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  • New style Diaspora Magic Envelope support. The magic envelope can be created using the class federation.protocols.diaspora.magic_envelope.MagicEnvelope. By default this will not wrap the payload message in <XML><post></post></XML>. To provide that functionality the class should be initialized with wrap_payload=True. No changes are made to the protocol send methods yet, if you need this new magic envelope you can initialize and render it directly.


  • Deprecate receiving user key attribute for Diaspora protocol. Instead correct attribute is now private_key for any user passed to federation.inbound.handle_receive. We already use private_key in the message creation code so this is just to unify the user related required attributes.
    • DEPRECATION: There is a fallback with key for user objects in the receiving payload part of the Diaspora protocol until 0.8.0.


  • Loosen up hCard selectors when parsing profile from hCard document in federation.utils.diaspora.parse_profile_from_hcard. The selectors now match Diaspora upcoming federation documentation.

[0.5.0] - 2016-09-05

Breaking changes

  • federation.outbound.handle_create_payload parameter to_user is now optional. Public posts don't need a recipient. This also affects Diaspora protocol build_send method where the change is reflected similarly. #43
    • In practise this means the signature has changed for handle_create_payload and build_send from from_user, to_user, entity to entity, from_user, to_user=None.


  • Post.provider_display_name is now supported in the entity outbound/inbound mappers. #44
  • Add utility method federation.utils.network.send_document which is just a wrapper around requests.post. User agent will be added to the headers and exceptions will be silently captured and returned instead. #45
  • Add Diaspora entity utility federation.entities.diaspora.utils.get_full_xml_representation. Renders the entity XML document and wraps it in <XML><post>...</post></XML>. #46

[0.4.1] - 2016-09-04


  • Don't quote/encode Protocol.build_send payload. It was doing it wrongly in the first place and also it's not necessary since Diaspora 0.6 protocol changes. #41
  • Fix identification of Diaspora protocol messages. This was not working in the case that the attributes in the tag were in different order. #41

[0.4.0] - 2016-07-24

Breaking changes

  • While in early stages, doing some renaming of modules to suit the longer term. federation.controllers has been split into two, federation.outbound and federation.inbound. The following methods have new import locations:
    • federation.controllers.handle_receive -> federation.inbound.handle_receive
    • federation.controllers.handle_create_payload -> federation.outbound.handle_create_payload
  • Class federation.hostmeta.generators.DiasporaHCard now requires guid, public_key and username for initialization. Leaving these out was a mistake in the initial implementation. Diaspora has these in at least 0.6 development branch.


  • Relationship base entity which represents relationships between two handles. Types can be following, sharing, ignoring and blocking. The Diaspora counterpart, DiasporaRequest, which represents a sharing/following request is outwards a single entity, but incoming a double entity, handled by creating both a sharing and following version of the relationship.
  • Profile base entity and Diaspora counterpart DiasporaProfile. Represents a user profile.
  • federation.utils.network.fetch_document utility function to fetch a remote document. Returns document, status code and possible exception. Takes either url or a host + path combination. With host, https is first tried and optionally fall back to http.
  • Utility methods to retrieve Diaspora user discovery related documents. These include the host-meta, webfinger and hCard documents. The utility methods are in federation.utils.diaspora.
  • Utility to fetch remote profile, federation.fetchers.retrieve_remote_profile. Currently always uses Diaspora protocol. Returns a Profile entity.


  • Unlock most of the direct dependencies to a certain version range. Unlock all of test requirements to any version.
  • Entities passed to federation.controllers.handle_create_payload are now converted from the base entity types (Post, Comment, Reaction, etc) to Diaspora entity types (DiasporaPost, DiasporaComment, DiasporaLike, etc). This ensures actual payload generation has the correct methods available (for example to_xml) whatever entity is passed in.


  • Fix fetching sender handle from Diaspora protocol private messages. As it is not contained in the header, it needs to be read from the message content itself.
  • Fix various issues with DiasporaHCard template after comparing to some real world hCard templates from real pods. Old version was based on documentation in Diaspora project wiki.

[0.3.2] - 2016-05-09


  • Test factories and other test files are now included in the package installation. Factories can be useful when creating project tests.
  • Bump allowed lxml to 3.6.0
  • Bump allowed python-dateutil to 2.5.3


  • Don't raise on Post.tags if Post.raw_content is None

[0.3.1] - 2016-04-13


  • Support for generating .well-known/nodeinfo document, which was forgotten from the 0.3.0 release. Method federation.hostmeta.generators.get_nodeinfo_well_known_document does this task. It requires an url which should be the full base url of the host. Optionally document_path can be specified, but it is optional and defaults to the one in the NodeInfo spec.

[0.3.0] - 2016-04-13


  • Support for generating NodeInfo documents using the generator federation.hostmeta.generators.NodeInfo. Strict validation is skipped by default, but can be enabled by passing in raise_on_validate to the NodeInfo class. By default a warning will be generated on documents that don't conform with the strict NodeInfo values. This can be disabled by passing in skip_validate to the class.

[0.2.0] - 2016-04-09

Backwards incompatible changes

  • Any implementations using the Diaspora protocol and Post entities must now use DiasporaPost instead. See "Changed" below.


  • Support for using validate_field() methods for entity fields and checking missing fields against _required. To use this validation, validate() must specifically be called for the entity instance.
  • Base entities Comment and Reaction which subclass the new ParticipationMixin.
  • Diaspora entity DiasporaComment, a variant of Comment.
  • Diaspora entity DiasporaLike, a variant of Reaction with the reaction = "like" default.


  • Refactored Diaspora XML generators into the Diaspora entities themselves. This introduces Diaspora versions of the base entities called DiasporaPost, DiasporaComment and DiasporaLike. Any implementations using the Diaspora protocol and Post entities must now use DiasporaPost instead.


  • Entities which don't specifically get passed a created_at now get correct current time in created_at instead of always having the time part as 00:00.

[0.1.1] - 2016-04-03

Initial package release

Supports well Post type object receiving over Diaspora protocol.

Untested support for crafting outgoing protocol messages.