
1269 wiersze
49 KiB

# blender CAM (c) 2012 Vilem Novak
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
import math
2024-01-31 15:00:20 +00:00
import numpy
import os
import random
2024-01-31 15:00:20 +00:00
import time
import curve_simplify
import mathutils
from mathutils import *
from cam import simple
from cam.simple import *
from cam import chunk
from cam.chunk import *
from cam import simulation
2024-01-11 10:11:08 +00:00
from cam.async_op import progress_async
2024-01-26 23:11:20 +00:00
from cam.numba_wrapper import jit,prange
2024-01-25 11:06:14 +00:00
def getCircle(r, z):
2024-01-06 08:35:18 +00:00
car = numpy.full(shape=(r*2,r*2),fill_value=-10,dtype=numpy.double)
res = 2 * r
m = r
v = mathutils.Vector((0, 0, 0))
for a in range(0, res):
v.x = (a + 0.5 - m)
for b in range(0, res):
v.y = (b + 0.5 - m)
if v.length <= r:
car[a, b] = z
return car
def getCircleBinary(r):
2024-01-06 08:35:18 +00:00
car = numpy.full(shape=(r*2,r*2),fill_value=False,dtype=bool)
res = 2 * r
m = r
v = mathutils.Vector((0, 0, 0))
for a in range(0, res):
v.x = (a + 0.5 - m)
for b in range(0, res):
v.y = (b + 0.5 - m)
if (v.length <= r):
car.itemset((a, b), True)
return car
# get cutters for the z-buffer image method
def numpysave(a, iname):
inamebase = bpy.path.basename(iname)
i = numpytoimage(a, inamebase)
r = bpy.context.scene.render
r.image_settings.file_format = 'OPEN_EXR'
r.image_settings.color_mode = 'BW'
r.image_settings.color_depth = '32'
def numpytoimage(a, iname):
print('numpy to image', iname)
t = time.time()
print(a.shape[0], a.shape[1])
foundimage = False
for image in
if[:len(iname)] == iname and image.size[0] == a.shape[0] and image.size[1] == a.shape[1]:
i = image
foundimage = True
if not foundimage:, width=a.shape[0], height=a.shape[1], color=(0, 0, 0, 1), alpha=True,
generated_type='BLANK', float=True)
for image in
# print([:len(iname)],iname, image.size[0],a.shape[0],image.size[1],a.shape[1])
if[:len(iname)] == iname and image.size[0] == a.shape[0] and image.size[1] == a.shape[1]:
i = image
d = a.shape[0] * a.shape[1]
a = a.swapaxes(0, 1)
a = a.reshape(d)
a = a.repeat(4)
a[3::4] = 1
i.pixels[:] = a[:] # this gives big speedup!
print('\ntime ' + str(time.time() - t))
return i
def imagetonumpy(i):
t = time.time()
width = i.size[0]
height = i.size[1]
2024-01-06 08:35:18 +00:00
na = numpy.full(shape=(width*height*4,),fill_value=-10,dtype=numpy.double)
p = i.pixels[:]
# these 2 lines are about 15% faster than na[:]=i.pixels[:].... whyyyyyyyy!!?!?!?!?!
# Blender image data access is evil.
na[:] = p
na = na[::4]
na = na.reshape(height, width)
na = na.swapaxes(0, 1)
print('\ntime of image to numpy ' + str(time.time() - t))
return na
2024-01-29 12:33:42 +00:00
def _offset_inner_loop(y1,y2,cutterArrayNan,cwidth,sourceArray,width,height,comparearea):
for y in prange(y1,y2):
for x in range(0,width-cwidth):
comparearea[x,y] = numpy.nanmax(sourceArray[x:x+cwidth,y:y+cwidth] + cutterArrayNan)
2024-01-25 11:06:14 +00:00
2024-01-11 10:11:08 +00:00
async def offsetArea(o, samples):
2020-10-12 16:45:08 +00:00
""" offsets the whole image with the cutter + skin offsets """
if o.update_offsetimage_tag:
minx, miny, minz, maxx, maxy, maxz = o.min.x, o.min.y, o.min.z, o.max.x, o.max.y, o.max.z
sourceArray = samples
cutterArray = simulation.getCutterArray(o, o.optimisation.pixsize)
# progress('image size', sourceArray.shape)
width = len(sourceArray)
height = len(sourceArray[0])
cwidth = len(cutterArray)
2024-01-29 12:33:42 +00:00
o.offset_image= numpy.full(shape=(width,height),fill_value=-10.0,dtype=numpy.double)
t = time.time()
m = int(cwidth / 2.0)
if o.inverse:
sourceArray = -sourceArray + minz
comparearea = o.offset_image[m: width - cwidth + m, m:height - cwidth + m]
# i=0
2024-01-29 12:33:42 +00:00
for y in range(0,10):
y1 = (y * comparearea.shape[1])//10
y2 = ((y+1) * comparearea.shape[1])//10
await progress_async('offset depth image', int((y2 * 100) / comparearea.shape[1]))
o.offset_image[m: width - cwidth + m, m:height - cwidth + m] = comparearea
2024-01-11 10:11:08 +00:00
print('\nOffset image time ' + str(time.time() - t))
o.update_offsetimage_tag = False
return o.offset_image
def dilateAr(ar, cycles):
for c in range(cycles):
ar[1:-1, :] = numpy.logical_or(ar[1:-1, :], ar[:-2, :])
ar[:, 1:-1] = numpy.logical_or(ar[:, 1:-1], ar[:, :-2])
def getOffsetImageCavities(o, i): # for pencil operation mainly
2020-10-12 16:45:08 +00:00
"""detects areas in the offset image which are 'cavities' - the curvature changes."""
