/** \page menus_page Menus \tableofcontents \section menu_heirarchy Menu Heirarchy \image html menu-linux.png "Menu" \image latex menu-linux.png "Menu" width=5.5in

\subsection s_files Files
\subsubsection s_folders Folders \image html menu-files-folders.png "Folders" \image latex menu-files-folders.png "Folders" width=2.6in

\subsubsection s_macros Macros \image html menu-files-macros.png "Macros" \image latex menu-files-macros.png "Macros" width=2.25in
Additional information:
\ref macro_page
\ref ui_configuration_macros_page

\subsubsection s_text_capture Text Capture \image html menu-files-text.png "Text Capture" \image latex menu-files-text.png "Text Capture" width=2.8in
Capture all received and transmitted text to a date-time stamped file. Each day's data will be stored in a single file in which the text is appended: fldigiYYYYMMDD.log. This file will be in the "Fldigi config..." folder which can be accessed per the File/Folders menu item. A brief example log of Rx data:
\verbatim --- Logging started at Wed Jan 5 18:42:51 2011 UTC --- RX 14071955 : PSK31 (2011-01-05 18:42Z): d dx sk S RX 14071756 : PSK31 (2011-01-05 18:42Z): PSE -lr dACQ CQ de WX1GRS WX1GRS RX 14071756 : PSK31 (2011-01-05 18:42Z): CQ CQ de WX1GRS WX1GRS RX 14071756 : PSK31 (2011-01-05 18:42Z): CQ CQ de WX1GRS WX1GRS RX 14071756 : PSK31 (2011-01-05 18:42Z): PSE K aie = --- Logging stopped at Wed Jan 5 18:43:04 2011 UTC --- Each line contains the program state, RX or TX, the frequency, the mode, the date-time, and the data stream. \endverbatim

\subsubsection s_audio Audio \image html menu-files-audio.png "Audio" \image latex menu-files-audio.png "Audio" width=2.4in

\subsubsection s_exit Exit \image html menu-files-audio.png "Exit" \image latex menu-files-audio.png "Exit" width=2.4in
Exit - exit the program closing down the various interfaces in a nice controlled manner.

\subsection s_op_mode Op Mode Op Mode - the current operating mode will show as a highlighted menu item. \image html menu-opmode.png "Op Mode" \image latex menu-opmode.png "Op Mode" width=1.0in

\subsubsection s_op_mode_cw CW
CW - receive CW 5 to 200 WPM and transmit on any audio frequency using AF CW.
Additional information:
\ref cw_page
\ref cw_configuration_page

\subsubsection s_op_mode_contestia Contestia \image html menu-contestia.png "Contestia" \image latex menu-contestia.png "Contestia" width=0.75in
Additional information:
\ref contestia_page
\ref contestia_configuration_page
\ref contestia_table "Contestia Mode Table"

\subsubsection s_op_mode_domino_ex DominoEX \image html menu-dominoex.png "DominoEX" \image latex menu-dominoex.png "DominoEX" width=1.0in
Additional information:
\ref domino_ex_page
\ref domino_ex_configuration_page
\ref domino_ex_table "DominoEX Mode Table"

\subsubsection s_op_mode_hell Hell \image html menu-hell.png "Hell" \image latex menu-hell.png "Hell" width=1.0in
Additional information:
\ref feld_hell_page
\ref feld_hell_configuration_page
\ref hell_modes "Hell Mode Table"

\subsubsection s_op_mode_msfk MSFK \image html menu-mfsk.png "MSFK" \image latex menu-mfsk.png "MSFK" width=0.75in
Additional information:
\ref mfsk_page
\ref mfsk_table "MSFK Mode Table"

\subsubsection s_op_mode_mt63 MT-63 \image html menu-mt63.png "MT63" \image latex menu-mt63.png "MT63" width=0.75in
Additional information:
\ref mt63_page
\ref mt63_configuration_page
\ref mt63_table "MT-63 Mode Table"

