craigerl 2022-05-18 08:11:22 -07:00
rodzic b1cec74540
commit cb9b774f9e
24 zmienionych plików z 2474 dodań i 0 usunięć

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@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
<?php include 'header.php' ?>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<LINK href="styles/simple.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<title>DigiPi </title>
<body style="position: relative; height: 100%; width: 100%; overflow: hidden;">
<font face="sans">
<h3>AX.25 Utilities</h3>
<form action="axcall.php" method="post">
Enter callsign to connect (via optional digipeater)
<b>axcall -r radio <input type="text" name="target" size="8"> via <input type="text" size="8" name="via"> </b>
<input type="submit" name="connect" value="Connect">
<hr align="left" width="400">
Connect to your node
<b>telnet localhost 4444 </b>
<input type="submit" name="telnet" value="Connect">
<hr align="left" width="400">
Keyboard-to-Keyboard over AX.25
<input type="submit" name="linpac" value="Run linpac">
<hr align="left" width="400">
$submit = "none";
if (isset($_POST["telnet"])) {
exec("/usr/local/bin/ttyd -p 7685 -t fontSize=20 -o -s SIGTERM telnet localhost 4444 > /dev/null 2> /dev/null &" );
echo "Connecting...";
echo "<script> window.location.href = \"http://$IP:7685/\" </script>";
if (isset($_POST["linpac"])) {
# exec("export HOME=/home/pi/; sudo /usr/local/bin/ttyd -p 7687 -t fontSize=20 -o -s SIGTERM linpac > /dev/null 2> /dev/null &" );
# exec("export HOME=/home/pi/; sudo su -c \"/usr/local/bin/ttyd -p 7687 -t fontSize=20 -o -s SIGTERM linpac > /dev/null 2> /dev/null &\" pi " );
exec("export HOME=/home/pi/; sudo su -c \"/usr/local/bin/ttyd -p 7687 -t fontSize=20 -o -s SIGTERM /home/pi/linpac.sh > /dev/null 2> /dev/null &\" pi " );
echo "Starting linpac...";
echo "<script> window.location.href = \"http://$IP:7687/\" </script>";
if (isset($_POST["connect"])) {
$submit = $_POST["connect"];
if ( $submit == 'Connect' ) {
$target = $_POST["target"];
$via = $_POST["via"];
echo "target: $target";
echo "via: $via";
if(!isset($via) || trim($via) == '')
#exec("/usr/local/bin/ttyd -p 7686 -t fontSize=20 -o -s SIGTERM axcall -r radio $target > /dev/null 2> /dev/null &" );
exec("/usr/local/bin/ttyd -p 7686 -t fontSize=20 -o -s SIGTERM /home/pi/axcall.sh -r radio $target > /dev/null 2> /dev/null &" );
#exec("/usr/local/bin/ttyd -p 7686 -t fontSize=20 -o -s SIGTERM axcall -r radio $target via $via > /dev/null 2> /dev/null &" );
exec("/usr/local/bin/ttyd -p 7686 -t fontSize=20 -o -s SIGTERM /home/pi/axcall.sh -r radio $target via $via > /dev/null 2> /dev/null &" );
echo "Connecting...";
echo "<script> window.location.href = \"http://$IP:7686/\" </script>";

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Szerokość:  |  Wysokość:  |  Rozmiar: 20 KiB

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@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
<?php include '../header.php' ?>
<h3>Brought to you by...</h3>
<div style="width:600px;">
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Michael Lalk
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William Higgins
Jim Holt-KM6MO
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Douglas Pervine
Ian Tickle
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Carlton Siple
Buddy Brown
Kevin King
Kevin King
Barry Furnival
Mark Lewis
Robert Norris
Kevin Duerst
Drew Miller
Harold J. St.Clair
Ken Hendrickson
Luis Santiago
claude demmer
Jeffrey Hochberg
NW2W (Mark Karaman)
Ryan Collins
Robb A Bates
Glen Strecker
Aaron Bond
Bruce Bonbright
Bradley Brown
William Morrison
Jeff Marden
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mark lewis
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Brian Webster
John Tarbox
Gordon Cotton
David G7HJX
Rick Gilmore
Matthew Gregg
Fallen YoDa
john cannon
Malcolm Richardson
David Spence
W4FDT - Amateur Radio
Joshua Calbick
The Kilowatt Challenge
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Ilya Glotov
David Huffman
Jerry Woods
Ken Gifford
Randy Haynes
Aaron C
Tom Steiner
August Treubig
Rich Clemens
Mark Bumstead
Ben Hartley
Paul Lawrence
Theodore (Ted ) K.
Miguel KP4MI
Paddy Roche
Ian Justice
Ravi Miranda
Chris Grierson
Johan Nilsson
Sean Pyne
Sam Hartley
Rufus Mullins
Ronald Pfeiffer
Thomas Brown
Fred Hillhouse
Robert Archer
Stephen Stocker
Henry Gabrys
Troy Ball
Domingo SantosUrbaez
Fred W1FRD
Don Ankeny
Douglas H Reed
JD Weeks
W Heilman
David Casteel
Jerry Stom
Dusty Rhodes
James R Huntley
Martin Larsen
Ronald Meier
Wayne N9MWN
Jon Armstrong
Steve Perron
Scott Cavazos
Len Buchda
Shane Ruth
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Geovani Carvalho
Joshua Morris
Dana Marcy
Aaron D. Pennington
Cristian Radulescu
Allan D Platky
Jamie Smith
Calex Gonzalez
Alex Stewart
Martin van der Voet
Luis Silva
The Great Adventure
Scott Price
Steve KA1CNF
Peter Gleason
Andrew Pepper
Larry Greenwald
James Eaton
DeAngelo Fernandez
Mark Privitt
James Brown
Van Wie Productions
Gordon Shephard
Keith Vinall
Peter Fauth
Carlos Leira
Daniel Adkin M0HOW
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Steven LeBlanc
Policarpo Dias
Marco Casper
Paul Fokke
Thomas Fraißl
Mauricio Farias
Brad Gehrt
Tom Gwilym
Bill Johnson
Scott Evans
Jason Pullara
BB Odenthal
Jeff Archambeault
Ryan Michaelson
Rob Tew
Frans Lowiessen
Leonard Isham
Søren Poulsen
Jason Kingsbury
Max Barbeau
John Lamb
Jim Brock
Clayton Seaton
Shad Vargo
Peaches Weaches
Simon Jack
Ronald Bakker
Jeremy Bowlin
Jon Adams
Michael Traxler
Ken Meyer
Krzysztof Strug
Mark Cotner
Jeremy Chase
Robert Furlong
Wolfgang Busch
Krystian Michalak
Scott Gillins
John Waters
James Kooistra
A Kiddoo
Don Coker
Alfred Alten
Martin Richards
scott wilmot
Charles B Jessee
Thank you for playing!
<img src="dragon.png">

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@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>DigiPi FLDigi redirect</title>
<p>Please wait, FLDigi starting up...
<a href="http://digipi:6080/vnc.html?host=digipi&port=6080&password=test11&autoconnect=true">Click here to redirect now</a>
<script language="JavaScript">
function sleep(milliseconds) {
const date = Date.now();
let currentDate = null;
do {
currentDate = Date.now();
} while (currentDate - date < milliseconds);
window.location.replace(window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.hostname + ':6080/vnc.html?host=digipi&port=6080&password=test11&autoconnect=true');

Wyświetl plik

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv = "refresh" content = "2; url = http://<?php echo $IP;?>:6080/vnc.html?host=<?php echo $IP;?>&port=6080&password=test11&autoconnect=true" />
<title>DigiPi FLDigi redirect</title>
<p>Please wait, FLDigi starting up...
<a href="http://<?php echo $IP;?>:6080/vnc.html?host=<?php echo $IP;?>&port=6080&password=test11&autoconnect=true">Click here to redirect now</a>
<script language="JavaScript">
function sleep(milliseconds) {
const date = Date.now();
let currentDate = null;
do {
currentDate = Date.now();
} while (currentDate - date < milliseconds);
window.location.replace(window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.hostname + ':6080/vnc.html?host=digipi&port=6080&password=test11&autoconnect=true');

Wyświetl plik

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv = "refresh" content = "2; url = http://<?php echo $IP;?>:6080/vnc.html?host=<?php echo $IP;?>&port=6080&password=test11&autoconnect=true" />
<title>DigiPi WSJTX FT8 redirect</title>
<p>Please wait, FT8 starting up...
<a href="http://<?php echo $IP;?>:6080/vnc.html?host=<?php echo $IP;?>&port=6080&password=test11&autoconnect=true">Click here to redirect now</a>
<script language="JavaScript">
function sleep(milliseconds) {
const date = Date.now();
let currentDate = null;
do {
currentDate = Date.now();
} while (currentDate - date < milliseconds);
window.location.replace(window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.hostname + ':6080/vnc.html?host=digipi&port=6080&password=test11&autoconnect=true');

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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<LINK href="/styles/simple.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<title>DigiPi </title>
<body style="position: relative; height: 100%; width: 100%; overflow: hidden;">
<table width=400>
<td align="left" width=10% bgcolor="lightgrey">
<a style="color:#000" href="/"><font size=+3><strong>DigiPi</strong></font></a>
<td width=10% bgcolor="lightgrey" >
<a href="http://craiger.org/digipi" target="craiger">
<img align=right height=40px src="/km6lyw.png">

