
542 wiersze
13 KiB

\page menus_page Menus
\section menu_heirarchy Menu Heirarchy
\image html menu-linux.png "Menu"
\image latex menu-linux.png "Menu" width=5.5in
\subsection s_files Files
\subsubsection s_folders Folders
\image html menu-files-folders.png "Folders"
\image latex menu-files-folders.png "Folders" width=2.6in
<li>Fldigi config... - open the OS native file explorer to
the folder containing the fldigi operating &amp; data files. </li>
<li> NBEMS files... - open the OS native file explorer to the folder
containing the NBEMS data files</li>
<li> FLMSG files... - open the OS native file explorer to the folder
containing the NBEMS/FLAMP data files</li>
<li> Data files. See \ref supporting_data_files_page</li>
\subsubsection s_macros Macros
\image html menu-files-macros.png "Macros"
\image latex menu-files-macros.png "Macros" width=2.25in
<li>Open Macros - open a macro definition file ... changes the MACRO
keys immediately</li>
<li>Save Macros - save the current macro definitions to a designated
file </li>
Additional information:
\ref macro_page
\ref ui_configuration_macros_page
\subsubsection s_text_capture Text Capture
\image html menu-files-text.png "Text Capture"
\image latex menu-files-text.png "Text Capture" width=2.8in
Capture all received and transmitted text to a date-time stamped file. Each
day's data will be stored in a single file in which the text is appended:
fldigiYYYYMMDD.log. This file will be in the "Fldigi config..." folder which
can be accessed per the File/Folders menu item. A brief example log of Rx
--- Logging started at Wed Jan 5 18:42:51 2011 UTC ---
RX 14071955 : PSK31 (2011-01-05 18:42Z): d dx sk S
RX 14071756 : PSK31 (2011-01-05 18:42Z): PSE -lr dACQ CQ de WX1GRS WX1GRS
RX 14071756 : PSK31 (2011-01-05 18:42Z): CQ CQ de WX1GRS WX1GRS
RX 14071756 : PSK31 (2011-01-05 18:42Z): CQ CQ de WX1GRS WX1GRS
RX 14071756 : PSK31 (2011-01-05 18:42Z): PSE K aie =
--- Logging stopped at Wed Jan 5 18:43:04 2011 UTC ---
Each line contains the program state, RX or TX, the frequency, the mode,
the date-time, and the data stream.
\subsubsection s_audio Audio
\image html menu-files-audio.png "Audio"
\image latex menu-files-audio.png "Audio" width=2.4in
<li>Rx Capture - allows capturing the incoming audio to a wav file</li>
<li>Tx Generate - allows capturing the generated tx audio to a wav file</li>
<li>Playback - playback a previously captured or generated wav file</li>
\subsubsection s_exit Exit
\image html menu-files-audio.png "Exit"
\image latex menu-files-audio.png "Exit" width=2.4in
Exit - exit the program closing down the various interfaces in a nice
controlled manner.
\subsection s_op_mode Op Mode
Op Mode - the current operating mode will show as a highlighted menu item.
\image html menu-opmode.png "Op Mode"
\image latex menu-opmode.png "Op Mode" width=1.0in
\subsubsection s_op_mode_cw CW
CW - receive CW 5 to 200 WPM and transmit on any audio frequency using AF CW.
Additional information:
\ref cw_page
\ref cw_configuration_page
\subsubsection s_op_mode_contestia Contestia
\image html menu-contestia.png "Contestia"
\image latex menu-contestia.png "Contestia" width=0.75in
Additional information:
\ref contestia_page
\ref contestia_configuration_page
\ref contestia_table "Contestia Mode Table"
\subsubsection s_op_mode_domino_ex DominoEX
\image html menu-dominoex.png "DominoEX"
\image latex menu-dominoex.png "DominoEX" width=1.0in
Additional information:
\ref domino_ex_page
\ref domino_ex_configuration_page
\ref domino_ex_table "DominoEX Mode Table"
\subsubsection s_op_mode_hell Hell
\image html menu-hell.png "Hell"
\image latex menu-hell.png "Hell" width=1.0in
Additional information:
\ref feld_hell_page
\ref feld_hell_configuration_page
\ref hell_modes "Hell Mode Table"
\subsubsection s_op_mode_msfk MSFK
\image html menu-mfsk.png "MSFK"
\image latex menu-mfsk.png "MSFK" width=0.75in
Additional information:
\ref mfsk_page
\ref mfsk_table "MSFK Mode Table"
\subsubsection s_op_mode_mt63 MT-63
\image html menu-mt63.png "MT63"
\image latex menu-mt63.png "MT63" width=0.75in
Additional information:
\ref mt63_page
\ref mt63_configuration_page
\ref mt63_table "MT-63 Mode Table"
\subsubsection s_op_mode_psk PSK
\image html menu-psk.png "PSK"
\image latex menu-psk.png "PSK" width=0.75in
\image html menu-psk-multi-carrier.png "Multi Carrier PSK"
\image latex menu-psk-multi-carrier.png "Multi Carrier PSK" width=0.75in
Additional information:
\ref psk_page
\ref psk_table "PSK Mode Table"
\subsubsection s_op_mode_pskr PSKR
\image html menu-pskr.png "PSKR"
\image latex menu-pskr.png "PSKR" width=1.75in
All PSKR modes are phase shift keying, with FEC and interleaving.