# i=numpy.logical_xor(lastislice , islice)
simple.progress('detect corners in the offset image')
vertical = i[:-2, 1:-1] - i[1:-1, 1:-1] - o.pencil_threshold > i[1:-1, 1:-1] - i[2:, 1:-1]
horizontal = i[1:-1, :-2] - i[1:-1, 1:-1] - o.pencil_threshold > i[1:-1, 1:-1] - i[1:-1, 2:]
# if
ar = numpy.logical_or(vertical, horizontal)
if 1: # this is newer strategy, finds edges nicely, but pff.going exacty on edge,
# it has tons of spikes and simply is not better than the old one
iname = simple.getCachePath(o) + '_pencilthres.exr'
# numpysave(ar,iname)#save for comparison before
chunks = imageEdgeSearch_online(o, ar, i)
iname = simple.getCachePath(o) + '_pencilthres_comp.exr'
print("new pencil strategy")
# ##crop pixels that are on outer borders
for chi in range(len(chunks) - 1, -1, -1):
chunk = chunks[chi]
2024-01-25 11:06:14 +00:00
# for si in range(len(chunk.points) - 1, -1, -1):
# if not (o.min.x < chunk.points[si][0] < o.max.x and o.min.y < chunk.points[si][1] < o.max.y):
# chunk.points.pop(si)
if chunk.count() < 2:
return chunks
def imageEdgeSearch_online(o, ar, zimage): # search edges for pencil strategy, another try.
minx, miny, minz, maxx, maxy, maxz = o.min.x, o.min.y, o.min.z, o.max.x, o.max.y, o.max.z
r = ceil((o.cutter_diameter/12)/o.optimisation.pixsize) # was commented
coef = 0.75
maxarx = ar.shape[0]
maxary = ar.shape[1]
directions = ((-1, -1), (0, -1), (1, -1), (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1), (-1, 1), (-1, 0))
indices = ar.nonzero() # first get white pixels
startpix = ar.sum()
totpix = startpix
2024-01-25 11:06:14 +00:00
chunk_builders = []
xs = indices[0][0]
ys = indices[1][0]
2024-01-25 11:06:14 +00:00
nchunk = camPathChunkBuilder([(xs, ys, zimage[xs, ys])]) # startposition
dindex = 0 # index in the directions list
last_direction = directions[dindex]
test_direction = directions[dindex]
i = 0
perc = 0
itests = 0
totaltests = 0
maxtotaltests = startpix * 4
ar[xs, ys] = False
while totpix > 0 and totaltests < maxtotaltests: # a ratio when the algorithm is allowed to end
if perc != int(100 - 100 * totpix / startpix):
perc = int(100 - 100 * totpix / startpix)
simple.progress('pencil path searching', perc)
# progress('simulation ',int(100*i/l))
success = False
testangulardistance = 0 # distance from initial direction in the list of direction
testleftright = False # test both sides from last vector
while not success:
xs = nchunk.points[-1][0] + test_direction[0]
ys = nchunk.points[-1][1] + test_direction[1]
if xs > r and xs < ar.shape[0] - r and ys > r and ys < ar.shape[1] - r:
test = ar[xs, ys]
# print(test)
if test:
success = True
if success:
nchunk.points.append([xs, ys, zimage[xs, ys]])
last_direction = test_direction
ar[xs, ys] = False
if 0:
print(xs, ys, testlength, testangle)
# nchunk.append([xs,ys])#for debugging purpose
# ar.shape[0]
test_direction = last_direction
if testleftright:
testangulardistance = -testangulardistance
testleftright = False
testangulardistance = -testangulardistance
testangulardistance += 1 # increment angle
testleftright = True
if abs(testangulardistance) > 6: # /testlength
testangulardistance = 0
indices = ar.nonzero()
totpix = len(indices[0])
2024-01-25 11:06:14 +00:00
if len(indices[0] > 0):
xs = indices[0][0]
ys = indices[1][0]
2024-01-25 11:06:14 +00:00
nchunk = camPathChunkBuilder([(xs, ys, zimage[xs, ys])]) # startposition
ar[xs, ys] = False
2024-01-25 11:06:14 +00:00
nchunk = camPathChunkBuilder([])
test_direction = directions[3]
last_direction = directions[3]
success = True
itests = 0
# print('reset')
if len(nchunk.points) > 0:
if nchunk.points[-1][0] + test_direction[0] < r:
testvect.x = r
if nchunk.points[-1][1] + test_direction[1] < r:
testvect.y = r
if nchunk.points[-1][0] + test_direction[0] > maxarx - r:
testvect.x = maxarx - r
if nchunk.points[-1][1] + test_direction[1] > maxary - r:
testvect.y = maxary - r
dindexmod = dindex + testangulardistance
while dindexmod < 0:
dindexmod += len(directions)
while dindexmod > len(directions):
dindexmod -= len(directions)
test_direction = directions[dindexmod]
if 0:
print(xs, ys, test_direction, last_direction, testangulardistance)
itests += 1
totaltests += 1
i += 1
if i % 100 == 0:
# print('100 succesfull tests done')
totpix = ar.sum()
# print(totpix)
# print(totaltests)
i = 0
2024-01-25 11:06:14 +00:00
for ch in chunk_builders:
ch = ch.points
for i in range(0, len(ch)):
ch[i] = ((ch[i][0] + coef - o.borderwidth) * o.optimisation.pixsize + minx,
(ch[i][1] + coef - o.borderwidth) * o.optimisation.pixsize + miny, ch[i][2])
2024-01-25 11:06:14 +00:00
return [c.to_chunk() for c in chunk_builders]
2024-01-25 11:06:14 +00:00
async def crazyPath(o):
