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import {
} from '@tldraw/state'
import { objectMapValues } from '@tldraw/utils'
import isEqual from 'lodash.isequal'
import { IdOf, UnknownRecord } from './BaseRecord'
import { executeQuery, objectMatchesQuery, QueryExpression } from './executeQuery'
import { IncrementalSetConstructor } from './IncrementalSetConstructor'
import { RecordsDiff } from './RecordsDiff'
import { diffSets } from './setUtils'
import { CollectionDiff } from './Store'
export type RSIndexDiff<
R extends UnknownRecord,
Property extends string & keyof R = string & keyof R,
> = Map<R[Property], CollectionDiff<IdOf<R>>>
export type RSIndexMap<
R extends UnknownRecord,
Property extends string & keyof R = string & keyof R,
> = Map<R[Property], Set<IdOf<R>>>
export type RSIndex<
R extends UnknownRecord,
Property extends string & keyof R = string & keyof R,
> = Computed<Map<R[Property], Set<IdOf<R>>>, RSIndexDiff<R, Property>>
* A class that provides a 'namespace' for the various kinds of indexes one may wish to derive from
* the record store.
export class StoreQueries<R extends UnknownRecord> {
private readonly atoms: Atom<Record<IdOf<R>, Atom<R>>>,
private readonly history: Atom<number, RecordsDiff<R>>
) {}
* A cache of derivations (indexes).
* @internal
private indexCache = new Map<string, RSIndex<R>>()
* A cache of derivations (filtered histories).
* @internal
private historyCache = new Map<string, Computed<number, RecordsDiff<R>>>()
* Create a derivation that contains the history for a given type
* @param typeName - The name of the type to filter by.
* @returns A derivation that returns the ids of all records of the given type.
* @public
public filterHistory<TypeName extends R['typeName']>(
typeName: TypeName
): Computed<number, RecordsDiff<Extract<R, { typeName: TypeName }>>> {
type S = Extract<R, { typeName: TypeName }>
if (this.historyCache.has(typeName)) {
return this.historyCache.get(typeName) as any
const filtered = computed<number, RecordsDiff<S>>(
'filterHistory:' + typeName,
(lastValue, lastComputedEpoch) => {
if (isUninitialized(lastValue)) {
return this.history.get()
const diff = this.history.getDiffSince(lastComputedEpoch)
if (diff === RESET_VALUE) return this.history.get()
const res = { added: {}, removed: {}, updated: {} } as RecordsDiff<S>
let numAdded = 0
let numRemoved = 0
let numUpdated = 0
for (const changes of diff) {
for (const added of objectMapValues(changes.added)) {
if (added.typeName === typeName) {
if (res.removed[ as IdOf<S>]) {
const original = res.removed[ as IdOf<S>]
delete res.removed[ as IdOf<S>]
if (original !== added) {
res.updated[ as IdOf<S>] = [original, added as S]
} else {
res.added[ as IdOf<S>] = added as S
for (const [from, to] of objectMapValues(changes.updated)) {
if (to.typeName === typeName) {
if (res.added[ as IdOf<S>]) {
res.added[ as IdOf<S>] = to as S
} else if (res.updated[ as IdOf<S>]) {
res.updated[ as IdOf<S>] = [res.updated[ as IdOf<S>][0], to as S]
} else {
res.updated[ as IdOf<S>] = [from as S, to as S]
for (const removed of objectMapValues(changes.removed)) {
if (removed.typeName === typeName) {
if (res.added[ as IdOf<S>]) {
// was added during this diff sequence, so just undo the add
delete res.added[ as IdOf<S>]
} else if (res.updated[ as IdOf<S>]) {
// remove oldest version
res.removed[ as IdOf<S>] = res.updated[ as IdOf<S>][0]
delete res.updated[ as IdOf<S>]
} else {
res.removed[ as IdOf<S>] = removed as S
if (numAdded || numRemoved || numUpdated) {
return withDiff(this.history.get(), res)
} else {
return lastValue
{ historyLength: 100 }
this.historyCache.set(typeName, filtered)
return filtered
* Create a derivation that returns an index on a property for the given type.
