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11 KiB

import { VecModel } from '@tldraw/tlschema'
import { EASINGS } from './easings'
/** @public */
export type VecLike = Vec | VecModel
/** @public */
export class Vec {
public x = 0,
public y = 0,
public z = 1
) {}
// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax
get pressure() {
return this.z
set(x = this.x, y = this.y, z = this.z) {
this.x = x
this.y = y
this.z = z
return this
setTo({ x = 0, y = 0, z = 1 }: VecLike) {
this.x = x
this.y = y
this.z = z
return this
rot(r: number) {
if (r === 0) return this
const { x, y } = this
const s = Math.sin(r)
const c = Math.cos(r)
this.x = x * c - y * s
this.y = x * s + y * c
return this
rotWith(C: VecLike, r: number) {
if (r === 0) return this
const x = this.x - C.x
const y = this.y - C.y
const s = Math.sin(r)
const c = Math.cos(r)
this.x = C.x + (x * c - y * s)
this.y = C.y + (x * s + y * c)
return this
clone(): Vec {
const { x, y, z } = this
return new Vec(x, y, z)
sub(V: VecLike) {
this.x -= V.x
this.y -= V.y
return this
subXY(x: number, y: number) {
this.x -= x
this.y -= y
return this
subScalar(n: number) {
this.x -= n
this.y -= n
// this.z -= n
return this
add(V: VecLike) {
this.x += V.x
this.y += V.y
return this
addXY(x: number, y: number) {
this.x += x
this.y += y
return this
addScalar(n: number) {
this.x += n
this.y += n
// this.z += n
return this
clamp(min: number, max?: number) {
this.x = Math.max(this.x, min)
this.y = Math.max(this.y, min)
if (max !== undefined) {
this.x = Math.min(this.x, max)
this.y = Math.min(this.y, max)
return this
div(t: number) {
this.x /= t
this.y /= t
// this.z /= t
return this
divV(V: VecLike) {
this.x /= V.x
this.y /= V.y
// this.z /= V.z
return this
mul(t: number) {
this.x *= t
this.y *= t
// this.z *= t
return this
mulV(V: VecLike) {
this.x *= V.x
this.y *= V.y
// this.z *= V.z
return this
abs() {
this.x = Math.abs(this.x)
this.y = Math.abs(this.y)
return this
nudge(B: VecLike, distance: number) {
const tan = Vec.Tan(B, this)
return this.add(tan.mul(distance))
neg() {
this.x *= -1
this.y *= -1
// this.z *= -1
return this
cross(V: VecLike) {
this.x = this.y * V.z! - this.z * V.y
this.y = this.z * V.x - this.x * V.z!
// this.z = this.x * V.y - this.y * V.x
return this
dpr(V: VecLike): number {
return Vec.Dpr(this, V)
cpr(V: VecLike) {
return Vec.Cpr(this, V)
len2(): number {
return Vec.Len2(this)
len(): number {
return Vec.Len(this)
pry(V: VecLike): number {
return Vec.Pry(this, V)
per() {
const { x, y } = this
this.x = y
this.y = -x
return this
uni() {
return Vec.Uni(this)
tan(V: VecLike): Vec {
return Vec.Tan(this, V)
dist(V: VecLike): number {
return Vec.Dist(this, V)
distanceToLineSegment(A: VecLike, B: VecLike): number {
return Vec.DistanceToLineSegment(A, B, this)
slope(B: VecLike): number {
return Vec.Slope(this, B)
snapToGrid(gridSize: number) {
this.x = Math.round(this.x / gridSize) * gridSize
this.y = Math.round(this.y / gridSize) * gridSize
return this
angle(B: VecLike): number {
return Vec.Angle(this, B)
toAngle() {
return Vec.ToAngle(this)
lrp(B: VecLike, t: number): Vec {
this.x = this.x + (B.x - this.x) * t
this.y = this.y + (B.y - this.y) * t
return this
equals(B: VecLike) {
return Vec.Equals(this, B)
equalsXY(x: number, y: number) {
