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The FacilMap client makes a connection to the FacilMap server using socket.io. The client serves multiple purposes:

  • Proxy to third-party services (find, route and geoip)
  • Open a specific collaborative map and receive the objects on it
  • Modify the objects on a collaborative map (only if opened through its writable or admin ID)
  • Be notified live about changes that other people are making to the collaborative map.

Note that in the context of the client, a collaborative map will be referred to as pad. This is because the collaborative part of FacilMap used to be a separate software called FacilPad.

Setting it up

Install facilmap-client as a dependency using npm or yarn:

npm install -S facilmap-client

or load the client directly from facilmap.org (along with socket.io, which is needed by facilmap-client):

<script src="https://unpkg.com/socket.io-client@4"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/facilmap-client@3"></script>

The client class will be available as the global FacilMap.Client variable.


facilmap-client is fully typed using TypeScript. While facilmap-client can be used in a plain JavaScript app without problems, it is strongly suggested to use TypeScript, as it greatly helps to understand the data types of events, methods and properties and to avoid errors.


One instance of the client class represents one connection to one specific collaborative map on one specific FacilMap server. The client instance knows different states:

  • No map ID set: Only the find, route and geoip methods are available.
  • No map ID set and bbox set: Simplified versions of the track points of active routes are sent according to the bbox.
  • Map ID set: All methods are available. Events are received when the map settings, types, views and lines (only metadata, not track points) are created/updated/deleted.
  • Map ID and bbox set: All methods are available. In addition to the other events, events are received when markers and lines in the specified bounding box are created/updated/deleted.

It is possible to initialize a client without a map ID and later open a map using setPadId or createPad. Once a specific map is loaded, it is not possible to close it or switch to another map anymore. To do that, a new client instance has to be created.

The bbox can be updated continuously. In the official FacilMap UI, the bbox is updated every time the user pans the map, causing the server to send the markers within that bbox and a simplified version of the line track points and active routes fit to the bbox and zoom level.

Open a map

import Client from "facilmap-client";

const client = new Client("https://facilmap.org/");
await client.setPadId("myMapId");
console.log(client.padData, client.types, client.lines);

The client constructor takes the URL where the FacilMap server is running and opens a socket.io connection to the server.

When opening a collaborative map using setPadId, the server sends events for the map settings, types, views and lines (without track points). The same types of events will be received later if the respective objects are changed while the connection is open. The client has some default listeners registered that will store the data received as events in its properties. For example, a padData event contains the map settings and is emitted the first time the map ID is set and every time the map settings are changed while the connection is open. The client.padData property always contains the latest state of the map settings.

Note that most methods of the client are asynchronous. Events that the server fires in response to a method call are always fired before the method returns. This is why in the above example, client.padData and the other properties are available right after the setPadId call.

Set a bbox

await client.updateBbox({ top: 53.5566, left: 8.7506, right: 19.8468, bottom: 50.1980, zoom: 8 });
console.log(client.markers, client.lines);

Setting the bounding box of the client will cause the server to send events for all the markers within these bounds, and also for any line track points within the bounds, simplified to be appropriate for the specified zoom level. It will also subscribe to any updates to those objects within the bbox.

The bbox can be updated again later to receive the data and change the subscription to objects in that bounding box. (Note that when changing the bounding box, the server will not send events again for objects that were already sent as part of the previous bounding box.)

Change the map

const newMarker = client.editMarker({ id: 123, title: "New title" });

When creating/updating/deleting an object, the data is propagated in multiple ways:

  • An event representing the change is fired before the method returns (in the above example, a marker event)
  • The client property is updated in reaction to the event (in the above example, the updated marker is stored in client.markers[123])
  • The method returns the created/updated object.

Note that creating/updating/deleting an object will fail if the operation is not permitted. The above example will fail if the map was opened using its read-only ID.

Deal with connection problems

const client = new Client("https://facilmap.org/");
client.on("connect", () => {
client.on("disconnect", () => {

Constructing the client will attempt to connect to the server. socket.io will retry this until it succeeds. Once the connection is made, a connect event is fired.

If the connection is lost at some point, a disconnect event is fired and socket.io will keep trying to connect again. When it succeeds, a connect event is fired again. Since the session on the server is lost when disconnecting, the client will automatically set the last map ID, bbox and routes again on reconnection. This means that events for all the map objects are received again.