add internal to pt_privacy example options (#26)

Co-authored-by: ray <>
rayelliottdev 2022-05-30 05:59:41 +01:00 zatwierdzone przez GitHub
rodzic 73a1f8ed28
commit 90f58572dd
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ID klucza GPG: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
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@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ poll_frequency = 180 # poll frequency in minutes
default_lang = "english" # default language if YT channel does not have a language, see pt_languages.txt for available languages default_lang = "english" # default language if YT channel does not have a language, see pt_languages.txt for available languages
nsfw = "false" # lowercase string, is this channel NSFW? nsfw = "false" # lowercase string, is this channel NSFW?
comments_enabled = "true" # lowercase string, do you want comments enabled in this channel? comments_enabled = "true" # lowercase string, do you want comments enabled in this channel?
pt_privacy = 1 # 1 = public, 2 = unlisted, 3 = private, privacy for entire channel, default public pt_privacy = 1 # 1 = public, 2 = unlisted, 3 = private, 4 = internal, privacy for entire channel, default public
description_prefix = "" # This description will be added to the beginning of the YT description description_prefix = "" # This description will be added to the beginning of the YT description
description_suffix = "" # This description will be appended to the end of the YT description description_suffix = "" # This description will be appended to the end of the YT description
preferred_extension = "mp4" # preferred extension of download and upload preferred_extension = "mp4" # preferred extension of download and upload