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import { Vec } from '@tldraw/editor'
import type { StrokeOptions, StrokePoint } from './types'
const { PI } = Math
// Browser strokes seem to be off if PI is regular, a tiny offset seems to fix it
const FIXED_PI = PI + 0.0001
* @internal
export function getStrokeOutlineTracks(
strokePoints: StrokePoint[],
options: StrokeOptions = {}
): { left: Vec[]; right: Vec[] } {
const { size = 16, smoothing = 0.5 } = options
// We can't do anything with an empty array or a stroke with negative size.
if (strokePoints.length === 0 || size <= 0) {
return { left: [], right: [] }
const firstStrokePoint = strokePoints[0]
const lastStrokePoint = strokePoints[strokePoints.length - 1]
// The total length of the line
const totalLength = lastStrokePoint.runningLength
// The minimum allowed distance between points (squared)
const minDistance = Math.pow(size * smoothing, 2)
// Our collected left and right points
const leftPts: Vec[] = []
const rightPts: Vec[] = []
// Previous vector
let prevVector = strokePoints[0].vector
// Previous left and right points
let pl = strokePoints[0].point
let pr = pl
// Temporary left and right points
let tl = pl
let tr = pr
// Keep track of whether the previous point is a sharp corner
// ... so that we don't detect the same corner twice
let isPrevPointSharpCorner = false
Find the outline's left and right points
Iterating through the points and populate the rightPts and leftPts arrays,
skipping the first and last pointsm, which will get caps later on.
let strokePoint: StrokePoint
for (let i = 0; i < strokePoints.length; i++) {
strokePoint = strokePoints[i]
const { point, vector } = strokePoints[i]
Handle sharp corners
Find the difference (dot product) between the current and next vector.
If the next vector is at more than a right angle to the current vector,
draw a cap at the current point.
const prevDpr = strokePoint.vector.dpr(prevVector)
const nextVector = (i < strokePoints.length - 1 ? strokePoints[i + 1] : strokePoints[i]).vector
const nextDpr = i < strokePoints.length - 1 ? nextVector.dpr(strokePoint.vector) : 1
const isPointSharpCorner = prevDpr < 0 && !isPrevPointSharpCorner
const isNextPointSharpCorner = nextDpr !== null && nextDpr < 0.2
if (isPointSharpCorner || isNextPointSharpCorner) {
// It's a sharp corner. Draw a rounded cap and move on to the next point
// Considering saving these and drawing them later? So that we can avoid
// crossing future points.
if (nextDpr > -0.62 && totalLength - strokePoint.runningLength > strokePoint.radius) {
// Draw a "soft" corner
const offset = prevVector.clone().mul(strokePoint.radius)
const cpr = prevVector.clone().cpr(nextVector)
if (cpr < 0) {
tl = Vec.Add(point, offset)
tr = Vec.Sub(point, offset)
} else {
tl = Vec.Sub(point, offset)
tr = Vec.Add(point, offset)
} else {
// Draw a "sharp" corner
const offset = prevVector.clone().mul(strokePoint.radius).per()
const start = Vec.Sub(strokePoint.input, offset)
for (let step = 1 / 13, t = 0; t < 1; t += step) {
tl = Vec.RotWith(start, strokePoint.input, FIXED_PI * t)
tr = Vec.RotWith(start, strokePoint.input, FIXED_PI + FIXED_PI * -t)
pl = tl
pr = tr
if (isNextPointSharpCorner) {
isPrevPointSharpCorner = true
isPrevPointSharpCorner = false
if (strokePoint === firstStrokePoint || strokePoint === lastStrokePoint) {
const offset = Vec.Per(vector).mul(strokePoint.radius)
leftPts.push(Vec.Sub(point, offset))
rightPts.push(Vec.Add(point, offset))
Add regular points
Project points to either side of the current point, using the
calculated size as a distance. If a point's distance to the
previous point on that side greater than the minimum distance
(or if the corner is kinda sharp), add the points to the side's
points array.
const offset = Vec.Lrp(nextVector, vector, nextDpr).per().mul(strokePoint.radius)
tl = Vec.Sub(point, offset)
if (i <= 1 || Vec.Dist2(pl, tl) > minDistance) {
pl = tl
tr = Vec.Add(point, offset)
if (i <= 1 || Vec.Dist2(pr, tr) > minDistance) {
pr = tr
// Set variables for next iteration
prevVector = vector
Return the points in the correct winding order: begin on the left side, then
continue around the end cap, then come back along the right side, and finally
complete the start cap.
return {
left: leftPts,
right: rightPts,
* ## getStrokeOutlinePoints
* Get an array of points (as `[x, y]`) representing the outline of a stroke.
