
182 wiersze
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import { TLScribble, VecModel } from '@tldraw/tlschema'
import { Vec } from '../../primitives/Vec'
import { uniqueId } from '../../utils/uniqueId'
import { Editor } from '../Editor'
type ScribbleItem = {
id: string
scribble: TLScribble
timeoutMs: number
delayRemaining: number
prev: null | VecModel
next: null | VecModel
/** @public */
export class ScribbleManager {
scribbleItems = new Map<string, ScribbleItem>()
state = 'paused' as 'paused' | 'running'
constructor(private editor: Editor) {}
addScribble = (scribble: Partial<TLScribble>, id = uniqueId()) => {
const item: ScribbleItem = {
scribble: {
size: 20,
color: 'accent',
opacity: 0.8,
delay: 0,
points: [],
shrink: 0.1,
taper: true,
state: 'starting',
timeoutMs: 0,
delayRemaining: scribble.delay ?? 0,
prev: null,
next: null,
this.scribbleItems.set(id, item)
return item
reset() {
this.editor.updateInstanceState({ scribbles: [] })
* Start stopping the scribble. The scribble won't be removed until its last point is cleared.
* @public
stop = (id: ScribbleItem['id']) => {
const item = this.scribbleItems.get(id)
if (!item) throw Error(`Scribble with id ${id} not found`)
item.delayRemaining = Math.min(item.delayRemaining, 200)
item.scribble.state = 'stopping'
return item
* Set the scribble's next point.
* @param point - The point to add.
* @public
addPoint = (id: ScribbleItem['id'], x: number, y: number) => {
const item = this.scribbleItems.get(id)
if (!item) throw Error(`Scribble with id ${id} not found`)
const { prev } = item
const point = { x, y, z: 0.5 }
if (!prev || Vec.Dist(prev, point) >= 1) { = point
return item
* Update on each animation frame.
* @param elapsed - The number of milliseconds since the last tick.
* @public
tick = (elapsed: number) => {
if (this.scribbleItems.size === 0) return
this.editor.batch(() => {
this.scribbleItems.forEach((item) => {
// let the item get at least eight points before
// switching from starting to active
if (item.scribble.state === 'starting') {
const { next, prev } = item
if (next && next !== prev) {
item.prev = next
if (item.scribble.points.length > 8) {
item.scribble.state = 'active'
if (item.delayRemaining > 0) {
item.delayRemaining = Math.max(0, item.delayRemaining - elapsed)
item.timeoutMs += elapsed
if (item.timeoutMs >= 16) {
item.timeoutMs = 0
const { delayRemaining, timeoutMs, prev, next, scribble } = item
switch (scribble.state) {
case 'active': {
if (next && next !== prev) {
item.prev = next
// If we've run out of delay, then shrink the scribble from the start
if (delayRemaining === 0) {
if (scribble.points.length > 8) {
} else {
// While not moving, shrink the scribble from the start
if (timeoutMs === 0) {
if (scribble.points.length > 1) {
} else {
// Reset the item's delay
item.delayRemaining = scribble.delay
case 'stopping': {
if (item.delayRemaining === 0) {
if (timeoutMs === 0) {
// If the scribble is down to one point, we're done!
if (scribble.points.length === 1) {
this.scribbleItems.delete( // Remove the scribble
if (scribble.shrink) {
// Drop the scribble's size as it shrinks
scribble.size = Math.max(1, scribble.size * (1 - scribble.shrink))
// Drop the scribble's first point (its tail)
case 'paused': {
// Nothing to do while paused.
// The object here will get frozen into the record, so we need to
// create a copies of the parts that what we'll be mutating later.
scribbles: Array.from(this.scribbleItems.values())
.map(({ scribble }) => ({
points: [...scribble.points],
.slice(-5), // limit to three as a minor sanity check