
497 wiersze
16 KiB

import type React from 'react';
import { TLBezierCurveSegment, TLBounds, TLBoundsCorner, TLBoundsEdge } from '../types';
import './polyfills';
import type { TLBoundsWithCenter } from '+index';
export declare class Utils {
static filterObject<T extends object>(obj: T, fn: (entry: Entry<T>, i?: number, arr?: Entry<T>[]) => boolean): Partial<T>;
static deepMerge: <T>(target: T, patch: any) => T;
* Linear interpolation betwen two numbers.
* @param y1
* @param y2
* @param mu
static lerp(y1: number, y2: number, mu: number): number;
* Linear interpolation between two colors.
* ### Example
* lerpColor("#000000", "#0099FF", .25)
static lerpColor(color1: string, color2: string, factor?: number): string;
* Modulate a value between two ranges.
* @param value
* @param rangeA from [low, high]
* @param rangeB to [low, high]
* @param clamp
static modulate(value: number, rangeA: number[], rangeB: number[], clamp?: boolean): number;
* Clamp a value into a range.
* @param n
* @param min
static clamp(n: number, min: number): number;
static clamp(n: number, min: number, max: number): number;
static compress(s: string): string;
static decompress(s: string): string;
* Recursively clone an object or array.
* @param obj
static deepClone<T extends unknown>(obj: T): T;
* Seeded random number generator, using [xorshift](
* The result will always be betweeen -1 and 1.
* Adapted from [seedrandom](
static rng(seed?: string): () => number;
static getRectangleSides(point: number[], size: number[], rotation?: number): [string, number[][]][];
static getBoundsSides(bounds: TLBounds): [string, number[][]][];
static shallowEqual<T extends Record<string, unknown>>(objA: T, objB: T): boolean;
* Get the outer of between a circle and a point.
* @param C The circle's center.
* @param r The circle's radius.
* @param P The point.
* @param side
static getCircleTangentToPoint(C: number[], r: number, P: number[], side: number): number[] | null;
* Get outer tangents of two circles.
* @param x0
* @param y0
* @param r0
* @param x1
* @param y1
* @param r1
* @returns [lx0, ly0, lx1, ly1, rx0, ry0, rx1, ry1]
static getOuterTangentsOfCircles(C0: number[], r0: number, C1: number[], r1: number): number[][] | null;
* Get the closest point on the perimeter of a circle to a given point.
* @param C The circle's center.
* @param r The circle's radius.
* @param P The point.
static getClosestPointOnCircle(C: number[], r: number, P: number[]): number[];
* Get a circle from three points.
* @param A
* @param B
* @param C
* @returns [x, y, r]
static circleFromThreePoints(A: number[], B: number[], C: number[]): number[];
* Find the approximate perimeter of an ellipse.
* @param rx
* @param ry
static perimeterOfEllipse(rx: number, ry: number): number;
* Get the short angle distance between two angles.
* @param a0
* @param a1
static shortAngleDist(a0: number, a1: number): number;
* Get the long angle distance between two angles.
* @param a0
* @param a1
static longAngleDist(a0: number, a1: number): number;
* Interpolate an angle between two angles.
* @param a0
* @param a1
* @param t
static lerpAngles(a0: number, a1: number, t: number): number;
* Get the short distance between two angles.
* @param a0
* @param a1
static angleDelta(a0: number, a1: number): number;
* Get the "sweep" or short distance between two points on a circle's perimeter.
* @param C
* @param A
* @param B
static getSweep(C: number[], A: number[], B: number[]): number;
* Rotate a point around a center.
* @param x The x-axis coordinate of the point.
* @param y The y-axis coordinate of the point.
* @param cx The x-axis coordinate of the point to rotate round.
* @param cy The y-axis coordinate of the point to rotate round.
* @param angle The distance (in radians) to rotate.
static rotatePoint(A: number[], B: number[], angle: number): number[];
* Clamp radians within 0 and 2PI
* @param r
static clampRadians(r: number): number;
* Clamp rotation to even segments.
* @param r
* @param segments
static snapAngleToSegments(r: number, segments: number): number;
* Is angle c between angles a and b?
* @param a
* @param b
* @param c
static isAngleBetween(a: number, b: number, c: number): boolean;
* Convert degrees to radians.
* @param d
static degreesToRadians(d: number): number;
* Convert radians to degrees.
* @param r
static radiansToDegrees(r: number): number;
* Get the length of an arc between two points on a circle's perimeter.
