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- [IDF CI](#idf-ci)
- [General Workflow](#general-workflow)
- [What if Expected Jobs ARE NOT Created?](#what-if-expected-jobs-are-not-created)
- [MR labels for additional jobs](#mr-labels-for-additional-jobs)
- [Supported MR Labels](#supported-mr-labels)
- [How to trigger a `detached` pipeline without pushing new commits?](#how-to-trigger-a-detached-pipeline-without-pushing-new-commits)
- [How to Develop With `rules.yml`?](#how-to-develop-with-rulesyml)
- [General Concepts](#general-concepts)
- [How to Add a New `Job`?](#how-to-add-a-new-job)
- [How to Add a New `Rules` Template?](#how-to-add-a-new-rules-template)
- [How to Add a New `if` Anchor?](#how-to-add-a-new-if-anchor)
- [Naming Rules](#naming-rules)
- [Common Naming Rules](#common-naming-rules)
- [`if` Anchors Naming Rules](#if-anchors-naming-rules)
- [`rules` Template Naming Rules](#rules-template-naming-rules)
- [Reusable Shell Script `tools/ci/`](#reusable-shell-script-toolsciutilssh)
- [Functions](#functions)
- [CI Job Related](#ci-job-related)
- [Shell Script Related](#shell-script-related)
- [Manifest File to Control the Build/Test apps](#manifest-file-to-control-the-buildtest-apps)
- [Grammar](#grammar)
## General Workflow
1. Push to a remote branch
2. Create an MR, choose related labels (not required)
3. A `detached` pipeline will be created.
4. if you push a new commit, a new pipeline will be created automatically.
## What if Expected Jobs ARE NOT Created?
1. check the file patterns
If you found a job that is not running as expected with some file changes, a git commit to improve the `pattern` will be appreciated.
2. please add MR labels to run additional tests, currently we have to do this only for `target-test` jobs, please use it as few as possible. Our final goal is to remove all the labels and let the file changes decide everything!
## MR labels for additional jobs
### Supported MR Labels
- `build`
- `build_docs`
- `component_ut[_esp32/esp32s2/...]`
- `custom_test[_esp32/esp32s2/...]`
- `docker`
- `docs`
- `docs_full`, triggers a full docs build, regardless of files changed
- `example_test[_esp32/esp32s2/...]`
- `fuzzer_test`
- `host_test`
- `integration_test`
- `iperf_stress_test`
- `macos`
- `macos_test`
- `nvs_coverage`
- `submodule`
- `unit_test[_esp32/esp32s2/...]`
- `weekend_test`
- `windows`
There are two general labels (not recommended since these two labels will trigger a lot of jobs)
- `target_test`: includes all target for `example_test`, `custom_test`, `component_ut`, `unit_test`, `integration_test`
- `all_test`: includes all test labels
### How to trigger a `detached` pipeline without pushing new commits?
Go to MR web page -> `Pipelines` tab -> click `Run pipeline` button.
In very rare case, this tab will not show up because no merge_request pipeline is created before. Please use web API then.
curl -X POST --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: [YOUR PERSONAL ACCESS TOKEN]" [GITLAB_SERVER]/api/v4/projects/103/merge_requests/[MERGE_REQUEST_IID]/pipelines
## How to Develop With `rules.yml`?
### General Concepts
- `pattern`: Defined in an array. A GitLab job will be created if the changed files in this MR matched one of the patterns. For example:
.patterns-python-files: &patterns-python-files
- "**/*.py"
- `label`: Defined in an if clause, similar as the previous bot command. A GitLab job will be created if the pipeline variables contains variables in `BOT_LABEL_xxx` format (DEPRECATED) or included in the MR labels. For example:
.if-label-build_docs: &if-label-build_docs
if: '$BOT_LABEL_BUILD_DOCS || $CI_MERGE_REQUEST_LABELS =~ /^(?:[^,\n\r]+,)*build_docs(?:,[^,\n\r]+)*$/i'
- `rule`: A combination of various patterns, and labels. It will be used by GitLab YAML `extends` keyword to tell GitLab in what conditions will this job be created. For example:
- <<: *if-protected
- <<: *if-label-build_docs
- <<: *if-label-docs
- <<: *if-dev-push
changes: *patterns-docs
An example for GitLab job on how to use extends:
