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Search for places

The “Search” tab of the search box provides a simple form to search for addresses, amenities and geographic features. See UI elements for an introduction how to use the search box.

When typing a query into the search field and hitting the search button, a list of results is shown in the search form. Each result corresponds to a black marker and/or a blue shape on the map. The markers/shapes on the map are only temporary, when clearing the search form by clicking the X or when searching for something else, they will disappear again. Clicking a result in the list will zoom to that result (unless the zoom settings have been changed), and clicking a result marker/shape on the map will highlight that result in the list of results.

A variety of different queries can be typed into the search field:

You can add FacilMap as a search engine to your browser, which will create a shortcut to quickly search for a place using FacilMap.

Search for a place

You can type the name of a place or an address into the search field. The name/address can be typed in free form, for example:

  • Berlin
  • Berlin, Germany
  • Friedrichstraße 100, Berlin
  • Berlin Germany Friedrichstraße
  • Hotel Estrel Berlin

FacilMap uses OpenStreetMaps search engine, Nominatim to find results.

When a collaborative map is open, FacilMap will also search for markers and lines whose name is similar to the search term.

Search for amenities

When typing a query in the form <amenity> near <place> or <amenity> in <place>, FacilMap will search for amenities of this type. Some examples:

  • supermarkets in Berlin
  • parking near Hotel Estrel, Berlin
  • camp sites in Ticino

FacilMap uses Nominatim to find results. A list of supported amenities can be found in the OpenStreetMap Wiki.

Search for coordinates

Typing coordinates into the search form will zoom to the coordinates and attempt to show some information about what can be found there. Coordinates can be typed in a variety of formats:

  • 52.51704,13.38886 or 52.51704, 13.38886 (WGS-84 coordinates in decimal format)
  • geo:52.51704,13.38886 (Geo URI)
  • geo:52.51704,13.38886?z=11 (Geo URI with zoom level)

A URL generated by the “Share” functionality of OpenStreetMap can also be pasted into the search field, which will cause the FacilMap to zoom to that view. Example formats are:

  • https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=11/52.5141/13.3312 (Leaflet URL, also works for other URLs)
  • https://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=52.5141&lon=13.3312 (OpenLayers URL, also works for other URLs)
  • https://osm.org/go/0MZu3fh- (OSM Short Link)

Show result details

Clicking on the right arrow next to a search result will open some details about this result. You can navigate back to the list of results by clicking the left arrow next to the heading.

Configure a browser search engine

You can configure FacilMap as a search engine in your browser. This will enable you to type something like fm Berlin into the address bar of your browser, which will automatically open FacilMap with the search results for “Berlin”.

FacilMap announces itself as a search engine to the browser using an OpenSearch description file. The search URL is https://facilmap.org/#q={searchTerms}, so if you want FacilMap to open with the search results for “Berlin”, the URL would be https://facilmap.org/#q=Berlin.

Google Chrome automatically adds FacilMap to its list of search engines. The default keyword is facilmap.org, so if you type facilmap.org Berlin into the address bar, it will open Berlin in FacilMap. You can change the keyword (for example to fm) under “Manage search settings” in the Chrome settings. Find more information in the Chrome Help.

To add FacilMap as a search engine in Mozilla Firefox, open FacilMap, click on the search icon in the search bar of Firefox and then choose »Add “FacilMap”«. This will allow you to choose FacilMap as a search engine in the search bar. Find more information in the Firefox Help.
Alternatively, you can also add a bookmark to the URL https://facilmap.org/#q=%s and set a keyword such as fm in the bookmark properties. This will make it possible to type something like fm Berlin into the address bar.

Zoom settings

By default, FacilMap will zoom to the first result when a search is submitted. Clicking another result will zoom to that result.

You can change the zoom behaviour by adjusting the search settings under the dropdown button in the search form. The following settings are available:

  • Auto-zoom to results: When this is disabled, FacilMap will never automatically zoom to any result when you enter a new search or click a result. A search icon is added to each result to manually zoom to it.
  • Zoom to all results: When this is enabled, FacilMap will zoom to all results rather than to the first result when entering a new search. When clicking a result, rather than zooming in on the result, the map will zoom out so that both your current view and the result are visible. A search icon is shown next to each result to manually zoom to it.

The zoom settings are persisted in your browser (using local storage), so next time you open FacilMap the settings will still be the same.

FacilMap supports sharing a link to a search or a particular search result.

FacilMap continuously updates the location hash (the part after the # in the address bar of your browser) to represent what you currently view on the map. More information can be found under Share a link.

When a particular search result is selected, the location hash contains a reference to that result. When no result is selected, the location hash contains the current search term. If you want to share a link to a search or a particular search result with someone, simply copy the URL from the address bar of your browser.

Links to search results have the following format:

Open an OpenStreetMap object

You can show an OpenStreetMap object by its ID by typing node 123, way 123, relation 123 or trace 123 into the search form. Relations are resolved recursively, so if a relation contains other relations, these are rendered as well. This can be a useful way to show complex long-distance route relations. Check out relation 80049 (Donau-Bodensee-Radweg long-distance cycle route) as an example.