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(This may require knowledge of the structure of kepi's modules.)

In February 2020 I realised kepi had gone off-course. Bowler, the ActivityPub module, was capable of handling any ActivityPub message. Trilby, the Mastodon module, was merely an interface to Bowler.

That was fair enough, but kepi is supposed to be a microblogging platform, and it wasn't trivial to turn the ActivityPub data into users and statuses. In addition, it was rather slow.

I put all this into a branch called bowler-heavy, and set about turning the tables. In the new branch, trilby-heavy, all microblogging data was held by Trilby, and Bowler only handled as much of the ActivityPub protocol as was necessary to run a microblogging platform. trilby-heavy was later merged into main.

It's possible that bowler-heavy could be of use to someone who wanted to build a more general ActivityPub system. The branch remains, and you're welcome to use it!

The current version of Bowler is derived from the version in bowler-heavy, and some extraneous code remains.