Wykres commitów

336 Commity (main)

Autor SHA1 Wiadomość Data
Kamil Monicz 6b51f27359
Update README.md 2024-02-06 18:01:49 +01:00
Kamil Monicz b248a1351f
Merge pull request #78 from RicoElectrico/development
Add a phase-out banner.
2024-02-05 19:10:07 +01:00
RicoElectrico 8d49165467
Update web/index.html
Co-authored-by: Filip Czaplicki <github@starsep.com>
2024-02-05 19:10:07 +01:00
Michał Brzozowski ad87eeec08
Add a phase-out banner. 2024-02-05 19:10:07 +01:00
ANCMN 3cd037b7ab
Update index.html
Fix link
2024-02-05 19:10:07 +01:00
ANCMN 1898dedc9c
Update index.html
Padding fix
2024-02-05 19:10:07 +01:00
ANCMN 12df10632c
Update index.html
Added license info
2024-02-05 19:10:07 +01:00
Filip Czaplicki 6aed39371e
Merge pull request #76 from danieldegroot2/tile-url
Use preferred tile.openstreetmap.org URL
2023-10-18 21:06:44 +02:00
danieldegroot2 83676d3401
Use preferred tile.openstreetmap.org URL 2023-10-18 20:54:10 +02:00
Filip Czaplicki 587b6cc260
Merge pull request #75 from openstreetmap-polska/overpass-api-url
Fix overpass url server
2023-03-24 17:06:32 +01:00
Paweł Raszuk 8730b23474
Fix overpass url server 2023-03-24 16:53:33 +01:00
Włodzimierz Bartczak 5cc0169226
Merge pull request #72 from mutipg/patch-1
Aktualizacja danych Głównego Geodety Kraju
2022-10-28 12:15:49 +02:00
mutipg e268efa798
Aktualizacja danych Głównego Geodety Kraju
W maju 2022r. W. Izdebski został odwołany ze stanowiska GGK
2022-10-28 09:11:34 +02:00
ttomasz d4706b4b4c
Merge pull request #69 from openstreetmap-polska/development
folder structure cleanup
2022-04-04 23:52:31 +02:00
tomasz t 98c86e0d43 removed option to save map as image 2022-04-01 01:53:46 +02:00
tomasz t 1d232c305d removed line that caused sidebar to be over the search suggestions 2022-04-01 01:50:34 +02:00
tomasz t d7a19784f1 added toggle to button for right sidebar 2022-04-01 01:46:26 +02:00
tomasz t c58e02487e added missing exclusion line 2022-04-01 01:37:57 +02:00
tomasz t 61555e0df4 updated image url 2022-04-01 01:34:42 +02:00
tomasz t 5fe8c37704 updated deployment scripts 2022-04-01 01:32:56 +02:00
tomasz t 6cc529a8c3 Merge branch 'structure_cleanup' into development 2022-04-01 01:27:29 +02:00
Maciej c2df55b187 added new patron 2022-04-01 01:22:13 +02:00
Maciej 7c0ba0457d Change UI of sidebar 2022-04-01 01:22:13 +02:00
tomasz t 7a19c79292 changed metadata url to be absolute 2022-04-01 01:14:51 +02:00
tomasz t fee254236e updated readme 2022-04-01 01:09:54 +02:00
tomasz t e960d21681 fixed taginfo project definition 2022-03-31 20:27:46 +02:00
tomasz t f21754d371 cleaned up structure of the repo 2022-03-31 20:27:17 +02:00
tomasz t 2fc91859b5 removed unnecessary files 2022-03-31 20:26:15 +02:00
ttomasz 56090403b3
Merge pull request #68 from openstreetmap-polska/development
2022-03-31 19:22:24 +02:00
Maciej 27189de5ba added new patron 2022-03-31 10:05:30 +02:00
Maciej 67cab9315f Change UI of sidebar 2022-03-29 15:10:55 +02:00
tomasz t fb1fb23946 updated readme 2022-03-28 23:20:24 +02:00
tomasz t b5d6fe18d4 changed icon overlap to mapbox compatible property to be able to use maputnik editor 2022-03-28 22:05:49 +02:00
tomasz t 36ff7cfda6 Merge branch 'main' into development
# Conflicts:
#	.github/workflows/deploy_to_prod.yaml
2022-03-28 19:01:26 +02:00
tomasz t ca98c2977c fixed path in deploy script 2022-03-28 18:54:09 +02:00
ANCMN 8196b2421a
Development (#67)
* Added layers.js (settings in separate file) and sprite test (#66)

* sprites fix, hardcoded url

* aed icon

* Fixed icon size

* icon-size -> 0.5

* icon-size -> 0.33

* size -> 0.36

* new sprites

* aed icon fix

* Sprites fix

* removed uneccesary code / formatting code

* removed unecessary attribution + code formatting

* Fixed sprite on mobile

* width + height fixed

* fixed hash #map

* fixed hash

* added formatting + missing "icon-overlap"

* removed download of custom_layer data

* changed map style from js to json

* changed data urls to be absolute

* clean up

* changed size of cluster circles

* added info about generating sprites

* added sprites for high dpi screens

Co-authored-by: tomasz t <tomasztaras@outlook.com>
2022-03-28 18:48:54 +02:00
tomasz t 40a4f266bd added sprites for high dpi screens 2022-03-28 18:13:09 +02:00
tomasz t 00ae1d9881 added info about generating sprites 2022-03-27 19:40:03 +02:00
tomasz t b33883a49a changed size of cluster circles 2022-03-27 19:38:55 +02:00
tomasz t 3564364c96 clean up 2022-03-27 19:38:40 +02:00
tomasz t 5a1831a1e7 changed data urls to be absolute 2022-03-27 03:00:36 +02:00
tomasz t 2da4460ac8 changed map style from js to json 2022-03-27 01:52:21 +01:00
tomasz t 6eb870747d removed download of custom_layer data 2022-03-27 01:44:55 +01:00
Maciej 01b1c700e5 added formatting + missing "icon-overlap" 2022-03-10 09:45:41 +01:00
Maciej f03325cdc1 fixed hash 2022-03-07 12:15:01 +01:00
Maciej 9782a2e5b7 fixed hash #map 2022-03-07 12:14:36 +01:00
Maciej 1b65dffe44 width + height fixed 2022-03-07 07:43:25 +01:00
Maciej a7f48fdeb9 Fixed sprite on mobile 2022-03-06 23:04:18 +01:00
Maciej 23ae4625aa removed unecessary attribution + code formatting 2022-03-06 22:08:35 +01:00
Maciej e10f90fe51 removed uneccesary code / formatting code 2022-03-06 21:29:08 +01:00