Additional information:
\ref psk_page
\ref pskr_table "PSK/PSKR Mode Table"
\subsubsection s_op_mode_qpsk QPSK
\image html menu-qpsk.png "QPSK"
\image latex menu-qpsk.png "QPSK" width=0.75in
Additional information:
\ref psk_page
\ref qpsk_table "QPSK Mode Table"
\subsubsection s_op_mode_8psk 8PSK
\image html menu-8psk.png "8PSK"
\image latex menu-8psk.png "8PSK" width=0.75in
Additional information:
\ref psk_page
\ref eight_psk_table "8PSK Mode Table"
\subsubsection s_op_mode_olivia Olivia
\image html menu-olivia.png "Olivia"
\image latex menu-olivia.png "Olivia" width=0.75in
Additional information:
\ref olivia_page
\ref olivia_configuration_page
\ref olivia_table "Olivia Mode Table"
\subsubsection s_op_mode_rtty RTTY
\image html menu-rtty.png "RTTY"
\image latex menu-rtty.png "RTTY" width=0.75in
Additional information:
\ref rtty_page
\ref rtty_fsk_configuration_page
\ref rtty_table "RTTY Mode Table"
\subsubsection s_op_mode_thor THOR
\image html menu-thor.png "THOR"
\image latex menu-thor.png "THOR" width=0.75in
Additional information:
\ref thor_page
\ref thor_configuration_page
\ref thor_table "Thor Mode Table"
\subsubsection s_op_mode_throb THROB
\image html menu-throb.png "throb"
\image latex menu-throb.png "throb" width=0.75in
Additional information:
\ref throb_page
\ref throb_table "Throb Mode Table"
\subsubsection s_op_mode_wefax WEFAX
\image html menu-wefax.png "WEFAX"
\image latex menu-wefax.png "WEFAX" width=1.0in
Additional information:
\ref wefax_page
\subsubsection s_op_mode_navtex NAVTEX / SITOR
\image html menu-navtex.png "NAVTEX / SITOR"
\image latex menu-navtex.png "NAVTEX / SITOR" width=0.6in
Additional information:
\ref navtex_and_sitorb_page
\subsubsection s_op_mode_other SSB, WWV, Freq Anal, and Freq Scan
\image html menu-scan.png "Analysis / Scan"
\image latex menu-scan.png "Analysis / Scan" width=0.6in
<li>SSB - fldigi does not transmit, but can be used for rig control,
signal frequency analysis and logging</li>
<li>WWV - special receive only modem used for calibrating sound card</li>
<li>Freq Scan - Evaluate Rx/Codec Signal Path</li>
<li>Freq Anal - used for carrier detection and frequency measurement</li>
Additional information:
\ref frequency_analyzer_page
\ref digiscope_display_wwv_mode
\ref fft_scan_page
\subsection s_configure Configure
\image html menu-configure.png "Configure"
\image latex menu-configure.png "Configure" width=1.4in
See \ref configuration_page Page
\subsection s_view View
\image html menu-view.png "View"
\image latex menu-view.png "View" width=1.4in
\image html menu-view-controls.png "View Controls"
\image latex menu-view-controls.png "View Controls" width=3.5in
\image html menu-view-waterfall.png "View Waterfall"
\image latex menu-view-waterfall.png "View Waterfall" width=2.9in
<li>View/Hide Channels - Opens / Closes muli-signal viewer, shares space
with Rx/Tx panels</li>
<li>Floating Scope - Opens up a resizable, moveable scope display</li>
<li>MFSK Image - Opens the MFSK picture image (if being received)</li>
<li>Weather Fax Image - Opens WEFAX send/receive dialog </li>
<li>Signal browser - open the psk/rtty viewer dialog to display up to 30
simultaneously decoded psk signals Dialog viewer contains shared
data / control with the View/Hide Channel viewer</li>
<li>Countries - DXCC entities</li>
<li>Full - show all logbook and rig controls</li>
<li>Rig control and logging - minimizes the logging panel for
normal QSO entries</li>
<li>Rig control and contest - minimizes the logging panel for
Contest entries</li>
<li>None - removes the Rig Control / Log panel from the main
User Interface</li>
<li>Contest fields - Display alternate 2nd line in qso logging
area; provides access to contest logging fields</li>
<li>Docked scope - toggles the visibility of the docked scope
display to the right of the waterfall</li>