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@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
<?php include 'header.php' ?>
Full documentation: <a href="http://craiger.org/digipi">http://craiger.org/digipi</a>
<h3> APRSDroid or WOAD, KISS TNC</h3>
<table width="400">
<col width="10px" />
<col width="300px" />
<col width="120" />
<tr><td bgcolor="lightgreen">&nbsp;</td><td><font size=+1>TNC & APRS igate</font></td><td align="right"><input type="submit" name="tnc" value="on"> <input type="submit" name="tnc" value="off"></font></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="lightgrey">&nbsp;</td><td><font size=+1>TNC & APRS igate (HF)</font></td><td align="right"><input type="submit" name="tnc300b" value="on"> <input type="submit" name="tnc300b" value="off"></font></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="lightgrey">&nbsp;</td><td><font size=+1>APRS Digipeater</font></td><td align="right"><input type="submit" name="digipeater" value="on"> <input type="submit" name="digipeater" value="off"></font></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="lightgrey">&nbsp;</td><td><font size=+1>Linux Node AX.25</font></td><td align="right"><input type="submit" name="node" value="on"> <input type="submit" name="node" value="off"></font></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="lightgrey">&nbsp;</td><td><font size=+1>Winlink Email Server</font></td><td align="right"><input type="submit" name="winlinkrms" value="on"> <input type="submit" name="winlinkrms" value="off"></font></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="lightgrey">&nbsp;</td><td><font size=+1>Pat Winlink Email Client</font></td><td align="right"><input type="submit" name="pat" value="on"> <input type="submit" name="pat" value="off"></font></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="lightgrey">&nbsp;</td><td><font size=+1>ARDOP Modem</font></td><td align="right"><input type="submit" name="ardop" value="on"> <input type="submit" name="ardop" value="off"></font></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="lightgrey">&nbsp;</td><td><font size=+1>Rig Control Daemon</font></td><td align="right"><input type="submit" name="rigctld" value="on"> <input type="submit" name="rigctld" value="off"></font></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="lightgrey">&nbsp;</td><td><font size=+1>WSJTX FT8</font></td><td align="right"><input type="submit" name="wsjtx" value="on"> <input type="submit" name="wsjtx" value="off"></font></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="lightgrey">&nbsp;</td><td><font size=+1>Slow Scan TV</font></td><td align="right"><input type="submit" name="sstv" value="on"> <input type="submit" name="sstv" value="off"></font></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="lightgrey">&nbsp;</td><td><font size=+1>FLDigi</font></td><td align="right"><input type="submit" name="fldigi" value="on"> <input type="submit" name="fldigi" value="off"></font></td></tr>
<h3> APRS Digipeater & APRSDroid </h3>
<table width="400">
<col width="10px" />
<col width="300px" />
<col width="120" />
<tr><td bgcolor="lightgrey">&nbsp;</td><td><font size=+1>TNC & APRS igate</font></td><td align="right"><input type="submit" name="tnc" value="on"> <input type="submit" name="tnc" value="off"></font></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="lightgrey">&nbsp;</td><td><font size=+1>TNC & APRS igate (HF)</font></td><td align="right"><input type="submit" name="tnc300b" value="on"> <input type="submit" name="tnc300b" value="off"></font></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="lightgreen">&nbsp;</td><td><font size=+1>APRS Digipeater</font></td><td align="right"><input type="submit" name="digipeater" value="on"> <input type="submit" name="digipeater" value="off"></font></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="lightgrey">&nbsp;</td><td><font size=+1>Linux Node AX.25</font></td><td align="right"><input type="submit" name="node" value="on"> <input type="submit" name="node" value="off"></font></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="lightgrey">&nbsp;</td><td><font size=+1>Winlink Email Server</font></td><td align="right"><input type="submit" name="winlinkrms" value="on"> <input type="submit" name="winlinkrms" value="off"></font></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="lightgrey">&nbsp;</td><td><font size=+1>Pat Winlink Email Client</font></td><td align="right"><input type="submit" name="pat" value="on"> <input type="submit" name="pat" value="off"></font></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="lightgrey">&nbsp;</td><td><font size=+1>ARDOP Modem</font></td><td align="right"><input type="submit" name="ardop" value="on"> <input type="submit" name="ardop" value="off"></font></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="lightgrey">&nbsp;</td><td><font size=+1>Rig Control Daemon</font></td><td align="right"><input type="submit" name="rigctld" value="on"> <input type="submit" name="rigctld" value="off"></font></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="lightgrey">&nbsp;</td><td><font size=+1>WSJTX FT8</font></td><td align="right"><input type="submit" name="wsjtx" value="on"> <input type="submit" name="wsjtx" value="off"></font></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="lightgrey">&nbsp;</td><td><font size=+1>Slow Scan TV</font></td><td align="right"><input type="submit" name="sstv" value="on"> <input type="submit" name="sstv" value="off"></font></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="lightgrey">&nbsp;</td><td><font size=+1>FLDigi</font></td><td align="right"><input type="submit" name="fldigi" value="on"> <input type="submit" name="fldigi" value="off"></font></td></tr>
<h3> Send email over VHF</h3>
<table width="400">
<col width="10px" />
<col width="300px" />
<col width="120" />
<tr><td bgcolor="lightgrey">&nbsp;</td><td><font size=+1>TNC & APRS igate</font></td><td align="right"><input type="submit" name="tnc" value="on"> <input type="submit" name="tnc" value="off"></font></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="lightgrey">&nbsp;</td><td><font size=+1>TNC & APRS igate (HF)</font></td><td align="right"><input type="submit" name="tnc300b" value="on"> <input type="submit" name="tnc300b" value="off"></font></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="lightgrey">&nbsp;</td><td><font size=+1>APRS Digipeater</font></td><td align="right"><input type="submit" name="digipeater" value="on"> <input type="submit" name="digipeater" value="off"></font></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="lightgrey">&nbsp;</td><td><font size=+1>Linux Node AX.25</font></td><td align="right"><input type="submit" name="node" value="on"> <input type="submit" name="node" value="off"></font></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="lightgreen">&nbsp;</td><td><font size=+1>Winlink Email Server</font></td><td align="right"><input type="submit" name="winlinkrms" value="on"> <input type="submit" name="winlinkrms" value="off"></font></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="lightgreen">&nbsp;</td><td><font size=+1>Pat Winlink Email Client</font></td><td align="right"><input type="submit" name="pat" value="on"> <input type="submit" name="pat" value="off"></font></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="lightgrey">&nbsp;</td><td><font size=+1>ARDOP Modem</font></td><td align="right"><input type="submit" name="ardop" value="on"> <input type="submit" name="ardop" value="off"></font></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="lightgreen">&nbsp;</td><td><font size=+1>Rig Control Daemon</font></td><td align="right"><input type="submit" name="rigctld" value="on"> <input type="submit" name="rigctld" value="off"></font></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="lightgrey">&nbsp;</td><td><font size=+1>WSJTX FT8</font></td><td align="right"><input type="submit" name="wsjtx" value="on"> <input type="submit" name="wsjtx" value="off"></font></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="lightgrey">&nbsp;</td><td><font size=+1>Slow Scan TV</font></td><td align="right"><input type="submit" name="sstv" value="on"> <input type="submit" name="sstv" value="off"></font></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="lightgrey">&nbsp;</td><td><font size=+1>FLDigi</font></td><td align="right"><input type="submit" name="fldigi" value="on"> <input type="submit" name="fldigi" value="off"></font></td></tr>
<h3> Send email over HF</h3>
<table width="400">
<col width="10px" />
<col width="300px" />
<col width="120" />
<tr><td bgcolor="lightgrey">&nbsp;</td><td><font size=+1>TNC & APRS igate</font></td><td align="right"><input type="submit" name="tnc" value="on"> <input type="submit" name="tnc" value="off"></font></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="lightgrey">&nbsp;</td><td><font size=+1>TNC & APRS igate (HF)</font></td><td align="right"><input type="submit" name="tnc300b" value="on"> <input type="submit" name="tnc300b" value="off"></font></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="lightgrey">&nbsp;</td><td><font size=+1>APRS Digipeater</font></td><td align="right"><input type="submit" name="digipeater" value="on"> <input type="submit" name="digipeater" value="off"></font></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="lightgrey">&nbsp;</td><td><font size=+1>Linux Node AX.25</font></td><td align="right"><input type="submit" name="node" value="on"> <input type="submit" name="node" value="off"></font></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="lightgrey">&nbsp;</td><td><font size=+1>Winlink Email Server</font></td><td align="right"><input type="submit" name="winlinkrms" value="on"> <input type="submit" name="winlinkrms" value="off"></font></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="lightgreen">&nbsp;</td><td><font size=+1>Pat Winlink Email Client</font></td><td align="right"><input type="submit" name="pat" value="on"> <input type="submit" name="pat" value="off"></font></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="lightgreen">&nbsp;</td><td><font size=+1>ARDOP Modem</font></td><td align="right"><input type="submit" name="ardop" value="on"> <input type="submit" name="ardop" value="off"></font></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="lightgreen">&nbsp;</td><td><font size=+1>Rig Control Daemon</font></td><td align="right"><input type="submit" name="rigctld" value="on"> <input type="submit" name="rigctld" value="off"></font></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="lightgrey">&nbsp;</td><td><font size=+1>WSJTX FT8</font></td><td align="right"><input type="submit" name="wsjtx" value="on"> <input type="submit" name="wsjtx" value="off"></font></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="lightgrey">&nbsp;</td><td><font size=+1>Slow Scan TV</font></td><td align="right"><input type="submit" name="sstv" value="on"> <input type="submit" name="sstv" value="off"></font></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="lightgrey">&nbsp;</td><td><font size=+1>FLDigi</font></td><td align="right"><input type="submit" name="fldigi" value="on"> <input type="submit" name="fldigi" value="off"></font></td></tr>
<h3> Winlink VHF gateway</h3>
<table width="400">
<col width="10px" />
<col width="300px" />
<col width="120" />
<tr><td bgcolor="lightgrey">&nbsp;</td><td><font size=+1>TNC & APRS igate</font></td><td align="right"><input type="submit" name="tnc" value="on"> <input type="submit" name="tnc" value="off"></font></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="lightgrey">&nbsp;</td><td><font size=+1>TNC & APRS igate (HF)</font></td><td align="right"><input type="submit" name="tnc300b" value="on"> <input type="submit" name="tnc300b" value="off"></font></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="lightgrey">&nbsp;</td><td><font size=+1>APRS Digipeater</font></td><td align="right"><input type="submit" name="digipeater" value="on"> <input type="submit" name="digipeater" value="off"></font></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="lightgrey">&nbsp;</td><td><font size=+1>Linux Node AX.25</font></td><td align="right"><input type="submit" name="node" value="on"> <input type="submit" name="node" value="off"></font></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="lightgreen">&nbsp;</td><td><font size=+1>Winlink Email Server</font></td><td align="right"><input type="submit" name="winlinkrms" value="on"> <input type="submit" name="winlinkrms" value="off"></font></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="lightgrey">&nbsp;</td><td><font size=+1>Pat Winlink Email Client</font></td><td align="right"><input type="submit" name="pat" value="on"> <input type="submit" name="pat" value="off"></font></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="lightgrey">&nbsp;</td><td><font size=+1>ARDOP Modem</font></td><td align="right"><input type="submit" name="ardop" value="on"> <input type="submit" name="ardop" value="off"></font></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="lightgrey">&nbsp;</td><td><font size=+1>Rig Control Daemon</font></td><td align="right"><input type="submit" name="rigctld" value="on"> <input type="submit" name="rigctld" value="off"></font></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="lightgrey">&nbsp;</td><td><font size=+1>WSJTX FT8</font></td><td align="right"><input type="submit" name="wsjtx" value="on"> <input type="submit" name="wsjtx" value="off"></font></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="lightgrey">&nbsp;</td><td><font size=+1>Slow Scan TV</font></td><td align="right"><input type="submit" name="sstv" value="on"> <input type="submit" name="sstv" value="off"></font></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="lightgrey">&nbsp;</td><td><font size=+1>FLDigi</font></td><td align="right"><input type="submit" name="fldigi" value="on"> <input type="submit" name="fldigi" value="off"></font></td></tr>
advertised on 145.730</br>
<li>HF APRS freq is 10.147.60 USB
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@ -0,0 +1,679 @@
<?php include 'header.php' ?>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<LINK href="styles/simple.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<title>DigiPi </title>
<body style="position: relative; height: 100%; width: 100%; overflow: hidden;">
<table width=400 >
<td width=10% bgcolor="lightgrey">
<font size=+3><strong>DigiPi</strong> </font>
<td width=10% bgcolor="lightgrey" >
