
216 wiersze
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import {
} from '@tldraw/store'
import { mapObjectMapValues } from '@tldraw/utils'
import { T } from '@tldraw/validate'
import { nanoid } from 'nanoid'
import { SchemaPropsInfo } from '../createTLSchema'
import { TLPropsMigrations } from '../recordsWithProps'
import { TLArrowShape } from '../shapes/TLArrowShape'
import { TLBaseShape, createShapeValidator } from '../shapes/TLBaseShape'
import { TLBookmarkShape } from '../shapes/TLBookmarkShape'
import { TLDrawShape } from '../shapes/TLDrawShape'
import { TLEmbedShape } from '../shapes/TLEmbedShape'
import { TLFrameShape } from '../shapes/TLFrameShape'
import { TLGeoShape } from '../shapes/TLGeoShape'
import { TLGroupShape } from '../shapes/TLGroupShape'
import { TLHighlightShape } from '../shapes/TLHighlightShape'
import { TLImageShape } from '../shapes/TLImageShape'
import { TLLineShape } from '../shapes/TLLineShape'
import { TLNoteShape } from '../shapes/TLNoteShape'
import { TLTextShape } from '../shapes/TLTextShape'
import { TLVideoShape } from '../shapes/TLVideoShape'
import { StyleProp } from '../styles/StyleProp'
import { TLPageId } from './TLPage'
* The default set of shapes that are available in the editor.
* @public */
export type TLDefaultShape =
| TLArrowShape
| TLBookmarkShape
| TLDrawShape
| TLEmbedShape
| TLFrameShape
| TLGeoShape
| TLGroupShape
| TLImageShape
| TLLineShape
| TLNoteShape
| TLTextShape
| TLVideoShape
| TLHighlightShape
* A type for a shape that is available in the editor but whose type is
* unknown—either one of the editor's default shapes or else a custom shape.
* @public */
export type TLUnknownShape = TLBaseShape<string, object>
* The set of all shapes that are available in the editor, including unknown shapes.
* @public
export type TLShape = TLDefaultShape | TLUnknownShape
/** @public */
export type TLShapePartial<T extends TLShape = TLShape> = T extends T
? {
id: TLShapeId
type: T['type']
props?: Partial<T['props']>
meta?: Partial<T['meta']>
} & Partial<Omit<T, 'type' | 'id' | 'props' | 'meta'>>
: never
/** @public */
export type TLShapeId = RecordId<TLUnknownShape>
/** @public */
export type TLParentId = TLPageId | TLShapeId
/** @public */
export const rootShapeVersions = createMigrationIds('com.tldraw.shape', {
AddIsLocked: 1,
HoistOpacity: 2,
AddMeta: 3,
AddWhite: 4,
} as const)
/** @public */
export const rootShapeMigrations = createRecordMigrationSequence({
sequenceId: 'com.tldraw.shape',
recordType: 'shape',
sequence: [
id: rootShapeVersions.AddIsLocked,
up: (record: any) => {
record.isLocked = false
down: (record: any) => {
delete record.isLocked
id: rootShapeVersions.HoistOpacity,
up: (record: any) => {
record.opacity = Number(record.props.opacity ?? '1')
delete record.props.opacity
down: (record: any) => {
const opacity = record.opacity
delete record.opacity
record.props.opacity =
opacity < 0.175
? '0.1'
: opacity < 0.375
? '0.25'
: opacity < 0.625
? '0.5'
: opacity < 0.875
? '0.75'
: '1'
id: rootShapeVersions.AddMeta,
up: (record: any) => {
record.meta = {}
id: rootShapeVersions.AddWhite,
up: (_record) => {
// noop
down: (record: any) => {
if (record.props.color === 'white') {
record.props.color = 'black'
/** @public */
export function isShape(record?: UnknownRecord): record is TLShape {
if (!record) return false
return record.typeName === 'shape'
/** @public */
export function isShapeId(id?: string): id is TLShapeId {
if (!id) return false
return id.startsWith('shape:')
/** @public */
export function createShapeId(id?: string): TLShapeId {
return `shape:${id ?? nanoid()}` as TLShapeId
/** @internal */
export function getShapePropKeysByStyle(props: Record<string, T.Validatable<any>>) {
const propKeysByStyle = new Map<StyleProp<unknown>, string>()
for (const [key, prop] of Object.entries(props)) {
if (prop instanceof StyleProp) {
if (propKeysByStyle.has(prop)) {
throw new Error(
`Duplicate style prop ${}. Each style prop can only be used once within a shape.`
propKeysByStyle.set(prop, key)
return propKeysByStyle
* @public
export function createShapePropsMigrationSequence(
migrations: TLPropsMigrations
): TLPropsMigrations {
return migrations
* @public
export function createShapePropsMigrationIds<
const S extends string,
const T extends Record<string, number>,
>(shapeType: S, ids: T): { [k in keyof T]: `com.tldraw.shape.${S}/${T[k]}` } {
return mapObjectMapValues(ids, (_k, v) => `com.tldraw.shape.${shapeType}/${v}`) as any
/** @internal */
export function createShapeRecordType(shapes: Record<string, SchemaPropsInfo>) {
return createRecordType<TLShape>('shape', {
scope: 'document',
validator: T.model(
mapObjectMapValues(shapes, (type, { props, meta }) =>
createShapeValidator(type, props, meta)
}).withDefaultProperties(() => ({
x: 0,
y: 0,
rotation: 0,
isLocked: false,
opacity: 1,
meta: {},