
794 wiersze
37 KiB
Czysty Zwykły widok Historia

#ifndef __RFM_H__
#define __RFM_H__
#include <stdint.h>
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// #include "config.h"
#include "ogn.h"
#include "fanet.h"
2020-10-07 18:04:44 +00:00
class RFM_LoRa_Config
{ public:
{ uint32_t Word;
{ uint8_t Spare :3;
2020-10-19 23:33:06 +00:00
uint8_t LowRate :1; // 0..1, optimize for low-rate (strips two lowest bits of every symbol)
2020-10-07 18:04:44 +00:00
uint8_t TxInv :1; // 0..1, invert on TX
2020-10-08 01:30:52 +00:00
uint8_t RxInv :1; // 0..1, invert on RX <- probably inverted logic
2020-10-07 18:04:44 +00:00
uint8_t IHDR :1; // 0..1, implicit header (no header on TX)
uint8_t CRC :1; // 0..1, produce CRC on TX and check CRC on RX
uint8_t CR :4; // 1..4, Coding Rate
uint8_t SF :4; // 6..12, Spreading Factor
uint8_t BW :4; // 0..9, 7=125kHz, 8=250kHz, 9=500kHz
uint8_t Preamble:4; // 0..15, preamble symbols
uint8_t SYNC :8; // 0..0xFF, SYNC
} ;
} ;
void Print(void)
{ printf("RFM_LoRa_Config: SYNC:0x%02X/%d, BW%d, SF%d, CR%d, IHDR:%d, Inv:%d/%d, LR:%d\n", SYNC, Preamble, BW, SF, CR, IHDR, RxInv, TxInv, LowRate); }
uint16_t getAirTime(uint8_t PktLen) // [ms] estimated time on the air for given packet length
{ uint16_t Symbols = Preamble+2+3+8; // [symbols] preamble, SYNC and header
uint8_t NibPerBlock = SF; if(LowRate) NibPerBlock-=2; // [nibbles/block] byte-halfs
uint8_t SymbPerBlock = 4+CR; // [symbols]
uint16_t Nibbles = 2*(PktLen+2); // [nibbles]
uint8_t Blocks = (Nibbles+NibPerBlock-1)/NibPerBlock; // [FEC blocks] for the data part
Symbols += (uint16_t)Blocks*SymbPerBlock; // [symbols]
uint32_t SymbTime = 1<<(10-BW+SF); // [usec/symbol]
uint32_t Time = SymbTime*Symbols; // [usec]
return (Time+500)/1000; }
} ;
const RFM_LoRa_Config RFM_FNTcfg { 0xF1587190 } ; // LoRa seting for FANET
const RFM_LoRa_Config RFM_WANcfg { 0x34877190 } ; // LoRa WAN setting for TX
2020-10-07 18:04:44 +00:00
class RFM_LoRa_RxPacket
{ public:
{ uint8_t Flags;
{ uint8_t CR:3; // Coding rate used (RX) or to be used (TX)
bool hasCRC:1; // CRC was there (RX)
bool badCRC:1; // CRC was bad (RX)
bool Done:1;
} ;
} ;
uint8_t Len; // [bytes] packet length
static const int MaxBytes = 40;
uint8_t Byte[MaxBytes+2];
uint32_t sTime; // [ s] reception time
uint16_t msTime; // [ms]
int16_t FreqOfs; // [ 10Hz]
int8_t SNR; // [0.25dB]
int8_t RSSI; // [dBm]
uint8_t BitErr; // number of bit errors
uint8_t CodeErr; // number of block errors
void Print(void) const
{ char HHMMSS[8];
Format_HHMMSS(HHMMSS, sTime); HHMMSS[6]='h'; HHMMSS[7]=0;
printf("%s CR%c%c%c %3.1fdB/%de %+3.1fkHz ", HHMMSS, '0'+CR, hasCRC?'c':'_', badCRC?'-':'+', 0.25*SNR, BitErr, 1e-2*FreqOfs);
for(uint8_t Idx=0; Idx<Len; Idx++)
printf("%02X", Byte[Idx]);
printf("\n"); }
} ;
class RFM_FSK_RxPktData // OGN packet received by the RF chip
{ public:
static const uint8_t Bytes=26; // [bytes] number of bytes in the packet
uint32_t Time; // [sec] Time slot
uint16_t msTime; // [ms] reception time since the PPS[Time]
uint8_t Channel; // [] channel where the packet has been recieved
uint8_t RSSI; // [-0.5dBm]
uint8_t Data[Bytes]; // Manchester decoded data bits/bytes
uint8_t Err [Bytes]; // Manchester decoding errors
void Print(void (*CONS_UART_Write)(char), uint8_t WithData=0) const
{ // uint8_t ManchErr = Count1s(RxPktErr, 26);
Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, "RxPktData: ");
Format_HHMMSS(CONS_UART_Write, Time);
Format_UnsDec(CONS_UART_Write, msTime, 4, 3);
CONS_UART_Write(' '); Format_Hex(CONS_UART_Write, Channel);
Format_SignDec(CONS_UART_Write, (int16_t)(-5*(int16_t)RSSI), 3, 1);
Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, "dBm\n");
if(WithData==0) return;
for(uint8_t Idx=0; Idx<Bytes; Idx++)
{ CONS_UART_Write(' '); Format_Hex(CONS_UART_Write, Data[Idx]); }
CONS_UART_Write('\r'); CONS_UART_Write('\n');
for(uint8_t Idx=0; Idx<Bytes; Idx++)
{ CONS_UART_Write(' '); Format_Hex(CONS_UART_Write, Err[Idx]); }
CONS_UART_Write('\r'); CONS_UART_Write('\n');
bool NoErr(void) const
{ for(uint8_t Idx=0; Idx<Bytes; Idx++)
if(Err[Idx]) return 0;
return 1; }
