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FacilMap client API


All objects that are received from the server are cached in properties of the client object.

All objects that can be part of a map have an id. Note that when an object is updated, the whole object is replaced in these properties, so be careful to not cache outdated versions of objects:

let myMarker = client.markers[myMarkerId];
setTimeout(() => {
	// Bad! A client.markers[myMarkerId] might have been replaced if the marker
	// has been changed in the meantime, and we are using the old version.
}, 10000);

setTimeout(() => {
	// Better! Always get objects directly from the client cache.

// If you need to keep an object copy, make sure to keep it updated
client.on("marker", (marker) => {
	if(marker.id == myMarkerId)
		myMarker = marker;


The ID under which the client is connected to the map. Can be the read-only or a read-write ID of an existing map.

Note that the ID can be changed in the settings. If in case of a padData event, the ID of the pad has changed, this property is updated automatically.

Type: string


true if the map has been opened using its read-only ID. false if the map is writable.

Type: boolean


2 if the map has been opened using its admin ID, 1 if if has been opened using the writable ID, 0 if the map is read-only.

Type: number


The current settings of the map. writeId and/or adminId is null if if has been opened using another ID than the admin ID.

Type: padData


All markers that have been retrieved so far.

Type: {"<marker id>": marker}


All lines and their track points that have been retrieved so far.

Type: {"<line id>": line with trackPoints}


All views that have been retrieved so far.

Type: {"<view id>": view}


All types that have been retrieved so far.

Type: {"<type id>": type}


All history entries that have been retrieved so far. Note that you have to subscribe to the history using listenToHistory().

Type: {"<entry id>": historyEntry}


If the opening the pad failed (setPadId(padId) promise got rejected), the error message is stored in this property.


Subscribe to events using the on(eventName, function) method. Example:

let client = new FacilMap.Client("https://facilmap.org/", "testPad");
client.on("padData", (padData) => {
	document.title = padData.name;

connect, connect_error, connect_timeout, reconnect, reconnect_attempt, reconnecting, reconnect_error, reconnect_failed

These events come from socket.io and are documented there under the section “Events”.


The settings of the map have changed or are retrieved for the first time.

Note that when this event is fired, the read-only and/or the read-write ID of the map might have changed. The padId property is updated automatically.

Type: padData


An existing marker is retrieved for the first time, has been modified, or a new marker has been created in the current bbox.

Type: marker


A marker has been removed. This event is emitted for all markers in the map, even if they are outside of the current bbox (in case that a marker outside of the current bbox is cached).

Type: {id: "<markerId>"}


An existing line is retrieved for the first time, has been modified, or a new line has been created. Note that line objects only contain the line metadata, not its track points (those are handled separately as linePoints). This is why all line objects of the map are sent to the client, regardless of the current bbox.

Type: line without trackPoints


A line has been removed.

Type: {id: "<lineId>"}


New track points for an existing line are retrieved after a change of bbox (reset == false), or the line has been modified, so the new track points are retrieved (reset == true).

Type: {

  • id (number): The ID of the line that these track points belong to
  • reset (boolean): Whether to remove all cached track points for this line (true) or to merge these track points with the cached ones (false).
  • trackPoints (Array<trackPoint>): The track points



A view is retrieved for the first time, has been modified, or a new view has been created.

Type: view


A view has been removed.

Type: {id: "<viewId>"}


A type is retrieved for the first time, has been modified, or a new type has been created.

Type: type


A type has been removed.

Type: {id: "<typeId>"}


An entry of the modification history is retrieved for the first time, or a new entry has been created due to something being modified. Note that this event is only fired when the client has subscribed using listenToHistory().

Type: historyEntry

loadStart, loadEnd

This event is fired every time some request is sent to the server and when the response has arrived. It can be used to display a loading indicator to the user. Note that multiple things can be loading at the same time. Example code:

let loading = 0;
client.on("loadStart", () => {
client.on("loadEnd", () => {
	if(--loading == 0)


constructor(server, padId)

Connects to the FacilMap server server and optionally opens the collaborative map with the ID padId. If the pad ID is not set, it can be set later using setPadId(padId) or using createPad(data).

