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import { structuredClone } from '@tldraw/utils'
import { nanoid } from 'nanoid'
import { IdOf, OmitMeta, UnknownRecord } from './BaseRecord'
import { StoreValidator } from './Store'
import { Migrations } from './migrate'
export type RecordTypeRecord<R extends RecordType<any, any>> = ReturnType<R['create']>
* Defines the scope of the record
* instance: The record belongs to a single instance of the store. It should not be synced, and any persistence logic should 'de-instance-ize' the record before persisting it, and apply the reverse when rehydrating.
* document: The record is persisted and synced. It is available to all store instances.
* presence: The record belongs to a single instance of the store. It may be synced to other instances, but other instances should not make changes to it. It should not be persisted.
* @public
* */
export type Scope = 'instance' | 'document' | 'presence'
* A record type is a type that can be stored in a record store. It is created with
* `createRecordType`.
* @public
export class RecordType<
R extends UnknownRecord,
RequiredProperties extends keyof Omit<R, 'id' | 'typeName'>
> {
readonly createDefaultProperties: () => Exclude<OmitMeta<R>, RequiredProperties>
readonly migrations: Migrations
readonly validator: StoreValidator<R> | { validate: (r: unknown) => R }
readonly scope: Scope
* The unique type associated with this record.
* @public
* @readonly
public readonly typeName: R['typeName'],
config: {
readonly createDefaultProperties: () => Exclude<OmitMeta<R>, RequiredProperties>
readonly migrations: Migrations
readonly validator?: StoreValidator<R> | { validate: (r: unknown) => R }
readonly scope?: Scope
) {
this.createDefaultProperties = config.createDefaultProperties
this.migrations = config.migrations
this.validator = config.validator ?? { validate: (r: unknown) => r as R }
this.scope = config.scope ?? 'document'
* Create a new record of this type.
* @param properties - The properties of the record.
* @returns The new record.
create(properties: Pick<R, RequiredProperties> & Omit<Partial<R>, RequiredProperties>): R {
const result = { ...this.createDefaultProperties(), id: this.createId() } as any
for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(properties)) {
if (v !== undefined) {
result[k] = v
result.typeName = this.typeName
return result as R
* Clone a record of this type.
* @param record - The record to clone.
* @returns The cloned record.
* @public
clone(record: R): R {
return { ...structuredClone(record), id: this.createId() }
* Create a new ID for this record type.
* @example
* ```ts
* const id = recordType.createId()
* ```
* @returns The new ID.
* @public
createId(): IdOf<R> {
return (this.typeName + ':' + nanoid()) as IdOf<R>
* Create a new ID for this record type based on the given ID.
* @example
* ```ts
* const id = recordType.createCustomId('myId')
* ```
* @param id - The ID to base the new ID on.
* @returns The new ID.
createCustomId(id: string): IdOf<R> {
return (this.typeName + ':' + id) as IdOf<R>
* Takes an id like `user:123` and returns the part after the colon `123`
* @param id - The id
* @returns
parseId(id: string): IdOf<R> {
if (!this.isId(id)) {
throw new Error(`ID "${id}" is not a valid ID for type "${this.typeName}"`)
return id.slice(this.typeName.length + 1) as IdOf<R>
* Check whether a record is an instance of this record type.
* @example
* ```ts
* const result = recordType.isInstance(someRecord)
* ```
* @param record - The record to check.
* @returns Whether the record is an instance of this record type.
isInstance = (record?: UnknownRecord): record is R => {
return record?.typeName === this.typeName
* Check whether an id is an id of this type.
* @example
* ```ts
* const result = recordType.isIn('someId')
* ```
* @param id - The id to check.
* @returns Whether the id is an id of this type.
isId(id?: string): id is IdOf<R> {
if (!id) return false
for (let i = 0; i < this.typeName.length; i++) {
if (id[i] !== this.typeName[i]) return false
return id[this.typeName.length] === ':'
* Create a new RecordType that has the same type name as this RecordType and includes the given
* default properties.
* @example
* ```ts
* const authorType = createRecordType('author', () => ({ living: true }))
* const deadAuthorType = authorType.withDefaultProperties({ living: false })
* ```
* @param fn - A function that returns the default properties of the new RecordType.
* @returns The new RecordType.
withDefaultProperties<DefaultProps extends Omit<Partial<R>, 'typeName' | 'id'>>(
createDefaultProperties: () => DefaultProps
): RecordType<R, Exclude<RequiredProperties, keyof DefaultProps>> {
return new RecordType<R, Exclude<RequiredProperties, keyof DefaultProps>>(this.typeName, {
createDefaultProperties: createDefaultProperties as any,
migrations: this.migrations,
validator: this.validator,
scope: this.scope,
* Check that the passed in record passes the validations for this type. Returns its input
* correctly typed if it does, but throws an error otherwise.
validate(record: unknown): R {
return this.validator.validate(record)
* Create a record type.
* @example
* ```ts
* const Book = createRecordType<Book>('book')
* ```
* @param typeName - The name of the type to create.
* @public
export function createRecordType<R extends UnknownRecord>(
typeName: R['typeName'],
config: {
migrations?: Migrations
validator?: StoreValidator<R>
scope: Scope
): RecordType<R, keyof Omit<R, 'id' | 'typeName'>> {
return new RecordType<R, keyof Omit<R, 'id' | 'typeName'>>(typeName, {
createDefaultProperties: () => ({} as any),
migrations: config.migrations ?? { currentVersion: 0, firstVersion: 0, migrators: {} },
validator: config.validator,
scope: config.scope,
* Assert whether an id correspond to a record type.
* @example
* ```ts
* assertIdType(myId, ID<MyRecord>)
* ```
* @param id - The id to check.
* @param type - The type of the record.
* @public
export function assertIdType<R extends UnknownRecord>(
id: string | undefined,
type: RecordType<R, any>
): asserts id is IdOf<R> {
if (!id || !type.isId(id)) {
throw new Error(`string ${JSON.stringify(id)} is not a valid ${type.typeName} id`)