<img align=right height=40px src="radio.png">
<form action="index.php" method="post">
$submit = "none";
if (isset($_POST["tnc"])) {
$submit = $_POST["tnc"];
if ( $submit == 'on' ) {
$output = shell_exec('sudo systemctl start tnc');
echo $output;
if ( $submit == 'off' ) {
$output = shell_exec('sudo systemctl stop tnc');
echo $output;
if (isset($_POST["digipeater"])) {
$submit = $_POST["digipeater"];
if ( $submit == 'on' ) {
$output = shell_exec('sudo systemctl start digipeater');
echo $output;
if ( $submit == 'off' ) {
$output = shell_exec('sudo systemctl stop digipeater');
echo $output;
if (isset($_POST["tnc300b"])) {
$submit = $_POST["tnc300b"];
if ( $submit == 'on' ) {
$output = shell_exec('sudo systemctl start tnc300b');
echo $output;
if ( $submit == 'off' ) {
$output = shell_exec('sudo systemctl stop tnc300b');
echo $output;
if (isset($_POST["winlinkrms"])) {
$submit = $_POST["winlinkrms"];
if ( $submit == 'on' ) {
$output = shell_exec('sudo systemctl start winlinkrms');
echo $output;
if ( $submit == 'off' ) {
$output = shell_exec('sudo systemctl stop winlinkrms');
echo $output;
if (isset($_POST["pat"])) {
$submit = $_POST["pat"];
if ( $submit == 'on' ) {
$output = shell_exec('sudo systemctl start pat');
echo $output;
if ( $submit == 'off' ) {
$output = shell_exec('sudo systemctl stop pat');
echo $output;
if (isset($_POST["ardop"])) {
$submit = $_POST["ardop"];
if ( $submit == 'on' ) {
$output = shell_exec('sudo systemctl start ardop');
echo $output;
if ( $submit == 'off' ) {
$output = shell_exec('sudo systemctl stop ardop');
echo $output;
if (isset($_POST["rigctld"])) {
$submit = $_POST["rigctld"];
if ( $submit == 'on' ) {
$output = shell_exec('sudo systemctl start rigctld');
echo $output;
if ( $submit == 'off' ) {
$output = shell_exec('sudo systemctl stop rigctld');
echo $output;
if (isset($_POST["node"])) {
$submit = $_POST["node"];
if ( $submit == 'on' ) {
$output = shell_exec('sudo systemctl start node');
echo $output;
if ( $submit == 'off' ) {
$output = shell_exec('sudo systemctl stop node');
echo $output;
if (isset($_POST["wsjtx"])) {
$submit = $_POST["wsjtx"];
if ( $submit == 'on' ) {
$output = shell_exec('sudo systemctl start wsjtx');
echo $output;
if ( $submit == 'off' ) {
$output = shell_exec('sudo systemctl stop wsjtx');
echo $output;
if (isset($_POST["fldigi"])) {
$submit = $_POST["fldigi"];
if ( $submit == 'on' ) {
$output = shell_exec('sudo systemctl start fldigi');
echo $output;
if ( $submit == 'off' ) {
$output = shell_exec('sudo systemctl stop fldigi');
echo $output;
if (isset($_POST["js8call"])) {
$submit = $_POST["js8call"];
if ( $submit == 'on' ) {
$output = shell_exec('sudo systemctl start js8call');
echo $output;
if ( $submit == 'off' ) {
$output = shell_exec('sudo systemctl stop js8call');
echo $output;
if (isset($_POST["sstv"])) {
$submit = $_POST["sstv"];
if ( $submit == 'on' ) {
$output = shell_exec('sudo systemctl start sstv');
echo $output;
if ( $submit == 'off' ) {
$output = shell_exec('sudo systemctl stop sstv');
echo $output;
<table width="400">
<col width="10px" />
<col width="300px" />
<col width="120" />
# give systemd a chance to settle down
#-- tnc -------------------------------------------
echo "<tr>";
$output = shell_exec('systemctl is-active tnc');
#$output = str_replace("failed", "inactive", $output);
$output = chop($output);
if ($output == "active")
echo '<td bgcolor="lightgreen">';
elseif ($output == "failed")
echo '<td bgcolor="red">';
echo '<td bgcolor="lightgrey">';
echo "&nbsp;";
echo "</td><td>";
echo "<font size=+1>TNC & APRS igate</font></td>";
echo '<td align="right" nowrap>';
echo '<input type="submit" name="tnc" value="on"> ';
echo '<input type="submit" name="tnc" value="off">';
echo "</font>";
echo "</td></tr>";
#-- tnc300b ----------------------------------------
echo "<tr>";
$output = shell_exec('systemctl is-active tnc300b');
#$output = str_replace("failed", "inactive", $output);
$output = chop($output);
if ($output == "active")
echo '<td bgcolor="lightgreen">';
elseif ($output == "failed")
echo '<td bgcolor="red">';
echo '<td bgcolor="lightgrey">';
echo "&nbsp;";
echo "</td><td>";
echo "<font size=+1>TNC & APRS igate (HF)</font></td>";
echo '<td align="right" nowrap>';
echo '<input type="submit" name="tnc300b" value="on"> ';
echo '<input type="submit" name="tnc300b" value="off">';
echo "</font>";
echo "</td></tr>";
#-- digipeater -------------------------------------
echo "<tr>";
$output = shell_exec('systemctl is-active digipeater');
#$output = str_replace("failed", "inactive", $output);
$output = chop($output);
if ($output == "active")
echo '<td bgcolor="lightgreen">';
elseif ($output == "failed")
echo '<td bgcolor="red">';
echo '<td bgcolor="lightgrey">';
echo "&nbsp;";
echo "</td><td>";
echo "<font size=+1>APRS Digipeater</font></td>";
echo '<td align="right" nowrap>';
echo '<input type="submit" name="digipeater" value="on"> ';
echo '<input type="submit" name="digipeater" value="off">';
echo "</font>";
echo "</td></tr>";
#-- Linux NODE AX.25 ------------------------------------
echo "<tr>";
$output = shell_exec('systemctl is-active node');
#$output = str_replace("failed", "inactive", $output);
$output = chop($output);
if ($output == "active")
echo '<td bgcolor="lightgreen">';
elseif ($output == "failed")
echo '<td bgcolor="red">';
echo '<td bgcolor="lightgrey">';
echo "&nbsp;";
echo "</td><td>";
echo "<font size=+1>Linux Node AX.25</font></td>";
echo '<td align="right" nowrap>';
echo '<input type="submit" name="node" value="on"> ';
echo '<input type="submit" name="node" value="off">';
echo "</font>";
echo "</td></tr>";
#-- Winlink Server -------------------------------------
echo "<tr>";
$output = shell_exec('systemctl is-active winlinkrms');
#$output = str_replace("failed", "inactive", $output);
$output = chop($output);
if ($output == "active")
echo '<td bgcolor="lightgreen">';
elseif ($output == "failed")
echo '<td bgcolor="red">';
echo '<td bgcolor="lightgrey">';
echo "&nbsp;";
echo "</td><td>";
echo "<font size=+1>Winlink Email Server</font></td>";
echo '<td align="right" nowrap>';
echo '<input type="submit" name="winlinkrms" value="on"> ';
echo '<input type="submit" name="winlinkrms" value="off">';
echo "</font>";
echo "</td></tr>";
#-- Pat Email Client -----------------------------------
echo "<tr>";
$output = shell_exec('systemctl is-active pat');
#$output = str_replace("failed", "inactive", $output);
$output = chop($output);
if ($output == "active")
echo '<td bgcolor="lightgreen">';
elseif ($output == "failed")
echo '<td bgcolor="red">';
echo '<td bgcolor="lightgrey">';
echo "&nbsp;";
echo "</td><td>";
echo "<font size=+1>Pat Winlink Email Client</font></td>";
echo '<td align="right" nowrap>';
echo '<input type="submit" name="pat" value="on"> ';
echo '<input type="submit" name="pat" value="off">';
echo "</font>";
echo "</td></tr>";
#-- ARDOP ---------------------------------------------
echo "<tr>";
$output = shell_exec('systemctl is-active ardop');
#$output = str_replace("failed", "inactive", $output);
$output = chop($output);
if ($output == "active")
echo '<td bgcolor="lightgreen">';
elseif ($output == "failed")
echo '<td bgcolor="red">';
echo '<td bgcolor="lightgrey">';
echo "&nbsp;";
echo "</td><td>";
echo "<font size=+1>ARDOP Modem</font></td>";
echo '<td align="right" nowrap>';
echo '<input type="submit" name="ardop" value="on"> ';
echo '<input type="submit" name="ardop" value="off">';
echo "</font>";
echo "</td></tr>";
#-- RIGCTLD ---------------------------------------------
echo "<tr>";
$output = shell_exec('systemctl is-active rigctld');
#$output = str_replace("failed", "inactive", $output);
$output = chop($output);
if ($output == "active")
echo '<td bgcolor="lightgreen">';
elseif ($output == "failed")
echo '<td bgcolor="red">';
echo '<td bgcolor="lightgrey">';
echo "&nbsp;";
echo "</td><td>";
echo "<font size=+1>Rig Control Daemon</font></td>";
echo '<td align="right" nowrap>';
echo '<input type="submit" name="rigctld" value="on"> ';
echo '<input type="submit" name="rigctld" value="off">';
echo "</font>";
echo "</td></tr>";
#-- WSJTX FT8 -------------------------------------------
echo "<tr>";
$output = shell_exec('systemctl is-active wsjtx');
#$output = str_replace("failed", "inactive", $output);
$output = chop($output);
if ($output == "active")
echo '<td bgcolor="lightgreen">';
elseif ($output == "failed")
echo '<td bgcolor="lightgreen">';
echo '<td bgcolor="lightgrey">';
echo "&nbsp;";
echo "</td><td>";
echo "<font size=+1>WSJTX FT8</font></td>";
echo '<td align="right" nowrap>';
echo '<input type="submit" name="wsjtx" value="on"> ';
echo '<input type="submit" name="wsjtx" value="off">';
echo "</font>";
echo "</td></tr>";
#-- SSTV --------------------------------------------------
echo "<tr>";
$output = shell_exec('systemctl is-active sstv');
#$output = str_replace("failed", "inactive", $output);
$output = chop($output);
if ($output == "active")
echo '<td bgcolor="lightgreen">';
elseif ($output == "failed")
echo '<td bgcolor="lightgreen">';
echo '<td bgcolor="lightgrey">';
echo "&nbsp;";
echo "</td><td>";
echo "<font size=+1>Slow Scan TV</font></td>";
echo '<td align="right" nowrap>';
echo '<input type="submit" name="sstv" value="on"> ';
echo '<input type="submit" name="sstv" value="off">';
echo "</font>";
echo "</td></tr>";
#-- FLDIGI --------------------------------------------------
echo "<tr>";
$output = shell_exec('systemctl is-active fldigi');
#$output = str_replace("failed", "inactive", $output);
$output = chop($output);
if ($output == "active")
echo '<td bgcolor="lightgreen">';
elseif ($output == "failed")
echo '<td bgcolor="lightgreen">';
echo '<td bgcolor="lightgrey">';
echo "&nbsp;";
echo "</td><td>";
echo "<font size=+1>FLDigi</font></td>";
echo '<td align="right" nowrap>';
echo '<input type="submit" name="fldigi" value="on"> ';
echo '<input type="submit" name="fldigi" value="off">';
echo "</font>";
echo "</td></tr>";
#-- JS8CALL -------------------------------------------------
echo "<tr>";
$output = shell_exec('systemctl is-active js8call');
#$output = str_replace("failed", "inactive", $output);
$output = chop($output);
if ($output == "active")
echo '<td bgcolor="lightgreen">';
elseif ($output == "failed")
echo '<td bgcolor="lightgreen">';
echo '<td bgcolor="lightgrey">';
echo "&nbsp;";
echo "</td><td>";
echo "<font size=+1>JS8Call</font></td>";
echo '<td align="right" nowrap>';
echo '<input type="submit" name="js8call" value="on"> ';
echo '<input type="submit" name="js8call" value="off">';
echo "</font>";
echo "</td></tr>";
#craiger systemd thinks a sigkill is a failure, so reset failed service status
#This will turn red/failed service into grey/stopped
$output = shell_exec('sudo systemctl reset-failed fldigi 2> /dev/null');
$output = shell_exec('sudo systemctl reset-failed sstv 2> /dev/null');
$output = shell_exec('sudo systemctl reset-failed wsjtx 2> /dev/null');
$output = shell_exec('sudo systemctl reset-failed ardop 2> /dev/null');
$output = shell_exec('sudo systemctl reset-failed tnc300b 2> /dev/null');
$output = shell_exec('sudo systemctl reset-failed digipeater 2> /dev/null');
$output = shell_exec('sudo systemctl reset-failed tnc 2> /dev/null');
$output = shell_exec('sudo systemctl reset-failed node 2> /dev/null');
$output = shell_exec('sudo systemctl reset-failed winlinkrms 2> /dev/null');
$output = shell_exec('sudo systemctl reset-failed pat 2> /dev/null');
$output = shell_exec('sudo systemctl reset-failed js8call 2> /dev/null');
<!--<table cellpadding="4" bgcolor="#dddddd" border="1" style="border-width:1px;border-color:black; border-collapse:collapse;" > -->
<td width="100px">
<script language="JavaScript">
document.write('<a href="' + window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.hostname + ':8080' + '" target="new" title="Pat Email Client"><strong>PatEmail</strong></a> ' );
<td width="100px">
<a href="axcall.php" target="new" title="Connect to radio/BBS"><strong>AXCall</strong></a>
<td width="100px">
<a href="/js8" target="js8" title="Display JS8Call screen"><strong>JS8Call</strong></a>
<a href="/ft8" target="ft8" title="Dispaly FT8 screen"><strong>WSJTX FT8</strong>
<a href="/tv" target="tv" title="Dispaly SSTV screen"><strong>SSTV</strong>
<a href="/fld" target="fld" title="Display FLDigi screen"><strong>FLDigi</strong></a>
<a href="/wifi.php" title="Setup Wifi connection"><strong>Wifi</strong></a>
<a href=/shell.php target="shell" title="Command prompt"><strong>Shell</strong></a>
<a href=/log.php title="Direwolf Log" target="log"><strong>PktLog</strong></a>
<td >
<a href=/syslog.php title="System log file" target="syslog"><strong>SysLog</strong></a>
<td >
<a href=/index.php><strong>Refresh</strong></a>
<td colspan="1">
<a href=/help.php><strong>Help</strong></a>
if (!file_exists("/var/cache/digipi/localized.txt")) {
echo '<tr><td colspan=3><a href="/setup.php" title="REQUIRED! Enter your callsign and other local information" " target="setup"><font color="green"><strong>Initialize</strong></font></a> </td></tr>';
<input type="submit" name="reboot" value="Reboot">
<input type="submit" name="shutdown" value="Shutdown">
<input title="Write current application configurations (ft8, js8call, etc) to SD card" type="submit" name="save" value="Save Configs">
<small>1.6-2 KM6LYW ©2022</small>
if (isset($_POST["reboot"])) {
$submit = $_POST["reboot"];
if ( $submit == 'Reboot' ) {
echo "<br/><br/><strong><font color=red>Restarting DigiPi...</font></strong><br/> ";
# if (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'])) {
# }
# else {
# $IP = "";
# }
$output = shell_exec("sudo killall direwatch.py");
$output = shell_exec("sudo /home/pi/digibanner.py -b DigiPi -s Rebooting...");
$output = shell_exec("sudo /sbin/shutdown -r 0");
echo $output;
if (isset($_POST["shutdown"])) {
$submit = $_POST["shutdown"];
if ( $submit == 'Shutdown' ) {
echo "<br/><br/><strong><font color=red>Shutting down DigiPi...</font></strong><br/> ";
$output = shell_exec("sudo killall direwatch.py");
$output = shell_exec("sudo /home/pi/digibanner.py -b Digipi -s Shutdown...");
$output = shell_exec("sudo /sbin/shutdown -h 0");
echo $output;
if (isset($_POST["save"])) {
$submit = $_POST["save"];
if ( $submit == 'Save Configs' ) {
echo "<br/><br/><strong><font color=red>Saving configuration...</font></strong><br/> ";
$output = shell_exec("sudo -i -u pi /home/pi/saveconfigs.sh");
#echo $output;
echo "<br/><br/><strong><font color=red>Please reboot or shutdown gracefully.</font></strong><br/> ";
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="/dot"><font size="+3" color="#eeeeee">.</font></a>