return Vec.EqualsXY(this, x, y)
norm() {
const l = this.len()
this.x = l === 0 ? 0 : this.x / l
this.y = l === 0 ? 0 : this.y / l
return this
toFixed() {
return Vec.ToFixed(this)
toString() {
return Vec.ToString(Vec.ToFixed(this))
toJson(): VecModel {
return Vec.ToJson(this)
toArray(): number[] {
return Vec.ToArray(this)
static Add(A: VecLike, B: VecLike): Vec {
return new Vec(A.x + B.x, A.y + B.y)
static AddXY(A: VecLike, x: number, y: number): Vec {
return new Vec(A.x + x, A.y + y)
static Sub(A: VecLike, B: VecLike): Vec {
return new Vec(A.x - B.x, A.y - B.y)
static SubXY(A: VecLike, x: number, y: number): Vec {
return new Vec(A.x - x, A.y - y)
static AddScalar(A: VecLike, n: number): Vec {
return new Vec(A.x + n, A.y + n)
static SubScalar(A: VecLike, n: number): Vec {
return new Vec(A.x - n, A.y - n)
static Div(A: VecLike, t: number): Vec {
return new Vec(A.x / t, A.y / t)
static Mul(A: VecLike, t: number): Vec {
return new Vec(A.x * t, A.y * t)
static DivV(A: VecLike, B: VecLike): Vec {
return new Vec(A.x / B.x, A.y / B.y)
static MulV(A: VecLike, B: VecLike): Vec {
return new Vec(A.x * B.x, A.y * B.y)
static Neg(A: VecLike): Vec {
return new Vec(-A.x, -A.y)
* Get the perpendicular vector to A.
static Per(A: VecLike): Vec {
return new Vec(A.y, -A.x)
static Dist2(A: VecLike, B: VecLike): number {
return Vec.Sub(A, B).len2()
static Abs(A: VecLike): Vec {
return new Vec(Math.abs(A.x), Math.abs(A.y))
static Dist(A: VecLike, B: VecLike): number {
return Math.hypot(A.y - B.y, A.x - B.x)
* Dot product of two vectors which is used to calculate the angle between them.
static Dpr(A: VecLike, B: VecLike): number {
return A.x * B.x + A.y * B.y
static Cross(A: VecLike, V: VecLike) {
return new Vec(
A.y * V.z! - A.z! * V.y,
A.z! * V.x - A.x * V.z!
// A.z = A.x * V.y - A.y * V.x
* Cross product of two vectors which is used to calculate the area of a parallelogram.
static Cpr(A: VecLike, B: VecLike) {
return A.x * B.y - B.x * A.y
static Len2(A: VecLike): number {
return A.x * A.x + A.y * A.y
static Len(A: VecLike): number {
return Math.hypot(A.x, A.y)
* Get the projection of A onto B.
static Pry(A: VecLike, B: VecLike): number {
return Vec.Dpr(A, B) / Vec.Len(B)
* Get the unit vector of A.
static Uni(A: VecLike) {
return Vec.Div(A, Vec.Len(A))
static Tan(A: VecLike, B: VecLike): Vec {
return Vec.Uni(Vec.Sub(A, B))
static Min(A: VecLike, B: VecLike): Vec {
return new Vec(Math.min(A.x, B.x), Math.min(A.y, B.y))
static Max(A: VecLike, B: VecLike): Vec {
return new Vec(Math.max(A.x, B.x), Math.max(A.y, B.y))
static From({ x, y, z = 1 }: VecModel) {
return new Vec(x, y, z)
static FromArray(v: number[]): Vec {
return new Vec(v[0], v[1])
static Rot(A: VecLike, r = 0): Vec {
const s = Math.sin(r)
const c = Math.cos(r)
return new Vec(A.x * c - A.y * s, A.x * s + A.y * c)
static RotWith(A: VecLike, C: VecLike, r: number): Vec {
const x = A.x - C.x
const y = A.y - C.y
const s = Math.sin(r)
const c = Math.cos(r)
return new Vec(C.x + (x * c - y * s), C.y + (x * s + y * c))
* Get the nearest point on a line with a known unit vector that passes through point A
* ```ts
* Vec.nearestPointOnLineThroughPoint(A, u, Point)
* ```
* @param A - Any point on the line
* @param u - The unit vector for the line.