* @param typeName - The name of the type.
* @param property - The name of the property.
* @public
public index<
TypeName extends R['typeName'],
Property extends string & keyof Extract<R, { typeName: TypeName }>,
>(typeName: TypeName, property: Property): RSIndex<Extract<R, { typeName: TypeName }>, Property> {
const cacheKey = typeName + ':' + property
if (this.indexCache.has(cacheKey)) {
return this.indexCache.get(cacheKey) as any
const index = this.__uncached_createIndex(typeName, property)
this.indexCache.set(cacheKey, index as any)
return index
* Create a derivation that returns an index on a property for the given type.
* @param typeName - The name of the type?.
* @param property - The name of the property?.
* @internal
TypeName extends R['typeName'],
Property extends string & keyof Extract<R, { typeName: TypeName }>,
>(typeName: TypeName, property: Property): RSIndex<Extract<R, { typeName: TypeName }>, Property> {
type S = Extract<R, { typeName: TypeName }>
const typeHistory = this.filterHistory(typeName)
const fromScratch = () => {
// deref typeHistory early so that the first time the incremental version runs
// it gets a diff to work with instead of having to bail to this from-scratch version
const res = new Map<S[Property], Set<IdOf<S>>>()
for (const atom of objectMapValues(this.atoms.get())) {
const record = atom.get()
if (record.typeName === typeName) {
const value = (record as S)[property]
if (!res.has(value)) {
res.set(value, new Set())
return res
return computed<RSIndexMap<S, Property>, RSIndexDiff<S, Property>>(
'index:' + typeName + ':' + property,
(prevValue, lastComputedEpoch) => {
if (isUninitialized(prevValue)) return fromScratch()
const history = typeHistory.getDiffSince(lastComputedEpoch)
if (history === RESET_VALUE) {
return fromScratch()
const setConstructors = new Map<any, IncrementalSetConstructor<IdOf<S>>>()
const add = (value: S[Property], id: IdOf<S>) => {
let setConstructor = setConstructors.get(value)
if (!setConstructor)
setConstructor = new IncrementalSetConstructor<IdOf<S>>(
prevValue.get(value) ?? new Set()
setConstructors.set(value, setConstructor)
const remove = (value: S[Property], id: IdOf<S>) => {
let set = setConstructors.get(value)
if (!set) set = new IncrementalSetConstructor<IdOf<S>>(prevValue.get(value) ?? new Set())
setConstructors.set(value, set)
for (const changes of history) {
for (const record of objectMapValues(changes.added)) {
if (record.typeName === typeName) {
const value = (record as S)[property]
for (const [from, to] of objectMapValues(changes.updated)) {
if (to.typeName === typeName) {
const prev = (from as S)[property]
const next = (to as S)[property]
if (prev !== next) {
for (const record of objectMapValues(changes.removed)) {
if (record.typeName === typeName) {
const value = (record as S)[property]
let nextValue: undefined | RSIndexMap<S, Property> = undefined
let nextDiff: undefined | RSIndexDiff<S, Property> = undefined
for (const [value, setConstructor] of setConstructors) {
const result = setConstructor.get()
if (!result) continue
if (!nextValue) nextValue = new Map(prevValue)
if (!nextDiff) nextDiff = new Map()
if (result.value.size === 0) {
} else {
nextValue.set(value, result.value)
nextDiff.set(value, result.diff)
if (nextValue && nextDiff) {
return withDiff(nextValue, nextDiff)
return prevValue
{ historyLength: 100 }
* Create a derivation that will return a signle record matching the given query.
* It will return undefined if there is no matching record
* @param typeName - The name of the type?
* @param queryCreator - A function that returns the query expression.
* @param name - (optinal) The name of the query.
record<TypeName extends R['typeName']>(
typeName: TypeName,
queryCreator: () => QueryExpression<Extract<R, { typeName: TypeName }>> = () => ({}),
name = 'record:' + typeName + (queryCreator ? ':' + queryCreator.toString() : '')
): Computed<Extract<R, { typeName: TypeName }> | undefined> {
type S = Extract<R, { typeName: TypeName }>
const ids = this.ids(typeName, queryCreator, name)
return computed<S | undefined>(name, () => {
for (const id of ids.get()) {
return this.atoms.get()[id]?.get() as S
return undefined
* Create a derivation that will return an array of records matching the given query
* @param typeName - The name of the type?