Wyświetl plik

@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<title>DigiPi </title>
<body style="position: relative; height: 100%; width: 100%; overflow: hidden;">
<font face="sans">
<table width=100% bgcolor=#eeeeee>
<td width=10%>
<font size=+3><strong>DigiPi&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</strong> </font>
<td width=10% >
<img height=50px src="radio.jpg">
<form action="index.php" method="post">
<font size=+2>TNC 1200baud/VHF</font>
<input type="submit" name="tnc" value="on">
<input type="submit" name="tnc" value="off">
<font size=+2>APRS Digipeater</font>
<input type="submit" name="aprs" value="on">
<input type="submit" name="aprs" value="off">
<font size=+2>TNC 300baud/HF</font>
<input type="submit" name="tnc300b" value="on">
<input type="submit" name="tnc300b" value="off">
<font size=+2>VHF Winlink Gateway </font>
<input type="submit" name="winlinkrms" value="on">
<input type="submit" name="winlinkrms" value="off">
<font size=+2>Pat Winlink Client </font>
<input type="submit" name="pat" value="on">
<input type="submit" name="pat" value="off">
<font size=+2>ARDOP Modem </font>
<input type="submit" name="ardop" value="on">
<input type="submit" name="ardop" value="off">
<font size=+2>Rig Control Daemon &nbsp; </font>
<input type="submit" name="rigctld" value="on">
<input type="submit" name="rigctld" value="off">
<font size=+2>AX.25 Networking </font>
<input type="submit" name="ax25" value="on">
<input type="submit" name="ax25" value="off">
$submit = "none";
if (isset($_POST["tnc"])) {
$submit = $_POST["tnc"];
if ( $submit == 'on' ) {
$output = shell_exec('sudo service digipeater stop');
$output = shell_exec('sudo service winlinkrms stop');
$output = shell_exec('sudo service tnc start');
echo $output;
if ( $submit == 'off' ) {
$output = shell_exec('sudo service tnc stop');
echo $output;
if (isset($_POST["aprs"])) {
$submit = $_POST["aprs"];
if ( $submit == 'on' ) {
$output = shell_exec('sudo service tnc stop');
$output = shell_exec('sudo service winlinkrms stop');
$output = shell_exec('sudo service digipeater start');
echo $output;
if ( $submit == 'off' ) {
$output = shell_exec('sudo service digipeater stop');
echo $output;
if (isset($_POST["tnc300b"])) {
$submit = $_POST["tnc300b"];
if ( $submit == 'on' ) {
$output = shell_exec('sudo service tnc stop');
$output = shell_exec('sudo service winlinkrms stop');
$output = shell_exec('sudo service tnc300b start');
echo $output;
if ( $submit == 'off' ) {
$output = shell_exec('sudo service tnc300b stop');
echo $output;
if (isset($_POST["winlinkrms"])) {
$submit = $_POST["winlinkrms"];
if ( $submit == 'on' ) {
$output = shell_exec('sudo service digipeater stop');
$output = shell_exec('sudo service tnc stop');
$output = shell_exec('sudo service winlinkrms start');
echo $output;
if ( $submit == 'off' ) {
$output = shell_exec('sudo service winlinkrms stop');
echo $output;
if (isset($_POST["pat"])) {
$submit = $_POST["pat"];
if ( $submit == 'on' ) {
$output = shell_exec('sudo service pat start');
echo $output;
if ( $submit == 'off' ) {
$output = shell_exec('sudo service pat stop');
echo $output;
if (isset($_POST["ardop"])) {
$submit = $_POST["ardop"];
if ( $submit == 'on' ) {
$output = shell_exec('sudo service winlinkrms stop');
$output = shell_exec('sudo service ardop start');
echo $output;
if ( $submit == 'off' ) {
$output = shell_exec('sudo service ardop stop');
echo $output;
if (isset($_POST["rigctld"])) {
$submit = $_POST["rigctld"];
if ( $submit == 'on' ) {
$output = shell_exec('sudo service rigctld start');
echo $output;
if ( $submit == 'off' ) {
$output = shell_exec('sudo service rigctld stop');
echo $output;
<h3> System status:</h3>
<table bgcolor=#eeeeee>
echo "<tr><td>";
$output = shell_exec('systemctl is-active tnc');
echo "TNC 1200baud/VHF</td><td> <strong>$output</strong> </td></tr>";
echo "<tr><td>";
$output = shell_exec('systemctl is-active digipeater');
echo "APRS Digipeater</td><td> <strong>$output</strong> </td></tr>";
echo "<tr><td>";
$output = shell_exec('systemctl is-active tnc300b');
echo "TNC 300b/HF</td><td> <strong>$output</strong> </td></tr>";
echo "<tr><td>";
$output = shell_exec('systemctl is-active winlinkrms');
echo "VHF Winlink Gateway </td><td> <strong>$output</strong> </td></tr>";
echo "<tr><td>";
$output = shell_exec('systemctl is-active pat');
echo "Pat client </td><td> <strong>$output</strong> </td></tr>";
echo "<tr><td>";
$output = shell_exec('systemctl is-active ardop');
echo "ARDOP modem </td><td> <strong>$output</strong> </td></tr>";
echo "<tr><td>";
$output = shell_exec('systemctl is-active rigctld');
echo "Rig control daemon &nbsp;&nbsp; </td><td> <strong>$output</strong> </td></tr>";
<a href=/index.php><strong>Refresh</strong></a>
<script language="JavaScript">
document.write('<a href="' + window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.hostname + ':8080' + '" target="new"><strong>Pat Client</strong></a> ' );
<a href=/help.html><strong>Help</strong></a>

Wyświetl plik

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv = "refresh" content = "2; url = http://<?php echo $IP;?>:6080/vnc.html?host=<?php echo $IP;?>&port=6080&password=test11&autoconnect=true" />
<title>DigiPi JS8Call redirect</title>
<p>Please wait, JS8Call starting up...
<a href="http://<?php echo $IP;?>:6080/vnc.html?host=<?php echo $IP;?>&port=6080&password=test11&autoconnect=true">Click here to redirect now</a>
<script language="JavaScript">
function sleep(milliseconds) {
const date = Date.now();
let currentDate = null;
do {
currentDate = Date.now();
} while (currentDate - date < milliseconds);
window.location.replace(window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.hostname + ':6080/vnc.html?host=digipi&port=6080&password=test11&autoconnect=true');

Plik binarny nie jest wyświetlany.


Szerokość:  |  Wysokość:  |  Rozmiar: 18 KiB

Wyświetl plik

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<title>DigiPi </title>
<body style="position: relative; height: 100%; width: 100%; overflow: hidden;">
<font face="sans">
exec("/usr/local/bin/ttyd -p 7682 -t fontSize=20 -o -s SIGTERM tail -f /run/direwolf.log > /dev/null 2> /dev/null &" );
# exec("/usr/local/bin/ttyd -t font=Arial -t fontSize=20 -o -s SIGTERM tail -f /run/direwolf.log > /dev/null 2> /dev/null &" );
echo "Opening direwolf log...";
echo "<script> window.location.href = \"http://$IP:7682/\" </script>";

Plik binarny nie jest wyświetlany.


Szerokość:  |  Wysokość:  |  Rozmiar: 11 KiB

Plik binarny nie jest wyświetlany.


