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Experimental LoRA APRS ESP32 APRSDroid bluetooth modem and iGate

Tiny experimental amateur radio esp32 based LoRA (RA-01) APRSDroid bluetooth modem and iGate.

Can be used in two modes:

  • as a client, where you need to use APRSDroid application, connect to the modem using bluetooth, data will be re-transmitted through the LoRA radio, this is similar to APRSDroid micromodem, received data will be sent back to the APRSDroid using bluetooth
  • as a server, which connects to your WiFI and sends received LoRA APRS positions into APRS-IS network, it also reports client signal level, by appending it into the APRS comment

Software Dependencies

  • espressif/arduino-esp32 library (install using arduino library manager)
  • sandeepmistry/arduino-LoRa (install using arduino library manager)

Software Setup

  • when setting up APRSDroid, use "TNC (plaintext TNC2)" connection protocol in Connection Preferences -> Connection Protocol
  • go to esp32_loraprs.ino and make next changes based on your requirements
    • comment out / remove LORAPRS_CLIENT define if you are planning to run server mode iGate
    • for server mode fill LORAPRS_WIFI_SSID and LORAPRS_WIFI_KEY with your WiFI AP data
    • for server mode fill LORAPRS_LOGIN and LORAPRS_PASS with APRS-IS login callsign and pass
    • change LORAPRS_FREQ if you are planning to use different frequency, currently it is set to 432.500, which is 70cm band APRS frequency in IARU-1 region, see
  • if you are planning to use different esp32 pinouts for lora and/or different LoRA spread factor / bandwidth then modify loraprs.h
    • lora module CfgPinSs, pin 5
    • lora module CfgPinRst, pin 26
    • lora module CfgPinDio0, pin 14
    • lora bandwidth CfgBw, 20 kHz (to fit into standard 25 kHz channel)
    • lora spread factor CfgSpread, 9 (seems to be optimal between signal level and transmit time)
    • lora output power CfgPower, 20 (set to maximum 20 dBm ~ 100mW, change to lower value if needed)