# TODO: try to do something with this stuff, it's just a stub. It should be a greedy adaptive algorithm.
# started another thing below.
2024-01-25 11:06:14 +00:00
await prepareArea(o)
sx = o.max.x - o.min.x
sy = o.max.y - o.min.y
resx = ceil(sx / o.optimisation.simulation_detail) + 2 * o.borderwidth
resy = ceil(sy / o.optimisation.simulation_detail) + 2 * o.borderwidth
2024-01-06 08:35:18 +00:00
o.millimage = numpy.full(shape=(resx,resy),fill_value=0.,dtype=numpy.float)
o.cutterArray = -simulation.getCutterArray(o, o.optimisation.simulation_detail) # getting inverted cutter
def buildStroke(start, end, cutterArray):
strokelength = max(abs(end[0] - start[0]), abs(end[1] - start[1]))
size_x = abs(end[0] - start[0]) + cutterArray.size[0]
size_y = abs(end[1] - start[1]) + cutterArray.size[0]
r = cutterArray.size[0] / 2
2024-01-06 08:35:18 +00:00
strokeArray = numpy.full(shape=(size_x,size_y),fill_value=-10.0,dtype=numpy.float)
samplesx = numpy.round(numpy.linspace(start[0], end[0], strokelength))
samplesy = numpy.round(numpy.linspace(start[1], end[1], strokelength))
samplesz = numpy.round(numpy.linspace(start[2], end[2], strokelength))
for i in range(0, len(strokelength)):
strokeArray[samplesx[i] - r:samplesx[i] + r, samplesy[i] - r:samplesy[i] + r] = numpy.maximum(
strokeArray[samplesx[i] - r:samplesx[i] + r, samplesy[i] - r:samplesy[i] + r], cutterArray + samplesz[i])
return strokeArray
def testStroke():
def applyStroke():
def testStrokeBinary(img, stroke):
pass # buildstroke()
def crazyStrokeImage(o):
# this surprisingly works, and can be used as a basis for something similar to adaptive milling strategy.
minx, miny, minz, maxx, maxy, maxz = o.min.x, o.min.y, o.min.z, o.max.x, o.max.y, o.max.z
r = int((o.cutter_diameter / 2.0) / o.optimisation.pixsize) # ceil((o.cutter_diameter/12)/o.optimisation.pixsize)
d = 2 * r
coef = 0.75
ar = o.offset_image.copy()
maxarx = ar.shape[0]
maxary = ar.shape[1]
cutterArray = getCircleBinary(r)
cutterArrayNegative = -cutterArray
cutterimagepix = cutterArray.sum()
satisfypix = cutterimagepix * o.crazy_threshold1 # a threshold which says if it is valuable to cut in a direction
toomuchpix = cutterimagepix * o.crazy_threshold2
indices = ar.nonzero() # first get white pixels
startpix = ar.sum() #
totpix = startpix
2024-01-25 11:06:14 +00:00
chunk_builders = []
xs = indices[0][0] - r
if xs < r:
xs = r
ys = indices[1][0] - r
if ys < r:
ys = r
2024-01-25 11:06:14 +00:00
nchunk = camPathChunkBuilder([(xs, ys)]) # startposition
print(indices[0][0], indices[1][0])
lastvect = Vector((r, 0, 0)) # vector is 3d, blender somehow doesn't rotate 2d vectors with angles.
testvect = lastvect.normalized() * r / 2.0 # multiply *2 not to get values <1 pixel
rot = Euler((0, 0, 1))
i = 0
perc = 0
itests = 0
totaltests = 0
maxtests = 500
maxtotaltests = 1000000
print(xs, ys, indices[0][0], indices[1][0], r)
ar[xs - r:xs - r + d, ys - r:ys - r + d] = ar[xs - r:xs - r + d, ys - r:ys - r + d] * cutterArrayNegative
anglerange = [-pi, pi] # range for angle of toolpath vector versus material vector
testangleinit = 0
angleincrement = 0.05
2023-06-12 09:04:32 +00:00
if (o.movement.type == 'CLIMB' and o.movement.spindle_rotation == 'CCW') or (
o.movement.type == 'CONVENTIONAL' and o.movement.spindle_rotation == 'CW'):
anglerange = [-pi, 0]
testangleinit = 1
angleincrement = -angleincrement
2023-06-12 09:04:32 +00:00
elif (o.movement.type == 'CONVENTIONAL' and o.movement.spindle_rotation == 'CCW') or (
o.movement.type == 'CLIMB' and o.movement.spindle_rotation == 'CW'):
anglerange = [0, pi]
testangleinit = -1
angleincrement = angleincrement
while totpix > 0 and totaltests < maxtotaltests: # a ratio when the algorithm is allowed to end