uint8_t ErrCount(void) const // count detected manchester errors
{ uint8_t Count=0;
for(uint8_t Idx=0; Idx<Bytes; Idx++)
return Count; }
uint8_t ErrCount(const uint8_t *Corr) const // count errors compared to data corrected by FEC
{ uint8_t Count=0;
for(uint8_t Idx=0; Idx<Bytes; Idx++)
return Count; }
template <class OGNx_Packet>
uint8_t Decode(OGN_RxPacket<OGNx_Packet> &Packet, LDPC_Decoder &Decoder, uint8_t Iter=32) const
{ uint8_t Check=0;
uint8_t RxErr = ErrCount(); // conunt Manchester decoding errors
Decoder.Input(Data, Err); // put data into the FEC decoder
for( ; Iter; Iter--) // more loops is more chance to recover the packet
{ Check=Decoder.ProcessChecks(); // do an iteration
if(Check==0) break; } // if FEC all fine: break
Decoder.Output(Packet.Packet.Byte()); // get corrected bytes into the OGN packet
RxErr += ErrCount(Packet.Packet.Byte());
if(RxErr>15) RxErr=15;
Packet.RxErr = RxErr;
Packet.RxChan = Channel;
Packet.RxRSSI = RSSI;
Packet.Correct= Check==0;
return Check; }
} ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// OGN frequencies for Europe: 868.2 and 868.4 MHz
// static const uint32_t OGN_BaseFreq = 868200000; // [Hz] base frequency
// static const uint32_t OGN_ChanSpace = 0200000; // [Hz] channel spacing
// OGN frequencies for Australia: 917.0 base channel, with 0.4MHz channel raster and 24 hopping channels
// static const uint32_t OGN_BaseFreq = 921400000; // [Hz] base frequency
// static const uint32_t OGN_ChanSpace = 400000; // [Hz] channel spacing
// static const double XtalFreq = 32e6; // [MHz] RF chip crystal frequency
// static const uint32_t BaseFreq = floor(OGN_BaseFreq /(XtalFreq/(1<<19))+0.5); // conversion from RF frequency
// static const uint32_t ChanSpace = floor(OGN_ChanSpace/(XtalFreq/(1<<19))+0.5); // to RF chip synthesizer setting
// integer formula to convert from frequency to the RFM69 scheme: IntFreq = ((Freq<<16)+ 20)/ 40; where Freq is in [100kHz]
// or: IntFreq = ((Freq<<14)+ 50)/100; where Freq is in [ 10kHz]
// or: IntFreq = ((Freq<<12)+125)/250; where Freq is in [ 1kHz]
// or: IntFreq = ((Freq<<11)+ 62)/125; where Freq is in [ 1kHz]
// 32-bit arythmetic is enough in the above formulas
#ifdef WITH_RFM69
#include "sx1231.h" // register addresses and values for SX1231 = RFM69
#define REG_AFCCTRL 0x0B // AFC method
#define REG_TESTLNA 0x58 // Sensitivity boost ?
#define REG_TESTPA1 0x5A // only present on RFM69HW/SX1231H
#define REG_TESTPA2 0x5C // only present on RFM69HW/SX1231H
#define REG_TESTDAGC 0x6F // Fading margin improvement ?
#define REG_TESTAFC 0x71
#define RF_IRQ_AutoMode 0x0200
#endif // of WITH_RFM69
#ifdef WITH_RFM95
#include "sx1276.h"
2020-10-07 18:04:44 +00:00
#define RF_IRQ_PreambleDetect 0x0200 //
#endif // of WITH_RFM95
// bits in IrqFlags1 and IrfFlags2
#define RF_IRQ_ModeReady 0x8000 // mode change done (between some modes)
#define RF_IRQ_RxReady 0x4000
#define RF_IRQ_TxReady 0x2000 //
#define RF_IRQ_PllLock 0x1000 //
#define RF_IRQ_Rssi 0x0800
#define RF_IRQ_Timeout 0x0400
#define RF_IRQ_PreambleDetect 0x0200
#define RF_IRQ_SyncAddrMatch 0x0100
#define RF_IRQ_FifoFull 0x0080 //
#define RF_IRQ_FifoNotEmpty 0x0040 // at least one byte in the FIFO
#define RF_IRQ_FifoLevel 0x0020 // more bytes than FifoThreshold
#define RF_IRQ_FifoOverrun 0x0010 // write this bit to clear the FIFO
#define RF_IRQ_PacketSent 0x0008 // packet transmission was completed
#define RF_IRQ_PayloadReady 0x0004
#define RF_IRQ_CrcOk 0x0002
#define RF_IRQ_LowBat 0x0001
#include "manchester.h"
class RFM_TRX
{ public: // hardware access functions
#ifdef USE_BLOCK_SPI // SPI transfers in blocks, implicit control of the SPI-select
void (*TransferBlock)(uint8_t *Data, uint8_t Len);
static const size_t MaxBlockLen = 64;
uint8_t Block_Buffer[MaxBlockLen];
uint8_t *Block_Read(uint8_t Len, uint8_t Addr) // read given number of bytes from given Addr
{ Block_Buffer[0]=Addr; memset(Block_Buffer+1, 0, Len);
(*TransferBlock) (Block_Buffer, Len+1);
return Block_Buffer+1; } // return the pointer to the data read from the given Addr
uint8_t *Block_Write(const uint8_t *Data, uint8_t Len, uint8_t Addr) // write given number of bytes to given Addr