Szerokość:  |  Wysokość:  |  Rozmiar: 18 KiB

Wyświetl plik

@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
Rig # Mfg Model Version Status Macro
1 Hamlib Dummy 20200606.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_DUMMY
2 Hamlib NET rigctl 20210108.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_NETRIGCTL
4 FLRig FLRig 20201217.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_FLRIG
5 TRXManager 5.7.630+ 20200329.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_TRXMANAGER_RIG
6 Hamlib Dummy No VFO 20200606.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_DUMMY_NOVFO
1001 Yaesu FT-847 20200509.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_FT847
1003 Yaesu FT-1000D 20201009.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_FT1000D
1004 Yaesu MARK-V FT-1000MP 20200731.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_FT1000MPMKV
1005 Yaesu FT-747GX 20200323.0 Beta RIG_MODEL_FT747
1006 Yaesu FT-757GX 20200325.0 Beta RIG_MODEL_FT757
1007 Yaesu FT-757GXII 20200325.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_FT757GXII
1009 Yaesu FT-767GX 20200325.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_FT767
1010 Yaesu FT-736R 20200113.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_FT736R
1011 Yaesu FT-840 20200323.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_FT840
1013 Yaesu FT-900 20200323.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_FT900
1014 Yaesu FT-920 20100823.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_FT920
1015 Yaesu FT-890 20200323.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_FT890
1016 Yaesu FT-990 20201009.0 Alpha RIG_MODEL_FT990
1017 Yaesu FRG-100 20160409.0 Beta RIG_MODEL_FRG100
1018 Yaesu FRG-9600 20160409.0 Untested RIG_MODEL_FRG9600
1019 Yaesu FRG-8800 20160409.0 Untested RIG_MODEL_FRG8800
1020 Yaesu FT-817 20201015.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_FT817
1021 Yaesu FT-100 20201009.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_FT100
1022 Yaesu FT-857 20201215.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_FT857
1023 Yaesu FT-897 20201215.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_FT897
1024 Yaesu FT-1000MP 20200731.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_FT1000MP
1025 Yaesu MARK-V Field FT-1000MP 20200731.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_FT1000MPMKVFLD
1026 Yaesu VR-5000 20200505.0 Alpha RIG_MODEL_VR5000
1027 Yaesu FT-450 20201222.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_FT450
1028 Yaesu FT-950 20201222.1 Stable RIG_MODEL_FT950
1029 Yaesu FT-2000 20201222.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_FT2000
1030 Yaesu FTDX-9000 20201222.0 Untested RIG_MODEL_FT9000
1031 Yaesu FT-980 20200114.0 Alpha RIG_MODEL_FT980
1032 Yaesu FTDX 5000 20201222.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_FTDX5000
1033 Vertex Standard VX-1700 20200320.0 Alpha RIG_MODEL_VX1700
1034 Yaesu FTDX 1200 20201222.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_FTDX1200
1035 Yaesu FT-991 20201222.2 Stable RIG_MODEL_FT991
1036 Yaesu FT-891 20201222.3 Stable RIG_MODEL_FT891
1037 Yaesu FTDX 3000 20201222.2 Stable RIG_MODEL_FTDX3000
1038 Yaesu FT-847UNI 20200509.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_FT847UNI
1039 Yaesu FT-600 20201009.0 Beta RIG_MODEL_FT600
1040 Yaesu FTDX101D 20201222.7 Stable RIG_MODEL_FTDX101D
1041 Yaesu FT-818 20200710.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_FT818
2001 Kenwood TS-50S 20201214.0 Alpha RIG_MODEL_TS50
2002 Kenwood TS-440S 20200407.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_TS440
2003 Kenwood TS-450S 20201214.0 Beta RIG_MODEL_TS450S
2004 Kenwood TS-570D 20201214.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_TS570D
2005 Kenwood TS-690S 20201214.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_TS690S
2006 Kenwood TS-711 20201214.0 Untested RIG_MODEL_TS711
2007 Kenwood TS-790 20201214.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_TS790
2008 Kenwood TS-811 20201214.0 Untested RIG_MODEL_TS811
2009 Kenwood TS-850 20201214.0 Beta RIG_MODEL_TS850
2010 Kenwood TS-870S 20201214.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_TS870S
2011 Kenwood TS-940S 20201214.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_TS940
2012 Kenwood TS-950S 20201214.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_TS950S
2013 Kenwood TS-950SDX 20201214.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_TS950SDX
2014 Kenwood TS-2000 20201214.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_TS2000
2015 Kenwood R-5000 20200407.0 Alpha RIG_MODEL_R5000
2016 Kenwood TS-570S 20201214.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_TS570S
2017 Kenwood TH-D7A 20200701.0 Beta RIG_MODEL_THD7A
2019 Kenwood TH-F6A 20200701.0 Beta RIG_MODEL_THF6A
2020 Kenwood TH-F7E 20200701.0 Beta RIG_MODEL_THF7E
2021 Elecraft K2 20201214.0 Beta RIG_MODEL_K2
2022 Kenwood TS-930 20201214.0 Untested RIG_MODEL_TS930
2023 Kenwood TH-G71 20200701.0 Beta RIG_MODEL_THG71
2024 Kenwood TS-680S 20201214.0 Beta RIG_MODEL_TS680S
2025 Kenwood TS-140S 20201214.0 Beta RIG_MODEL_TS140S
2026 Kenwood TM-D700 20200701.0 Beta RIG_MODEL_TMD700
2027 Kenwood TM-V7 20200701.0 Beta RIG_MODEL_TMV7
2028 Kenwood TS-480 20201214.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_TS480
2029 Elecraft K3 20201214.2 Stable RIG_MODEL_K3
2030 Kenwood TRC-80 20201214.0 Alpha RIG_MODEL_TRC80
2031 Kenwood TS-590S 20201214.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_TS590S
2032 SigFox Transfox 20111223.0 Alpha RIG_MODEL_TRANSFOX
2033 Kenwood TH-D72A 20200701.0 Beta RIG_MODEL_THD72A
2034 Kenwood TM-D710(G) 20201214.0 Beta RIG_MODEL_TMD710
2036 FlexRadio 6xxx 20201217.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_F6K
2037 Kenwood TS-590SG 20201214.0 Beta RIG_MODEL_TS590SG
2038 Elecraft XG3 20200613.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_XG3
2039 Kenwood TS-990s 20201214.0 Beta RIG_MODEL_TS990S
2040 OpenHPSDR PiHPSDR 20201214.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_HPSDR
2041 Kenwood TS-890S 20201214.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_TS890S
2042 Kenwood TH-D74 20201214.0 Alpha RIG_MODEL_THD74
2043 Elecraft K3S 20201214.2 Stable RIG_MODEL_K3S
2044 Elecraft KX2 20201214.2 Beta RIG_MODEL_KX2
2045 Elecraft KX3 20201214.2 Beta RIG_MODEL_KX3
2046 Hilberling PT-8000A 20201214.0 Beta RIG_MODEL_PT8000A
2047 Elecraft K4 20201214.2 Alpha RIG_MODEL_K4
2048 FlexRadio/ANAN PowerSDR/Thetis 2020161217 Stable RIG_MODEL_POWERSDR
3002 Icom IC-1275 20210107.0 Beta RIG_MODEL_IC1275
3003 Icom IC-271 20210107.0 Untested RIG_MODEL_IC271
3004 Icom IC-275 20210107.0 Beta RIG_MODEL_IC275
3006 Icom IC-471 20210107.0 Untested RIG_MODEL_IC471
3007 Icom IC-475 20210107.0 Beta RIG_MODEL_IC475
3009 Icom IC-706 20210107.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_IC706
3010 Icom IC-706MkII 20210107.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_IC706MKII
3011 Icom IC-706MkIIG 20210107.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_IC706MKIIG
3012 Icom IC-707 20210107.0 Untested RIG_MODEL_IC707
3013 Icom IC-718 20210107.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_IC718
3014 Icom IC-725 20210107.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_IC725
3015 Icom IC-726 20210107.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_IC726
3016 Icom IC-728 20210107.0 Untested RIG_MODEL_IC728
3017 Icom IC-729 20210107.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_IC729
3019 Icom IC-735 20210107.0 Beta RIG_MODEL_IC735
3020 Icom IC-736 20210107.0 Untested RIG_MODEL_IC736
3021 Icom IC-737 20210107.0 Untested RIG_MODEL_IC737
3022 Icom IC-738 20210107.0 Untested RIG_MODEL_IC738
3023 Icom IC-746 20210107.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_IC746
3024 Icom IC-751 20210107.0 Beta RIG_MODEL_IC751
3026 Icom IC-756 20210107.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_IC756
3027 Icom IC-756PRO 20210107.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_IC756PRO
3028 Icom IC-761 20210107.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_IC761
3029 Icom IC-765 20210107.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_IC765
3030 Icom IC-775 20210107.0 Untested RIG_MODEL_IC775
3031 Icom IC-781 20210107.0 Untested RIG_MODEL_IC781
3032 Icom IC-820H 20210107.0 Alpha RIG_MODEL_IC820
3034 Icom IC-821H 20210107.0 Beta RIG_MODEL_IC821H
3035 Icom IC-970 20210107.0 Untested RIG_MODEL_IC970
3036 Icom IC-R10 20210107.0 Beta RIG_MODEL_ICR10
3037 Icom IC-R71 20210107.0 Untested RIG_MODEL_ICR71
3038 Icom IC-R72 20210107.0 Untested RIG_MODEL_ICR72
