
620 wiersze
13 KiB

/* -------------------------------------------------- */
/* Client State */
/* -------------------------------------------------- */
export interface Data {
isReadOnly: boolean
settings: {
fontSize: number
isDarkMode: boolean
isCodeOpen: boolean
isStyleOpen: boolean
nudgeDistanceSmall: number
nudgeDistanceLarge: number
isToolLocked: boolean
isPenLocked: boolean
room?: {
id: string
status: string
peers: Record<string, Peer>
currentStyle: ShapeStyles
activeTool: ShapeType | 'select'
brush?: Bounds
boundsRotation: number
pointedId?: string
hoveredId?: string
editingId?: string
currentPageId: string
currentParentId: string
currentCodeFileId: string
codeControls: Record<string, CodeControl>
document: TLDocument
pageStates: Record<string, PageState>
/* -------------------------------------------------- */
/* Document */
/* -------------------------------------------------- */
export interface Peer {
id: string
cursor: {
point: number[]
export interface TLDocument {
id: string
name: string
pages: Record<string, Page>
code: Record<string, CodeFile>
export interface Page {
id: string
type: 'page'
childIndex: number
name: string
shapes: Record<string, Shape>
export interface PageState {
id: string
selectedIds: Set<string>
camera: {
point: number[]
zoom: number
/* ----------------- Start Copy Here ---------------- */
export enum ShapeType {
Dot = 'dot',
Ellipse = 'ellipse',
Line = 'line',
Ray = 'ray',
Polyline = 'polyline',
Rectangle = 'rectangle',
Draw = 'draw',
Arrow = 'arrow',
Text = 'text',
Group = 'group',
export enum ColorStyle {
White = 'White',
LightGray = 'LightGray',
Gray = 'Gray',
Black = 'Black',
Green = 'Green',
Cyan = 'Cyan',
Blue = 'Blue',
Indigo = 'Indigo',
Violet = 'Violet',
Red = 'Red',
Orange = 'Orange',
Yellow = 'Yellow',
export enum SizeStyle {
Small = 'Small',
Medium = 'Medium',
Large = 'Large',
export enum DashStyle {
Solid = 'Solid',
Dashed = 'Dashed',
Dotted = 'Dotted',
export enum FontSize {
Small = 'Small',
Medium = 'Medium',
Large = 'Large',
ExtraLarge = 'ExtraLarge',
export type ShapeStyles = {
color: ColorStyle
size: SizeStyle
dash: DashStyle
isFilled: boolean
export interface BaseShape {
id: string
type: ShapeType
parentId: string
childIndex: number
isGenerated: boolean
name: string
point: number[]
style: ShapeStyles
rotation: number
children?: string[]
bindings?: Record<string, ShapeBinding>
handles?: Record<string, ShapeHandle>
isLocked: boolean
isHidden: boolean
isAspectRatioLocked: boolean
export interface DotShape extends BaseShape {
type: ShapeType.Dot
export interface EllipseShape extends BaseShape {
type: ShapeType.Ellipse
radiusX: number
radiusY: number
export interface LineShape extends BaseShape {
type: ShapeType.Line
direction: number[]
export interface RayShape extends BaseShape {
type: ShapeType.Ray
direction: number[]
export interface PolylineShape extends BaseShape {
type: ShapeType.Polyline
points: number[][]
export interface RectangleShape extends BaseShape {
type: ShapeType.Rectangle
size: number[]
radius: number
export interface DrawShape extends BaseShape {
type: ShapeType.Draw
points: number[][]
export interface ArrowShape extends BaseShape {
type: ShapeType.Arrow
handles: Record<string, ShapeHandle>
bend: number
decorations?: {
start: Decoration
end: Decoration
middle: Decoration
export interface TextShape extends BaseShape {
type: ShapeType.Text
text: string
scale: number
export interface GroupShape extends BaseShape {
type: ShapeType.Group
children: string[]
size: number[]
// type DeepPartial<T> = {
// [P in keyof T]?: DeepPartial<T[P]>
// }
export type ShapeProps<T extends Shape> = {
[P in keyof T]?: P extends 'style' ? Partial<T[P]> : T[P]
export type MutableShape =
| DotShape
| EllipseShape
| LineShape
| RayShape
| PolylineShape
| DrawShape
| RectangleShape
| ArrowShape
| TextShape
| GroupShape
export interface Shapes {
[ShapeType.Dot]: Readonly<DotShape>
[ShapeType.Ellipse]: Readonly<EllipseShape>
[ShapeType.Line]: Readonly<LineShape>
[ShapeType.Ray]: Readonly<RayShape>