{ Block_Buffer[0] = Addr | 0x80; memcpy(Block_Buffer+1, Data, Len);
// printf("Block_Write( [0x%02X, .. ], %d, 0x%02X) .. [0x%02X, 0x%02X, ...]\n", Data[0], Len, Addr, Block_Buffer[0], Block_Buffer[1]);
(*TransferBlock) (Block_Buffer, Len+1);
return Block_Buffer+1; }
#else // SPI transfers as single bytes, explicit control of the SPI-select
void (*Select)(void); // activate SPI select
void (*Deselect)(void); // desactivate SPI select
uint8_t (*TransferByte)(uint8_t); // exchange one byte through SPI
2020-10-08 01:30:52 +00:00
void (*Delay_ms)(int ms);
bool (*DIO0_isOn)(void); // read DIO0 = packet is ready
// bool (*DIO4_isOn)(void);
void (*RESET)(uint8_t On); // activate or desactivate the RF chip reset
bool readIRQ(void) { return (*DIO0_isOn)(); }
// the following are in units of the synthesizer with 8 extra bits of precision
uint32_t BaseFrequency; // [32MHz/2^19/2^8] base frequency = channel #0
// int32_t FrequencyCorrection; // [32MHz/2^19/2^8] frequency correction (due to Xtal offset)
uint32_t ChannelSpacing; // [32MHz/2^19/2^8] spacing between channels
int16_t FreqCorr; // [0.1ppm]
int16_t Channel; // [ integer] channel being used
uint8_t chipVer; // [] version ID read from the RF chip
int8_t chipTemp; // [degC] temperature read from the RF chip
uint8_t averRSSI; // [-0.5dB]
uint8_t dummy;
#ifdef WITH_RFM95
void WriteDefaultReg(void)
{ const uint8_t Default[64] = { 0x00, 0x01, 0x1A, 0x0B, 0x00, 0x52, 0xE4, 0xC0, 0x00, 0x0F, 0x19, 0x2B, 0x20, 0x08, 0x02, 0x0A,
0xFF, 0x00, 0x15, 0x0B, 0x28, 0x0C, 0x12, 0x47, 0x32, 0x3E, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x40,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x05, 0x00, 0x03, 0x93, 0x55, 0x55, 0x55, 0x55, 0x55, 0x55, 0x55, 0x55,
0x90, 0x40, 0x40, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xF5, 0x20, 0x82, 0x00, 0x02, 0x80, 0x40 };
WriteBytes(Default+0x01, 0x0F, 0x01);
WriteBytes(Default+0x10, 0x10, 0x10);
WriteBytes(Default+0x20, 0x10, 0x20);
WriteBytes(Default+0x30, 0x10, 0x30);
WriteWord(0x0000, 0x40);
WriteByte(0x2D, 0x44);
WriteByte(0x09, 0x4B);
WriteByte(0x84, 0x4D);
WriteByte(0x00, 0x5D);
WriteByte(0x13, 0x61);
WriteByte(0x0E, 0x62);
WriteByte(0x5B, 0x63);
WriteByte(0xDB, 0x64);
static uint32_t calcSynthFrequency(uint32_t Frequency) { return (((uint64_t)Frequency<<16)+7812)/15625; }
void setBaseFrequency(uint32_t Frequency=868200000) { BaseFrequency=calcSynthFrequency(Frequency); } // [Hz]
void setChannelSpacing(uint32_t Spacing= 200000) { ChannelSpacing=calcSynthFrequency(Spacing); } // [Hz]
void setFrequencyCorrection(int16_t ppmFreqCorr=0) { FreqCorr = ppmFreqCorr; } // [0.1ppm]
// void setFrequencyCorrection(int32_t Correction=0)
// { if(Correction<0) FrequencyCorrection = -calcSynthFrequency(-Correction);
// else FrequencyCorrection = calcSynthFrequency( Correction); }
void setChannel(int16_t newChannel)
{ Channel=newChannel;
uint32_t Freq = BaseFrequency+ChannelSpacing*Channel;
int32_t Corr = ((int64_t)Freq*FreqCorr+5000000)/10000000;
Freq += Corr;
WriteFreq((Freq+128)>>8); }
uint8_t getChannel(void) const { return Channel; }
static uint16_t SwapBytes(uint16_t Word) { return (Word>>8) | (Word<<8); }
uint8_t WriteByte(uint8_t Byte, uint8_t Addr=0) // write Byte
{ // printf("WriteByte(0x%02X => [0x%02X])\n", Byte, Addr);
uint8_t *Ret = Block_Write(&Byte, 1, Addr); return *Ret; }
void WriteWord(uint16_t Word, uint8_t Addr=0) // write Word => two bytes
{ // printf("WriteWord(0x%04X => [0x%02X])\n", Word, Addr);
uint16_t Swapped = SwapBytes(Word); Block_Write((uint8_t *)&Swapped, 2, Addr); }
uint8_t ReadByte (uint8_t Addr=0)
{ uint8_t *Ret = Block_Read(1, Addr);
// printf("ReadByte(0x%02X) => 0x%02X\n", Addr, *Ret );
return *Ret; }
uint16_t ReadWord (uint8_t Addr=0)
{ uint16_t *Ret = (uint16_t *)Block_Read(2, Addr);
// printf("ReadWord(0x%02X) => 0x%04X\n", Addr, SwapBytes(*Ret) );
return SwapBytes(*Ret); }
void WriteBytes(const uint8_t *Data, uint8_t Len, uint8_t Addr=0)
{ Block_Write(Data, Len, Addr); }
void WriteFreq(uint32_t Freq) // [32MHz/2^19] Set center frequency in units of RFM69 synth.
