
124 wiersze
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import { BaseRecord, defineMigrations, ID } from '@tldraw/tlstore'
import { nanoid } from 'nanoid'
import { TLBaseShape } from '../shapes/shape-validation'
import { TLArrowShape } from '../shapes/TLArrowShape'
import { TLBookmarkShape } from '../shapes/TLBookmarkShape'
import { TLDrawShape } from '../shapes/TLDrawShape'
import { TLEmbedShape } from '../shapes/TLEmbedShape'
import { TLFrameShape } from '../shapes/TLFrameShape'
import { TLGeoShape } from '../shapes/TLGeoShape'
import { TLGroupShape } from '../shapes/TLGroupShape'
import { TLIconShape } from '../shapes/TLIconShape'
import { TLImageShape } from '../shapes/TLImageShape'
import { TLLineShape } from '../shapes/TLLineShape'
import { TLNoteShape } from '../shapes/TLNoteShape'
import { TLTextShape } from '../shapes/TLTextShape'
import { TLVideoShape } from '../shapes/TLVideoShape'
import { SmooshedUnionObject } from '../util-types'
import { TLPageId } from './TLPage'
/** @public */
export type TLUnknownShape = TLBaseShape<string, object>
* TLShape
* @public
export type TLShape =
| TLArrowShape
| TLBookmarkShape
| TLDrawShape
| TLEmbedShape
| TLFrameShape
| TLGeoShape
| TLGroupShape
| TLIconShape
| TLImageShape
| TLLineShape
| TLNoteShape
| TLTextShape
| TLVideoShape
| TLUnknownShape
/** @public */
export type TLShapeType = TLShape['type']
/** @public */
export type TLShapePartial<T extends TLShape = TLShape> = T extends T
? {
id: TLShapeId
type: T['type']
props?: Partial<T['props']>
} & Partial<Omit<T, 'type' | 'id' | 'props'>>
: never
/** @public */
export type TLShapeId = ID<TLBaseShape<any, any>>
/** @public */
export type TLShapeProps = SmooshedUnionObject<TLShape['props']>
/** @public */
export type TLShapeProp = keyof TLShapeProps
/** @public */
export type TLParentId = TLPageId | TLShapeId
/** @public */
export type TLNullableShapeProps = { [K in TLShapeProp]?: TLShapeProps[K] | null }
// --- MIGRATIONS ---
// STEP 1: Add a new version number here, give it a meaningful name.
// It should be 1 higher than the current version
const Versions = {
Initial: 0,
AddIsLocked: 1,
} as const
/** @internal */
export const rootShapeTypeMigrations = defineMigrations({
// STEP 2: Update the current version to point to your latest version
currentVersion: Versions.AddIsLocked,
firstVersion: Versions.Initial,
migrators: {
// STEP 3: Add an up+down migration for the new version here
[Versions.AddIsLocked]: {
up: (record) => {
return {
isLocked: false,
down: (record) => {
const { isLocked: _, } = record
return {,
/** @public */
export function isShape(record?: BaseRecord<string>): record is TLShape {
if (!record) return false
return record.typeName === 'shape'
/** @public */
export function isShapeId(id?: string): id is TLShapeId {
if (!id) return false
return id.startsWith('shape:')
/** @public */
export function createShapeId(): TLShapeId {
return `shape:${nanoid()}` as TLShapeId
/** @public */
export function createCustomShapeId(id: string): TLShapeId {
return `shape:${id}` as TLShapeId