
83 wiersze
2.0 KiB

/** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */
const nextConfig = {
reactStrictMode: true,
experimental: {
scrollRestoration: true,
transpilePackages: [],
async redirects() {
return [
// For reverse compatibility with old links
source: '/:sectionId/ucg/:articleId',
destination: '/:sectionId/:articleId',
permanent: true,
// For reverse compatibility with old links
source: '/docs/introduction',
destination: '/introduction',
permanent: true,
// For reverse compatibility with old links
source: '/docs/installation',
destination: '/installation',
permanent: true,
// For reverse compatibility with old links
source: '/docs/usage',
destination: '/usage',
permanent: true,
// For reverse compatibility with old links
source: '/docs/introduction',
destination: '/introduction',
permanent: true,
// For reverse compatibility with old links
source: '/docs/installation',
destination: '/installation',
permanent: true,
// For reverse compatibility with old links
source: '/docs/usage',
destination: '/usage',
permanent: true,
// To reflect that these are at the top level of the sidebar
source: '/getting-started/:childId',
destination: '/:childId',
permanent: true,
// To reflect that these are at the top level of the sidebar
source: '/getting-started/:childId',
destination: '/:childId',
permanent: true,
// For reverse compatibility with old links
// (This is a page that we referred people to quite often)
source: '/gen/editor/Editor-class',
destination: '/gen/editor/Editor',
permanent: true,
// For reverse compatibility with old links
// (This is a page that we referred people to quite often)
source: '/gen/editor/ShapeUtil-class',
destination: '/gen/editor/ShapeUtil',
permanent: true,
module.exports = nextConfig