* @param C
* @param r
* @param A
* @param B
static getArcLength(C: number[], r: number, A: number[], B: number[]): number;
* Get a dash offset for an arc, based on its length.
* @param C
* @param r
* @param A
* @param B
* @param step
static getArcDashOffset(C: number[], r: number, A: number[], B: number[], step: number): number;
* Get a dash offset for an ellipse, based on its length.
* @param A
* @param step
static getEllipseDashOffset(A: number[], step: number): number;
* Get bezier curve segments that pass through an array of points.
* @param points
* @param tension
static getTLBezierCurveSegments(points: number[][], tension?: number): TLBezierCurveSegment[];
* Find a point along a curve segment, via pomax.
* @param t
* @param points [cpx1, cpy1, cpx2, cpy2, px, py][]
static computePointOnCurve(t: number, points: number[][]): number[];
* Evaluate a 2d cubic bezier at a point t on the x axis.
* @param tx
* @param x1
* @param y1
* @param x2
* @param y2
static cubicBezier(tx: number, x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number): number;
* Get a bezier curve data for a spline that fits an array of points.
* @param points An array of points formatted as [x, y]
* @param k Tension
static getSpline(pts: number[][], k?: number): {
cp1x: number;
cp1y: number;
cp2x: number;
cp2y: number;
px: number;
py: number;
* Get a bezier curve data for a spline that fits an array of points.
* @param pts
* @param tension
* @param isClosed
* @param numOfSegments
static getCurvePoints(pts: number[][], tension?: number, isClosed?: boolean, numOfSegments?: number): number[][];
* Simplify a line (using Ramer-Douglas-Peucker algorithm).
* @param points An array of points as [x, y, ...][]
* @param tolerance The minimum line distance (also called epsilon).
* @returns Simplified array as [x, y, ...][]
static simplify(points: number[][], tolerance?: number): number[][];
* Get whether a point is inside of a circle.
* @param A
* @param b
* @returns
static pointInCircle(A: number[], C: number[], r: number): boolean;
* Get whether a point is inside of an ellipse.
* @param point
* @param center
* @param rx
* @param ry
* @param rotation
* @returns
static pointInEllipse(A: number[], C: number[], rx: number, ry: number, rotation?: number): boolean;
* Get whether a point is inside of a rectangle.
* @param point
* @param size
static pointInRect(point: number[], size: number[]): boolean;
static pointInPolygon(p: number[], points: number[][]): boolean;
* Expand a bounding box by a delta.
* ### Example
* expandBounds(myBounds, [100, 100])
static expandBounds(bounds: TLBounds, delta: number): TLBounds;
* Get whether a point is inside of a bounds.
* @param A
* @param b
* @returns
static pointInBounds(A: number[], b: TLBounds): boolean;
* Get whether two bounds collide.
* @param a Bounds
* @param b Bounds
* @returns
static boundsCollide(a: TLBounds, b: TLBounds): boolean;
* Get whether the bounds of A contain the bounds of B. A perfect match will return true.
* @param a Bounds
* @param b Bounds
* @returns
static boundsContain(a: TLBounds, b: TLBounds): boolean;
* Get whether the bounds of A are contained by the bounds of B.
* @param a Bounds
* @param b Bounds
* @returns
static boundsContained(a: TLBounds, b: TLBounds): boolean;
* Get whether two bounds are identical.
* @param a Bounds
* @param b Bounds
* @returns
static boundsAreEqual(a: TLBounds, b: TLBounds): boolean;
* Find a bounding box from an array of points.
* @param points
* @param rotation (optional) The bounding box's rotation.
static getBoundsFromPoints(points: number[][], rotation?: number): TLBounds;
* Center a bounding box around a given point.
* @param bounds
* @param center
static centerBounds(bounds: TLBounds, point: number[]): TLBounds;
* Move a bounding box without recalculating it.
* @param bounds
* @param delta
* @returns
static translateBounds(bounds: TLBounds, delta: number[]): TLBounds;
* Rotate a bounding box.
* @param bounds
* @param center
* @param rotation
static rotateBounds(bounds: TLBounds, center: number[], rotation: number): TLBounds;
* Get the rotated bounds of an ellipse.
* @param x
* @param y
* @param rx
* @param ry
* @param rotation
static getRotatedEllipseBounds(x: number, y: number, rx: number, ry: number, rotation?: number): TLBounds;
* Get a bounding box that includes two bounding boxes.