Setting the padId causes the server to send several objects, such as the map settings, all views, all types, and all lines (just meta data, without line points).

If the connection to the server breaks down, a disconnect event will be emitted and socket.io will attempt to reconnect. On successful reconnection, a reconnect and connect event will be fired.

  • server (string): The URL of the FacilMap server, for example https://facilmap.org/
  • padId (string, optional): The ID of the collaborative map to open

on(eventName, function)

Registers a new event handler.

  • eventName (string): The name of the event
  • function (function): The function that should be executed when the event occurs. If the event emits an object, it will be passed to the function as the first parameter.

removeListener(eventName, function)

Unregisters an event handler previously assigned using on(eventName, function).

  • eventName (string): The name of the event
  • function (function): The function that was passed to on(eventName, function) when registering the handler


Opens the collaborative map with the ID padId.

This method can only be called once, and only if no padId has been passed to the constructor. If you want to open a different map, you need to create a new instance of the client.

Setting the padId causes the server to send several objects, such as the map settings, all views, and all lines (just meta data, without line points).

  • padId (string): The ID of the collaborative map to open
  • returns (Promise): A promise that resolves when all objects have been received.


Updates the bbox. This will cause all markers and line points within the bbox (except the ones that were already in the previous bbox, if there was one) to be received.

  • bbox (bbox with zoom): The bbox that objects should be received for
  • returns (Promise): A promise that resolves when all objects have been received.


Creates a new collaborative map.

  • data (padData): The data of the new map, including the desired read-only and writable ID
  • returns (Promise): A promise that resolves when the map has been created, returning the new padData.


  • data (padData): The data of the map that should be modified. Fields that are not defined will not be modified. To change the default view, set the defaultViewId property. The defaultView property is ignored.
  • returns (Promise): The new padData.


Start listening to the modification history of the map. Calling this will cause multiple history objects to be received (that describe the modification history until now), and new history objects will be received every time something is modified (in addition to the modified object).

  • returns (Promise): A promise that resolves when all history objects have been received


Stop listening to the modification history of the map.

  • returns (Promise): A promise that resolves when the command has completed.


Undo a modification in the map. When a previously removed object is restored, it receives a new ID, and thus the object IDs of all other history entries connected to this object are updated as well. This is why reverting a history entry will cause the whole history to be received again (as if you were calling listenToHistory() again).

  • data ({id: "<historyEntryId>"})): The history object that should be reverted
  • returns (Promise): A promise that resolves when the command has completed and all new history objects have been received


Empties all cached objects and disconnects from the server.


Search for places.

  • data (object): An object with the following properties:
    • query (string): The query string
    • loadUrls (string): Whether to return the file if query is a URL
  • returns (Promise<string|Array<searchResult>>): If data.query is a URL to a GPX/KML/OSM/GeoJSON file, that file as a string, otherwise an array of search results.


Calculate a route between two points.

  • data (object): An object with the following properties:
    • destinations (array): An array of at least two route points (objects with a lat and lon property)
    • mode (string): "car", "bicycle" or "pedestrian"
  • returns (Promise<route>)


Create a marker.

  • data (marker): The data of the marker to create. An id will be assigned by the server
  • returns (Promise<marker>): The marker as it is on the server, with an id assigned and possibly its styles modified by the settings of its type.


Update an existing marker.

  • data (marker). The new marker data. Fields that are not defined will not be unmodified. Only id needs to be defined.
  • returns (Promise<marker>): The new marker. Might have some styles modified due to the settings of its type


Delete an existing marker

  • data ({id: <markerId>}): An object that contains the ID of the marker to be removed
  • returns (Promise): A promise that resolves when the operation has completed


Get a fake line object for a line with the given type. This can be used so that while the user is drawing a new line, that line already has the right style.

