
421 wiersze
13 KiB

import { TLRecord, TLStore } from '@tldraw/tlschema'
/** @public */
export type TLBeforeCreateHandler<R extends TLRecord> = (record: R, source: 'remote' | 'user') => R
/** @public */
export type TLAfterCreateHandler<R extends TLRecord> = (
record: R,
source: 'remote' | 'user'
) => void
/** @public */
export type TLBeforeChangeHandler<R extends TLRecord> = (
prev: R,
next: R,
source: 'remote' | 'user'
) => R
/** @public */
export type TLAfterChangeHandler<R extends TLRecord> = (
prev: R,
next: R,
source: 'remote' | 'user'
) => void
/** @public */
export type TLBeforeDeleteHandler<R extends TLRecord> = (
record: R,
source: 'remote' | 'user'
) => void | false
/** @public */
export type TLAfterDeleteHandler<R extends TLRecord> = (
record: R,
source: 'remote' | 'user'
) => void
/** @public */
export type TLBatchCompleteHandler = () => void
* The side effect manager (aka a "correct state enforcer") is responsible
* for making sure that the editor's state is always correct. This includes
* things like: deleting a shape if its parent is deleted; unbinding
* arrows when their binding target is deleted; etc.
* @public
export class SideEffectManager<
CTX extends {
store: TLStore
history: { onBatchComplete: () => void }
> {
constructor(public editor: CTX) { = (record, source) => {
const handlers = this._beforeCreateHandlers[
] as TLBeforeCreateHandler<TLRecord>[]
if (handlers) {
let r = record
for (const handler of handlers) {
r = handler(r, source)
return r
return record
} = (record, source) => {
const handlers = this._afterCreateHandlers[
] as TLAfterCreateHandler<TLRecord>[]
if (handlers) {
for (const handler of handlers) {
handler(record, source)
} = (prev, next, source) => {
const handlers = this._beforeChangeHandlers[
] as TLBeforeChangeHandler<TLRecord>[]
if (handlers) {
let r = next
for (const handler of handlers) {
r = handler(prev, r, source)
return r
return next
} = (prev, next, source) => {
const handlers = this._afterChangeHandlers[next.typeName] as TLAfterChangeHandler<TLRecord>[]
if (handlers) {
for (const handler of handlers) {
handler(prev, next, source)
} = (record, source) => {
const handlers = this._beforeDeleteHandlers[
] as TLBeforeDeleteHandler<TLRecord>[]
if (handlers) {
for (const handler of handlers) {
if (handler(record, source) === false) {
return false
} = (record, source) => {
const handlers = this._afterDeleteHandlers[
] as TLAfterDeleteHandler<TLRecord>[]
if (handlers) {
for (const handler of handlers) {
handler(record, source)
editor.history.onBatchComplete = () => {
this._batchCompleteHandlers.forEach((fn) => fn())
private _beforeCreateHandlers: Partial<{
[K in TLRecord['typeName']]: TLBeforeCreateHandler<TLRecord & { typeName: K }>[]
}> = {}
private _afterCreateHandlers: Partial<{
[K in TLRecord['typeName']]: TLAfterCreateHandler<TLRecord & { typeName: K }>[]
}> = {}
private _beforeChangeHandlers: Partial<{
[K in TLRecord['typeName']]: TLBeforeChangeHandler<TLRecord & { typeName: K }>[]
}> = {}
private _afterChangeHandlers: Partial<{
[K in TLRecord['typeName']]: TLAfterChangeHandler<TLRecord & { typeName: K }>[]
}> = {}
private _beforeDeleteHandlers: Partial<{
[K in TLRecord['typeName']]: TLBeforeDeleteHandler<TLRecord & { typeName: K }>[]
}> = {}
private _afterDeleteHandlers: Partial<{
[K in TLRecord['typeName']]: TLAfterDeleteHandler<TLRecord & { typeName: K }>[]
}> = {}
private _batchCompleteHandlers: TLBatchCompleteHandler[] = []
* Internal helper for registering a bunch of side effects at once and keeping them organized.