success = False
# define a vector which gets varied throughout the testing, growing and growing angle to sides.
testangle = testangleinit
testleftright = False
testlength = r
while not success:
xs = nchunk.points[-1][0] + int(testvect.x)
ys = nchunk.points[-1][1] + int(testvect.y)
if xs > r + 1 and xs < ar.shape[0] - r - 1 and ys > r + 1 and ys < ar.shape[1] - r - 1:
testar = ar[xs - r:xs - r + d, ys - r:ys - r + d] * cutterArray
if 0:
print(testar.sum(), satisfypix)
print(xs, ys, testlength, testangle)
eatpix = testar.sum()
cindices = testar.nonzero()
cx = cindices[0].sum() / eatpix
cy = cindices[1].sum() / eatpix
v = Vector((cx - r, cy - r))
angle = testvect.to_2d().angle_signed(v)
if anglerange[0] < angle < anglerange[1]: # this could be righthanded milling? lets see :)
if toomuchpix > eatpix > satisfypix:
success = True
if success:
nchunk.points.append([xs, ys])
lastvect = testvect
ar[xs - r:xs - r + d, ys - r:ys - r + d] = ar[xs - r:xs - r + d, ys - r:ys - r + d] * (-cutterArray)
totpix -= eatpix
itests = 0
if 0:
print(xs, ys, testlength, testangle)
# TODO: after all angles were tested into material higher than toomuchpix, it should cancel,
# otherwise there is no problem with long travel in free space.....
# TODO:the testing should start not from the same angle as lastvector, but more towards material.
# So values closer to toomuchpix are obtained rather than satisfypix
testvect = lastvect.normalized() * testlength
right = True
if testangleinit == 0: # meander
if testleftright:
testangle = -testangle
testleftright = False
testangle = abs(testangle) + angleincrement # increment angle
testleftright = True
else: # climb/conv.
testangle += angleincrement
if abs(testangle) > o.crazy_threshold3: # /testlength
testangle = testangleinit
testlength += r / 4.0
if nchunk.points[-1][0] + testvect.x < r:
testvect.x = r
if nchunk.points[-1][1] + testvect.y < r:
testvect.y = r
if nchunk.points[-1][0] + testvect.x > maxarx - r:
testvect.x = maxarx - r
if nchunk.points[-1][1] + testvect.y > maxary - r:
testvect.y = maxary - r
rot.z = testangle
2020-10-12 16:45:08 +00:00
# if 0:
# print(xs, ys, testlength, testangle)
# print(lastvect)
# print(testvect)
# print(totpix)
itests += 1
totaltests += 1
if itests > maxtests or testlength > r * 1.5:
# print('resetting location')
indices = ar.nonzero()
2024-01-25 11:06:14 +00:00
if len(indices[0]) > 0:
xs = indices[0][0] - r
if xs < r:
xs = r
ys = indices[1][0] - r
if ys < r:
ys = r
2024-01-25 11:06:14 +00:00
nchunk = camPathChunkBuilder([(xs, ys)]) # startposition
ar[xs - r:xs - r + d, ys - r:ys - r + d] = ar[xs - r:xs - r + d,
ys - r:ys - r + d] * cutterArrayNegative
r = random.random() * 2 * pi
e = Euler((0, 0, r))
testvect = lastvect.normalized() * 4 # multiply *2 not to get values <1 pixel
lastvect = testvect.copy()
success = True
itests = 0
i += 1
if i % 100 == 0:
print('100 succesfull tests done')
totpix = ar.sum()
i = 0
2024-01-25 11:06:14 +00:00
for ch in chunk_builders:
ch = ch.points
for i in range(0, len(ch)):
ch[i] = ((ch[i][0] + coef - o.borderwidth) * o.optimisation.pixsize + minx,
(ch[i][1] + coef - o.borderwidth) * o.optimisation.pixsize + miny, 0)
2024-01-25 11:06:14 +00:00
return [c.to_chunk() for c in chunk_builders]
def crazyStrokeImageBinary(o, ar, avoidar):
# this surprisingly works, and can be used as a basis for something similar to adaptive milling strategy.
# works like this:
# start 'somewhere'
# try to go in various directions.
# if somewhere the cutter load is appropriate - it is correct magnitude and side, continue in that directon
# try to continue straight or around that, looking
minx, miny, minz, maxx, maxy, maxz = o.min.x, o.min.y, o.min.z, o.max.x, o.max.y, o.max.z
# TODO this should be somewhere else, but here it is now to get at least some ambient for start of the operation.
ar[:o.borderwidth, :] = 0
ar[-o.borderwidth:, :] = 0
ar[:, :o.borderwidth] = 0
ar[:, -o.borderwidth:] = 0
r = int((o.cutter_diameter / 2.0) / o.optimisation.pixsize) # ceil((o.cutter_diameter/12)/o.optimisation.pixsize)
d = 2 * r
coef = 0.75
maxarx = ar.shape[0]
maxary = ar.shape[1]
cutterArray = getCircleBinary(r)
cutterArrayNegative = -cutterArray
cutterimagepix = cutterArray.sum()
anglelimit = o.crazy_threshold3
satisfypix = cutterimagepix * o.crazy_threshold1 # a threshold which says if it is valuable to cut in a direction
toomuchpix = cutterimagepix * o.crazy_threshold2 # same, but upper limit
optimalpix = cutterimagepix * o.crazy_threshold5 # (satisfypix+toomuchpix)/2.0# the ideal eating ratio
indices = ar.nonzero() # first get white pixels
startpix = ar.sum() #
totpix = startpix
2024-01-25 11:06:14 +00:00
chunk_builders = []
# try to find starting point here
xs = indices[0][0] - r / 2
if xs < r:
xs = r
ys = indices[1][0] - r
if ys < r:
ys = r
2024-01-25 11:06:14 +00:00
nchunk = camPathChunkBuilder([(xs, ys)]) # startposition
print(indices[0][0], indices[1][0])
lastvect = Vector((r, 0, 0)) # vector is 3d, blender somehow doesn't rotate 2d vectors with angles.
