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sh123 2023-03-18 22:15:40 +02:00 zatwierdzone przez GitHub
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commit 6ad59c9599
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@ -33,6 +33,6 @@ Development board schematics, case and antenna models are available under `extra
Supported ESP32 boards are with 36 and 38 pinouts (configured with solder pads). Supported ESP32 boards are with 36 and 38 pinouts (configured with solder pads).
⚠ **There are ESP32 boards with different socket widths: 22mm and 25mm, board files for 25mm have _wide suffux in file names.** ⚠ **There are ESP32 boards with different socket widths: 22mm and 25mm, board files for 25mm have _wide suffix in file names.**
![Modes of operation](extras/images/device.png) ![Modes of operation](extras/images/device.png)