
233 wiersze
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// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// flxmlrpc Copyright (c) 2015 by W1HKJ, Dave Freese <iam_w1hkj@w1hkj.com>
// XmlRpc++ Copyright (c) 2002-2008 by Chris Morley
// This file is part of fldigi
// flxmlrpc is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <config.h>
#include "XmlRpcServerConnection.h"
#include "XmlRpcDispatch.h"
#include "XmlRpcServer.h"
#include "XmlRpcSocket.h"
#include "XmlRpcUtil.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <strings.h>
using namespace XmlRpc;
// The server delegates handling client requests to a serverConnection object.
XmlRpcServerConnection::XmlRpcServerConnection(XmlRpcSocket::Socket fd,
XmlRpcServer* server,
bool deleteOnClose /*= false*/) :
XmlRpcSource(fd, deleteOnClose)
XmlRpcUtil::log(2,"XmlRpcServerConnection: new socket %d.", fd);
_server = server;
_connectionState = READ_HEADER;
_keepAlive = true;
XmlRpcUtil::log(4,"XmlRpcServerConnection dtor.");
// Handle input on the server socket by accepting the connection
// and reading the rpc request. Return true to continue to monitor
// the socket for events, false to remove it from the dispatcher.
XmlRpcServerConnection::handleEvent(unsigned /*eventType*/)
if (_connectionState == READ_HEADER)
if ( ! readHeader()) return 0;
if (_connectionState == READ_REQUEST)
if ( ! readRequest()) return 0;
if (_connectionState == WRITE_RESPONSE)
if ( ! writeResponse()) return 0;
return (_connectionState == WRITE_RESPONSE)
? XmlRpcDispatch::WritableEvent : XmlRpcDispatch::ReadableEvent;
// Read available data
bool eof;
if ( ! nbRead(_header, &eof))
// Its only an error if we already have read some data
if (_header.length() > 0)
XmlRpcUtil::error("XmlRpcServerConnection::readHeader: error while reading header (%s).",XmlRpcSocket::getErrorMsg().c_str());
return false;
XmlRpcUtil::log(4, "XmlRpcServerConnection::readHeader: read %d bytes.", _header.length());
char *hp = (char*)_header.c_str(); // Start of header
char *ep = hp + _header.length(); // End of string
char *bp = 0; // Start of body
char *lp = 0; // Start of content-length value
char *kp = 0; // Start of connection value
for (char *cp = hp; (bp == 0) && (cp < ep); ++cp) {
if ((ep - cp > 16) && (strncasecmp(cp, "Content-length: ", 16) == 0))
lp = cp + 16;
else if ((ep - cp > 12) && (strncasecmp(cp, "Connection: ", 12) == 0))
kp = cp + 12;
else if ((ep - cp > 4) && (strncmp(cp, "\r\n\r\n", 4) == 0))
bp = cp + 4;
else if ((ep - cp > 2) && (strncmp(cp, "\n\n", 2) == 0))
bp = cp + 2;
// If we haven't gotten the entire header yet, return (keep reading)
if (bp == 0) {
// EOF in the middle of a request is an error, otherwise its ok
if (eof) {
XmlRpcUtil::log(4, "XmlRpcServerConnection::readHeader: EOF");
if (_header.length() > 0)
XmlRpcUtil::error("XmlRpcServerConnection::readHeader: EOF while reading header");
return false; // Either way we close the connection
return true; // Keep reading
// Decode content length
if (lp == 0) {
XmlRpcUtil::error("XmlRpcServerConnection::readHeader: No Content-length specified");
return false; // We could try to figure it out by parsing as we read, but for now...
_contentLength = atoi(lp);
if (_contentLength <= 0) {
XmlRpcUtil::error("XmlRpcServerConnection::readHeader: Invalid Content-length specified (%d).", _contentLength);
return false;
XmlRpcUtil::log(3, "XmlRpcServerConnection::readHeader: specified content length is %d.", _contentLength);
// Otherwise copy non-header data to request buffer and set state to read request.
_request = bp;
// Parse out any interesting bits from the header (HTTP version, connection)
_keepAlive = true;
if (_header.find("HTTP/1.0") != std::string::npos) {
if (kp == 0 || strncasecmp(kp, "keep-alive", 10) != 0)
_keepAlive = false; // Default for HTTP 1.0 is to close the connection
} else {
if (kp != 0 && strncasecmp(kp, "close", 5) == 0)
_keepAlive = false;
XmlRpcUtil::log(3, "KeepAlive: %d", _keepAlive);
_header = "";
_connectionState = READ_REQUEST;
return true; // Continue monitoring this source
// If we dont have the entire request yet, read available data
if (int(_request.length()) < _contentLength)
bool eof;
if ( ! nbRead(_request, &eof))
XmlRpcUtil::error("XmlRpcServerConnection::readRequest: read error (%s).",XmlRpcSocket::getErrorMsg().c_str());
return false;
// If we haven't gotten the entire request yet, return (keep reading)
if (int(_request.length()) < _contentLength)
if (eof)
XmlRpcUtil::error("XmlRpcServerConnection::readRequest: EOF while reading request");
return false; // Either way we close the connection
return true;
// Otherwise, parse and dispatch the request
XmlRpcUtil::log(3, "XmlRpcServerConnection::readRequest read %d bytes.", _request.length());
//XmlRpcUtil::log(5, "XmlRpcServerConnection::readRequest:\n%s\n", _request.c_str());
_connectionState = WRITE_RESPONSE;
return true; // Continue monitoring this source
if (_response.length() == 0)
_bytesWritten = 0;
if (_response.length() == 0)
XmlRpcUtil::error("XmlRpcServerConnection::writeResponse: empty response.");
return false;
// Try to write the response
if ( ! nbWrite(_response, &_bytesWritten))
XmlRpcUtil::error("XmlRpcServerConnection::writeResponse: write error (%s).",XmlRpcSocket::getErrorMsg().c_str());
return false;
XmlRpcUtil::log(3, "XmlRpcServerConnection::writeResponse: wrote %d of %d bytes.", _bytesWritten, _response.length());
// Prepare to read the next request
if (_bytesWritten == int(_response.length()))
_header = "";
_request = "";
_response = "";
_connectionState = READ_HEADER;
return _keepAlive; // Continue monitoring this source if true
//! Helper method to execute the client request
void XmlRpcServerConnection::executeRequest()
_response = _server->executeRequest(_request);