testvect = lastvect.normalized() * r / 4.0 # multiply *2 not to get values <1 pixel
rot = Euler((0, 0, 1))
i = 0
itests = 0
totaltests = 0
maxtests = 2000
maxtotaltests = 20000 # 1000000
margin = 0
# print(xs,ys,indices[0][0],indices[1][0],r)
ar[xs - r:xs + r, ys - r:ys + r] = ar[xs - r:xs + r, ys - r:ys + r] * cutterArrayNegative
anglerange = [-pi, pi]
# range for angle of toolpath vector versus material vector -
# probably direction negative to the force applied on cutter by material.
testangleinit = 0
angleincrement = o.crazy_threshold4
2023-06-12 09:04:32 +00:00
if (o.movement.type == 'CLIMB' and o.movement.spindle_rotation == 'CCW') or (
o.movement.type == 'CONVENTIONAL' and o.movement.spindle_rotation == 'CW'):
anglerange = [-pi, 0]
testangleinit = anglelimit
angleincrement = -angleincrement
2023-06-12 09:04:32 +00:00
elif (o.movement.type == 'CONVENTIONAL' and o.movement.spindle_rotation == 'CCW') or (
o.movement.type == 'CLIMB' and o.movement.spindle_rotation == 'CW'):
anglerange = [0, pi]
testangleinit = -anglelimit
angleincrement = angleincrement
while totpix > 0 and totaltests < maxtotaltests: # a ratio when the algorithm is allowed to end
success = False
# define a vector which gets varied throughout the testing, growing and growing angle to sides.
testangle = testangleinit
testleftright = False
testlength = r
foundsolutions = []
while not success:
xs = int(nchunk.points[-1][0] + testvect.x)
ys = int(nchunk.points[-1][1] + testvect.y)
# print(xs,ys,ar.shape)
# print(d)
if xs > r + margin and xs < ar.shape[0] - r - margin and ys > r + margin and ys < ar.shape[1] - r - margin:
# avoidtest=avoidar[xs-r:xs+r,ys-r:ys+r]*cutterArray
if not avoidar[xs, ys]:
testar = ar[xs - r:xs + r, ys - r:ys + r] * cutterArray
eatpix = testar.sum()
cindices = testar.nonzero()
cx = cindices[0].sum() / eatpix
cy = cindices[1].sum() / eatpix
v = Vector((cx - r, cy - r))
# print(testvect.length,testvect)
if v.length != 0:
angle = testvect.to_2d().angle_signed(v)
if (anglerange[0] < angle < anglerange[1] and toomuchpix > eatpix > satisfypix) or (
eatpix > 0 and totpix < startpix * 0.025):
# this could be righthanded milling?
# lets see :)
# print(xs,ys,angle)
foundsolutions.append([testvect.copy(), eatpix])
if len(foundsolutions) >= 10: # or totpix < startpix*0.025:
success = True
itests += 1
totaltests += 1
if success:
# fist, try to inter/extrapolate the recieved results.
closest = 100000000
# print('evaluate')
for s in foundsolutions:
# print(abs(s[1]-optimalpix),optimalpix,abs(s[1]))
if abs(s[1] - optimalpix) < closest:
bestsolution = s
closest = abs(s[1] - optimalpix)
# print('closest',closest)
2020-10-12 16:45:08 +00:00
testvect = bestsolution[0] # v1#+(v2-v1)*ratio#rewriting with interpolated vect.
xs = int(nchunk.points[-1][0] + testvect.x)
ys = int(nchunk.points[-1][1] + testvect.y)
nchunk.points.append([xs, ys])
lastvect = testvect
ar[xs - r:xs + r, ys - r:ys + r] = ar[xs - r:xs + r, ys - r:ys + r] * cutterArrayNegative
totpix -= bestsolution[1]
itests = 0
2020-10-12 16:45:08 +00:00
# if 0:
# print('success')
# print(testar.sum(), satisfypix, toomuchpix)
# print(xs, ys, testlength, testangle)
# print(lastvect)
# print(testvect)
# print(itests)
totaltests = 0
# TODO: after all angles were tested into material higher than toomuchpix,
# it should cancel, otherwise there is no problem with long travel in free space.....
# TODO:the testing should start not from the same angle as lastvector, but more towards material.
# So values closer to toomuchpix are obtained rather than satisfypix
testvect = lastvect.normalized() * testlength
if testangleinit == 0: # meander
if testleftright:
testangle = -testangle - angleincrement
testleftright = False
testangle = -testangle + angleincrement # increment angle
testleftright = True
else: # climb/conv.