  • data ({typeId: <typeId>}): An object containing the type ID
  • returns (Promise<line): A fake line object with the styles of this type


Create a line.

  • data (line): The data of the line to create. An id will be assigned by the server
  • returns (Promise<line>): The line as it is on the server, with an id assigned and possibly its styles modified by the settings of its type.


Update an existing line.

  • data (line). The new line data. Fields that are not defined will not be unmodified. Only id needs to be defined.
  • returns (Promise<line>): The new line. Might have some styles modified due to the settings of its type


Delete an existing line

  • data ({id: <lineId>}): An object that contains the ID of the line to be removed
  • returns (Promise): A promise that resolves when the operation has completed


Create a type.

  • data (type): The data of the type to create. An id will be assigned by the server
  • returns (Promise<type>): The type as it is on the server, with an id assigned.


Update an existing type.

  • data (type). The new type data. Fields that are not defined will not be unmodified. Only id needs to be defined. To rename a field, set the oldName property of the field object to the previous name and the name property to the new name. To rename a dropdown entry, set the oldValue property to the old value and the value property to the new value.
  • returns (Promise<type>): The new type.


Delete an existing type

  • data ({id: <typeId>}): An object that contains the ID of the type to be removed
  • returns (Promise): A promise that resolves when the operation has completed


Create a view.

  • data (view): The data of the view to create. An id will be assigned by the server
  • returns (Promise<view>): The view as it is on the server, with an id assigned.


Update an existing view.

  • data (view). The new view data. Fields that are not defined will not be unmodified. Only id needs to be defined.
  • returns (Promise<view>): The new view.


Delete an existing view

  • data ({id: <viewId>}): An object that contains the ID of the view to be removed
  • returns (Promise): A promise that resolves when the operation has completed



A bounding box that describes which part of the map the user is currently viewing.

  • top (number, min: -90, max: 90): The latitude of the north end of the box
  • bottom (number, min: -90, max: 90): The latitude of the south end of the box
  • left (number, min: -180, max: 180): The longitude of the west end of the box
  • right (number, min: -180, max: 180): The longitude of the east end of the box
  • zoom (number, min: 1, max: 20): The current zoom level. This is relevant for the density of track points that should be received.


  • id (number): The ID of this marker
  • lat (number, min: -90, max: 90): The latitude of this marker
  • lon (number, min: -90, max: 90): The longitude of this marker
  • name (string): The name of this marker
  • colour (string): The colour of this marker as a 6-digit hex value, for example ff0000
  • size (number, min: 15): The height of the marker in pixels
  • symbol (string): The symbol code for the marker. Default is an empty string.
  • typeId (number): The ID of the type of this marker
  • data ({"key", "value"}): The filled out form fields of the marker


Each line has routePoints and trackPoints. The routePoints are the start, end and via points that the user created for that line, the trackPoints describe how the line should be drawn. If no routing is used, routePoints and trackPoints are equal, but with routing, there will be a lot more trackPoints than routePoints.

When creating or updating a line, the trackPoints, distance and time properties are automatically calculated by the server. Only when the routing mode is track, the trackPoints can be specified by hand (meant for importing existing tracks, for example from a GPX file). The idx and zoom properties of the track points are added by the server automatically.

Note that line objects coming from the server dont contain the trackPoints property, but the track points are sent separately through linePoints events.