[ShapeType.Polyline]: Readonly<PolylineShape>
[ShapeType.Draw]: Readonly<DrawShape>
[ShapeType.Rectangle]: Readonly<RectangleShape>
[ShapeType.Arrow]: Readonly<ArrowShape>
[ShapeType.Text]: Readonly<TextShape>
[ShapeType.Group]: Readonly<GroupShape>
export type Shape = Readonly<MutableShape>
export type ShapeByType<T extends ShapeType> = Shapes[T]
export enum Decoration {
Arrow = 'Arrow',
export interface ShapeBinding {
id: string
index: number
point: number[]
export interface ShapeHandle {
id: string
index: number
point: number[]
export interface CodeFile {
id: string
name: string
code: string
export interface CodeError {
message: string
line: number
column: number
export interface CodeResult {
shapes: Shape[]
controls: CodeControl[]
error: CodeError
/* -------------------------------------------------- */
/* Editor UI */
/* -------------------------------------------------- */
export interface PointerInfo {
target: string
pointerId: number
origin: number[]
point: number[]
pressure: number
shiftKey: boolean
ctrlKey: boolean
metaKey: boolean
altKey: boolean
export enum Edge {
Top = 'top_edge',
Right = 'right_edge',
Bottom = 'bottom_edge',
Left = 'left_edge',
export enum Corner {
TopLeft = 'top_left_corner',
TopRight = 'top_right_corner',
BottomRight = 'bottom_right_corner',
BottomLeft = 'bottom_left_corner',
export interface Bounds {
minX: number
minY: number
maxX: number
maxY: number
width: number
height: number
rotation?: number
export interface RotatedBounds extends Bounds {
rotation: number
export interface ShapeBounds extends Bounds {
id: string
export interface PointSnapshot extends Bounds {
nx: number
nmx: number
ny: number
nmy: number
export interface BoundsSnapshot extends PointSnapshot {
nw: number
nh: number
export type Difference<A, B> = A extends B ? never : A
export type ShapeSpecificProps<T extends Shape> = Pick<
Difference<keyof T, keyof BaseShape>
export type ShapeIndicatorProps<T extends Shape> = ShapeSpecificProps<T>
export type ShapeUtil<K extends Shape> = {
create(props: Partial<K>): K
getBounds(shape: K): Bounds
hitTest(shape: K, test: number[]): boolean
hitTestBounds(shape: K, bounds: Bounds): boolean
rotate(shape: K): K
translate(shape: K, delta: number[]): K
scale(shape: K, scale: number): K
stretch(shape: K, scaleX: number, scaleY: number): K
render(shape: K): JSX.Element
export enum MoveType {
export enum AlignType {
export enum StretchType {
export enum DistributeType {
export interface BezierCurveSegment {
start: number[]
tangentStart: number[]
normalStart: number[]
pressureStart: number
end: number[]
tangentEnd: number[]
normalEnd: number[]
pressureEnd: number
/* -------------------------------------------------- */
/* Code Editor */
/* -------------------------------------------------- */
export enum ControlType {
Number = 'number',
Vector = 'vector',
Text = 'text',
Select = 'select',
export interface BaseCodeControl {
id: string
type: ControlType
label: string
export interface NumberCodeControl extends BaseCodeControl {
type: ControlType.Number
value: number
min?: number
max?: number
step?: number
format?: (value: number) => number
export interface VectorCodeControl extends BaseCodeControl {
type: ControlType.Vector
value: number[]
min?: number
max?: number
step?: number
isNormalized?: boolean
format?: (value: number[]) => number[]
export interface TextCodeControl extends BaseCodeControl {
type: ControlType.Text
value: string
format?: (value: string) => string
export interface SelectCodeControl<T extends string = ''>
extends BaseCodeControl {
type: ControlType.Select
value: T
options: T[]
format?: (string: T) => string
export type CodeControl =
| NumberCodeControl
| VectorCodeControl
| TextCodeControl
export type PropsOfType<T extends Record<string, unknown>> = {
[K in keyof T]: T[K] extends boolean ? K : never
}[keyof T]
export type Mutable<T extends Shape> = { -readonly [K in keyof T]: T[K] }
export interface ShapeUtility<K extends Shape> {
// A cache for the computed bounds of this kind of shape.