* @internal
register(handlersByType: {
[R in TLRecord as R['typeName']]?: {
beforeCreate?: TLBeforeCreateHandler<R>
afterCreate?: TLAfterCreateHandler<R>
beforeChange?: TLBeforeChangeHandler<R>
afterChange?: TLAfterChangeHandler<R>
beforeDelete?: TLBeforeDeleteHandler<R>
afterDelete?: TLAfterDeleteHandler<R>
}) {
const disposes: (() => void)[] = []
for (const [type, handlers] of Object.entries(handlersByType) as any) {
if (handlers?.beforeCreate) {
disposes.push(this.registerBeforeCreateHandler(type, handlers.beforeCreate))
if (handlers?.afterCreate) {
disposes.push(this.registerAfterCreateHandler(type, handlers.afterCreate))
if (handlers?.beforeChange) {
disposes.push(this.registerBeforeChangeHandler(type, handlers.beforeChange))
if (handlers?.afterChange) {
disposes.push(this.registerAfterChangeHandler(type, handlers.afterChange))
if (handlers?.beforeDelete) {
disposes.push(this.registerBeforeDeleteHandler(type, handlers.beforeDelete))
if (handlers?.afterDelete) {
disposes.push(this.registerAfterDeleteHandler(type, handlers.afterDelete))
return () => {
for (const dispose of disposes) dispose()
* Register a handler to be called before a record of a certain type is created. Return a
* modified record from the handler to change the record that will be created.
* Use this handle only to modify the creation of the record itself. If you want to trigger a
* side-effect on a different record (for example, moving one shape when another is created),
* use {@link SideEffectManager.registerAfterCreateHandler} instead.
* @example
* ```ts
* editor.sideEffects.registerBeforeCreateHandler('shape', (shape, source) => {
* // only modify shapes created by the user
* if (source !== 'user') return shape
* //by default, arrow shapes have no label. Let's make sure they always have a label.
* if (shape.type === 'arrow') {
* return {...shape, props: {...shape.props, text: 'an arrow'}}
* }
* // other shapes get returned unmodified
* return shape
* })
* ```
* @param typeName - The type of record to listen for
* @param handler - The handler to call
registerBeforeCreateHandler<T extends TLRecord['typeName']>(
typeName: T,
handler: TLBeforeCreateHandler<TLRecord & { typeName: T }>
) {
const handlers = this._beforeCreateHandlers[typeName] as TLBeforeCreateHandler<any>[]
if (!handlers) this._beforeCreateHandlers[typeName] = []
return () => remove(this._beforeCreateHandlers[typeName]!, handler)
* Register a handler to be called after a record is created. This is useful for side-effects
* that would update _other_ records. If you want to modify the record being created use
* {@link SideEffectManager.registerBeforeCreateHandler} instead.
* @example
* ```ts
* editor.sideEffects.registerAfterCreateHandler('page', (page, source) => {
* // Automatically create a shape when a page is created
* editor.createShape({
* id: createShapeId(),
* type: 'text',
* props: { text: },
* })
* })
* ```
* @param typeName - The type of record to listen for
* @param handler - The handler to call
registerAfterCreateHandler<T extends TLRecord['typeName']>(
typeName: T,
handler: TLAfterCreateHandler<TLRecord & { typeName: T }>
) {
const handlers = this._afterCreateHandlers[typeName] as TLAfterCreateHandler<any>[]
if (!handlers) this._afterCreateHandlers[typeName] = []
return () => remove(this._afterCreateHandlers[typeName]!, handler)
* Register a handler to be called before a record is changed. The handler is given the old and
* new record - you can return a modified record to apply a different update, or the old record
* to block the update entirely.
* Use this handler only for intercepting updates to the record itself. If you want to update
* other records in response to a change, use
* {@link SideEffectManager.registerAfterChangeHandler} instead.
* @example
* ```ts
* editor.sideEffects.registerBeforeChangeHandler('shape', (prev, next, source) => {
* if (next.isLocked && !prev.isLocked) {
* // prevent shapes from ever being locked:
* return prev
* }
* // other types of change are allowed
* return next
* })
* ```
* @param typeName - The type of record to listen for
* @param handler - The handler to call
registerBeforeChangeHandler<T extends TLRecord['typeName']>(
typeName: T,
handler: TLBeforeChangeHandler<TLRecord & { typeName: T }>
) {
const handlers = this._beforeChangeHandlers[typeName] as TLBeforeChangeHandler<any>[]
if (!handlers) this._beforeChangeHandlers[typeName] = []
return () => remove(this._beforeChangeHandlers[typeName]!, handler)
* Register a handler to be called after a record is changed. This is useful for side-effects
* that would update _other_ records - if you want to modify the record being changed, use
* {@link SideEffectManager.registerBeforeChangeHandler} instead.
