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/* eslint-disable prefer-rest-params */
import { ArraySet } from './ArraySet'
import { HistoryBuffer } from './HistoryBuffer'
import { maybeCaptureParent, startCapturingParents, stopCapturingParents } from './capture'
import { GLOBAL_START_EPOCH } from './constants'
import { EMPTY_ARRAY, equals, haveParentsChanged, singleton } from './helpers'
import { getGlobalEpoch, getIsReacting } from './transactions'
import { Child, ComputeDiff, RESET_VALUE, Signal } from './types'
import { logComputedGetterWarning } from './warnings'
* @public
export const UNINITIALIZED = Symbol.for('com.tldraw.state/UNINITIALIZED')
* The type of the first value passed to a computed signal function as the 'prevValue' parameter.
* @see [[isUninitialized]].
* @public
* Call this inside a computed signal function to determine whether it is the first time the function is being called.
* Mainly useful for incremental signal computation.
* @example
* ```ts
* const count = atom('count', 0)
* const double = computed('double', (prevValue) => {
* if (isUninitialized(prevValue)) {
* print('First time!')
* }
* return count.get() * 2
* })
* ```
* @param value - The value to check.
* @public
export const isUninitialized = (value: any): value is UNINITIALIZED => {
return value === UNINITIALIZED
export const WithDiff = singleton(
() =>
class WithDiff<Value, Diff> {
public value: Value,
public diff: Diff
) {}
export type WithDiff<Value, Diff> = { value: Value; diff: Diff }
* When writing incrementally-computed signals it is convenient (and usually more performant) to incrementally compute the diff too.
* You can use this function to wrap the return value of a computed signal function to indicate that the diff should be used instead of calculating a new one with [[AtomOptions.computeDiff]].
* @example
* ```ts
* const count = atom('count', 0)
* const double = computed('double', (prevValue) => {
* const nextValue = count.get() * 2
* if (isUninitialized(prevValue)) {
* return nextValue
* }
* return withDiff(nextValue, nextValue - prevValue)
* }, { historyLength: 10 })
* ```
* @param value - The value.
* @param diff - The diff.
* @public
export function withDiff<Value, Diff>(value: Value, diff: Diff): WithDiff<Value, Diff> {
return new WithDiff(value, diff)
* Options for creating computed signals. Used when calling [[computed]].
* @public
export interface ComputedOptions<Value, Diff> {
* The maximum number of diffs to keep in the history buffer.
* If you don't need to compute diffs, or if you will supply diffs manually via [[Atom.set]], you can leave this as `undefined` and no history buffer will be created.
* If you expect the value to be part of an active effect subscription all the time, and to not change multiple times inside of a single transaction, you can set this to a relatively low number (e.g. 10).
* Otherwise, set this to a higher number based on your usage pattern and memory constraints.
historyLength?: number
* A method used to compute a diff between the atom's old and new values. If provided, it will not be used unless you also specify [[AtomOptions.historyLength]].
computeDiff?: ComputeDiff<Value, Diff>
* If provided, this will be used to compare the old and new values of the atom to determine if the value has changed.
* By default, values are compared using first using strict equality (`===`), then ``, and finally any `.equals` method present in the object's prototype chain.
* @param a - The old value
* @param b - The new value
* @returns
isEqual?: (a: any, b: any) => boolean
* A computed signal created via [[computed]].
* @public
export interface Computed<Value, Diff = unknown> extends Signal<Value, Diff> {
* Whether this computed child is involved in an actively-running effect graph.
* @public
readonly isActivelyListening: boolean
/** @internal */
readonly parentSet: ArraySet<Signal<any, any>>
/** @internal */
readonly parents: Signal<any, any>[]
/** @internal */
readonly parentEpochs: number[]
* @internal
class __UNSAFE__Computed<Value, Diff = unknown> implements Computed<Value, Diff> {
lastChangedEpoch = GLOBAL_START_EPOCH
lastTraversedEpoch = GLOBAL_START_EPOCH
* The epoch when the reactor was last checked.