{ const uint8_t Addr = REG_FRFMSB;
uint8_t Buff[4];
Buff[0] = Freq>>16;
Buff[1] = Freq>> 8;
Buff[2] = Freq ;
Buff[3] = 0;
Block_Write(Buff, 3, Addr); }
uint32_t ReadFreq(uint8_t Addr=REG_FRFMSB)
{ uint8_t *Data = Block_Read(3, Addr);
uint32_t Freq=Data[0]; Freq<<=8; Freq|=Data[1]; Freq<<=8; Freq|=Data[2];
return Freq; }
void WriteFIFO(const uint8_t *Data, uint8_t Len)
{ Block_Write(Data, Len, REG_FIFO); }
void WritePacketOGN(const uint8_t *Data, uint8_t Len=26) // write the packet data (26 bytes)
{ uint8_t Packet[2*Len];
uint8_t PktIdx=0;
for(uint8_t Idx=0; Idx<Len; Idx++)
{ uint8_t Byte=Data[Idx];
Packet[PktIdx++]=ManchesterEncode[Byte>>4]; // software manchester encode every byte
Block_Write(Packet, 2*Len, REG_FIFO);
uint8_t *ReadFIFO(uint8_t Len)
{ return Block_Read(Len, REG_FIFO); }
void ReadPacketOGN(uint8_t *Data, uint8_t *Err, uint8_t Len=26) // read packet data from FIFO
{ uint8_t *Packet = Block_Read(2*Len, REG_FIFO); // read 2x26 bytes from the RF chip RxFIFO
uint8_t PktIdx=0;
for(uint8_t Idx=0; Idx<Len; Idx++) // loop over packet bytes
{ uint8_t ByteH = Packet[PktIdx++];
ByteH = ManchesterDecode[ByteH]; uint8_t ErrH=ByteH>>4; ByteH&=0x0F; // decode manchester, detect (some) errors
uint8_t ByteL = Packet[PktIdx++];
ByteL = ManchesterDecode[ByteL]; uint8_t ErrL=ByteL>>4; ByteL&=0x0F;
Data[Idx]=(ByteH<<4) | ByteL;
Err [Idx]=(ErrH <<4) | ErrL ;
#else // single Byte transfer SPI
uint8_t WriteByte(uint8_t Byte, uint8_t Addr=0) const // write Byte
{ Select();
TransferByte(Addr | 0x80);
uint8_t Old=TransferByte(Byte);
return Old; }
uint16_t WriteWord(uint16_t Word, uint8_t Addr=0) const // write Word => two bytes
{ Select();
TransferByte(Addr | 0x80);
uint16_t Old=TransferByte(Word>>8); // upper byte first
Old = (Old<<8) | TransferByte(Word&0xFF); // lower byte second
return Old; }
void WriteBytes(const uint8_t *Data, uint8_t Len, uint8_t Addr=0) const
{ Select();
TransferByte(Addr | 0x80);
for(uint8_t Idx=0; Idx<Len; Idx++)
{ TransferByte(Data[Idx]); }
Deselect(); }
uint8_t ReadByte (uint8_t Addr=0) const
{ Select();
uint8_t Byte=TransferByte(0);
return Byte; }
uint16_t ReadWord (uint8_t Addr=0) const
{ Select();
uint16_t Word=TransferByte(0);
Word = (Word<<8) | TransferByte(0);
return Word; }
uint32_t WriteFreq(uint32_t Freq) const // [32MHz/2^19] Set center frequency in units of RFM69 synth.
{ const uint8_t Addr = REG_FRFMSB;
TransferByte(Addr | 0x80);
uint32_t Old = TransferByte(Freq>>16);
Old = (Old<<8) | TransferByte(Freq>>8);
Old = (Old<<8) | TransferByte(Freq); // actual change in the frequency happens only when the LSB is written
return Old; } // return the previously set frequency
void WriteFIFO(const uint8_t *Data, uint8_t Len)
{ const uint8_t Addr=REG_FIFO; // write to FIFO
TransferByte(Addr | 0x80);
for(uint8_t Idx=0; Idx<Len; Idx++)
Deselect(); }
void WritePacketOGN(const uint8_t *Data, uint8_t Len=26) const // write the packet data (26 bytes)
{ const uint8_t Addr=REG_FIFO; // write to FIFO
TransferByte(Addr | 0x80);
for(uint8_t Idx=0; Idx<Len; Idx++)
{ uint8_t Byte=Data[Idx];
TransferByte(ManchesterEncode[Byte>>4]); // software manchester encode every byte
Deselect(); }
void ReadPacketOGN(uint8_t *Data, uint8_t *Err, uint8_t Len=26) const // read packet data from FIFO
{ const uint8_t Addr=REG_FIFO;
Select(); // select the RF chip: start SPI transfer
TransferByte(Addr); // trasnfer the address/read: FIFO
for(uint8_t Idx=0; Idx<Len; Idx++) // loop over packet byte
{ uint8_t ByteH = 0;
ByteH = TransferByte(ByteH);
ByteH = ManchesterDecode[ByteH]; uint8_t ErrH=ByteH>>4; ByteH&=0x0F; // decode manchester, detect (some) errors
uint8_t ByteL = 0;
ByteL = TransferByte(ByteL);
ByteL = ManchesterDecode[ByteL]; uint8_t ErrL=ByteL>>4; ByteL&=0x0F;
Data[Idx]=(ByteH<<4) | ByteL;
Err [Idx]=(ErrH <<4) | ErrL ;
Deselect(); } // de-select RF chip: end of SPI transfer
#endif // USE_BLOCK_SPI
#ifdef WITH_RFM69
2020-10-07 18:04:44 +00:00
void FSK_WriteSYNC(uint8_t WriteSize, uint8_t SyncTol, const uint8_t *SyncData)
{ if(SyncTol>7) SyncTol=7; // no more than 7 bit errors can be tolerated on SYNC
if(WriteSize>8) WriteSize=8; // up to 8 bytes of SYNC can be programmed
WriteBytes(SyncData+(8-WriteSize), WriteSize, REG_SYNCVALUE1); // write the SYNC, skip some initial bytes
WriteByte( 0x80 | ((WriteSize-1)<<3) | SyncTol, REG_SYNCCONFIG); // write SYNC length [bytes] and tolerance to errors [bits]
WriteWord( 9-WriteSize, REG_PREAMBLEMSB); } // write preamble length [bytes] (page 71)
// ^ 8 or 9 ?