* @param queryCreator - A function that returns the query expression.
* @param name - (optinal) The name of the query.
records<TypeName extends R['typeName']>(
typeName: TypeName,
queryCreator: () => QueryExpression<Extract<R, { typeName: TypeName }>> = () => ({}),
name = 'records:' + typeName + (queryCreator ? ':' + queryCreator.toString() : '')
): Computed<Array<Extract<R, { typeName: TypeName }>>> {
type S = Extract<R, { typeName: TypeName }>
const ids = this.ids(typeName, queryCreator, 'ids:' + name)
return computed<S[]>(name, () => {
return [...ids.get()].map((id) => {
const atom = this.atoms.get()[id]
if (!atom) {
throw new Error('no atom found for record id: ' + id)
return atom.get() as S
* Create a derivation that will return the ids of all records of the given type.
* @param typeName - The name of the type.
* @param queryCreator - A function that returns the query expression.
* @param name - (optinal) The name of the query.
ids<TypeName extends R['typeName']>(
typeName: TypeName,
queryCreator: () => QueryExpression<Extract<R, { typeName: TypeName }>> = () => ({}),
name = 'ids:' + typeName + (queryCreator ? ':' + queryCreator.toString() : '')
): Computed<
Set<IdOf<Extract<R, { typeName: TypeName }>>>,
CollectionDiff<IdOf<Extract<R, { typeName: TypeName }>>>
> {
type S = Extract<R, { typeName: TypeName }>
const typeHistory = this.filterHistory(typeName)
const fromScratch = () => {
// deref type history early to allow first incremental update to use diffs
const query: QueryExpression<S> = queryCreator()
if (Object.keys(query).length === 0) {
return new Set<IdOf<S>>(
objectMapValues(this.atoms.get()).flatMap((v) => {
const r = v.get()
if (r.typeName === typeName) {
} else {
return []
return executeQuery(this, typeName, query)
const fromScratchWithDiff = (prevValue: Set<IdOf<S>>) => {
const nextValue = fromScratch()
const diff = diffSets(prevValue, nextValue)
if (diff) {
return withDiff(nextValue, diff)
} else {
return prevValue
const cachedQuery = computed('ids_query:' + name, queryCreator, {
return computed(
'query:' + name,
(prevValue, lastComputedEpoch) => {
const query = cachedQuery.get()
if (isUninitialized(prevValue)) {
return fromScratch()
// if the query changed since last time this ran then we need to start again
if (lastComputedEpoch < cachedQuery.lastChangedEpoch) {
return fromScratchWithDiff(prevValue)
// otherwise iterate over the changes from the store and apply them to the previous value if needed
const history = typeHistory.getDiffSince(lastComputedEpoch)
if (history === RESET_VALUE) {
return fromScratchWithDiff(prevValue)
const setConstructor = new IncrementalSetConstructor<IdOf<S>>(
) as IncrementalSetConstructor<IdOf<S>>
for (const changes of history) {
for (const added of objectMapValues(changes.added)) {
if (added.typeName === typeName && objectMatchesQuery(query, added)) {
for (const [_, updated] of objectMapValues(changes.updated)) {
if (updated.typeName === typeName) {
if (objectMatchesQuery(query, updated)) {
} else {
for (const removed of objectMapValues(changes.removed)) {
if (removed.typeName === typeName) {
const result = setConstructor.get()
if (!result) {
return prevValue
return withDiff(result.value, result.diff)
{ historyLength: 50 }
exec<TypeName extends R['typeName']>(
typeName: TypeName,
query: QueryExpression<Extract<R, { typeName: TypeName }>>
): Array<Extract<R, { typeName: TypeName }>> {
const ids = executeQuery(this, typeName, query)
if (ids.size === 0) {
const atoms = this.atoms.get()
return [...ids].map((id) => atoms[id].get() as Extract<R, { typeName: TypeName }>)