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Deploy the Moonstream platform token

The Moonstream DAO platform token is deployed as an EIP2535 Diamond proxy contract with an ERC20 facet attached to it.

This checklist describes how to deploy the token.

Deployed addresses

You will modify this section as you go through the checklist

Diamond addresses

  "DiamondCutFacet": "0x65f8857B204968c492B17344E1139229bD3382e3",
  "Diamond": "0x02620263be8A046Ca4812723596934AA20D7DC3C",
  "DiamondLoupeFacet": "0xeFdFbAA07AF132AD4b319054d91a2F487b009003",
  "OwnershipFacet": "0xA9E3B4BF878d66E213A988B761Ac0774bFc0F1c8",
  "attached": [

ERC20Initializer address

export ERC20INITIALIZER_ADDRESS=0x6995cA60BE357a72bFAC88a24A05E978637f7Ffb

ERC20Facet address

export ERC20FACET_ADDRESS=0xC4E53007B5319E73878E4209450A41307Db9de5C

Environment variables

  • export DAO_NETWORK=mumbai
  • export DAO_OWNER=.secrets/dao-dev.json
  • export DAO_OWNER_ADDRESS=$(jq -r .address $DAO_OWNER)
  • export GAS_PRICE="60 gwei"
  • export CONFIRMATIONS=2
  • export MOONSTREAM_ADDRESSES=.secrets/moonstream-mumbai-diamond.json
  • export MOONSTREAM_TOTAL_SUPPLY=10000000000

Deploy diamond proxy

  • Deploy diamond with all core facets
dao core gogogo \
    --network $DAO_NETWORK \
    --sender $DAO_OWNER \
    --gas-price "$GAS_PRICE" \
    --confirmations $CONFIRMATIONS \
    --owner $DAO_OWNER_ADDRESS \
  • Store JSON output under Deployed addresses / Diamond addresses above.

  • Export diamond proxy address: export MOONSTREAM_DIAMOND="$(jq -r .Diamond $MOONSTREAM_ADDRESSES)"

Deploy ERC20Initializer

  • Deploy ERC20Initializer contract
dao moonstream-initializer deploy \
    --network $DAO_NETWORK \
    --sender $DAO_OWNER \
    --gas-price "$GAS_PRICE" \
    --confirmations $CONFIRMATIONS
  • Export address of deployed contract as export ERC20INITIALIZER_ADDRESS=0x6995cA60BE357a72bFAC88a24A05E978637f7Ffb

  • Store address of deployed contract under Deployed addresses / ERC20Initializer address above

Deploy ERC20Facet

  • Deploy ERC20Facet contract
dao moonstream deploy \
    --network $DAO_NETWORK \
    --sender $DAO_OWNER \
    --gas-price "$GAS_PRICE" \
    --confirmations $CONFIRMATIONS
  • Export address of deployed contract as export ERC20FACET_ADDRESS=0xC4E53007B5319E73878E4209450A41307Db9de5C

  • Store address of deployed contract under Deployed addresses / ERC20Facet address above

  • Attach ERC20Facet to diamond:

dao core facet-cut \
    --address $MOONSTREAM_DIAMOND \
    --network $DAO_NETWORK \
    --sender $DAO_OWNER \
    --gas-price "$GAS_PRICE" \
    --confirmations $CONFIRMATIONS \
    --facet-name ERC20Facet \
    --facet-address $ERC20FACET_ADDRESS \
    --action add \
    --initializer-address $ERC20INITIALIZER_ADDRESS
  • Check the ERC20 name of the diamond contract: dao moonstream name --network $DAO_NETWORK --address $MOONSTREAM_DIAMOND

  • Name is Moonstream DAO

  • Check the ERC20 symbol of the diamond contract: dao moonstream symbol --network $DAO_NETWORK --address $MOONSTREAM_DIAMOND

  • Symbol is MNSTR

Mint Moonstream tokens

  • Mint MOONSTREAM_TOTAL_SUPPLY worth of tokens to self.
dao moonstream mint \
    --network $DAO_NETWORK \
    --address $MOONSTREAM_DIAMOND \
    --sender $DAO_OWNER \
    --gas-price "$GAS_PRICE" \
    --confirmations $CONFIRMATIONS \
    --account $DAO_OWNER_ADDRESS \
  • Check the total supply of the diamond contract: dao moonstream total-supply --network $DAO_NETWORK --address $MOONSTREAM_DIAMOND

  • Total supply should be equal to value of MOONSTREAM_TOTAL_SUPPLY

  • Check balance of DAO owner address: dao moonstream balance-of --network $DAO_NETWORK --address $MOONSTREAM_DIAMOND --account $DAO_OWNER_ADDRESS

  • Balance should be equal to value of MOONSTREAM_TOTAL_SUPPLY