3039 Icom IC-R75 20210107.0 Beta RIG_MODEL_ICR75
3040 Icom IC-R7000 20210107.0 Alpha RIG_MODEL_ICR7000
3041 Icom IC-R7100 20210107.0 Untested RIG_MODEL_ICR7100
3042 Icom ICR-8500 20210107.0 Beta RIG_MODEL_ICR8500
3043 Icom IC-R9000 20210107.0 Alpha RIG_MODEL_ICR9000
3044 Icom IC-910 20210107.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_IC910
3045 Icom IC-78 20210107.0 Untested RIG_MODEL_IC78
3046 Icom IC-746PRO 20210107.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_IC746PRO
3047 Icom IC-756PROII 20210107.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_IC756PROII
3051 Ten-Tec Omni VI Plus 20210107.0 Beta RIG_MODEL_OMNIVIP
3052 Optoelectronics OptoScan535 20210107.0 Beta RIG_MODEL_OS535
3053 Optoelectronics OptoScan456 20210107.0 Beta RIG_MODEL_OS456
3054 Icom IC ID-1 20210107.0 Untested RIG_MODEL_ICID1
3055 Icom IC-703 20210107.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_IC703
3056 Icom IC-7800 20210107.0 Untested RIG_MODEL_IC7800
3057 Icom IC-756PROIII 20210107.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_IC756PROIII
3058 Icom IC-R20 20210107.0 Beta RIG_MODEL_ICR20
3060 Icom IC-7000 20210107.1 Stable RIG_MODEL_IC7000
3061 Icom IC-7200 20210107.0 Beta RIG_MODEL_IC7200
3062 Icom IC-7700 20210107.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_IC7700
3063 Icom IC-7600 20210107.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_IC7600
3064 Ten-Tec Delta II 20210107.0 Untested RIG_MODEL_DELTAII
3065 Icom IC-92D 20210107.0 Untested RIG_MODEL_IC92D
3066 Icom IC-R9500 20210107.0 Beta RIG_MODEL_ICR9500
3067 Icom IC-7410 20210107.0 Untested RIG_MODEL_IC7410
3068 Icom IC-9100 20210107.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_IC9100
3069 Icom IC-RX7 20210107.0 Untested RIG_MODEL_ICRX7
3070 Icom IC-7100 20210107.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_IC7100
3071 Icom ID-5100 20210107.0 Untested RIG_MODEL_ID5100
3072 Icom IC-2730 20210107.0 Untested RIG_MODEL_IC2730
3073 Icom IC-7300 20210107.1 Stable RIG_MODEL_IC7300
3074 Microtelecom Perseus 20210107.0 Alpha RIG_MODEL_PERSEUS
3075 Icom IC-785x 20210107.0 Beta RIG_MODEL_IC785x
3076 Xeigu X108G 20210107.0 Alpha RIG_MODEL_X108G
3077 Icom IC-R6 20210107.0 Beta RIG_MODEL_ICR6
3078 Icom IC-7610 20210107.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_IC7610
3079 Icom IC-R8600 20210107.0 Alpha RIG_MODEL_ICR8600
3080 Icom IC-R30 20210107.0 Alpha RIG_MODEL_ICR30
3081 Icom IC-9700 20210107.1 Stable RIG_MODEL_IC9700
3082 Icom ID-4100 20210107.0 Untested RIG_MODEL_ID4100
3083 Icom ID-31 20210107.0 Untested RIG_MODEL_ID31
3084 Icom ID-51 20210107.0 Untested RIG_MODEL_ID51
3085 Icom IC-705 20210107.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_IC705
4001 Icom IC-PCR1000 20200323.0 Beta RIG_MODEL_PCR1000
4002 Icom IC-PCR100 20200323.0 Beta RIG_MODEL_PCR100
4003 Icom IC-PCR1500 20200323.0 Beta RIG_MODEL_PCR1500
4004 Icom IC-PCR2500 20200323.0 Beta RIG_MODEL_PCR2500
5001 AOR AR8200 20200404.0 Alpha RIG_MODEL_AR8200
5002 AOR AR8000 20200404.0 Beta RIG_MODEL_AR8000
5003 AOR AR7030 20200324.0 Beta RIG_MODEL_AR7030
5004 AOR AR5000 20200404.0 Beta RIG_MODEL_AR5000
5005 AOR AR3030 20200113.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_AR3030
5006 AOR AR3000A 20061007.0 Beta RIG_MODEL_AR3000A
5008 AOR AR2700 20200404.0 Untested RIG_MODEL_AR2700
5013 AOR AR8600 20200404.0 Beta RIG_MODEL_AR8600
5014 AOR AR5000A 20200404.0 Alpha RIG_MODEL_AR5000A
5015 AOR AR7030 Plus 20200319.0 Beta RIG_MODEL_AR7030P
5016 AOR SR2200 20200404.0 Beta RIG_MODEL_SR2200
6005 JRC NRD-525 20200320.0 Alpha RIG_MODEL_NRD525
6006 JRC NRD-535D 20200320.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_NRD535
6007 JRC NRD-545 DSP 20200320.0 Beta RIG_MODEL_NRD545
8001 Uniden BC780xlt 20200621.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_BC780
8002 Uniden BC245xlt 20200621.0 Untested RIG_MODEL_BC245
8003 Uniden BC895xlt 20200621.0 Untested RIG_MODEL_BC895
8004 Radio Shack PRO-2052 20200621.0 Untested RIG_MODEL_PRO2052
8006 Uniden BC250D 20200621.0 Untested RIG_MODEL_BC250
8010 Uniden BCD-396T 20170808.0 Alpha RIG_MODEL_BCD396T
8011 Uniden BCD-996T 20170808.0 Alpha RIG_MODEL_BCD996T
8012 Uniden BC898T 20200621.0 Untested RIG_MODEL_BC898
9002 Drake R-8A 20200319.0 Beta RIG_MODEL_DKR8A
9003 Drake R-8B 20200319.0 Untested RIG_MODEL_DKR8B
10004 Lowe HF-235 20200112.0 Alpha RIG_MODEL_HF235
11003 Racal RA6790/GM 20200113.0 Untested RIG_MODEL_RA6790
11005 Racal RA3702 20200114.0 Alpha RIG_MODEL_RA3702
12004 Watkins-Johnson WJ-8888 20040912.0 Untested RIG_MODEL_WJ8888
14002 Skanti TRP8000 20191208.0 Untested RIG_MODEL_TRP8000
14004 Skanti TRP 8255 S R 20200323.0 Untested RIG_MODEL_TRP8255
15001 Winradio WR-1000 20110822.0 Untested RIG_MODEL_WR1000
15002 Winradio WR-1500 20110822.0 Untested RIG_MODEL_WR1500
15003 Winradio WR-1550 20110822.0 Untested RIG_MODEL_WR1550
15004 Winradio WR-3100 20110822.0 Untested RIG_MODEL_WR3100
15005 Winradio WR-3150 20110822.0 Untested RIG_MODEL_WR3150
15006 Winradio WR-3500 20110822.0 Untested RIG_MODEL_WR3500
15007 Winradio WR-3700 20110822.0 Untested RIG_MODEL_WR3700
15009 Winradio WR-G313 20191224.0 Alpha RIG_MODEL_G313
16001 Ten-Tec TT-550 20190817.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_TT550
16002 Ten-Tec TT-538 Jupiter 20191209.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_TT538
16003 Ten-Tec RX-320 20200113.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_RX320
16004 Ten-Tec RX-340 20160409.0 Untested RIG_MODEL_RX340
16005 Ten-Tec RX-350 20191208.0 Untested RIG_MODEL_RX350
16007 Ten-Tec TT-516 Argonaut V 20191208.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_TT516
16008 Ten-Tec TT-565 Orion 20200324.0 Beta RIG_MODEL_TT565
16009 Ten-Tec TT-585 Paragon 20200305.0 Beta RIG_MODEL_TT585
16011 Ten-Tec TT-588 Omni VII 20200113.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_TT588
16012 Ten-Tec RX-331 20200323.0 Beta RIG_MODEL_RX331
16013 Ten-Tec TT-599 Eagle 20200324.0 Untested RIG_MODEL_TT599
17001 Alinco DX-77 20200323.0 Beta RIG_MODEL_DX77
17002 Alinco DX-SR8 20200323.0 Beta RIG_MODEL_DXSR8
18001 Kachina 505DSP 20061007.0 Alpha RIG_MODEL_505DSP
22001 TAPR DSP-10 20061007.0 Alpha RIG_MODEL_DSP10
23001 Flex-radio SDR-1000 20200323.0 Untested RIG_MODEL_SDR1000
23003 DTTS Microwave Society DttSP IPC 20200319.0 Alpha RIG_MODEL_DTTSP
23004 DTTS Microwave Society DttSP UDP 20200319.0 Alpha RIG_MODEL_DTTSP_UDP
24001 RFT EKD-500 20031007.0 Alpha RIG_MODEL_EKD500
25001 Elektor Elektor 3/04 20200112.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_ELEKTOR304
25002 SAT-Schneider DRT1 20200112.0 Beta RIG_MODEL_DRT1
25003 Coding Technologies Digital World Traveller 20200112.0 Untested RIG_MODEL_DWT
25006 AmQRP DDS-60 20200112.0 Alpha RIG_MODEL_DDS60
25007 Elektor Elektor SDR-USB 20200112.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_ELEKTOR507
25008 mRS miniVNA 20190817.0 Alpha RIG_MODEL_MINIVNA
25009 SoftRock Si570 AVR-USB 20200112.0 Beta RIG_MODEL_SI570AVRUSB
25011 KTH-SDR kit Si570 PIC-USB 20200112.0 Beta RIG_MODEL_SI570PICUSB
25012 FiFi FiFi-SDR 20200112.0 Beta RIG_MODEL_FIFISDR
25013 AMSAT-UK FUNcube Dongle 20200112.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_FUNCUBEDONGLE
25014 N2ADR HiQSDR 20200323.0 Untested RIG_MODEL_HIQSDR
25015 Funkamateur FA-SDR 20200112.0 Alpha RIG_MODEL_FASDR
25016 AE9RB Si570 Peaberry V1 20200112.0 Beta RIG_MODEL_SI570PEABERRY1
25017 AE9RB Si570 Peaberry V2 20200112.0 Beta RIG_MODEL_SI570PEABERRY2
25018 AMSAT-UK FUNcube Dongle Pro+ 20200112.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_FUNCUBEDONGLEPLUS
25019 HobbyPCB RS-HFIQ 20191209.0 Beta RIG_MODEL_RSHFIQ
26001 Video4Linux SW/FM radio 20120107.0 Beta RIG_MODEL_V4L
26002 Video4Linux2 SW/FM radio 20191223.0 Alpha RIG_MODEL_V4L2
27001 Rohde&Schwarz ESMC 20090803.0 Alpha RIG_MODEL_ESMC
27002 Rohde&Schwarz EB200 20090803.0 Untested RIG_MODEL_EB200
27003 Rohde&Schwarz XK2100 20180307.0 Beta RIG_MODEL_XK2100
28001 Philips/Simoco PRM8060 20101027.0 Alpha RIG_MODEL_PRM8060
29001 ADAT www.adat.ch ADT-200A 20191206.0 Beta RIG_MODEL_ADT_200A
30001 Icom IC-M700PRO 20181007.0 Alpha RIG_MODEL_IC_M700PRO
30002 Icom IC-M802 20181007.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_IC_M802
30003 Icom IC-M710 20181007.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_IC_M710
30004 Icom IC-M803 20181007.0 Stable RIG_MODEL_IC_M803
31001 Dorji DRA818V 20191209.0 Untested RIG_MODEL_DORJI_DRA818V
31002 Dorji DRA818U 20191209.0 Untested RIG_MODEL_DORJI_DRA818U
32001 Barrett 2050 20181111.0 Beta RIG_MODEL_BARRETT_2050
33001 ELAD FDM-DUO 20200117.0 Untested RIG_MODEL_ELAD_FDM_DUO

