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Show map lines

LinesLayer is a Leaflet layer that will render all the lines on a collaborative map with their appropriate styles (colour and width). To use it, open a connection to a collaborative map using the client and add the layer to the map:

import L from "leaflet";
import Client from "facilmap-client";
import { LinesLayer } from "facilmap-leaflet";

const map = L.map('map');
const client = new Client("https://facilmap.org/", "myMapId");
const linesLayer = new LinesLayer(client).addTo(map);

LinesLayer also has the following features:

  • Lines get a tooltip with their name.
  • It automatically reacts to changes. When lines are created, changed or deleted, these changes are reflected on the map. LinesLayer can also be added before a collaborative map is opened, and will draw the lines as soon as a map is opened.
  • It shows/hides the appropriate lines if a filter is set.

Handle line clicks

MarkersLayer emits a click event when a line is clicked. To find out which line was clicked, use event.layer.line.

linesLayer.on("click", (event) => {

You could for example show the line data or highlight the line in reaction to a click.

Highlight lines

Lines can be highlighted, which will remove their opacity and raise them above other elements on the map. The frontend uses this to present a line as selected.

To highlight a line, use linesLayer.highlightLine(id), linesLayer.unhighlightLine(id) or linesLayer.setHighlightedLines(ids). Lines are identified by their ID, which makes it possible to highlight them even before they are actually loaded (they will be highlighted as soon as they are rendered).

This example will highlight a line on click:

linesLayer.on("click", (event) => {

Draw a line

Calling linesLayer.drawLine(lineTemplate) starts an interaction where the user can draw a line by adding line points through clicks on the map. The user can finish drawing the line by clicking twice on the map, or you can finish the drawing by calling linesLayer.endDrawLine(true), for example in response to clicking a “Finish” button that you show somewhere.

lineTemplate should be a line object with basic styling (colour and width are defined). Calling linesLayer.endDrawLine(true) will finish the operation, while linesLayer.endDrawLine(false) will cancel the operation. linesLayer.drawLine(lineTemplate) returns a promise that is resolved with the line points (array of objects with a lat and lon property) when the operation is finished, or with undefined when the operation is canceled.

Here is an example how drawing a line could look:

document.getElementById("draw-line-button").addEventListener("click", async () => {
	const message = showMessage({
		body: "Click on the map to add line points.",
		actions: [
			{ text: "Finish", onClick: () => { linesLayer.endDrawLine(true); } },
			{ text: "Cancel", onClick: () => { linesLayer.endDrawLine(false); } }

	let routePoints;
	try {
		routePoints = await linesLayer.drawLine({ colour: "0000ff", width: 7 });
	} catch (error) {
	} finally {

	if (routePoints) {
		try {
			await client.addLine({ typeId: 1, routePoints });
		} catch (error) {

Render a single line

The code that styles lines on FacilMap has been moved into an external module called Leaflet.HighlightableLayers. To draw lines that look like FacilMap lines, use that module.

Hide a line

Calling linesLayer.hideLine(lineId) hides a line until linesLayer.unhideLine(lineId) is called. The frontend uses this function to temporarily make a line draggable by calling client.lineToRoute() to convert the line to a route and hiding the line until the dragging has finished.