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import React, { forwardRef, FunctionComponent, memo } from 'react'
import { useStateTracking } from './useStateTracking'
export const ProxyHandlers = {
* This is a function call trap for functional components. When this is called, we know it means
* React did run 'Component()', that means we can use any hooks here to setup our effect and
* store.
* With the native Proxy, all other calls such as access/setting to/of properties will be
* forwarded to the target Component, so we don't need to copy the Component's own or inherited
* properties.
* @see
apply(Component: FunctionComponent, thisArg: any, argumentsList: any) {
// eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/rules-of-hooks
return useStateTracking(Component.displayName ?? ?? 'tracked(???)', () =>
Component.apply(thisArg, argumentsList)
export const ReactMemoSymbol = Symbol.for('react.memo')
export const ReactForwardRefSymbol = Symbol.for('react.forward_ref')
* Returns a tracked version of the given component.
* Any signals whose values are read while the component renders will be tracked.
* If any of the tracked signals change later it will cause the component to re-render.
* This also wraps the component in a React.memo() call, so it will only re-render if the props change.
* @example
* ```ts
* const Counter = track(function Counter(props: CounterProps) {
* const count = useAtom('count', 0)
* const increment = useCallback(() => count.set(count.value + 1), [count])
* return <button onClick={increment}>{count.value}</button>
* })
* ```
* @param baseComponent - The base component to track.
* @public
export function track<T extends FunctionComponent<any>>(
baseComponent: T
): T extends React.MemoExoticComponent<any> ? T : React.MemoExoticComponent<T> {
let compare = null
const $$typeof = baseComponent['$$typeof' as keyof typeof baseComponent]
if ($$typeof === ReactMemoSymbol) {
baseComponent = (baseComponent as any).type
compare = (baseComponent as any).compare
if ($$typeof === ReactForwardRefSymbol) {
return memo(forwardRef(new Proxy((baseComponent as any).render, ProxyHandlers) as any)) as any
return memo(new Proxy(baseComponent, ProxyHandlers) as any, compare) as any