Flask port: switch back to webutil's logs

corresponds to snarfed/webutil@53cab7eca0
Ryan Barrett 2021-08-06 10:30:50 -07:00
rodzic 32d9e2bf6c
commit d562a099ea
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@ -1,48 +1,13 @@
"""Render recent responses and logs.""" """Render recent responses and logs."""
import calendar import calendar
import datetime
import html
import logging
import re
import time
import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error
import urllib.parse import urllib.parse
from flask import render_template from flask import render_template
from google.cloud import ndb from oauth_dropins.webutil import logs, util
from google.cloud.logging import Client
import humanize
from oauth_dropins.webutil import flask_util, util
from oauth_dropins.webutil.appengine_info import APP_ID
import webapp2
from oauth_dropins.webutil.flask_util import error
from app import app, cache from app import app, cache
from models import Response from models import Response
logging.DEBUG: 'D',
logging.INFO: 'I',
logging.WARNING: 'W',
logging.ERROR: 'E',
logging.CRITICAL: 'F',
CACHE_TIME = datetime.timedelta(days=1)
MAX_LOG_AGE = datetime.timedelta(days=30)
# App Engine's launch, roughly
MIN_START_TIME = time.mktime(datetime.datetime(2008, 4, 1).timetuple())
SANITIZE_RE = re.compile(r"""
((?:access|api|oauth)?[ _]?
(?:=|:|\ |,\ |%3D)\ *
[^ &='"]+
""", flags=re.VERBOSE | re.IGNORECASE)
@app.get('/responses') @app.get('/responses')
def responses(): def responses():
@ -60,166 +25,7 @@ def responses():
return render_template('responses.html', responses=responses) return render_template('responses.html', responses=responses)
def sanitize(msg):
"""Sanitizes access tokens and Authorization headers."""
return SANITIZE_RE.sub(r'\1...', msg)
def url(when, key):
"""Returns the relative URL (no scheme or host) to a log page.
when: datetime
key: ndb.Key
return 'log?start_time=%s&key=%s' % (
calendar.timegm(when.utctimetuple()), key.urlsafe().decode())
def maybe_link(when, key, time_class='dt-updated', link_class=''):
"""Returns an HTML snippet with a timestamp and maybe a log page link.
<a href="/log?start_time=1513904267&key=aglz..." class="u-bridgy-log">
<time class="dt-updated" datetime="2017-12-22T00:57:47.222060"
title="Fri Dec 22 00:57:47 2017">
3 days ago
The <a> tag is only included if the timestamp is 30 days old or less, since
Stackdriver's basic tier doesn't store logs older than that:
when: datetime
key: ndb.Key
time_class: string, optional class value for the <time> tag
link_class: string, optional class value for the <a> tag (if generated)
Returns: string HTML
# always show time zone. assume naive timestamps are UTC.
if when.tzinfo is None:
when = when.replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)
# humanize.naturaltime breaks on timezone-aware datetimes :(
# https://github.com/jmoiron/humanize/issues/9#issuecomment-322917865
now = datetime.datetime.now(tz=when.tzinfo)
time = '<time class="%s" datetime="%s" title="%s %s">%s</time>' % (
time_class, when.isoformat(), when.ctime(), when.tzname(),
humanize.naturaltime(when, when=now))
if now > when > now - MAX_LOG_AGE:
return '<a class="%s" href="/%s">%s</a>' % (link_class, url(when, key), time)
return time
# datastore string keys are url-safe-base64 of, say, at least 32(ish) chars.
# https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/python/ndb/keyclass#Key_urlsafe
# http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3548.html#section-4
BASE64 = 'A-Za-z0-9-_='
DATASTORE_KEY_RE = re.compile("([^%s])(([%s]{8})[%s]{24,})([^%s])" % ((BASE64,) * 4))
def linkify_datastore_keys(msg):
"""Converts string datastore keys to links to the admin console viewer."""
def linkify_key(match):
# Useful for logging, but also causes false positives in the search, we
# find and use log requests instead of real requests.
# logging.debug('Linkifying datastore key: %s', match.group(2))
key = ndb.Key(urlsafe=match.group(2))
tokens = [(kind, '%s:%s' % ('id' if isinstance(id, int) else 'name', id))
for kind, id in key.pairs()]
key_str = '0/|' + '|'.join('%d/%s|%d/%s' % (len(kind), kind, len(id), id)
for kind, id in tokens)
key_quoted = urllib.parse.quote(urllib.parse.quote(key_str, safe=''), safe='')
html = "%s<a title='%s' href='https://console.cloud.google.com/datastore/entities;kind=%s;ns=__$DEFAULT$__/edit;key=%s?project=%s'>%s...</a>%s" % (
match.group(1), match.group(2), key.kind(), key_quoted, APP_ID,
match.group(3), match.group(4))
logging.debug('Returning %s', html)
return html
except BaseException as e:
# logging.debug("Couldn't linkify candidate datastore key.") # too noisy
return match.group(0)
return DATASTORE_KEY_RE.sub(linkify_key, msg)
def utcfromtimestamp(val):
"""Wrapper for datetime.utcfromtimestamp that returns HTTP 400 on overflow.
...specifically, if datetime.utcfromtimestamp raises OverflowError because
the timestamp is greater than the platform's time_t can hold.
return datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(val)
except OverflowError:
return error(f'start_time too big: {val}')
# TODO: move back to webutil/logs.py during Flask port
@app.get('/log') @app.get('/log')
def log(): def log():
"""Searches for and renders the app logs for a single request. return logs.log()
URL parameters:
start_time: float, seconds since the epoch
key: string that should appear in the first app log
start_time = flask_util.get_required_param('start_time')
if not util.is_float(start_time):
return error("Couldn't convert start_time to float: %r" % start_time)
start_time = float(start_time)
if start_time < MIN_START_TIME:
return error("start_time must be >= %s" % MIN_START_TIME)
client = Client()
project = 'projects/%s' % APP_ID
key = urllib.parse.unquote_plus(flask_util.get_required_param('key'))
# first, find the individual stdout log message to get the trace id
timestamp_filter = 'timestamp>="%s" timestamp<="%s"' % (
utcfromtimestamp(start_time - 60).isoformat() + 'Z',
utcfromtimestamp(start_time + 120).isoformat() + 'Z')
query = 'logName="%s/logs/stdout" jsonPayload.message:"%s" %s' % (
project, key, timestamp_filter)
logging.info('Searching logs with: %s', query)
# https://googleapis.dev/python/logging/latest/client.html#google.cloud.logging_v2.client.Client.list_entries
log = next(iter(client.list_entries(filter_=query, page_size=1)))
except StopIteration:
logging.info('No log found!')
return 'No log found!', 404
logging.info('Got insert id %s trace %s', log.insert_id, log.trace)
# now, print all logs with that trace
resp = """\
<body style="font-family: monospace; white-space: pre">
query = 'logName="%s/logs/stdout" trace="%s" resource.type="gae_app" %s' % (
project, log.trace, timestamp_filter)
logging.info('Searching logs with: %s', query)
# sanitize and render each line
for log in client.list_entries(filter_=query, page_size=1000):
msg = log.payload.get('message')
if msg:
msg = linkify_datastore_keys(util.linkify(html.escape(
msg if msg.startswith('Created by this poll:') else sanitize(msg),
resp += '%s %s %s<br />' % (
log.severity[0], log.timestamp, msg.replace('\n', '<br />'))
resp += '</body>\n</html>'
return resp, {'Content-Type': 'text/html; charset=utf-8'}