// #ifdef WITH_RFM95
#if defined(WITH_RFM95) || defined(WITH_SX1272)
2020-10-07 18:04:44 +00:00
void FSK_WriteSYNC(uint8_t WriteSize, uint8_t SyncTol, const uint8_t *SyncData)
{ if(SyncTol>7) SyncTol=7;
if(WriteSize>8) WriteSize=8;
WriteBytes(SyncData+(8-WriteSize), WriteSize, REG_SYNCVALUE1); // write the SYNC, skip some initial bytes
WriteByte( 0x90 | (WriteSize-1), REG_SYNCCONFIG); // write SYNC length [bytes] (or 0xB0 for reversed preamble) => p.92
WriteWord( 9-WriteSize, REG_PREAMBLEMSB); } // write preamble length [bytes] (page 71)
// ^ 8 or 9 ?
void WriteMode(uint8_t Mode=RF_OPMODE_STANDBY) { WriteByte(Mode, REG_OPMODE); } // SLEEP/STDBY/FSYNTH/TX/RX
uint8_t ReadMode (void) { return ReadByte(REG_OPMODE); }
uint8_t ModeReady(void) { return ReadByte(REG_IRQFLAGS1)&0x80; }
uint16_t ReadIrqFlags(void) { return ReadWord(REG_IRQFLAGS1); }
void ClearIrqFlags(void) { WriteWord(RF_IRQ_FifoOverrun | RF_IRQ_Rssi | RF_IRQ_PreambleDetect | RF_IRQ_SyncAddrMatch, REG_IRQFLAGS1); }
#ifdef WITH_RFM69
void WriteTxPower_W(int8_t TxPower=10) // [dBm] for RFM69W: -18..+13dBm
{ if(TxPower<(-18)) TxPower=(-18); // check limits
if(TxPower> 13 ) TxPower= 13 ;
WriteByte( 0x80+(18+TxPower), REG_PALEVEL);
WriteByte( 0x1A , REG_OCP);
WriteByte( 0x55 , REG_TESTPA1);
WriteByte( 0x70 , REG_TESTPA2);
void WriteTxPower_HW(int8_t TxPower=10) // [dBm] // for RFM69HW: -14..+20dBm
{ if(TxPower<(-14)) TxPower=(-14); // check limits
if(TxPower> 20 ) TxPower= 20 ;
{ WriteByte( 0x60+(14+TxPower), REG_PALEVEL);
WriteByte( 0x1A , REG_OCP);
WriteByte( 0x55 , REG_TESTPA1);
WriteByte( 0x70 , REG_TESTPA2);
} else
{ WriteByte( 0x60+(11+TxPower), REG_PALEVEL);
WriteByte( 0x0F , REG_OCP);
WriteByte( 0x5D , REG_TESTPA1);
WriteByte( 0x7C , REG_TESTPA2);
void WriteTxPower(int8_t TxPower, bool isHW)
{ WriteByte( 0x09, REG_PARAMP); // Tx ramp up/down time 0x06=100us, 0x09=40us, 0x0C=20us, 0x0F=10us (page 66)
if(isHW) WriteTxPower_HW(TxPower);
else WriteTxPower_W (TxPower); }
void WriteTxPowerMin(void) { WriteTxPower_W(-18); } // set minimal Tx power and setup for reception
2020-10-07 18:04:44 +00:00
int FSK_Configure(int16_t Channel, const uint8_t *Sync, bool PW=0)
{ WriteMode(RF_OPMODE_STANDBY); // mode = STDBY
WriteByte( 0x02, REG_DATAMODUL); // [0x00] Packet mode, FSK, 0x02: BT=0.5, 0x01: BT=1.0, 0x03: BT=0.3
WriteWord(PW?0x0341:0x0140, REG_BITRATEMSB); // bit rate = 100kbps
WriteWord(PW?0x013B:0x0333, REG_FDEVMSB); // FSK deviation = +/-50kHz
setChannel(Channel); // operating channel
2020-10-07 18:04:44 +00:00
FSK_WriteSYNC(8, 7, Sync); // SYNC pattern (setup for reception)
WriteByte( 0x00, REG_PACKETCONFIG1); // [0x10] Fixed size packet, no DC-free encoding, no CRC, no address filtering
WriteByte(0x80+51, REG_FIFOTHRESH); // [ ] TxStartCondition=FifoNotEmpty, FIFO threshold = 51 bytes
WriteByte( 2*26, REG_PAYLOADLENGTH); // [0x40] Packet size = 26 bytes Manchester encoded into 52 bytes
WriteByte( 0x02, REG_PACKETCONFIG2); // [0x02] disable encryption (it is permanent between resets !), AutoRxRestartOn=1
WriteByte( 0x00, REG_AUTOMODES); // [0x00] all "none"
WriteTxPowerMin(); // TxPower (setup for reception)
WriteByte( 0x08, REG_LNA); // [0x08/88] bit #7 = LNA input impedance: 0=50ohm or 1=200ohm ?