testangle += angleincrement
if (abs(testangle) > o.crazy_threshold3 and len(nchunk.points) > 1) or abs(
testangle) > 2 * pi: # /testlength
testangle = testangleinit
testlength += r / 4.0
# print(itests,testlength)
if nchunk.points[-1][0] + testvect.x < r:
testvect.x = r
if nchunk.points[-1][1] + testvect.y < r:
testvect.y = r
if nchunk.points[-1][0] + testvect.x > maxarx - r:
testvect.x = maxarx - r
if nchunk.points[-1][1] + testvect.y > maxary - r:
testvect.y = maxary - r
rot.z = testangle
# if abs(testvect.normalized().y<-0.99):
2020-10-12 16:45:08 +00:00
# print(testvect,rot.z)
2020-10-12 16:45:08 +00:00
# if 0:
# print(xs, ys, testlength, testangle)
# print(lastvect)
# print(testvect)
# print(totpix)
if itests > maxtests or testlength > r * 1.5:
# if len(foundsolutions)>0:
# print('resetting location')
# print(testlength,r)
andar = numpy.logical_and(ar, numpy.logical_not(avoidar))
indices = andar.nonzero()
if len(nchunk.points) > 1:
chunk.parentChildDist([nchunk], chunks, o, distance=r)
2024-01-25 11:06:14 +00:00
if totpix > startpix * 0.001:
found = False
ftests = 0
while not found:
# look for next start point:
index = random.randint(0, len(indices[0]) - 1)
# print(index,len(indices[0]))
# print(indices[index])
xs = indices[0][index]
ys = indices[1][index]
v = Vector((r - 1, 0, 0))
randomrot = random.random() * 2 * pi
e = Euler((0, 0, randomrot))
xs += int(v.x)
ys += int(v.y)
if xs < r:
xs = r
if ys < r:
ys = r
if avoidar[xs, ys] == 0:
# print(toomuchpix,ar[xs-r:xs-r+d,ys-r:ys-r+d].sum()*pi/4,satisfypix)
testarsum = ar[xs - r:xs - r + d, ys - r:ys - r + d].sum() * pi / 4
if toomuchpix > testarsum > 0 or (
totpix < startpix * 0.025): # 0 now instead of satisfypix
found = True
# print(xs,ys,indices[0][index],indices[1][index])
nchunk = camPathChunk([(xs, ys)]) # startposition
ar[xs - r:xs + r, ys - r:ys + r] = ar[xs - r:xs + r,
ys - r:ys + r] * cutterArrayNegative
# lastvect=Vector((r,0,0))#vector is 3d,
# blender somehow doesn't rotate 2d vectors with angles.
randomrot = random.random() * 2 * pi
e = Euler((0, 0, randomrot))
testvect = lastvect.normalized() * 2 # multiply *2 not to get values <1 pixel
lastvect = testvect.copy()
if ftests > 2000:
totpix = 0 # this quits the process now.
ftests += 1
success = True
itests = 0
i += 1
if i % 100 == 0:
print('100 succesfull tests done')
totpix = ar.sum()
i = 0
if len(nchunk.points) > 1:
chunk.parentChildDist([nchunk], chunks, o, distance=r)
2024-01-25 11:06:14 +00:00
2024-01-25 11:06:14 +00:00
for ch in chunk_builders:
ch = ch.points
for i in range(0, len(ch)):
ch[i] = ((ch[i][0] + coef - o.borderwidth) * o.optimisation.pixsize + minx,
(ch[i][1] + coef - o.borderwidth) * o.optimisation.pixsize + miny, o.minz)
2024-01-25 11:06:14 +00:00
return [c.to_chunk for c in chunk_builders]
def imageToChunks(o, image, with_border=False):
t = time.time()
minx, miny, minz, maxx, maxy, maxz = o.min.x, o.min.y, o.min.z, o.max.x, o.max.y, o.max.z
pixsize = o.optimisation.pixsize
2020-11-16 21:14:42 +00:00
image = image.astype(numpy.uint8)
# progress('detecting outline')
edges = []
ar = image[:, :-1] - image[:, 1:]
indices1 = ar.nonzero()
borderspread = 2
# o.cutter_diameter/o.optimisation.pixsize#when the border was excluded precisely, sometimes it did remove some silhouette parts
r = o.borderwidth - borderspread
# to prevent outline of the border was 3 before and also (o.cutter_diameter/2)/pixsize+o.borderwidth
if with_border:
2020-10-12 16:45:08 +00:00
# print('border')
r = 0
w = image.shape[0]
h = image.shape[1]
coef = 0.75 # compensates for imprecisions
for id in range(0, len(indices1[0])):
a = indices1[0][id]
b = indices1[1][id]
if r < a < w - r and r < b < h - r:
edges.append(((a - 1, b), (a, b)))
ar = image[:-1, :] - image[1:, :]
indices2 = ar.nonzero()
for id in range(0, len(indices2[0])):
a = indices2[0][id]
b = indices2[1][id]
if r < a < w - r and r < b < h - r:
edges.append(((a, b - 1), (a, b)))
polychunks = []
# progress(len(edges))
d = {}
for e in edges:
d[e[0]] = []
d[e[1]] = []
for e in edges:
verts1 = d[e[0]]
verts2 = d[e[1]]
if len(edges) > 0:
ch = [edges[0][0], edges[0][1]] # first and his reference
i = 0
specialcase = 0
# progress('condensing outline')
while len(
d) > 0 and i < 20000000:
verts = d.get(ch[-1], [])
closed = False
# print(verts)
if len(verts) <= 1: # this will be good for not closed loops...some time
closed = True