\subsubsection s_op_mode_psk PSK \image html menu-psk.png "PSK" \image latex menu-psk.png "PSK" width=0.75in
\image html menu-psk-multi-carrier.png "Multi Carrier PSK" \image latex menu-psk-multi-carrier.png "Multi Carrier PSK" width=0.75in
Additional information:
\ref psk_page
\ref psk_table "PSK Mode Table"

\subsubsection s_op_mode_pskr PSKR \image html menu-pskr.png "PSKR" \image latex menu-pskr.png "PSKR" width=1.75in
All PSKR modes are phase shift keying, with FEC and interleaving.
Additional information:
\ref psk_page
\ref pskr_table "PSK/PSKR Mode Table"

\subsubsection s_op_mode_qpsk QPSK \image html menu-qpsk.png "QPSK" \image latex menu-qpsk.png "QPSK" width=0.75in
Additional information:
\ref psk_page
\ref qpsk_table "QPSK Mode Table"

\subsubsection s_op_mode_8psk 8PSK \image html menu-8psk.png "8PSK" \image latex menu-8psk.png "8PSK" width=0.75in
Additional information:
\ref psk_page
\ref eight_psk_table "8PSK Mode Table"

\subsubsection s_op_mode_olivia Olivia \image html menu-olivia.png "Olivia" \image latex menu-olivia.png "Olivia" width=0.75in
Additional information:
\ref olivia_page
\ref olivia_configuration_page
\ref olivia_table "Olivia Mode Table"

\subsubsection s_op_mode_rtty RTTY \image html menu-rtty.png "RTTY" \image latex menu-rtty.png "RTTY" width=0.75in
Additional information:
\ref rtty_page
\ref rtty_fsk_configuration_page
\ref rtty_table "RTTY Mode Table"

\subsubsection s_op_mode_thor THOR \image html menu-thor.png "THOR" \image latex menu-thor.png "THOR" width=0.75in
Additional information:
\ref thor_page
\ref thor_configuration_page
\ref thor_table "Thor Mode Table"

\subsubsection s_op_mode_throb THROB \image html menu-throb.png "throb" \image latex menu-throb.png "throb" width=0.75in
Additional information:
\ref throb_page
\ref throb_table "Throb Mode Table"

\subsubsection s_op_mode_wefax WEFAX \image html menu-wefax.png "WEFAX" \image latex menu-wefax.png "WEFAX" width=1.0in
Additional information:
\ref wefax_page

\subsubsection s_op_mode_navtex NAVTEX / SITOR \image html menu-navtex.png "NAVTEX / SITOR" \image latex menu-navtex.png "NAVTEX / SITOR" width=0.6in
Additional information:
\ref navtex_and_sitorb_page

\subsubsection s_op_mode_other SSB, WWV, Freq Anal, and Freq Scan \image html menu-scan.png "Analysis / Scan" \image latex menu-scan.png "Analysis / Scan" width=0.6in
Additional information:
\ref frequency_analyzer_page
\ref digiscope_display_wwv_mode
\ref fft_scan_page

\subsection s_configure Configure \image html menu-configure.png "Configure" \image latex menu-configure.png "Configure" width=1.4in
See \ref configuration_page Page

\subsection s_view View \image html menu-view.png "View" \image latex menu-view.png "View" width=1.4in
\image html menu-view-controls.png "View Controls" \image latex menu-view-controls.png "View Controls" width=3.5in
\image html menu-view-waterfall.png "View Waterfall" \image latex menu-view-waterfall.png "View Waterfall" width=2.9in

\subsection s_logbook Logbook \image html menu-logbook.png "Logbook" \image latex menu-logbook.png "Logbook" width=1.0in
\image html menu-logbook-adif.png "Logbook ADIF" \image latex menu-logbook-adif.png "Logbook ADIF" width=2.25in
\image html menu-logbook-reports.png "Logbook Reports" \image latex menu-logbook-reports.png "Logbook Reports" width=2.3in

\subsection s_help Help \image html menu-help.png "Help" \image latex menu-help.png "Help" width=1.9in

\subsection s_other Spot, Tx RSID, Rx RSID, and Tune Buttons \image html menu-linux.png "Menu" \image latex menu-linux.png "Menu" width=6.0in
\ref menus_page "Return to Top of Page"
\ref main_page "Return to Main Page" */