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<title>DigiPi </title>
<body style="position: relative; height: 100%; width: 100%; overflow: hidden;">
<table width=600>
<td align="left" width=10% bgcolor="lightgrey">
<a style="color:#000" href="/"><font size=+3><strong>DigiPi</strong> </font></a>
<td width=10% bgcolor="lightgrey" >
<a href="http://craiger.org/digipi" target="craiger">
<img align=right height=40px src="radio.png">
<h3>DigiPi Initialization</h3>
<div style="width:600px;">
<strong>Please try to fill out this form completely the first time</strong>, as you cannot currently come
back and make changes here later. If you need to make subsequent edits, see
/home/pi/localize.sh for a list of files you can tweak manually. You can
always reflash your SD card and start over if not sure.
<form action="setup.php" method="post">
<table width=600>
<tr><td>Callsign</td><td> <input type="text" name="call" size="8" value="KX6XXX"></td><td> Base callsign, no sid/suffix</td></tr>
<tr><td>Winlink Password</td><td> <input type="text" name="wlpass" size="8" value="XXXXXX"></td><td> <a href="https://www.winlink.org/user" target="winlink"> Create Account</a></td></tr>
<tr><td>APRS Password</td><td> <input type="text" name="aprspass" size="8" value="12345" ></td><td> <a href="https://apps.magicbug.co.uk/passcode/" target="aprspass"> Generate</a></td></tr>
<tr><td>Grid Square</td><td> <input type="text" name="grid" size="8" value="CN99mv"></td><td> <a href="https://www.levinecentral.com/ham/grid_square.php" target="grid"> Find</a></td></tr>
<tr><td>Lattitude</td><td> <input type="text" name="lat" size="8" value="40.9999N"></td><td> <a href="https://www.latlong.net" target="gps">Locate</a> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Longitude</td><td> <input type="text" name="lon" size="8" value="120.9999W"></td><td> <a href="https://www.latlong.net" target="gps">Locate</a> </td></tr>
<tr><td>AX.25 Node Pass</td><td> <input type="text" name="nodepass" size="8" value="abc123"></td><td> any alpha-numeric string </td></tr>
<tr><td>Enable FLRig</td><td> <input type="checkbox" name="flrig" value=""></td><td>Use FLRig for CAT control</tr>
<tr><td>Large Display</td><td> <input type="checkbox" name="bigvnc" " value=""></td><td> Check if using PC or large tablet </td></tr>
<table width=600>
<tr><td colspan=3>USB-connected radios only</td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#eeeeee">&nbsp;&nbsp;Rig number</td><td> <input type="text" name="rignumber" size="8" value="3085"></td><td> See <a href="riglist.txt" target="new">rig list</a> </td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#eeeeee">&nbsp;&nbsp;Device file</td><td> <input type="text" name="devicefile" size="8" value="ttyACM0"></td><td> ys991,ic7300=ttyUSB0&nbsp;&nbsp; ic705=ttyACM0</td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#eeeeee">&nbsp;&nbsp;Baud rate</td><td> <input type="text" name="baudrate" size="8" value="115200"></td><td> ys991=38400, ic7300=19200, ic705=115200</td></tr>
if (!isset($_POST["reboot"])) {
if (!file_exists("/var/cache/digipi/localized.txt")) {
if (!isset($_POST["submit"])) {
echo '<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Initialize">';
else {
echo '<div style="width:600px;">';
echo '<font size=+1 color=red>This Digipi was already initialized.</font><br/> <br/>
To make changes, please edit the config files manually. Please read /home/pi/localize.sh as a guide. <br/><br/>
Remove /var/cache/digipi/localized.txt if you know what you\'re doing and would like to see
the submit button here again.';
echo '</div>';
$submit = "none";
$reboot = "none";
$output = shell_exec("sudo /usr/local/bin/remount");
if (isset($_POST["reboot"])) {
$submit = $_POST["reboot"];
if ( $submit == 'Reboot' ) {
echo "</br>Restarting device.<br/> ";
echo "DigiPi will be available at <a href=http://$IP/>http://$IP/</a> in approximately one minute.<br>";
$output = shell_exec("sudo /sbin/shutdown -r 0");
echo $output;
if (isset($_POST["submit"])) {
if (strlen($_POST["call"]) > 0) {
$call = addslashes($_POST["call"]);
$output = shell_exec("sudo sed -i 's/NEWCALL=.*/NEWCALL=$call/gi' /home/pi/localize.sh ");
if (strlen($_POST["wlpass"]) > 0) {
$wlpass = addslashes($_POST["wlpass"]);
$output = shell_exec("sudo sed -i 's/NEWWLPASS=.*/NEWWLPASS=$wlpass/gi' /home/pi/localize.sh ");
if (strlen($_POST["aprspass"]) > 0) {
$aprspass = addslashes($_POST["aprspass"]);
$output = shell_exec("sudo sed -i 's/NEWAPRSPASS=.*/NEWAPRSPASS=$aprspass/gi' /home/pi/localize.sh ");
if (strlen($_POST["grid"]) > 0) {
$grid = addslashes($_POST["grid"]);
$output = shell_exec("sudo sed -i 's/NEWGRID=.*/NEWGRID=$grid/gi' /home/pi/localize.sh");
if (strlen($_POST["lat"]) > 0) {
$lat = addslashes($_POST["lat"]);
$output = shell_exec("sudo sed -i 's/NEWLAT=.*/NEWLAT=$lat/gi' /home/pi/localize.sh ");
if (strlen($_POST["lon"]) > 0) {
$lon = addslashes($_POST["lon"]);
$output = shell_exec("sudo sed -i 's/NEWLON=.*/NEWLON=$lon/gi' /home/pi/localize.sh ");
if (strlen($_POST["nodepass"]) > 0) {
$nodepass = addslashes($_POST["nodepass"]);
$output = shell_exec("sudo sed -i 's/NEWNODEPASS=.*/NEWNODEPASS=$nodepass/gi' /home/pi/localize.sh ");
if (strlen($_POST["rignumber"]) > 0) {
$rignumber = addslashes($_POST["rignumber"]);
$output = shell_exec("sudo sed -i 's/NEWRIGNUMBER=.*/NEWRIGNUMBER=$rignumber/gi' /home/pi/localize.sh ");
if (strlen($_POST["devicefile"]) > 0) {
$devicefile = addslashes($_POST["devicefile"]);
$output = shell_exec("sudo sed -i 's/NEWDEVICEFILE=.*/NEWDEVICEFILE=$devicefile/gi' /home/pi/localize.sh ");
if (strlen($_POST["baudrate"]) > 0) {
$baudrate = addslashes($_POST["baudrate"]);
$output = shell_exec("sudo sed -i 's/NEWBAUDRATE=.*/NEWBAUDRATE=$baudrate/gi' /home/pi/localize.sh ");
if (isset($_POST["flrig"])) {
$output = shell_exec("sudo sed -i 's/NEWFLRIG=.*/NEWFLRIG=1/gi' /home/pi/localize.sh ");
if (isset($_POST["bigvnc"])) {
$output = shell_exec("sudo sed -i 's/NEWBIGVNC=.*/NEWBIGVNC=1/gi' /home/pi/localize.sh ");
echo 'Changes applied. </br></br>';
echo'<form action="setup.php" method="post">';
echo '<input type="submit" name="reboot" value="Reboot"> for changes to take effect.';
echo "<br/>";
echo "<br/>";
echo "<br/>";
$output = shell_exec('head -17 /home/pi/localize.sh | tail -13 ');
$output = shell_exec('sudo /home/pi/localize.sh');

