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export type InputCategory = {
id: string
title: string
description: string
groups: InputGroup[]
export type InputSection = {
id: string
title: string
description: string
categories: InputCategory[]
sidebar_behavior: 'show-links' | 'show-title'
export type InputGroup = {
id: string
/* --------------------- Authors -------------------- */
export type Authors = Author[]
export interface Author {
id: string
name: string
image: string
email: string
twitter: string
/* ---------------------- Pages --------------------- */
export interface ContentPage {
/** The page's id */
id: string
/** The id of the page's parent */
// parentId: string | null
/** The page's title */
title: string
/** The page's description */
description: string | null
/** The page's content */
content: string | null
/** The page's path */
path: string | null
/** The page's type */
type: 'article' | 'category' | 'section' | 'group'
export interface Section extends ContentPage {
type: 'section'
/** The index of this section.*/
index: number
/** An array of this section's categories. */
categories: Category[]
/** How the section should appear in the sidebar. */
sidebar_behavior: 'show-links' | 'show-title'
export interface Category extends ContentPage {
type: 'category'
/** The id of this category's section. */
sectionId: string
/** The index of this category inside of its section. */
index: number
/** The category's groups */
groups: Group[]
export interface Group extends ContentPage {
type: 'group'
/** The id of this group's section. */
sectionId: string
/** The id of this group's category. */
categoryId: string
/** The index of this group inside of its category. */
index: number
export interface Article extends ContentPage {
type: 'article'
/** The id of the group to which this article belongs. */
groupId: string | null
/** The index of this article inside of the article's group. */
groupIndex: number
/** The id of the category to which this article belongs. */
categoryId: string
/** The index of this article inside of the article's category. */
categoryIndex: number
/** The id of the section to which this article belongs. */
sectionId: string
/** The index of this article inside of the article's section. */
sectionIndex: number
/** The article's author details (optional). */
author: Author['id'] | null
/** The article's hero image (optional). */
hero: string | null
/** The article's status (draft, published, hidden, etc) */
status: ArticleStatus
/** The date on which the article was published (optional). */
date: string | null
/** An array of keywords associated with this article. */
keywords: string[]
/** The URL where the article's source can be found. */
sourceUrl: string | null
export enum ArticleStatus {
Draft = 'draft',
Published = 'published',
Unlisted = 'unlisted',
/* ---------------- Article Headings ---------------- */
export interface ArticleHeading {
level: number
title: string
slug: string
isCode: boolean
export type ArticleHeadings = ArticleHeading[]
/* ------------------ Article Links ----------------- */
export type ArticleLink = Pick<
'id' | 'title' | 'description' | 'categoryId' | 'sectionId' | 'path'
export type ArticleLinks = {
prev: ArticleLink | null
next: ArticleLink | null
/* --------------------- Sidebar -------------------- */
export interface BaseSidebarLink {
title: string
url: string
type: 'section' | 'category' | 'article'
export interface SidebarContentSectionLink extends BaseSidebarLink {
type: 'section'
children: SidebarContentLink[]
export interface SidebarContentCategoryLink extends BaseSidebarLink {
type: 'category'
children: SidebarContentLink[]
export interface SidebarContentArticleLink extends BaseSidebarLink {
type: 'article'
articleId: string
export type SidebarContentLink =
| SidebarContentSectionLink
| SidebarContentCategoryLink
| SidebarContentArticleLink
export type SidebarContentList = {
sectionId: string | null
categoryId: string | null
articleId: string | null
links: SidebarContentLink[]
/* ---------- Finished / generated content ---------- */
/** A table keyed by slug of articles. */
export type Articles = Record<string, Article>
export type GeneratedContent = { sections: Section[]; articles: Articles }