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import { TLDrawBinding, TLDrawShape, TLDrawShapeType } from '~types'
import { Utils } from '@tldraw/core'
import type { Data, TLDrawCommand } from '~types'
import { TLDR } from '~state/tldr'
import type { Patch } from 'rko'
export function group(
data: Data,
ids: string[],
groupId: string,
pageId: string
): TLDrawCommand | undefined {
const beforeShapes: Record<string, Patch<TLDrawShape | undefined>> = {}
const afterShapes: Record<string, Patch<TLDrawShape | undefined>> = {}
const beforeBindings: Record<string, Patch<TLDrawBinding | undefined>> = {}
const afterBindings: Record<string, Patch<TLDrawBinding | undefined>> = {}
const idsToGroup = [...ids]
const shapesToGroup: TLDrawShape[] = []
const deletedGroupIds: string[] = []
const otherEffectedGroups: TLDrawShape[] = []
// Collect all of the shapes to group (and their ids)
for (const id of ids) {
const shape = TLDR.getShape(data, id, pageId)
if (shape.children === undefined) {
} else {
shapesToGroup.push( => TLDR.getShape(data, id, pageId)))
// 1. Can we create this group?
// Do the shapes have the same parent?
if (shapesToGroup.every((shape) => shape.parentId === shapesToGroup[0].parentId)) {
// Is the common parent a shape (not the page)?
if (shapesToGroup[0].parentId !== pageId) {
const commonParent = TLDR.getShape(data, shapesToGroup[0].parentId, pageId)
// Are all of the common parent's shapes selected?
if (commonParent.children?.length === idsToGroup.length) {
// Don't create a group if that group would be the same as the
// existing group.
// A flattened array of shapes from the page
const flattenedShapes = TLDR.flattenPage(data, pageId)
// A map of shapes to their index in flattendShapes
const shapeIndexMap = Object.fromEntries( => [, flattenedShapes.indexOf(shape)])
// An array of shapes in order by their index in flattendShapes
const sortedShapes = shapesToGroup.sort((a, b) => shapeIndexMap[] - shapeIndexMap[])
// The parentId is always the current page
const groupParentId = pageId // sortedShapes[0].parentId
// The childIndex should be the lowest index of the selected shapes
// with a parent that is the current page; or else the child index
// of the lowest selected shape.
const groupChildIndex = (
sortedShapes.filter((shape) => shape.parentId === pageId)[0] || sortedShapes[0]
// The shape's point is the min point of its childrens' common bounds
const groupBounds = Utils.getCommonBounds( => TLDR.getBounds(shape)))
// Create the group
beforeShapes[groupId] = undefined
afterShapes[groupId] = TLDR.getShapeUtils(TLDrawShapeType.Group).create({
id: groupId,
childIndex: groupChildIndex,
parentId: groupParentId,
point: [groupBounds.minX, groupBounds.minY],
size: [groupBounds.width, groupBounds.height],
children: =>,
// Reparent shapes to the new group
sortedShapes.forEach((shape, index) => {
// If the shape is part of a different group, mark the parent shape for cleanup
if (shape.parentId !== pageId) {
const parentShape = TLDR.getShape(data, shape.parentId, pageId)
beforeShapes[] = {
parentId: shape.parentId,
childIndex: shape.childIndex,
afterShapes[] = {
parentId: groupId,
childIndex: index + 1,
// Clean up effected parents
while (otherEffectedGroups.length > 0) {
const shape = otherEffectedGroups.pop()
if (!shape) break
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
const nextChildren = (beforeShapes[]?.children || shape.children)!.filter(
(childId) => childId && !(idsToGroup.includes(childId) || deletedGroupIds.includes(childId))
// If the parent has no children, remove it
if (nextChildren.length === 0) {
beforeShapes[] = shape
afterShapes[] = undefined
// And if that parent is part of a different group, mark it for cleanup
// (This is necessary only when we implement nested groups.)
if (shape.parentId !== pageId) {
otherEffectedGroups.push(TLDR.getShape(data, shape.parentId, pageId))
} else {
beforeShapes[] = {
children: shape.children,
afterShapes[] = {
children: nextChildren,
// TODO: This code is copied from delete.command. Create a shared helper!
const page = TLDR.getPage(data, pageId)
// We also need to delete bindings that reference the deleted shapes
Object.values(page.bindings).forEach((binding) => {
for (const id of [binding.toId, binding.fromId]) {
// If the binding references a deleted shape...
if (afterShapes[id] === undefined) {
// Delete this binding
beforeBindings[] = binding
afterBindings[] = undefined
// Let's also look each the bound shape...
const shape = TLDR.getShape(data, id, pageId)
// If the bound shape has a handle that references the deleted binding...
if (shape.handles) {
.filter((handle) => handle.bindingId ===
.forEach((handle) => {
// Save the binding reference in the before patch
beforeShapes[id] = {
handles: {
[]: { bindingId: },
// Unless we're currently deleting the shape, remove the
// binding reference from the after patch
if (!deletedGroupIds.includes(id)) {
afterShapes[id] = {
handles: {
[]: { bindingId: undefined },
return {
id: 'group',
before: {
document: {
pages: {
[pageId]: {
shapes: beforeShapes,
bindings: beforeBindings,
pageStates: {
[pageId]: {
selectedIds: ids,
after: {
document: {
pages: {
[pageId]: {
shapes: afterShapes,
bindings: beforeBindings,
pageStates: {
[pageId]: {
selectedIds: [groupId],