* @param points - An array of StrokePoints as returned from `getStrokePoints`.
* @param options - An object with options.
* @public
export function getStrokeOutlinePoints(
strokePoints: StrokePoint[],
options: StrokeOptions = {}
): Vec[] {
const { size = 16, start = {}, end = {}, last: isComplete = false } = options
const { cap: capStart = true } = start
const { cap: capEnd = true } = end
// We can't do anything with an empty array or a stroke with negative size.
if (strokePoints.length === 0 || size <= 0) {
return []
const firstStrokePoint = strokePoints[0]
const lastStrokePoint = strokePoints[strokePoints.length - 1]
// The total length of the line
const totalLength = lastStrokePoint.runningLength
const taperStart =
start.taper === false
? 0
: start.taper === true
? Math.max(size, totalLength)
: (start.taper as number)
const taperEnd =
end.taper === false
? 0
: end.taper === true
? Math.max(size, totalLength)
: (end.taper as number)
// The minimum allowed distance between points (squared)
// Our collected left and right points
const { left: leftPts, right: rightPts } = getStrokeOutlineTracks(strokePoints, options)
Drawing caps
Now that we have our points on either side of the line, we need to
draw caps at the start and end. Tapered lines don't have caps, but
may have dots for very short lines.
const firstPoint = firstStrokePoint.point
const lastPoint =
strokePoints.length > 1
? strokePoints[strokePoints.length - 1].point
: Vec.AddXY(firstStrokePoint.point, 1, 1)
Draw a dot for very short or completed strokes
If the line is too short to gather left or right points and if the line is
not tapered on either side, draw a dot. If the line is tapered, then only
draw a dot if the line is both very short and complete. If we draw a dot,
we can just return those points.
if (strokePoints.length === 1) {
if (!(taperStart || taperEnd) || isComplete) {
const start = Vec.Add(
Vec.Sub(firstPoint, lastPoint).uni().per().mul(-firstStrokePoint.radius)
const dotPts: Vec[] = []
for (let step = 1 / 13, t = step; t <= 1; t += step) {
dotPts.push(Vec.RotWith(start, firstPoint, FIXED_PI * 2 * t))
return dotPts
Draw a start cap
Unless the line has a tapered start, or unless the line has a tapered end
and the line is very short, draw a start cap around the first point. Use
the distance between the second left and right point for the cap's radius.
Finally remove the first left and right points. :psyduck:
const startCap: Vec[] = []
if (taperStart || (taperEnd && strokePoints.length === 1)) {
// The start point is tapered, noop
} else if (capStart) {
// Draw the round cap - add thirteen points rotating the right point around the start point to the left point
for (let step = 1 / 8, t = step; t <= 1; t += step) {
const pt = Vec.RotWith(rightPts[0], firstPoint, FIXED_PI * t)
} else {
// Draw the flat cap - add a point to the left and right of the start point
const cornersVector = Vec.Sub(leftPts[0], rightPts[0])
const offsetA = Vec.Mul(cornersVector, 0.5)
const offsetB = Vec.Mul(cornersVector, 0.51)
Vec.Sub(firstPoint, offsetA),
Vec.Sub(firstPoint, offsetB),
Vec.Add(firstPoint, offsetB),
Vec.Add(firstPoint, offsetA)
Draw an end cap
If the line does not have a tapered end, and unless the line has a tapered
start and the line is very short, draw a cap around the last point. Finally,
remove the last left and right points. Otherwise, add the last point. Note
that This cap is a full-turn-and-a-half: this prevents incorrect caps on
sharp end turns.
const endCap: Vec[] = []
const direction = lastStrokePoint.vector.clone().per().neg()
if (taperEnd || (taperStart && strokePoints.length === 1)) {
// Tapered end - push the last point to the line
} else if (capEnd) {
// Draw the round end cap
const start = Vec.Add(lastPoint, Vec.Mul(direction, lastStrokePoint.radius))
for (let step = 1 / 29, t = step; t < 1; t += step) {
endCap.push(Vec.RotWith(start, lastPoint, FIXED_PI * 3 * t))
} else {
// Draw the flat end cap
Vec.Add(lastPoint, Vec.Mul(direction, lastStrokePoint.radius)),
Vec.Add(lastPoint, Vec.Mul(direction, lastStrokePoint.radius * 0.99)),
Vec.Sub(lastPoint, Vec.Mul(direction, lastStrokePoint.radius * 0.99)),
Vec.Sub(lastPoint, Vec.Mul(direction, lastStrokePoint.radius))
Return the points in the correct winding order: begin on the left side, then
continue around the end cap, then come back along the right side, and finally
complete the start cap.
return leftPts.concat(endCap, rightPts.reverse(), startCap)