boundsCache: WeakMap<K, Bounds>
// Whether to show transform controls when this shape is selected.
canTransform: boolean
// Whether the shape's aspect ratio can change.
canChangeAspectRatio: boolean
// Whether the shape's style can be filled.
canStyleFill: boolean
// Whether the shape may be edited in an editing mode
canEdit: boolean
// Whether the shape is a foreign object.
isForeignObject: boolean
// Whether the shape can contain other shapes.
isParent: boolean
// Whether the shape is only shown when on hovered.
isShy: boolean
// Create a new shape.
create(props: Partial<K>): K
// Update a shape's styles
this: ShapeUtility<K>,
shape: Mutable<K>,
style: Partial<ShapeStyles>
): ShapeUtility<K>
this: ShapeUtility<K>,
shape: Mutable<K>,
point: number[]
): ShapeUtility<K>
this: ShapeUtility<K>,
shape: Mutable<K>,
point: number[]
): ShapeUtility<K>
this: ShapeUtility<K>,
shape: Mutable<K>,
rotation: number
): ShapeUtility<K>
this: ShapeUtility<K>,
shape: Mutable<K>,
rotation: number,
delta: number
): ShapeUtility<K>
// Transform to fit a new bounding box when more than one shape is selected.
this: ShapeUtility<K>,
shape: Mutable<K>,
bounds: Bounds,
info: {
type: Edge | Corner
initialShape: K
scaleX: number
scaleY: number
transformOrigin: number[]
): ShapeUtility<K>
// Transform a single shape to fit a new bounding box.
this: ShapeUtility<K>,
shape: Mutable<K>,
bounds: Bounds,
info: {
type: Edge | Corner
initialShape: K
scaleX: number
scaleY: number
transformOrigin: number[]
): ShapeUtility<K>
setProperty<P extends keyof K>(
this: ShapeUtility<K>,
shape: Mutable<K>,
prop: P,
value: K[P]
): ShapeUtility<K>
// Respond when any child of this shape changes.
this: ShapeUtility<K>,
shape: Mutable<K>,
children: Shape[]
): ShapeUtility<K>
// Respond when a user moves one of the shape's bound elements.
this: ShapeUtility<K>,
shape: Mutable<K>,
bindings: Record<string, ShapeBinding>
): ShapeUtility<K>
// Respond when a user moves one of the shape's handles.
this: ShapeUtility<K>,
shape: Mutable<K>,
handle: Partial<K['handles']>
): ShapeUtility<K>
this: ShapeUtility<K>,
shape: Mutable<K>,
handle: keyof K['handles'],
info: PointerInfo
): ShapeUtility<K>
// Respond when a user double clicks the shape's bounds.
onBoundsReset(this: ShapeUtility<K>, shape: Mutable<K>): ShapeUtility<K>
// Respond when a user double clicks the center of the shape.
onDoubleFocus(this: ShapeUtility<K>, shape: Mutable<K>): ShapeUtility<K>
// Clean up changes when a session ends.
onSessionComplete(this: ShapeUtility<K>, shape: Mutable<K>): ShapeUtility<K>
// Render a shape to JSX.
this: ShapeUtility<K>,
shape: K,
info: {
isEditing: boolean
ref?: React.MutableRefObject<HTMLTextAreaElement>
): JSX.Element
invalidate(this: ShapeUtility<K>, shape: K): ShapeUtility<K>
// Get the bounds of the a shape.
getBounds(this: ShapeUtility<K>, shape: K): Bounds
// Get the routated bounds of the a shape.
getRotatedBounds(this: ShapeUtility<K>, shape: K): Bounds
// Get the center of the shape
getCenter(this: ShapeUtility<K>, shape: K): number[]
// Test whether a point lies within a shape.
hitTest(this: ShapeUtility<K>, shape: K, test: number[]): boolean
// Test whether bounds collide with or contain a shape.
hitTestBounds(this: ShapeUtility<K>, shape: K, bounds: Bounds): boolean
// Get whether the shape should delete
shouldDelete(this: ShapeUtility<K>, shape: K): boolean
// Get whether the shape should render
shouldRender(this: ShapeUtility<K>, shape: K, previous: K): boolean