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Update the Terminus contract

The Terminus contract is deployed as an EIP2535 Diamond proxy contract with a Terminus facet attached to it.

This checklist describes how to update the TerminusFacet on the Terminus diamond contract.

Deployed addresses

You will modify this section as you go through the checklist

Diamond addresses

TerminusInitializer address


TerminusFacet address


Environment variables

  • export DAO_NETWORK=<desired brownie network>
  • export DAO_OWNER=<path to keystore file for owner account>
  • export DAO_OWNER_ADDRESS=$(jq -r .address $DAO_OWNER)
  • export GAS_PRICE="<N> gwei"
  • export CONFIRMATIONS=<M>
  • export TERMINUS_DIAMOND=<address of Terminus diamond proxy>

Detach existing TerminusFacet

  • Remove TerminusFacet from diamond. (This may require checkout of earlier commit and brownie compile.)
dao core facet-cut \
    --address $TERMINUS_DIAMOND \
    --network $DAO_NETWORK \
    --sender $DAO_OWNER \
    --gas-price "$GAS_PRICE" \
    --confirmations $CONFIRMATIONS \
    --facet-name TerminusFacet \
    --action remove

Deploy TerminusInitializer

  • Check out relevant commit and brownie compile.

  • Deploy TerminusInitializer contract

dao moonstream-initializer deploy \
    --network $DAO_NETWORK \
    --sender $DAO_OWNER \
    --gas-price "$GAS_PRICE" \
    --confirmations $CONFIRMATIONS
  • Export address of deployed contract as export TERMINUS_INITIALIZER_ADDRESS=<address>

  • Store address of deployed contract under Deployed addresses / TerminusInitializer address above

Deploy TerminusFacet

  • Check out relevant commit and brownie compile.

  • Deploy TerminusFacet contract

dao terminus deploy \
    --network $DAO_NETWORK \
    --sender $DAO_OWNER \
    --gas-price "$GAS_PRICE" \
    --confirmations $CONFIRMATIONS
  • Export address of deployed contract as export TERMINUS_FACET_ADDRESS=<address>

  • Store address of deployed contract under Deployed addresses / TerminusFacet address above

  • Attach TerminusFacet to diamond:

dao core facet-cut \
    --address $TERMINUS_DIAMOND \
    --network $DAO_NETWORK \
    --sender $DAO_OWNER \
    --gas-price "$GAS_PRICE" \
    --confirmations $CONFIRMATIONS \
    --facet-name TerminusFacet \
    --facet-address $TERMINUS_FACET_ADDRESS \
    --action add \
    --initializer-address $TERMINUS_INITIALIZER_ADDRESS