This commit backports the following features from FreeRTOS v9.0.0
- uxSemaphoreGetCount()
- vTimerSetTimerId(), xTimerGetPeriod(), xTimerGetExpiryTime()
- xTimerCreateStatic()
- xEventGroupCreateStatic()
- uxSemaphoreGetCount()
Functions backported previously
- xTaskCreateStatic()
- xQueueCreateStatic()
- xSemaphoreCreateBinaryStatic(), xSemaphoreCreateCountingStatic()
- xSemaphoreCreateMutexStatic(), xSemaphoreCreateRecursiveMutexStatic()
- pcQueueGetName()
- vTaskSetThreadLocalStoragePointer()
- pvTaskGetThreadLocalStoragePointer()
Unit tests were also written for the functions above (except for pcQueueGetName
which is tested in a separate Queue Registry MR). The original tlsp and del cb test case
was deleted and integrated into the test cases of this MR.
This commit makes the configQUEUE_REGISTRY_SIZE and
configGENERATE_RUN_TIME_STATS configurable in menuconfig.
- configQUEUE_REGISTRY_SIZE can now be set in menuconfig.
- The functions vQueueAddToRegistry() and vQueueUnregisterQueue() were made
SMP compatbile
- pcQueueGetName() was backported from FreeRTOS v9.0.0
- Added test case for Queue Registry functions
- configGENERATE_RUN_TIME_STATS can now be enabled in menuconfig. CCOUNT or
esp_timer can be selected as the FreeRTOS run time clock in menuconfig as
well, although CCOUNT will overflow quickly.
- Run time stats collection (in vTaskSwitchContext) and generation (in
uxTaskGetSystemState) have been made SMP compatible. Therefore
vTaskGetRunTimeStats() now displays the run time usage of each task as a
percentage of total runtime of both CPUs
This commit makes configUSE_TRACE_FACILITY and
configUSE_STATS_FORMATTING_FUNCTIONS configurable in kconfig. Test cases fro the
functions enabled by the two configurations above have also been added.
Test cases for the following functions have been added...
- uxTaskGetSystemState()
- uxTaskGetTaskNumber()
- vTaskSetTaskNumber()
- xEventGroupClearBitsFromISR()
- xEventGroupSetBitsFromISR()
- uxEventGroupGetNumber()
- uxQueueGetQueueNumber()
- vQueueSetQueueNumber()
- ucQueueGetQueueType()
Test cases for the following functions were not required...
- prvListTaskWithinSingleList()
- prvWriteNameToBuffer()
- vTaskList()
* Only direct invocation of cypto_hash_sha256 & crypto_hash_sha512 produced correct output.
* Some remaining header file mixups, so changed approach to wrapping the state structures.
* Fixes (crypto_sign problems)
* Add option to disable mbedTLS implementation for SHA256 & SHA512 in libsodium
1. Hello World application shows no footprint difference before and
after this change
2. examples/ethernet/ethernet application compiles properly (can't
test with my board)
Makes app image booting more reliable (256-bit rather than 8-bit verification.)
Some measurements, time to boot a 655KB app.bin file and run to app_main() execution.
(All for rev 1 silicon, ie no 340ms spurious WDT delay.)
80MHz QIO mode:
before = 300ms
after = 140ms
40MHz DIO mode:
before = 712ms
after = 577ms
40MHz DIO mode, secure boot enabled
before = 1380ms
after = 934ms
(Secure boot involves two ECC signature verifications (partition table, app) that take approx 300ms each with 80MHz CPU.)
Implements support for system level traces compatible with SEGGER
SystemView tool on top of ESP32 application tracing module.
That kind of traces can help to analyse program's behaviour.
SystemView can show timeline of tasks/ISRs execution, context switches,
statistics related to the CPUs' load distribution etc.
Also this commit adds useful feature to ESP32 application tracing module:
- Trace data buffering is implemented to handle temporary peaks of events load
Run some unit test cases based (poorly) around sodium's test infrastructure.
Increase in unity test task stack is due to signature tests, load a lot of data onto the stack.