if len(verts) == 1:
elif len(verts) >= 3:
specialcase += 1
v1 = ch[-1]
v2 = ch[-2]
white = image[v1[0], v1[1]]
comesfromtop = v1[1] < v2[1]
comesfrombottom = v1[1] > v2[1]
comesfromleft = v1[0] > v2[0]
comesfromright = v1[0] < v2[0]
take = False
for v in verts:
if v[0] == ch[-2][0] and v[1] == ch[-2][1]:
if not take:
if (not white and comesfromtop) or (white and comesfrombottom): # goes right
if v1[0] + 0.5 < v[0]:
take = True
elif (not white and comesfrombottom) or (white and comesfromtop): # goes left
if v1[0] > v[0] + 0.5:
take = True
elif (not white and comesfromleft) or (white and comesfromright): # goes down
if v1[1] > v[1] + 0.5:
take = True
elif (not white and comesfromright) or (white and comesfromleft): # goes up
if v1[1] + 0.5 < v[1]:
take = True
if take:
else: # here it has to be 2 always
done = False
for vi in range(len(verts) - 1, -1, -1):
if not done:
v = verts[vi]
if v[0] == ch[-2][0] and v[1] == ch[-2][1]:
done = True
if v[0] == ch[0][0] and v[1] == ch[0][1]: # or len(verts)<=1:
closed = True
if closed:
for si, s in enumerate(ch):
# print(si)
if si > 0: # first one was popped
if d.get(s, None) is not None and len(d[s]) == 0:
# this makes the case much less probable, but i think not impossible
if len(d) > 0:
newch = False
while not newch:
v1 = d.popitem()
if len(v1[1]) > 0:
ch = [v1[0], v1[1][0]]
newch = True
# print(' la problema grandiosa')
i += 1
if i % 10000 == 0:
# print(polychunks)
vecchunks = []
for ch in polychunks:
vecchunk = []
for i in range(0, len(ch)):
ch[i] = ((ch[i][0] + coef - o.borderwidth) * pixsize + minx,
(ch[i][1] + coef - o.borderwidth) * pixsize + miny, 0)
# print('optimizing outline')
# print('directsimplify')
reduxratio = 1.25 # was 1.25
soptions = ['distance', 'distance', o.optimisation.pixsize * reduxratio, 5, o.optimisation.pixsize * reduxratio]
nchunks = []
for i, ch in enumerate(vecchunks):
s = curve_simplify.simplify_RDP(ch, soptions)
# print(s)
2024-01-28 08:10:02 +00:00
nch = camPathChunkBuilder([])
for i in range(0, len(s)):
nch.points.append((ch[s[i]].x, ch[s[i]].y))
if len(nch.points) > 2:
2024-01-28 08:10:02 +00:00
return nchunks
return []
def imageToShapely(o, i, with_border=False):
polychunks = imageToChunks(o, i, with_border)
polys = chunksToShapely(polychunks)
return polys
def getSampleImage(s, sarray, minz):
x = s[0]
y = s[1]
if (x < 0 or x > len(sarray) - 1) or (y < 0 or y > len(sarray[0]) - 1):
return -10
minx = floor(x)
maxx = minx + 1
miny = floor(y)
maxy = miny + 1
2024-01-25 11:06:14 +00:00
# s1a = sarray.item(minx, miny) # most optimal access to array so far
# s2a = sarray.item(maxx, miny)
# s1b = sarray.item(minx, maxy)
# s2b = sarray.item(maxx, maxy)
2020-10-12 16:45:08 +00:00
sa = s1a * (maxx - x) + s2a * (x - minx)
sb = s1b * (maxx - x) + s2b * (x - minx)
z = sa * (maxy - y) + sb * (y - miny)
return z
def getResolution(o):
sx = o.max.x - o.min.x
sy = o.max.y - o.min.y
resx = ceil(sx / o.optimisation.pixsize) + 2 * o.borderwidth
resy = ceil(sy / o.optimisation.pixsize) + 2 * o.borderwidth
# this basically renders blender zbuffer and makes it accessible by saving & loading it again.
# that's because blender doesn't allow accessing pixels in render :(
2024-01-31 15:00:20 +00:00
def _backup_render_settings(pairs):
for owner,struct_name in pairs:
obj = getattr(owner,struct_name)
2024-02-01 12:05:28 +00:00
if isinstance(obj,bpy.types.bpy_struct):
# structure, backup all properties
for k in dir(obj):
if not k.startswith("_"):
# simple value
2024-01-31 15:00:20 +00:00
def _restore_render_settings(pairs,properties):
2024-02-01 12:05:28 +00:00
for (owner,struct_name),obj_value in zip(pairs,properties):
2024-01-31 15:00:20 +00:00
obj = getattr(owner,struct_name)
2024-02-01 12:05:28 +00:00
if isinstance(obj,bpy.types.bpy_struct):
for k,v in obj_value.items():
2024-01-31 15:00:20 +00:00
def renderSampleImage(o):
t = time.time()
simple.progress('getting zbuffer')
# print(o.zbuffer_image)
2024-01-07 09:30:42 +00:00
o.update_offsetimage_tag = True
if o.geometry_source == 'OBJECT' or o.geometry_source == 'COLLECTION':
pixsize = o.optimisation.pixsize
sx = o.max.x - o.min.x
sy = o.max.y - o.min.y
resx = math.ceil(sx / o.optimisation.pixsize) + 2 * o.borderwidth
resy = math.ceil(sy / o.optimisation.pixsize) + 2 * o.borderwidth
if not o.update_zbufferimage_tag and len(o.zbuffer_image) == resx and len(o.zbuffer_image[0]) == resy:
# if we call this accidentally in more functions, which currently happens...
# print('has zbuffer')
return o.zbuffer_image
# ###setup image name
iname = getCachePath(o) + '_z.exr'
if not o.update_zbufferimage_tag:
i =
if i.size[0] != resx or i.size[1] != resy:
print("Z buffer size changed:",i.size,resx,resy)
o.update_zbufferimage_tag = True
2024-01-07 09:30:42 +00:00
2024-01-07 09:30:42 +00:00
o.update_zbufferimage_tag = True
if o.update_zbufferimage_tag:
s = bpy.context.scene
s.use_nodes = True
2024-02-01 12:05:28 +00:00
vl = bpy.context.view_layer
n = s.node_tree
2024-01-04 07:32:55 +00:00
r = s.render
2024-02-01 12:05:28 +00:00
for ob in s.objects:
# prepare nodes first
r.resolution_x = resx
r.resolution_y = resy
# use cycles for everything because
# it renders okay on github actions
r.engine = 'CYCLES'
s.cycles.samples = 1
node_in ='CompositorNodeRLayers')
node_out ="CompositorNodeOutputFile")
node_out.base_path = os.path.dirname(iname)
node_out.format.file_format = 'OPEN_EXR'
node_out.format.color_mode = 'RGB'
node_out.format.color_depth = '32'[node_in.outputs.find('Mist')], node_out.inputs[-1])
# resize operation image
o.offset_image= numpy.full(shape=(resx,resy),fill_value=-10,dtype=numpy.double)
# various settings for faster render
r.resolution_percentage = 100
# add a new camera settings
bpy.ops.object.camera_add(align='WORLD', enter_editmode=False, location=(0, 0, 0),
2024-02-01 12:05:28 +00:00
rotation=(0, 0, 0))
camera = bpy.context.active_object = camera
2024-02-01 12:05:28 +00:00 = 'ORTHO' = max(resx * o.optimisation.pixsize, resy * o.optimisation.pixsize)
camera.location = (o.min.x + sx / 2, o.min.y + sy / 2, 1)
camera.rotation_euler = (0, 0, 0) = 10.0
# if not o.render_all:#removed in 0.3
2024-02-01 12:05:28 +00:00
h = []
2024-02-01 12:05:28 +00:00
for ob in s.objects:
ob.hide_render = True
for ob in o.objects:
ob.hide_render = False
2024-02-01 12:05:28 +00:00
2024-02-01 12:05:28 +00:00
2024-02-01 12:05:28 +00:00
if backup_settings is not None:
print("Failed to backup scene settings")
i =
bpy.context.scene.render.engine = 'BLENDERCAM_RENDER'
2024-01-31 15:00:20 +00:00
a = imagetonumpy(i)
2024-01-31 15:00:20 +00:00
a = 10.0 * a
a= 1.0 - a
o.zbuffer_image = a
o.update_zbufferimage_tag = False
i =[o.source_image_name]
if o.source_image_crop:
sx = int(i.size[0] * o.source_image_crop_start_x / 100.0)
ex = int(i.size[0] * o.source_image_crop_end_x / 100.0)
sy = int(i.size[1] * o.source_image_crop_start_y / 100.0)
ey = int(i.size[1] * o.source_image_crop_end_y / 100.0)
sx = 0
ex = i.size[0]
sy = 0
ey = i.size[1]
2024-01-06 08:35:18 +00:00
#o.offset_image.resize(ex - sx + 2 * o.borderwidth, ey - sy + 2 * o.borderwidth)
o.optimisation.pixsize = o.source_image_size_x / i.size[0]
simple.progress('pixel size in the image source', o.optimisation.pixsize)
rawimage = imagetonumpy(i)
maxa = numpy.max(rawimage)
mina = numpy.min(rawimage)
neg = o.source_image_scale_z < 0
if o.strategy == 'WATERLINE': # waterline strategy needs image border to have ok ambient.
2024-01-06 08:35:18 +00:00
a = numpy.full(shape=(2 * o.borderwidth + i.size[0], 2 * o.borderwidth + i.size[1]),fill_value=1-neg,dtype=numpy.float)
else: # other operations like parallel need to reach the border
2024-01-06 08:35:18 +00:00
a = numpy.full(shape=(2 * o.borderwidth + i.size[0], 2 * o.borderwidth + i.size[1]),fill_value=neg,dtype=numpy.float)
# 2*o.borderwidth
a[o.borderwidth:-o.borderwidth, o.borderwidth:-o.borderwidth] = rawimage
a = a[sx:ex + o.borderwidth * 2, sy:ey + o.borderwidth * 2]
if o.source_image_scale_z < 0:
# negative images place themselves under the 0 plane by inverting through scale multiplication
a = (a - mina) # first, put the image down, se we know the image minimum is on 0
a *= o.source_image_scale_z
else: # place positive images under 0 plane, this is logical
a = (a - mina) # first, put the image down, se we know the image minimum is on 0
a *= o.source_image_scale_z
a -= (maxa - mina) * o.source_image_scale_z
a += o.source_image_offset.z # after that, image gets offset.
o.minz = numpy.min(a) # TODO: I really don't know why this is here...
o.min.z = numpy.min(a)
print('min z ', o.min.z)
print('max z ', o.max.z)
print('max image ', numpy.max(a))
print('min image ', numpy.min(a))
o.zbuffer_image = a
# progress('got z buffer also with conversion in:')
simple.progress(time.time() - t)
# progress(a)
o.update_zbufferimage_tag = False
return o.zbuffer_image
# return numpy.array([])
2024-01-11 10:11:08 +00:00
async def prepareArea(o):
# if not o.use_exact:
samples = o.zbuffer_image
iname = simple.getCachePath(o) + '_off.exr'
if not o.update_offsetimage_tag:
progress('loading offset image')
o.offset_image = imagetonumpy(
o.update_offsetimage_tag = True
if o.update_offsetimage_tag:
if o.inverse:
samples = numpy.maximum(samples, o.min.z - 0.00001)
2024-01-11 10:11:08 +00:00
await offsetArea(o, samples)
numpysave(o.offset_image, iname)