* @param a Bounding box
* @param b Bounding box
* @returns
static getExpandedBounds(a: TLBounds, b: TLBounds): TLBounds;
* Get the common bounds of a group of bounds.
* @returns
static getCommonBounds(bounds: TLBounds[]): TLBounds;
static getRotatedCorners(b: TLBounds, rotation?: number): number[][];
static getTransformedBoundingBox(bounds: TLBounds, handle: TLBoundsCorner | TLBoundsEdge | 'center', delta: number[], rotation?: number, isAspectRatioLocked?: boolean): TLBounds & {
scaleX: number;
scaleY: number;
static getTransformAnchor(type: TLBoundsEdge | TLBoundsCorner, isFlippedX: boolean, isFlippedY: boolean): TLBoundsCorner | TLBoundsEdge;
* Get the relative bounds (usually a child) within a transformed bounding box.
* @param bounds
* @param initialBounds
* @param initialShapeBounds
* @param isFlippedX
* @param isFlippedY
static getRelativeTransformedBoundingBox(bounds: TLBounds, initialBounds: TLBounds, initialShapeBounds: TLBounds, isFlippedX: boolean, isFlippedY: boolean): TLBounds;
* Get the size of a rotated box.
* @param size : ;
* @param rotation
static getRotatedSize(size: number[], rotation: number): number[];
* Get the center of a bounding box.
* @param bounds
static getBoundsCenter(bounds: TLBounds): number[];
* Get a bounding box with a midX and midY.
* @param bounds
static getBoundsWithCenter(bounds: TLBounds): TLBounds & {
midX: number;
midY: number;
static getSnapPoints: (bounds: any, others: TLBoundsWithCenter[], snapDistance: number) => {
offset: number[];
snapLines: number[][][];
* ### Example
* example
static removeDuplicatePoints(points: number[][]): number[][];
// points =
* Get a value from a cache (a WeakMap), filling the value if it is not present.
* ### Example
* getFromCache(boundsCache, shape, (cache) => cache.set(shape, "value"))
static getFromCache<V, I extends object>(cache: WeakMap<I, V>, item: I, getNext: () => V): V;
* Get a unique string id.
static uniqueId(a?: string): string;
* Shuffle the contents of an array.
* @param arr
* @param offset
static rotateArray<T>(arr: T[], offset: number): T[];
* Deep compare two arrays.
* @param a
* @param b
static deepCompareArrays<T>(a: T[], b: T[]): boolean;
* Deep compare any values.
* @param a
* @param b
static deepCompare<T>(a: T, b: T): boolean;
* Find whether two arrays intersect.
* @param a
* @param b
* @param fn An optional function to apply to the items of a; will check if b includes the result.
static arrsIntersect<T, K>(a: T[], b: K[], fn?: (item: K) => T): boolean;
static arrsIntersect<T>(a: T[], b: T[]): boolean;
* Get the unique values from an array of strings or numbers.
* @param items
static uniqueArray<T extends string | number>(...items: T[]): T[];
* Convert a set to an array.
* @param set
static setToArray<T>(set: Set<T>): T[];
* Debounce a function.
static debounce<T extends (...args: any[]) => void>(fn: T, ms?: number): (...args: Parameters<T>) => void;
static TRIM_NUMBERS: RegExp;
* Turn an array of points into a path of quadradic curves.
* @param stroke ;
static getSvgPathFromStroke(points: number[][], closed?: boolean): string;
* Get balanced dash-strokearray and dash-strokeoffset properties for a path of a given length.
* @param length The length of the path.
* @param strokeWidth The shape's stroke-width property.
* @param style The stroke's style: "dashed" or "dotted" (default "dashed").
* @param snap An interval for dashes (e.g. 4 will produce arrays with 4, 8, 16, etc dashes).
static getPerfectDashProps(length: number, strokeWidth: number, style: 'dashed' | 'dotted' | string, snap?: number, outset?: boolean): {
strokeDasharray: string;
strokeDashoffset: string;
static isMobileSize(): boolean;
static isMobileSafari(): boolean;
static throttle<T extends (...args: any) => any>(func: T, limit: number): (...args: Parameters<T>) => ReturnType<T>;
* Find whether the current display is a touch display.
* Find whether the current device is a Mac / iOS / iPadOS.
static isDarwin(): boolean;
* Get whether an event is command (mac) or control (pc).
* @param e
static metaKey(e: KeyboardEvent | React.KeyboardEvent): boolean;
export default Utils;
declare type Entry<T> = {
[K in keyof T]: [K, T[K]];
}[keyof T];