
227 wiersze
8.2 KiB

FILE........: freedv_rx.c
AUTHOR......: David Rowe
DATE CREATED: August 2014
Demo/development receive program for FreeDV API functions:
Example usage (all one line):
$ cd codec2/build_linux/src
$ ./freedv_tx 1600 ../../raw/ve9qrp_10s.raw - | ./freedv_rx 1600 - - | aplay -f S16
Copyright (C) 2014 David Rowe
All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, as
published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is
distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "freedv_api.h"
#include "modem_stats.h"
#define NDISCARD 5 /* BER measure optionally discards first few frames after sync */
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
FILE *fin, *fout;
struct freedv *freedv;
int nin, nout, nout_total = 0, frame = 0;
struct MODEM_STATS stats = {0};
int mode;
int sync;
float snr_est;
float clock_offset;
int use_testframes, verbose, discard, use_complex, use_dpsk;
int use_squelch;
float squelch = 0;
int i;
if (argc < 4) {
char f2020[80] = {0};
#ifdef __LPCNET__
printf("usage: %s 1600|700C|700D|2400A|2400B|800XA%s InputModemSpeechFile OutputSpeechRawFile\n"
" [--testframes] [-v] [--discard] [--usecomplex] [--dpsk] [--squelch leveldB]\n", argv[0],f2020);
printf("e.g %s 1600 hts1a_fdmdv.raw hts1a_out.raw\n", argv[0]);
mode = -1;
if (!strcmp(argv[1],"1600")) mode = FREEDV_MODE_1600;
if (!strcmp(argv[1],"700C")) mode = FREEDV_MODE_700C;
if (!strcmp(argv[1],"700D")) mode = FREEDV_MODE_700D;
if (!strcmp(argv[1],"2400A")) mode = FREEDV_MODE_2400A;
if (!strcmp(argv[1],"2400B")) mode = FREEDV_MODE_2400B;
if (!strcmp(argv[1],"800XA")) mode = FREEDV_MODE_800XA;
#ifdef __LPCNET__
if (!strcmp(argv[1],"2020")) mode = FREEDV_MODE_2020;
if (mode == -1) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error in mode: %s\n", argv[1]);
if (strcmp(argv[2], "-") == 0) fin = stdin;
else if ( (fin = fopen(argv[2],"rb")) == NULL ) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error opening input raw modem sample file: %s: %s.\n",
argv[2], strerror(errno));
if (strcmp(argv[3], "-") == 0) fout = stdout;
else if ( (fout = fopen(argv[3],"wb")) == NULL ) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error opening output speech sample file: %s: %s.\n",
argv[3], strerror(errno));
use_testframes = verbose = discard = use_complex = use_dpsk = use_squelch = 0;
if (argc > 4) {
for (i = 4; i < argc; i++) {
if (strcmp(argv[i], "--testframes") == 0) use_testframes = 1;
else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-v") == 0) verbose = 1;
else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-vv") == 0) verbose = 2;
else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--discard") == 0) discard = 1;
else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--usecomplex") == 0) use_complex = 1;
else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--squelch") == 0) {
squelch = atof(argv[i + 1]);
use_squelch = 1;
} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--dpsk") == 0) use_dpsk = 1;
else {
fprintf(stderr, "unkown option: %s\n", argv[i]);
freedv = freedv_open(mode);
assert(freedv != NULL);
/* set up a few options, calling these is optional -------------------------*/
freedv_set_test_frames(freedv, use_testframes);
freedv_set_verbose(freedv, verbose);
if (use_squelch) {
freedv_set_snr_squelch_thresh(freedv, squelch);
freedv_set_squelch_en(freedv, 1);
freedv_set_dpsk(freedv, use_dpsk);
/* note use of API functions to tell us how big our buffers need to be -----*/
short speech_out[freedv_get_n_max_speech_samples(freedv)];
short demod_in[freedv_get_n_max_modem_samples(freedv)];
/* We need to work out how many samples the demod needs on each
call (nin). This is used to adjust for differences in the tx
and rx sample clock frequencies. Note also the number of
output speech samples "nout" is time varying. */
nin = freedv_nin(freedv);
while(fread(demod_in, sizeof(short), nin, fin) == nin) {
if (use_complex) {
/* exercise the complex version of the API (useful
for testing 700D which has a different code path for
short samples) */
COMP demod_in_complex[nin];
for(int i=0; i<nin; i++) {
demod_in_complex[i].real = (float)demod_in[i];
demod_in_complex[i].imag = 0.0f;
nout = freedv_comprx(freedv, speech_out, demod_in_complex);
} else {
// most common interface - real shorts in, real shorts out
nout = freedv_rx(freedv, speech_out, demod_in);
/* IMPORTANT: don't forget to do this in the while loop to
ensure we fread the correct number of samples: ie update
"nin" before every call to freedv_rx()/freedv_comprx() */
nin = freedv_nin(freedv);
/* optionally read some stats */
freedv_get_modem_stats(freedv, &sync, &snr_est);
freedv_get_modem_extended_stats(freedv, &stats);
int total_bit_errors = freedv_get_total_bit_errors(freedv);
clock_offset = stats.clock_offset;
if (discard && (sync == 0)) {
// discard BER results if we get out of sync, helps us get sensible BER results
freedv_set_total_bits(freedv, 0); freedv_set_total_bit_errors(freedv, 0);
freedv_set_total_bits_coded(freedv, 0); freedv_set_total_bit_errors_coded(freedv, 0);
fwrite(speech_out, sizeof(short), nout, fout);
nout_total += nout;
if (verbose == 1) {
fprintf(stderr, "frame: %d demod sync: %d nin: %d demod snr: %3.2f dB bit errors: %d clock_offset: %f\n",
frame, sync, nin, snr_est, total_bit_errors, clock_offset);
/* if using pipes we probably don't want the usual buffering
to occur */
if (fout == stdout) fflush(stdout);
if (fin == stdin) fflush(stdin);
fprintf(stderr, "frames decoded: %d output speech samples: %d\n", frame, nout_total);
/* finish up with some stats */
if (freedv_get_test_frames(freedv)) {
int Tbits = freedv_get_total_bits(freedv);
int Terrs = freedv_get_total_bit_errors(freedv);
float uncoded_ber = (float)Terrs/Tbits;
fprintf(stderr, "BER......: %5.4f Tbits: %5d Terrs: %5d\n",
(double)uncoded_ber, Tbits, Terrs);
if ((mode == FREEDV_MODE_700D) || (mode == FREEDV_MODE_2020)) {
int Tbits_coded = freedv_get_total_bits_coded(freedv);
int Terrs_coded = freedv_get_total_bit_errors_coded(freedv);
float coded_ber = (float)Terrs_coded/Tbits_coded;
fprintf(stderr, "Coded BER: %5.4f Tbits: %5d Terrs: %5d\n",
(double)coded_ber, Tbits_coded, Terrs_coded);
/* set return code for Ctest */
if ((uncoded_ber < 0.1f) && (coded_ber < 0.01f))
return 0;
return 1;
return 0;