nodeinfo document, which was forgotten from the 0.3.0 release. Method federation.hostmeta.generators.get_nodeinfo_well_known_document does this task. It requires an url which should be the full base url of the host. Optionally document_path can be specified, but it is optional and defaults to the one in the NodeInfo spec.

[0.3.0] - 2016-04-13


  • Support for generating NodeInfo documents using the generator federation.hostmeta.generators.NodeInfo. Strict validation is skipped by default, but can be enabled by passing in raise_on_validate to the NodeInfo class. By default a warning will be generated on documents that don't conform with the strict NodeInfo values. This can be disabled by passing in skip_validate to the class.

[0.2.0] - 2016-04-09

Backwards incompatible changes

  • Any implementations using the Diaspora protocol and Post entities must now use DiasporaPost instead. See "Changed" below.


  • Support for using validate_field() methods for entity fields and checking missing fields against _required. To use this validation, validate() must specifically be called for the entity instance.
  • Base entities Comment and Reaction which subclass the new ParticipationMixin.
  • Diaspora entity DiasporaComment, a variant of Comment.
  • Diaspora entity DiasporaLike, a variant of Reaction with the reaction = "like" default.


  • Refactored Diaspora XML generators into the Diaspora entities themselves. This introduces Diaspora versions of the base entities called DiasporaPost, DiasporaComment and DiasporaLike. Any implementations using the Diaspora protocol and Post entities must now use DiasporaPost instead.


  • Entities which don't specifically get passed a created_at now get correct current time in created_at instead of always having the time part as 00:00.

[0.1.1] - 2016-04-03

Initial package release

Supports well Post type object receiving over Diaspora protocol.

Untested support for crafting outgoing protocol messages.