  • id (number): The ID of this line
  • routePoints ([{lat, lon}]): The route points
  • mode (string): The routing mode, an empty string for no routing, or car, bicycle, pedestrian, or track
  • colour (string): The colour of this marker as a 6-digit hex value, for example 0000ff
  • width (number, min: 1): The width of the line
  • name (string): The name of the line
  • distance (number): The distance of the line in kilometers.
  • time (number): The time it takes to travel the route in seconds (only if routing mode is car, bicycle or pedestrian)
  • typeId (number): The ID of the type of this line
  • data ({"key", "value"}): The filled out form fields of the line
  • trackPoints:
    • In the lines property of the client, an object of the format {"<idx>": trackPoint}
    • When creating/updating a line with the routing mode track, an array of the format [trackPoint]


All track points have a zoom level and are only received when the zoom level of the current bbox is at least that level. This makes sure that at a small zoom level, only a low resolution of the line has to be downloaded. When zooming in, only the additional track points are retrieved. They can be merged into the already retrieved track points using their idx property.

  • idx (number): The index of this track point in the list of all track points of this line
  • lat (number, min: -90, max: 90): The latitude of this point
  • lon (number, min: -180, max: 180): The longitude of this point
  • zoom (number, min: 1, max: 20): The miminum zoom level from which this track point makes sense to show


  • id (string): The read-only ID of this map
  • writeId (string): The read-write ID of this map
  • adminId (string): The admin ID of this map
  • name (string): The name of this map
  • searchEngines (boolean): Whether search engines may index the read-only version of this map
  • description (string): The description for search engines
  • defaultViewId (number): The ID of the default view (if any)
  • defaultView (view): A copy of the default view object


  • id (number): The ID of this view
  • name (string): The name of this view
  • baseLayer (string): The key of the base layer in this view
  • layers ([string]): An array of activated overlays in this view
  • top, bottom, left, right: The bbox of this view
  • filter (string): If set, filter the objects according to this filtrex expression


  • id (number): The ID of this history entry
  • time (Date): The time when the modification was done
  • type (string): The type of object that was modified, one of Marker, Line, View, Type, Pad
  • action (string): The action that was done, one of create, update, delete`
  • objectId (number): The ID of the object that was modified (null if the object was the map itself)
  • objectBefore (object): The object before the modification (null if action is create)
  • objectAfter (object): The object after the modification (null if action is delete)


  • id (number): The ID of this type
  • name (string): The name of this type
  • type (string): marker or line
  • defaultColour, defaultSize, defaultSymbol, defaultWidth, defaultMode (string/number): Default values for the different object properties
  • colourFixed, sizeFixed, symbolFixed, widthFixed, modeFixed (boolean): Whether those values are fixed and cannot be changed for an individual object
  • fields ([object]): The form fields for this type. Each field has the following properties:
    • name (string): The name of the field. This is at the same time the key in the data properties of markers and lines
    • oldName (string): When renaming a field (using editType(data)), specify the former name here
    • type (string): The type of field, one of textarea, dropdown, checkbox, input
    • controlColour, controlSize, controlSymbol, controlWidth (boolean): If this field is a dropdown, whether the different options set a specific property on the object
    • default (string/boolean): The default value of this field
    • options ([object]): If this field is a dropdown, an array of objects with the following properties:
      • value (string): The value of this option.
      • oldValue (string): When renaming a dropdown option (using editType(data)), specify the former value here
      • colour, size, symbol, width (string/number): The property value if this field controls that property


  • short_name (string): Short display name of the result
  • display_name (string): Long display name of the result
  • boundingbox (bbox): bbox that has a good view onto the result. Might be null if zoom is set.
  • lat, lon (number): Position of the search result.
  • zoom (number): Zoom level at which there is a good view onto the result. Might be null if boundingbox is set.
  • extratags (object): Extra OSM tags that might be useful
  • geojson (object): GeoJSON if the result has a shape
  • icon (string): Symbol key of the result
  • type (string): Type of the result
  • id (string): If the result is an OSM object, the ID of the OSM object, prefixed by n (node), w (way) or r (relation)


  • trackPoints (array): An array of track points (objects with a lon and lat property and also a zoom property that indicates from which zoom level the track point should be shown (to avoid an unnecessarily high resolution))
  • distance (number): The distance of the route in kilometers
  • time (number): The time it takes to travel the route in seconds