
362 wiersze
9.5 KiB

import { Store, StoreSnapshot } from '@tldraw/store'
import { TLAsset, TLInstanceId, TLRecord, TLStore } from '@tldraw/tlschema'
import { annotateError } from '@tldraw/utils'
import React, { memo, useCallback, useLayoutEffect, useState, useSyncExternalStore } from 'react'
import { Editor } from './app/Editor'
import { StateNodeConstructor } from './app/statechart/StateNode'
import { EditorAssetUrls, defaultEditorAssetUrls } from './assetUrls'
import { DefaultErrorFallback } from './components/DefaultErrorFallback'
import { OptionalErrorBoundary } from './components/ErrorBoundary'
import { ShapeInfo } from './config/createTLStore'
import { ContainerProvider, useContainer } from './hooks/useContainer'
import { useCursor } from './hooks/useCursor'
import { useDarkMode } from './hooks/useDarkMode'
import { EditorContext } from './hooks/useEditor'
import {
} from './hooks/useEditorComponents'
import { useEvent } from './hooks/useEvent'
import { useForceUpdate } from './hooks/useForceUpdate'
import { useLocalStore } from './hooks/useLocalStore'
import { usePreloadAssets } from './hooks/usePreloadAssets'
import { useSafariFocusOutFix } from './hooks/useSafariFocusOutFix'
import { useZoomCss } from './hooks/useZoomCss'
import { StoreWithStatus } from './utils/sync/StoreWithStatus'
import { TAB_ID } from './utils/sync/persistence-constants'
/** @public */
export type TldrawEditorProps = {
children?: any
* An array of shape utils to use in the editor.
shapes?: Record<string, ShapeInfo>
* An array of tools to use in the editor.
tools?: StateNodeConstructor[]
* Urls for where to find fonts and other assets.
assetUrls?: EditorAssetUrls
* Whether to automatically focus the editor when it mounts.
autoFocus?: boolean
* Overrides for the tldraw user interface components.
components?: Partial<TLEditorComponents>
* Called when the editor has mounted.
* @example
* ```ts
* function TldrawEditor() {
* return <Editor onMount={(editor) => editor.selectAll()} />
* }
* ```
* @param editor - The editor instance.
onMount?: (editor: Editor) => void
* Called when the editor generates a new asset from a file, such as when an image is dropped into
* the canvas.
* @example
* ```ts
* const editor = new App({
* onCreateAssetFromFile: (file) => uploadFileAndCreateAsset(file),
* })
* ```
* @param file - The file to generate an asset from.
* @param id - The id to be assigned to the resulting asset.
onCreateAssetFromFile?: (file: File) => Promise<TLAsset>
* Called when a URL is converted to a bookmark. This callback should return the metadata for the
* bookmark.
* @example
* ```ts
* editor.onCreateBookmarkFromUrl(url, id)
* ```
* @param url - The url that was created.
* @public
onCreateBookmarkFromUrl?: (
url: string
) => Promise<{ image: string; title: string; description: string }>
} & (
| {
* The Store instance to use for keeping the editor's data. This may be prepopulated, e.g. by loading
* from a server or database.
store: TLStore | StoreWithStatus
| {
store?: undefined
* The editor's initial data.
initialData?: StoreSnapshot<TLRecord>
* The id of the editor instance (e.g. a browser tab if the editor will have only one tldraw app per
* tab). If not given, one will be generated.
instanceId?: TLInstanceId
* The id under which to sync and persist the editor's data.
persistenceKey?: string
* The initial document name to use for the new store.