<li>Min WF Controls - toggles the visibility of various waterfall
controls as configured by the user</li>
\subsection s_logbook Logbook
\image html menu-logbook.png "Logbook"
\image latex menu-logbook.png "Logbook" width=1.0in
\image html menu-logbook-adif.png "Logbook ADIF"
\image latex menu-logbook-adif.png "Logbook ADIF" width=2.25in
\image html menu-logbook-reports.png "Logbook Reports"
\image latex menu-logbook-reports.png "Logbook Reports" width=2.3in
<li>View - open the logbook dialog</li>
<li>New - create a new logbook</li>
<li>Open - open an existing logbook</li>
<li>Save - save the current logbook</li>
<li>ADIF / Merge - merge adif data from an ADIF file</li>
<li>ADIF / Export - export selected or all logbook records to an ADIF
formated file - see \ref exporting_logbook_data "Log Exports".</li>
<li>Reports / Text ... - export selected or all logbook records to a
text file suitable for printing</li>
<li>Reports / CSV ... - export selected or all logbook records to a
tab delimited file</li>
<li>Reports / Cabrillo ... - create a Cabrillo contest report.
- see \ref cabrillo_report_page "Cabrillo Reports".</li>
\subsection s_help Help
\image html menu-help.png "Help"
\image latex menu-help.png "Help" width=1.9in
<li>Beginners' Guide</li>
<li>On line documentation... - open up default browser to the on-line
Help site</li>
<li>Fldigi web site... - open up default browser to the www.w1hkj.com
primary web page</li>
<li>Reception reports... - open up browser to the http://pskreporter.info
web page preset to your callsign</li>
<li>Command line options - display a list of all
\ref command_line_switches_page "command line switches" available to the
fldigi user</li>
<li>Audio device info - displays information about all audio devices
detected on the computer system</li>
<li>Build info - displays all relevant information regarding the
compilation and link for the application
- \ref build_info_page "build info"</li>
<li>Event log - opens a text display window that records various events
depending on the level of reporting depth selected. This is a useful
window for reporting problems with the program to the developers.</li>
<li>Check for updates... fldigi silently opens a download web site,
checks and reports on whether a new version is available.</li>
<li>About - Version number and a little about the programmers</li>
\subsection s_other Spot, Tx RSID, Rx RSID, and Tune Buttons
\image html menu-linux.png "Menu"
\image latex menu-linux.png "Menu" width=6.0in
<li>Spot button - The "Spot" light button is visible if callsign spotting
is enabled. Use this button to toggle the callsign spotting reporter
on and off. It is automatically turned off when playback is selected
in the Files menu. The main window text is not searched if the viewer
is active, i.e., if it is displayed and the current modem is PSK.
See <a href="Spotter.html">PskReporter</a>
and <a href="Notifier.html">Notifier</a>.
<li>RxID button - toggles the detection
of \ref id_configuration_page "Reed Solomon Identification" codes.</li>
<li>TxID button - toggles the transmission of the RSID signal.</li>
<li>Tune button - toggles the "Tune" mode which causes fldigi to
insert a tone at the current waterfall frequency. The peak-to-peak
amplitude of this tone is the standard by which you should
\ref tune_page "set your transmitter drive" or adjust your antenna
matching network.</li>
<li>The right most button is normally not visible. This is the
count-down timer button that is enabled when a macro button has been
configured to repeat after a specified number of seconds. This
button shows the count-down to the next transmission. Pressing
the button disables the count and restores fldigi to normal keyboard
\ref menus_page "Return to Top of Page"
\ref main_page "Return to Main Page"