* @example
* ```ts
* editor.sideEffects.registerAfterChangeHandler('shape', (prev, next, source) => {
* if (next.props.color === 'red') {
* // there can only be one red shape at a time:
* const otherRedShapes = editor.getCurrentPageShapes().filter(s => s.props.color === 'red' && !==
* editor.updateShapes( => ({...s, props: {...s.props, color: 'blue'}})))
* }
* })
* ```
* @param typeName - The type of record to listen for
* @param handler - The handler to call
registerAfterChangeHandler<T extends TLRecord['typeName']>(
typeName: T,
handler: TLAfterChangeHandler<TLRecord & { typeName: T }>
) {
const handlers = this._afterChangeHandlers[typeName] as TLAfterChangeHandler<any>[]
if (!handlers) this._afterChangeHandlers[typeName] = []
this._afterChangeHandlers[typeName]!.push(handler as TLAfterChangeHandler<any>)
return () => remove(this._afterChangeHandlers[typeName]!, handler)
* Register a handler to be called before a record is deleted. The handler can return `false` to
* prevent the deletion.
* Use this handler only for intercepting deletions of the record itself. If you want to do
* something to other records in response to a deletion, use
* {@link SideEffectManager.registerAfterDeleteHandler} instead.
* @example
* ```ts
* editor.sideEffects.registerBeforeDeleteHandler('shape', (shape, source) => {
* if (shape.props.color === 'red') {
* // prevent red shapes from being deleted
* return false
* }
* })
* ```
* @param typeName - The type of record to listen for
* @param handler - The handler to call
registerBeforeDeleteHandler<T extends TLRecord['typeName']>(
typeName: T,
handler: TLBeforeDeleteHandler<TLRecord & { typeName: T }>
) {
const handlers = this._beforeDeleteHandlers[typeName] as TLBeforeDeleteHandler<any>[]
if (!handlers) this._beforeDeleteHandlers[typeName] = []
this._beforeDeleteHandlers[typeName]!.push(handler as TLBeforeDeleteHandler<any>)
return () => remove(this._beforeDeleteHandlers[typeName]!, handler)
* Register a handler to be called after a record is deleted. This is useful for side-effects
* that would update _other_ records - if you want to block the deletion of the record itself,
* use {@link SideEffectManager.registerBeforeDeleteHandler} instead.
* @example
* ```ts
* editor.sideEffects.registerAfterDeleteHandler('shape', (shape, source) => {
* // if the last shape in a frame is deleted, delete the frame too:
* const parentFrame = editor.getShape(shape.parentId)
* if (!parentFrame || parentFrame.type !== 'frame') return
* const siblings = editor.getSortedChildIdsForParent(parentFrame)
* if (siblings.length === 0) {
* editor.deleteShape(
* }
* })
* ```
* @param typeName - The type of record to listen for
* @param handler - The handler to call
registerAfterDeleteHandler<T extends TLRecord['typeName']>(
typeName: T,
handler: TLAfterDeleteHandler<TLRecord & { typeName: T }>
) {
const handlers = this._afterDeleteHandlers[typeName] as TLAfterDeleteHandler<any>[]
if (!handlers) this._afterDeleteHandlers[typeName] = []
this._afterDeleteHandlers[typeName]!.push(handler as TLAfterDeleteHandler<any>)
return () => remove(this._afterDeleteHandlers[typeName]!, handler)
* Register a handler to be called when a store completes a batch.
* @example
* ```ts
* let count = 0
* editor.cleanup.registerBatchCompleteHandler(() => count++)
* editor.selectAll()
* expect(count).toBe(1)
* editor.batch(() => {
* editor.selectNone()
* editor.selectAll()
* })
* expect(count).toBe(2)
* ```
* @param handler - The handler to call
* @public
registerBatchCompleteHandler(handler: TLBatchCompleteHandler) {
return () => remove(this._batchCompleteHandlers, handler)
function remove(array: any[], item: any) {
const index = array.indexOf(item)
if (index >= 0) {
array.splice(index, 1)