Wyświetl plik

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<title>DigiPi Shell </title>
<body style="position: relative; height: 100%; width: 100%; overflow: hidden;">
<font face="sans">
exec("/usr/local/bin/ttyd -p 7681 -t fontSize=20 -o -s SIGTERM sudo /bin/login > /dev/null 2> /dev/null &" );
echo "Shell access...";
echo "<script> window.location.href = \"http://$IP:7681/\" </script>";

Wyświetl plik

@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
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Wyświetl plik

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<title>DigiPi </title>
<body style="position: relative; height: 100%; width: 100%; overflow: hidden;">
<font face="sans">
exec("/usr/local/bin/ttyd -p 7683 -t fontSize=20 -o -s SIGTERM sudo tail -f /var/log/syslog > /dev/null 2> /dev/null &" );
# exec("/usr/local/bin/ttyd -t font=Arial -t fontSize=20 -o -s SIGTERM tail -f /run/direwolf.log > /dev/null 2> /dev/null &" );
echo "Opening direwolf log...";
echo "<script> window.location.href = \"http://$IP:7683/\" </script>";

Wyświetl plik

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>SSTV redirect</title>
<p>Please wait, SSTV starting up...
<a href="http://digipi:6080/vnc.html?host=digipi&port=6080&password=test11&autoconnect=true">Click here to redirect now</a>
<script language="JavaScript">
function sleep(milliseconds) {
const date = Date.now();
let currentDate = null;
do {
currentDate = Date.now();
} while (currentDate - date < milliseconds);
window.location.replace(window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.hostname + ':6080/vnc.html?host=digipi&port=6080&password=test11&autoconnect=true');

Wyświetl plik

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv = "refresh" content = "2; url = http://<?php echo $IP;?>:6080/vnc.html?host=<?php echo $IP;?>&port=6080&password=test11&autoconnect=true" />
<title>DigiPi SSTV redirect</title>
<p>Please wait, SSTV starting up...
<a href="http://<?php echo $IP;?>:6080/vnc.html?host=<?php echo $IP;?>&port=6080&password=test11&autoconnect=true">Click here to redirect now</a>
<script language="JavaScript">
function sleep(milliseconds) {
const date = Date.now();
let currentDate = null;
do {
currentDate = Date.now();
} while (currentDate - date < milliseconds);
window.location.replace(window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.hostname + ':6080/vnc.html?host=digipi&port=6080&password=test11&autoconnect=true');

Wyświetl plik

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
<?php include 'header.php' ?>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<LINK href="styles/simple.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<title>DigiPi </title>
<body style="position: relative; height: 100%; width: 100%; overflow: hidden;">
<font face="sans">
<h3>Wifi Setup</h3>
<form action="wifi.php" method="post">
SSID: <input type="text" name="ssid"><br/>
PASS: <input type="password" name="password"><br/>
<input type="submit" name="wifi" value="Submit"> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
<input type="submit" name="reboot" value="Reboot">
$submit = "none";
if (isset($_POST["wifi"])) {
$submit = $_POST["wifi"];
if ( $submit == 'Submit' ) {
$ssid = $_POST["ssid"];
$password = $_POST["password"];
$output = shell_exec("sudo /etc/wpa_supplicant/setup_wifi.sh '$ssid' '$password'");
echo $output;
if (isset($_POST["reboot"])) {
$submit = $_POST["reboot"];
if ( $submit == 'Reboot' ) {
echo "Restarting device.<br/> ";
echo "Try <a href=http://digipi/>http://digipi/</a> in a couple of minutes.<br>";
echo "Check your router/firewall DHCP assignments if that doesn't work.";
$output = shell_exec("sudo /home/pi/digibanner.py -b DigiPi -s Rebooting...");
$output = shell_exec("sudo /sbin/shutdown -r 0");
echo $output;
<a href=/index.php><strong>Refresh</strong></a>
<script language="JavaScript">
document.write('<a href="' + window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.hostname + ':8080' + '" target="new"><strong>Pat Client</strong></a> ' );
<a href=/help.html><strong>Help</strong></a>