defaultName?: string
declare global {
interface Window {
tldrawReady: boolean
/** @public */
export const TldrawEditor = memo(function TldrawEditor(props: TldrawEditorProps) {
const [container, setContainer] = React.useState<HTMLDivElement | null>(null)
const ErrorFallback =
props.components?.ErrorFallback === undefined
? DefaultErrorFallback
: props.components?.ErrorFallback
const { store, } = props
return (
<div ref={setContainer} draggable={false} className="tl-container tl-theme__light" tabIndex={0}>
fallback={ErrorFallback ? (error) => <ErrorFallback error={error} /> : null}
onError={(error) => annotateError(error, { tags: { origin: 'react.tldraw-before-app' } })}
{container && (
<ContainerProvider container={container}>
<EditorComponentsProvider overrides={props.components}>
{store ? (
store instanceof Store ? (
// Store is ready to go, whether externally synced or not
<TldrawEditorWithReadyStore {} store={store} />
) : (
// Store is a synced store, so handle syncing stages internally
<TldrawEditorWithLoadingStore {} store={store} />
) : (
// We have no store (it's undefined) so create one and possibly sync it
<TldrawEditorWithOwnStore {} store={store} />
function TldrawEditorWithOwnStore(props: TldrawEditorProps & { store: undefined }) {
const { defaultName, initialData, instanceId = TAB_ID, shapes, persistenceKey } = props
const syncedStore = useLocalStore({
customShapes: shapes,
return <TldrawEditorWithLoadingStore {...props} store={syncedStore} />
const TldrawEditorWithLoadingStore = memo(function TldrawEditorBeforeLoading({
}: TldrawEditorProps & { store: StoreWithStatus }) {
const { done: preloadingComplete, error: preloadingError } = usePreloadAssets(
assetUrls ?? defaultEditorAssetUrls
switch (store.status) {
case 'error': {
// for error handling, we fall back to the default error boundary.
// if users want to handle this error differently, they can render
// their own error screen before the TldrawEditor component
throw store.error
case 'loading': {
return <LoadingScreen>Connecting...</LoadingScreen>
case 'not-synced': {
case 'synced-local': {
case 'synced-remote': {
if (preloadingError) {
return <ErrorScreen>Could not load assets. Please refresh the page.</ErrorScreen>
if (!preloadingComplete) {
return <LoadingScreen>Loading assets...</LoadingScreen>
return <TldrawEditorWithReadyStore {} store={} />
function TldrawEditorWithReadyStore({
}: TldrawEditorProps & {
store: TLStore
}) {
const { ErrorFallback } = useEditorComponents()
const container = useContainer()
const [editor, setEditor] = useState<Editor | null>(null)
useLayoutEffect(() => {
const editor = new Editor({
getContainer: () => container,
;(window as any).app = editor
;(window as any).editor = editor
return () => {
}, [container, shapes, tools, store])
React.useEffect(() => {
if (!editor) return
// Overwrite the default onCreateAssetFromFile handler.
if (onCreateAssetFromFile) {
editor.onCreateAssetFromFile = onCreateAssetFromFile
if (onCreateBookmarkFromUrl) {
editor.onCreateBookmarkFromUrl = onCreateBookmarkFromUrl
}, [editor, onCreateAssetFromFile, onCreateBookmarkFromUrl])
React.useLayoutEffect(() => {
if (editor && autoFocus) editor.focus()
}, [editor, autoFocus])
const onMountEvent = useEvent((editor: Editor) => {
window.tldrawReady = true
React.useEffect(() => {
if (editor) onMountEvent(editor)
}, [editor, onMountEvent])
const crashingError = useSyncExternalStore(
(onStoreChange) => {
if (editor) {
editor.on('crash', onStoreChange)
return () =>'crash', onStoreChange)
return () => {
// noop
() => editor?.crashingError ?? null
if (!editor) {
return null
return (
// the top-level tldraw component also renders an error boundary almost
// identical to this one. the reason we have two is because this one has
// access to `App`, which means that here we can enrich errors with data
// from app for reporting, and also still attempt to render the user's
// document in the event of an error to reassure them that their work is
// not lost.
fallback={ErrorFallback ? (error) => <ErrorFallback error={error} editor={editor} /> : null}
onError={(error) =>
editor.annotateError(error, { origin: 'react.tldraw', willCrashApp: true })
{crashingError ? (
<Crash crashingError={crashingError} />
) : (
<EditorContext.Provider value={editor}>
function Layout({ children }: { children: any }) {
return children
function Crash({ crashingError }: { crashingError: unknown }): null {
throw crashingError
/** @public */
export function LoadingScreen({ children }: { children: any }) {
const { Spinner } = useEditorComponents()
return (
<div className="tl-loading">
{Spinner ? <Spinner /> : null}
/** @public */
export function ErrorScreen({ children }: { children: any }) {
return <div className="tl-loading">{children}</div>