WriteByte( 2*112, REG_RSSITHRESH); // [0xE4] RSSI threshold = -112dBm
WriteByte( 0x42, REG_RXBW); // [0x86/55] +/-125kHz Rx bandwidth => p.27+67 (A=100kHz, 2=125kHz, 9=200kHz, 1=250kHz)
WriteByte( 0x82, REG_AFCBW); // [0x8A/8B] +/-125kHz Rx bandwidth while AFC
WriteWord(0x4047, REG_DIOMAPPING1); // DIO signals: DIO0=01, DIO4=01, ClkOut=OFF
// RX: DIO0 = PayloadReady, DIO4 = Rssi
// TX: DIO0 = TxReady, DIO4 = TxReady
WriteByte( 0x1B, REG_TESTLNA); // [0x1B] 0x2D = LNA sensitivity up by 3dB, 0x1B = default
WriteByte( 0x30, REG_TESTDAGC); // [0x30] 0x20 when AfcLowBetaOn, 0x30 otherwise-> page 25
WriteByte( 0x00, REG_AFCFEI); // [0x00] AfcAutoOn=0, AfcAutoclearOn=0
WriteByte( 0x00, REG_AFCCTRL); // [0x00] 0x20 = AfcLowBetaOn=1 -> page 64 -> page 33
WriteByte( +10, REG_TESTAFC); // [0x00] [488Hz] if AfcLowBetaOn
return 0; }
// #ifdef WITH_RFM95
#if defined(WITH_RFM95) || defined(WITH_SX1272)
void WriteTxPower(int8_t TxPower=0)
{ if(TxPower>17)
{ if(TxPower>20) TxPower=20;
WriteByte(0x87, REG_PADAC);
WriteByte(0xF0 | (TxPower-5), REG_PACONFIG); }
else // if(TxPower>14)
{ if(TxPower<2) TxPower=2;
WriteByte(0x84, REG_PADAC);
WriteByte(0xF0 | (TxPower-2), REG_PACONFIG); }
// else
// { if(TxPower<0) TxPower=0;
// WriteByte(0x84, REG_PADAC);
// WriteByte(0x70 | (TxPower+1), REG_PACONFIG); }
// if(TxPower<2) TxPower=2;
// else if(TxPower>17) TxPower=17;
// if(TxPower<=14)
// { WriteByte(0x70 | TxPower , REG_PACONFIG);
// }
// else
// { WriteByte(0xF0 | (TxPower-2), REG_PACONFIG); }
void WriteTxPowerMin(void) { WriteTxPower(0); }
2020-10-07 18:04:44 +00:00
int setLoRa(void) // switch to LoRa: has to go througth the SLEEP mode
return 0; }
2020-10-07 18:04:44 +00:00
int setFSK(void) // switch to FSK: has to go through the SLEEP mode
return 0; }
2020-10-07 18:04:44 +00:00
int LoRa_Configure(RFM_LoRa_Config CFG, uint8_t MaxSize=64)
{ WriteByte(0x00, REG_LORA_HOPPING_PERIOD); // disable fast-hopping
WriteWord(CFG.Preamble, REG_LORA_PREAMBLE_MSB); // [symbols] minimal preamble
WriteByte((CFG.BW<<4) | (CFG.CR<<1) | CFG.IHDR, REG_LORA_MODEM_CONFIG1); // 0x88 = 250kHz, 4+4, explicit header
WriteByte((CFG.SF<<4) | (CFG.CRC<<2), REG_LORA_MODEM_CONFIG2); // 0x74 = SF7, CRC on
// WriteByte(CFG.InvIQ?0x67:0x26, REG_LORA_INVERT_IQ);
// WriteByte(CFG.InvIQ?0x19:0x1D, REG_LORA_INVERT_IQ2);
WriteByte((CFG.RxInv<<6) | 0x26 | CFG.TxInv, REG_LORA_INVERT_IQ);
// Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, "REG_LORA_INVERT_IQ:");
// Format_Hex(CONS_UART_Write, CFG.Word);
// Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, ":");
// Format_Hex(CONS_UART_Write, ReadByte(REG_LORA_INVERT_IQ));
// Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, "\n");
2020-10-19 23:33:06 +00:00
WriteByte(0x04 | (CFG.LowRate<<3), REG_LORA_MODEM_CONFIG3); // LNA auto-gain and low-rate-optimize
2020-10-07 18:04:44 +00:00
WriteByte(MaxSize, REG_LORA_PACKET_MAXLEN); // [bytes]
WriteByte(0x00, REG_LORA_RX_ADDR);
2020-10-07 18:04:44 +00:00
setChannel(0); // operating channel
WriteWord(0x0000, REG_DIOMAPPING1); // 001122334455___D signals: 00=DIO0 11=DIO1 22=DIO2 33=DIO3 44=DIO4 55=DIO5 D=MapPreambleDetect
// DIO0: 00=RxDone, 01=TxDone, 10=CadDone
return 0; }
2020-10-07 18:04:44 +00:00
int FNT_Configure(uint8_t CR=1) // configure for FANET/LoRa
{ WriteTxPower(0);
RFM_LoRa_Config CFG = RFM_FNTcfg; CFG.CR=CR;
return LoRa_Configure(CFG, FANET_Packet::MaxBytes); }
int WAN_Configure(uint8_t CR=1) // configure for FANET/LoRa
{ WriteTxPower(0);
RFM_LoRa_Config CFG = RFM_WANcfg; CFG.CR=CR;
return LoRa_Configure(CFG, 40); }
2020-10-08 01:30:52 +00:00
void LoRa_setIRQ(uint8_t Mode=0) // 0:on RX, 1:on TX, 2: on CAD
{ WriteByte(Mode<<6, REG_DIOMAPPING1); }
void LoRa_setCRC(bool ON=1) // LoRaWAN: uplink with CRC, downlink without CRC
2020-10-07 18:04:44 +00:00
{ uint8_t Reg=ReadByte(REG_LORA_MODEM_CONFIG2);
if(ON) Reg|=0x04;
else Reg&=0xFB;
2020-10-08 01:30:52 +00:00
void LoRa_InvertIQ(bool ON=0) // LoRaWAN: uplink without inversion, downlink with inversion, but beacon without
2020-10-07 18:04:44 +00:00
{ WriteByte(ON?0x66:0x27, REG_LORA_INVERT_IQ);
WriteByte(ON?0x19:0x1D, REG_LORA_INVERT_IQ2); }
2020-10-08 01:30:52 +00:00
int LoRa_SendPacket(const uint8_t *Data, uint8_t Len, int Wait=0)
// check if FIFO empty, packets could be received ?
