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Views in FacilMap are a particular bounding box on the map, with a particular set of layers visible and possibly an active filter. Views can be saved as part of collaborative maps. More details can be found in the User guide.

A view object represents a view. Its shape is documented in the Client API. Note that only objects that represent saved views will have an id.

Current view

getCurrentView(map, includeFilter) returns a view object that represents the current view of the map. If includeFilter is true, the current filter is included in the object (if there is one), otherwise it is omitted.

isAtView(map, view) returns a boolean that indicates whether the current map view is equal to the view represented by the specified view object. If the view object is omitted, the method will indicate whether the current map shows the fallback view (the whole world).

Show a view

displayView(map, view) will animate the map to fly to the specified view and activate the layers and filter specified in the view object. If the view object is omitted, the map will show the fallback view (the whole world).

Initial view

getInitialView(client) returns a promise that is resolved with one of the following, in order:

  • If a collaborative map is open and a default view is configured, that view is returned.
  • Otherwise, an attempt is made to guess the position of the user using geoip. If a guess could be made, a view object representing the rough area is returned.
  • Otherwise, undefined is returned.

Here is an example how the initial view could be set:

import L from "leaflet";
import Client from "facilmap-client";
import { displayView, getInitialView } from "facilmap-leaflet";

const map = L.map('map');
const client = new Client("https://facilmap.org/", "myMapId");
displayView(map, await getInitialView(this.client));