private lastCheckedEpoch = GLOBAL_START_EPOCH
parentSet = new ArraySet<Signal<any, any>>()
parents: Signal<any, any>[] = []
parentEpochs: number[] = []
children = new ArraySet<Child>()
// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax
get isActivelyListening(): boolean {
return !this.children.isEmpty
historyBuffer?: HistoryBuffer<Diff>
// The last-computed value of this signal.
private state: Value = UNINITIALIZED as unknown as Value
// If the signal throws an error we stash it so we can rethrow it on the next get()
private error: null | { thrownValue: any } = null
private computeDiff?: ComputeDiff<Value, Diff>
private readonly isEqual: (a: any, b: any) => boolean
* The name of the signal. This is used for debugging and performance profiling purposes. It does not need to be globally unique.
public readonly name: string,
* The function that computes the value of the signal.
private readonly derive: (
previousValue: Value | UNINITIALIZED,
lastComputedEpoch: number
) => Value | WithDiff<Value, Diff>,
options?: ComputedOptions<Value, Diff>
) {
if (options?.historyLength) {
this.historyBuffer = new HistoryBuffer(options.historyLength)
this.computeDiff = options?.computeDiff
this.isEqual = options?.isEqual ?? equals
__unsafe__getWithoutCapture(ignoreErrors?: boolean): Value {
const isNew = this.lastChangedEpoch === GLOBAL_START_EPOCH
const globalEpoch = getGlobalEpoch()
if (
!isNew &&
(this.lastCheckedEpoch === globalEpoch ||
(this.isActivelyListening && getIsReacting() && this.lastTraversedEpoch < globalEpoch) ||
) {
this.lastCheckedEpoch = globalEpoch
if (this.error) {
if (!ignoreErrors) {
throw this.error.thrownValue
} else {
return this.state // will be UNINITIALIZED
} else {
return this.state
try {
const result = this.derive(this.state, this.lastCheckedEpoch)
const newState = result instanceof WithDiff ? result.value : result
const isUninitialized = this.state === UNINITIALIZED
if (isUninitialized || !this.isEqual(newState, this.state)) {
if (this.historyBuffer && !isUninitialized) {
const diff = result instanceof WithDiff ? result.diff : undefined
diff ??
this.computeDiff?.(this.state, newState, this.lastCheckedEpoch, getGlobalEpoch()) ??
this.lastChangedEpoch = getGlobalEpoch()
this.state = newState
this.error = null
this.lastCheckedEpoch = getGlobalEpoch()
return this.state
} catch (e) {
// if a derived value throws an error, we reset the state to UNINITIALIZED
if (this.state !== UNINITIALIZED) {
this.state = UNINITIALIZED as unknown as Value
this.lastChangedEpoch = getGlobalEpoch()
this.lastCheckedEpoch = getGlobalEpoch()
// we also clear the history buffer if an error was thrown
if (this.historyBuffer) {
this.error = { thrownValue: e }
// we don't wish to propagate errors when derefed via haveParentsChanged()
if (!ignoreErrors) throw e
return this.state
} finally {
get(): Value {
try {
return this.__unsafe__getWithoutCapture()
} finally {
// if the deriver throws an error we still need to capture
getDiffSince(epoch: number): RESET_VALUE | Diff[] {
// we can ignore any errors thrown during derive
// and we still need to capture this signal as a parent
if (epoch >= this.lastChangedEpoch) {
return this.historyBuffer?.getChangesSince(epoch) ?? RESET_VALUE
export const _Computed = singleton('Computed', () => __UNSAFE__Computed)
export type _Computed = InstanceType<typeof __UNSAFE__Computed>
function computedMethodAnnotation(
options: ComputedOptions<any, any> = {},
_target: any,
key: string,
descriptor: PropertyDescriptor
) {
const originalMethod = descriptor.value
const derivationKey = Symbol.for('__@tldraw/state__computed__' + key)
descriptor.value = function (this: any) {
let d = this[derivationKey] as Computed<any> | undefined
if (!d) {
d = new _Computed(key, originalMethod!.bind(this) as any, options)
Object.defineProperty(this, derivationKey, {
enumerable: false,
configurable: false,
writable: false,
value: d,
return d.get()
descriptor.value[isComputedMethodKey] = true
return descriptor
function computedAnnotation(
options: ComputedOptions<any, any> = {},
_target: any,
key: string,
descriptor: PropertyDescriptor
) {
if (descriptor.get) {
return computedGetterAnnotation(options, _target, key, descriptor)
} else {
return computedMethodAnnotation(options, _target, key, descriptor)
function computedGetterAnnotation(
options: ComputedOptions<any, any> = {},
_target: any,
key: string,
descriptor: PropertyDescriptor
) {
const originalMethod = descriptor.get
const derivationKey = Symbol.for('__@tldraw/state__computed__' + key)
descriptor.get = function (this: any) {
let d = this[derivationKey] as Computed<any> | undefined
if (!d) {
d = new _Computed(key, originalMethod!.bind(this) as any, options)
Object.defineProperty(this, derivationKey, {
enumerable: false,
configurable: false,
writable: false,
value: d,
return d.get()
return descriptor
const isComputedMethodKey = '@@__isComputedMethod__@@'
* Retrieves the underlying computed instance for a given property created with the [[computed]]
* decorator.