- .pre_check_template
- .rules:build:docs
- cd docs
- ./
### How to Add a New `Job`?
check if there's a suitable `.rules:<rules-you-need>` template
1. if there is, put this in the job `extends`. All done, now you can close this window. (`extends` could be array or string)
2. if there isn't
1. check [How to Add a New `Rules` Template?](#how-to-add-a-new-rules-template), create a suitable one
2. follow step 1
### How to Add a New `Rules` Template?
check if this rule is related to `labels`, `patterns`
1. if it is, please refer to [dependencies/](./dependencies/ and add new rules by auto-generating
2. if it isn't, please continue reading
check if there's a suitable `.if-<if-anchor-you-need>` anchor
1. if there is, create a rule following [`rules` Template Naming Rules](#rules-template-naming-rules).For detail information, please refer to [GitLab Documentation `rules-if`]( Here's an example.
- <<: *if-protected
- <<: *if-dev-push
changes: *patterns-python-files
2. if there isn't
1. check [How to Add a New `if` Anchor?](#how-to-add-a-new-if-anchor), create a suitable one
2. follow step 1
### How to Add a New `if` Anchor?
Create an `if` anchor following [`if` Anchors Naming Rules](#if-anchors-naming-rules). For detailed information about how to write the condition clause, please refer to [GitLab Documentation `only/except (advanced)]( Here's an example.
.if-schedule: &if-schedule:
if: '$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "schedule"'
### Naming Rules
#### Common Naming Rules
if a phrase has multi words, use `_` to concatenate them.
> e.g. `regular_test`
if a name has multi phrases, use `-` to concatenate them.
> e.g. `regular_test-example_test`
#### `if` Anchors Naming Rules
- if it's a label: `.if-label-<label_name>`
- if it's a ref: `.if-ref-<ref_name>`
- if it's a branch: `.if-branch-<branch_name>`
- if it's a tag: `.if-tag-<tag_name>`
- if it's multi-type combination: `.if-ref-<release_name>-branch-<branch_name>`
**Common Phrases/Abbreviations**
- `no_label`
- `protected`
`($CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME == "master" || $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH =~ /^release\/v/ || $CI_COMMIT_TAG =~ /^v\d+\.\d+(\.\d+)?($|-)/)`
- `target_test`
a combination of `example_test`, `custom_test`, `unit_test`, `component_ut`, `integration_test` and all targets
#### `rules` Template Naming Rules
- if it's tag related: `.rules:tag:<tag_1>-<tag_2>`
- if it's label related: `.rules:labels:<label_1>-<label_2>`
- if it's test related: `.rules:test:<test_type>`
- if it's build related: `.rules:build:<build_type>`
- if it's pattern related: `.rules:patterns:<patterns>`
## Reusable Shell Script `tools/ci/`
It is used to put all the reusable shell scripts as small functions. If you want to set `before_script: []` for you job, now you can set `extends: .before_script_slim` instead. it will only run `source tools/ci/`
If you're developing CI shell scripts, you can use these functions without `source` them. They're already included in all `before_script`
To run these commands in shell script locally, place `source tools/ci/` at the very beginning.
### Functions
#### CI Job Related
- `add_gitlab_ssh_keys`
- `add_github_ssh_keys`
- `add_doc_server_ssh_keys`
- `fetch_submodules`
- `get_all_submodules`
#### Shell Script Related
- `error`: log in red color
- `warning`: log in orange color
- `info`: log in green color
- `run_cmd`: run the command with duration seconds info
- `retry_failed`: run the command with duration seconds info, retry when failed
## Manifest File to Control the Build/Test apps
`.build-test-rules.yml` file is a manifest file to control if the CI is running the build and test job or not. The Supported Targets table in `` for apps would be auto-generated by `pre-commit` from the app's `.build-test-rules.yml`.
### Grammar
We're using the latest version of [idf-build-apps][idf-build-apps]. Please refer to their [documentation][manifest-doc]