
349 wiersze
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import ollama, { Message } from 'ollama/browser'
import { atom, computed, react, structuredClone, transact, uniqueId } from 'tldraw'
import { systemPrompt } from './system-prompt-2'
export type LMMessage = {
from: 'user' | 'assistant' | 'system'
time: number
content: string
export type LMThread = {
id: string
state: 'idle' | 'waiting'
content: Message[]
export type LMSerialized = {
currentThreadId: string
threads: Record<string, LMThread>
class ModelManager {
constructor() {
react('persist on change', () => {
@computed getState() {
return this.getThread().state
_threads = atom<Record<string, LMThread>>('threads', {})
_currentThreadId = atom<string>('currentThreadId', 'a0')
@computed getCurrentThreadId() {
return this._currentThreadId.get()
@computed getThreads(): Record<string, LMThread> {
return this._threads.get()
@computed getThread(): LMThread {
return this.getThreads()[this.getCurrentThreadId()]
private addQueryToThread(message: Message) {
this._threads.update((threads) => {
const thread = this.getThread()
if (!thread) throw Error('No thread found')
const next = structuredClone(thread)
next.state = 'waiting'
return { ...threads, []: next }
private addResponseToThread(message: Message) {
this._threads.update((threads) => {
const thread = this.getThread()
if (!thread) throw Error('No thread found')
const next = structuredClone(thread)
next.state === 'idle'
return { ...threads, []: next }
private addChunkToThread(chunk: string) {
this._threads.update((threads) => {
const currentThreadId = this.getCurrentThreadId()
const thread = this.getThreads()[currentThreadId]
if (!thread) throw Error('No thread found')
const next = structuredClone(thread)
const message = next.content.pop()
if (!message || message.role !== 'user') {
role: 'user',
content: chunk,
images: [],
return { ...threads, [currentThreadId]: next }
message.content += chunk
return { ...threads, [currentThreadId]: next }
* Serialize the model.
private serialize() {
return {
currentThreadId: this.getCurrentThreadId(),
threads: this.getThreads(),
* Deserialize the model.
private deserialize() {
let result: LMSerialized = {
currentThreadId: 'a0',
threads: {
a0: {
id: 'a0',
state: 'idle',
content: [],
try {
const stringified = localStorage.getItem('threads_1')
if (stringified) {
const json = JSON.parse(stringified)
result = json
} catch (e) {
// noop
return result
private persist() {
localStorage.setItem('threads_1', JSON.stringify(this.serialize()))
private load() {
const serialized = this.deserialize()
transact(() => {
private getMessagesFromThread(thread: LMThread) {
return thread.content
/* --------------------- Public --------------------- */
* Start a new thread.
startNewThread() {
this._threads.update((threads) => {
const id = uniqueId()
return {
[id]: {
state: 'idle',
content: [],
* Cancel the current query.
cancel() {
this._threads.update((threads) => {
const thread = this.getThread()
if (!thread) throw Error('No thread found')
const next = structuredClone(thread)
if (next.content.length > 0) {
if (next.content[next.content.length - 1].role === 'assistant') {
if (next.content[next.content.length - 1].role === 'user') {
next.state = 'idle'
return { ...threads, []: next }
* Query the model.
query(query: string, image?: string) {
this.addQueryToThread({ role: 'user', content: query, images: image ? [image] : [] })
const currentThreadId = this.getCurrentThreadId()
let cancelled = false
const messages = this.getMessagesFromThread(this.getThread())
return {
response: ollama
model: 'llava',
system: messages[0].content,
prompt: messages[messages.length - 1].content,
images: messages[messages.length - 1].images,
keep_alive: 1000,
stream: false,
format: 'json',
options: {},
.then((r) => {
if (cancelled) return
if (this.getCurrentThreadId() !== currentThreadId) return
// this.addResponseToThread(r.response)
const message = {
role: 'user',
content: r.response,
images: [],
return message
cancel: () => {
cancelled = true
* Query the model and stream the response.
stream(query: string, image?: string) {
const currentThreadId = this.getCurrentThreadId()
role: 'user',
content: query,
images: image ? [image] : [],
const messages = [...this.getMessagesFromThread(this.getThread())]
role: 'assistant',
content: '',
images: [],
}) // Add an empty response to start the thread
let cancelled = false
return {
response: ollama
model: 'llava',
messages: messages,
keep_alive: 1000,
stream: true,
options: {},
.then(async (response) => {
for await (const part of response) {
if (cancelled) return
if (this.getCurrentThreadId() !== currentThreadId) return
const next = structuredClone(this.getThread())
const message = next.content[next.content.length - 1]
message.content += part.message.content
this._threads.update((threads) => ({
[]: next,
if (cancelled) return
if (this.getCurrentThreadId() !== currentThreadId) return
this._threads.update((threads) => {
const thread = this.getThread()
if (!thread) throw Error('No thread found')
const next = structuredClone(thread)
next.state = 'idle'
return { ...threads, []: next }
const thread = this.getThread()
return thread.content[thread.content.length - 1]
cancel: () => {
cancelled = true
// getWithImage(query: string, image?: string) {
// const currentThreadId = this.getCurrentThreadId()
// this.addQueryToThread({ role: "user", content: query, images: image ? [image] : [])
// let cancelled = false
// return {
// response: ollama
// .generate({
// model: 'llava',
// prompt: query,
// images: [image],
// })
// .then((d: any) => {
// if (cancelled) return
// if (this.getCurrentThreadId() !== currentThreadId) return
// this.addResponseToThread(d.response)
// this._threads.update((threads) => {
// const thread = this.getThread()
// if (!thread) throw Error('No thread found')
// const next = structuredClone(thread)
// next.state = 'idle'
// return { ...threads, []: next }
// })
// const thread = this.getThread()
// return thread.content[thread.content.length - 1]
// }),
// cancel: () => {
// cancelled = true
// this.cancel()
// },
// }
// }
* Clear all threads.
clear() {
transact(() => {
a0: {
id: 'a0',
state: 'idle',
content: [
role: 'system',
content: systemPrompt,
images: [],
export const modelManager = new ModelManager()