
796 B

Deploy a diamond proxy

Moonstream DAO uses the EIP2535 Diamond proxy to manage each of its smart contracts.

This checklist describes how to deploy the proxy contract.

Environment variables

  1. export DAO_NETWORK=<desired brownie network>
  2. export DAO_OWNER=<path to keystore file for owner account>
  3. export DAO_OWNER_ADDRESS=$(jq -r .address $DAO_OWNER)
  4. export GAS_PRICE="<N> gwei"
  5. export CONFIRMATIONS=<M>
  6. export OUTPUT_FILE=<path to JSON file in which to store diamond addresses>

Deploy diamond proxy

  • Deploy diamond with all core facets
dao core gogogo \
    --network $DAO_NETWORK \
    --sender $DAO_OWNER \
    --gas-price "$GAS_PRICE" \
    --confirmations $CONFIRMATIONS \
    --owner $DAO_OWNER_ADDRESS \
    --outfile $OUTPUT_FILE