WriteByte(0x00, REG_LORA_FIFO_ADDR); // tell write to FIFO at address 0x00
WriteFIFO(Data, Len); // write the packet data
WriteByte(0x00, REG_LORA_TX_ADDR); // tell packet address in the FIFO
WriteByte(Len, REG_LORA_PACKET_LEN); // tell packet length
WriteMode(RF_OPMODE_LORA_TX); // enter transmission mode
2020-10-08 01:30:52 +00:00
if(Wait==0) return 0;
Delay_ms(10); int Check=10;
for(Check=0; Check<Wait; Check++)
{ Delay_ms(1);
uint8_t Mode=ReadMode();
if(Mode!=RF_OPMODE_LORA_TX) break; }
return Check+1; } // afterwards just wait for TX mode to stop
2020-10-08 01:30:52 +00:00
int FNT_SendPacket(const uint8_t *Data, uint8_t Len, int Wait=0)
{ return LoRa_SendPacket(Data, Len, Wait); }
2020-10-07 18:04:44 +00:00
template<class RxPacket>
int LoRa_ReceivePacket(RxPacket &Packet)
2020-05-05 23:13:14 +00:00
{ uint8_t Flags = ReadByte(REG_LORA_IRQ_FLAGS);
if((Flags&LORA_FLAG_RX_DONE)==0) return 0;
uint8_t Stat = ReadByte(REG_LORA_MODEM_STATUS); // coding rate in three top bits
uint8_t HopChan = ReadByte(REG_LORA_HOP_CHANNEL);
Packet.CR = Stat>>5; // coding rate used for this packet
Packet.hasCRC = HopChan&0x40; // did this packet have CRC ? (flags should be checked for CRC error)
Packet.badCRC = Flags&LORA_FLAG_BAD_CRC;
Packet.SNR = ReadByte(REG_LORA_PACKET_SNR); // [0.25dB] read SNR
Packet.RSSI = -157+ReadByte(REG_LORA_PACKET_RSSI); // [dBm] read RSSI
2020-05-05 23:13:14 +00:00
int32_t FreqOfs = ReadFreq(REG_LORA_FREQ_ERR_MSB); //
if(FreqOfs&0x00080000) FreqOfs|=0xFFF00000; // extend the sign bit
else FreqOfs&=0x000FFFFF;
2020-05-05 23:13:14 +00:00
Packet.FreqOfs = (FreqOfs*1718+0x8000)>>16; // [10Hz]
Packet.BitErr = 0;
Packet.CodeErr = 0;
int Len=LoRa_ReceivePacket(Packet.Byte, Packet.MaxBytes); // read packet data
// printf("ReceivePacketFNT() => %d %02X %3.1fdB %+ddBm 0x%08X=%+6.3fkHz, %02X%02X%02X%02X\n",
// Packet.Len, Stat, 0.25*Packet.SNR, Packet.RSSI, FreqOfs, 0.5*0x1000000/32e9*FreqOfs,
// Packet.Byte[0], Packet.Byte[1], Packet.Byte[2], Packet.Byte[3]);
2020-05-05 23:13:14 +00:00
2020-10-08 01:30:52 +00:00
2020-05-05 23:13:14 +00:00
return Len; }
2020-10-07 18:04:44 +00:00
int LoRa_ReceivePacket(uint8_t *Data, uint8_t MaxLen)
{ uint8_t Len=ReadByte(REG_LORA_PACKET_BYTES); // packet length
uint8_t Ptr=ReadByte(REG_LORA_PACKET_ADDR); // packet address in FIFO
WriteByte(Ptr, REG_LORA_FIFO_ADDR); // ask to read FIFO from this address
// uint8_t Stat = ReadByte(REG_LORA_MODEM_STATUS); //
// int8_t SNR = ReadByte(REG_LORA_PACKET_SNR); // [0.25dB] read SNR
// int8_t RSSI = ReadByte(REG_LORA_PACKET_RSSI); // [dBm] read RSSI
// int32_t FreqOfs = ReadFreq(REG_LORA_FREQ_ERR_MSB); // (FreqOfs*1718+0x8000)>>16 [10Hz]
// if(FreqOfs&0x00080000) FreqOfs|=0xFFF00000; // extend the sign bit
// else FreqOfs&=0x000FFFFF;
uint8_t *ReadData = ReadFIFO(Len); // read data from FIFO
memcpy(Data, ReadData, Len);
// printf("ReceivePacketFNT( , %d) => %d [%02X] %02X %3.1fdB %+ddBm 0x%08X=%+6.3fkHz, %02X%02X%02X%02X\n",
// MaxLen, Len, Ptr, Stat, 0.25*SNR, -157+RSSI, FreqOfs, 0.5*0x1000000/32e9*FreqOfs,
// ReadData[0], ReadData[1], ReadData[2], ReadData[3]);
return Len; }
2020-10-07 18:04:44 +00:00
int OGN_Configure(int16_t Channel, const uint8_t *Sync, bool PW=0)
{ // WriteMode(RF_OPMODE_STANDBY); // mode: STDBY, modulation: FSK, no LoRa
// usleep(1000);
WriteWord(PW?0x0341:0x0140, REG_BITRATEMSB); // bit rate = 100kbps (32MHz/100000) (0x0341 = 38.415kbps)
WriteByte(0x00, REG_BITRATEFRAC); // one should set exactly 38.400kbps for PW
WriteWord(PW?0x013B:0x0333, REG_FDEVMSB); // FSK deviation = +/-50kHz [32MHz/(1<<19)] (0x013B = 19.226kHz)
// ReadWord(REG_FDEVMSB);
setChannel(Channel); // operating channel
2020-10-07 18:04:44 +00:00
FSK_WriteSYNC(8, 7, Sync); // SYNC pattern (setup for reception)
WriteByte( 0x85, REG_PREAMBLEDETECT); // preamble detect: 1 byte, page 92 (or 0x85 ?)