* @example
* ```ts
* class Counter {
* max = 100
* count = atom(0)
* @computed getRemaining() {
* return this.max - this.count.get()
* }
* }
* const c = new Counter()
* const remaining = getComputedInstance(c, 'getRemaining')
* remaining.get() === 100 // true
* c.count.set(13)
* remaining.get() === 87 // true
* ```
* @param obj - The object
* @param propertyName - The property name
* @public
export function getComputedInstance<Obj extends object, Prop extends keyof Obj>(
obj: Obj,
propertyName: Prop
): Computed<Obj[Prop]> {
const key = Symbol.for('__@tldraw/state__computed__' + propertyName.toString())
let inst = obj[key as keyof typeof obj] as Computed<Obj[Prop]> | undefined
if (!inst) {
// deref to make sure it exists first
const val = obj[propertyName]
if (typeof val === 'function' && (val as any)[isComputedMethodKey]) {
inst = obj[key as keyof typeof obj] as Computed<Obj[Prop]> | undefined
return inst as any
* Creates a computed signal.
* @example
* ```ts
* const name = atom('name', 'John')
* const greeting = computed('greeting', () => `Hello ${name.get()}!`)
* console.log(greeting.get()) // 'Hello John!'
* ```
* `computed` may also be used as a decorator for creating computed getter methods.
* @example
* ```ts
* class Counter {
* max = 100
* count = atom<number>(0)
* @computed getRemaining() {
* return this.max - this.count.get()
* }
* }
* ```
* You may optionally pass in a [[ComputedOptions]] when used as a decorator:
* @example
* ```ts
* class Counter {
* max = 100
* count = atom<number>(0)
* @computed({isEqual: (a, b) => a === b})
* getRemaining() {
* return this.max - this.count.get()
* }
* }
* ```
* @param name - The name of the signal.
* @param compute - The function that computes the value of the signal.
* @param options - Options for the signal.
* @public
export function computed<Value, Diff = unknown>(
name: string,
compute: (
previousValue: Value | typeof UNINITIALIZED,
lastComputedEpoch: number
) => Value | WithDiff<Value, Diff>,
options?: ComputedOptions<Value, Diff>
): Computed<Value, Diff>
/** @public */
export function computed(
target: any,
key: string,
descriptor: PropertyDescriptor
): PropertyDescriptor
/** @public */
export function computed<Value, Diff = unknown>(
options?: ComputedOptions<Value, Diff>
): (target: any, key: string, descriptor: PropertyDescriptor) => PropertyDescriptor
/** @public */
export function computed() {
if (arguments.length === 1) {
const options = arguments[0]
return (target: any, key: string, descriptor: PropertyDescriptor) =>
computedAnnotation(options, target, key, descriptor)
} else if (typeof arguments[0] === 'string') {
return new _Computed(arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2])
} else {
return computedAnnotation(undefined, arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2])
* Returns true if the given value is a computed signal.
* @param value
* @returns {value is Computed<any>}
* @public
export function isComputed(value: any): value is Computed<any> {
return value && value instanceof _Computed