WriteByte( 0x00, REG_PACKETCONFIG1); // Fixed size packet, no DC-free encoding, no CRC, no address filtering
WriteByte( 0x40, REG_PACKETCONFIG2); // Packet mode
WriteByte( 2*26, REG_PAYLOADLENGTH); // Packet size = 26 bytes Manchester encoded into 52 bytes
WriteByte( 51, REG_FIFOTHRESH); // TxStartCondition=FifoNotEmpty, FIFO threshold = 51 bytes
WriteWord(0x3030, REG_DIOMAPPING1); // DIO signals: DIO0=00, DIO1=11, DIO2=00, DIO3=00, DIO4=00, DIO5=11, => p.64, 99
WriteByte( 0x02, REG_RXBW); // +/-125kHz Rx (single-side) bandwidth => p.27,67,83,90
WriteByte( 0x02, REG_AFCBW); // +/-125kHz AFC bandwidth
WriteByte( 0x49, REG_PARAMP); // BT=0.5 shaping, 40us ramp up/down
WriteByte( 0x0E, REG_RXCONFIG); // => p.90 (or 0x8E ?)
WriteByte( 0x07, REG_RSSICONFIG); // 256 samples for RSSI, no offset, => p.90,82
WriteByte( 0x20, REG_LNA); // max. LNA gain, => p.89
return 0; }
uint8_t ReadLowBat(void) { return ReadByte(REG_LOWBAT ); }
void PrintReg(void (*CONS_UART_Write)(char))
{ Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, "RFM95 Mode:");
uint8_t RxMode=ReadMode();
Format_Hex(CONS_UART_Write, RxMode);
CONS_UART_Write(' '); CONS_UART_Write('0'+DIO0_isOn());
Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, " IRQ:");
Format_Hex(CONS_UART_Write, ReadWord(REG_IRQFLAGS1));
Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, " Pre:");
Format_Hex(CONS_UART_Write, ReadWord(REG_PREAMBLEMSB));
Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, " SYNC:");
Format_Hex(CONS_UART_Write, ReadByte(REG_SYNCCONFIG));
for(uint8_t Idx=0; Idx<8; Idx++)
Format_Hex(CONS_UART_Write, ReadByte(REG_SYNCVALUE1+Idx));
Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, " FREQ:");
Format_Hex(CONS_UART_Write, ReadByte(REG_FRFMSB));
Format_Hex(CONS_UART_Write, ReadByte(REG_FRFMID));
Format_Hex(CONS_UART_Write, ReadByte(REG_FRFLSB));
Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, " RATE:");
Format_Hex(CONS_UART_Write, ReadWord(REG_BITRATEMSB));
Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, " FDEV:");
Format_Hex(CONS_UART_Write, ReadWord(REG_FDEVMSB));
Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, " DIO:");
Format_Hex(CONS_UART_Write, ReadWord(REG_DIOMAPPING1));
Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, " CFG:");
Format_Hex(CONS_UART_Write, ReadByte(REG_PACKETCONFIG1));
Format_Hex(CONS_UART_Write, ReadByte(REG_PACKETCONFIG2));
Format_Hex(CONS_UART_Write, ReadByte(REG_FIFOTHRESH));
Format_Hex(CONS_UART_Write, ReadByte(REG_RXBW));
Format_Hex(CONS_UART_Write, ReadByte(REG_RSSICONFIG));
Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, " PA:");
Format_Hex(CONS_UART_Write, ReadByte(REG_PARAMP));
Format_Hex(CONS_UART_Write, ReadByte(REG_PACONFIG));
Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, "\n"); }
uint8_t ReadVersion(void) { chipVer=ReadByte(REG_VERSION); return chipVer; } // 0x24 for RFM69 or 0x12 for RFM95
#ifdef WITH_RFM69
void TriggerRSSI(void) { WriteByte(0x01, REG_RSSICONFIG); } // trigger measurement
uint8_t ReadyRSSI(void) { return ReadByte(REG_RSSICONFIG) & 0x02; } // ready ?
uint8_t ReadRSSI(void) { return ReadByte(REG_RSSIVALUE); } // read value: RSS = -Value/2
#ifdef WITH_RFM69
void TriggerTemp(void) { WriteByte(0x08, REG_TEMP1); } // trigger measurement
uint8_t RunningTemp(void) { return ReadByte(REG_TEMP1) & 0x04; } // still running ?
int8_t ReadTemp(void) { chipTemp=165-ReadByte(REG_TEMP2); return chipTemp; } // [deg]
#if defined(WITH_RFM95) || defined(WITH_SX1272)
int8_t ReadTemp(void) { chipTemp = 15-ReadByte(REG_TEMP); return chipTemp; } // [degC]
void Dump(uint8_t EndAddr=0x20)
{ printf("RFM_TRX[] =");
for(uint8_t Addr=1; Addr<=EndAddr; Addr++)
{ printf(" %02X", ReadByte(Addr)); }
} ;
#endif // __RFM_H__