* @param P - A point not on the line to test.
static NearestPointOnLineThroughPoint(A: VecLike, u: VecLike, P: VecLike): Vec {
return Vec.Mul(u, Vec.Sub(P, A).pry(u)).add(A)
static NearestPointOnLineSegment(A: VecLike, B: VecLike, P: VecLike, clamp = true): Vec {
const u = Vec.Tan(B, A)
const C = Vec.Add(A, Vec.Mul(u, Vec.Sub(P, A).pry(u)))
// todo: fix error P is B or A, which leads to a NaN value
if (clamp) {
if (C.x < Math.min(A.x, B.x)) return Vec.Cast(A.x < B.x ? A : B)
if (C.x > Math.max(A.x, B.x)) return Vec.Cast(A.x > B.x ? A : B)
if (C.y < Math.min(A.y, B.y)) return Vec.Cast(A.y < B.y ? A : B)
if (C.y > Math.max(A.y, B.y)) return Vec.Cast(A.y > B.y ? A : B)
return C
static DistanceToLineThroughPoint(A: VecLike, u: VecLike, P: VecLike): number {
return Vec.Dist(P, Vec.NearestPointOnLineThroughPoint(A, u, P))
static DistanceToLineSegment(A: VecLike, B: VecLike, P: VecLike, clamp = true): number {
return Vec.Dist(P, Vec.NearestPointOnLineSegment(A, B, P, clamp))
static Snap(A: VecLike, step = 1) {
return new Vec(Math.round(A.x / step) * step, Math.round(A.y / step) * step)
static Cast(A: VecLike): Vec {
if (A instanceof Vec) return A
return Vec.From(A)
static Slope(A: VecLike, B: VecLike): number {
if (A.x === B.y) return NaN
return (A.y - B.y) / (A.x - B.x)
static IsNaN(A: VecLike): boolean {
return isNaN(A.x) || isNaN(A.y)
static Angle(A: VecLike, B: VecLike): number {
return Math.atan2(B.y - A.y, B.x - A.x)
* Linearly interpolate between two points.
* @param A - The first point.
* @param B - The second point.
* @param t - The interpolation value between 0 and 1.
* @returns The interpolated point.
static Lrp(A: VecLike, B: VecLike, t: number): Vec {
return Vec.Sub(B, A).mul(t).add(A)
static Med(A: VecLike, B: VecLike): Vec {
return new Vec((A.x + B.x) / 2, (A.y + B.y) / 2)
static Equals(A: VecLike, B: VecLike): boolean {
return Math.abs(A.x - B.x) < 0.0001 && Math.abs(A.y - B.y) < 0.0001
static EqualsXY(A: VecLike, x: number, y: number): boolean {
return A.x === x && A.y === y
static Clockwise(A: VecLike, B: VecLike, C: VecLike): boolean {
return (C.x - A.x) * (B.y - A.y) - (B.x - A.x) * (C.y - A.y) < 0
static Rescale(A: VecLike, n: number) {
const l = Vec.Len(A)
return new Vec((n * A.x) / l, (n * A.y) / l)
static ScaleWithOrigin(A: VecLike, scale: number, origin: VecLike) {
return Vec.Sub(A, origin).mul(scale).add(origin)
static ToFixed(A: VecLike, n = 2) {
return new Vec(+A.x.toFixed(n), +A.y.toFixed(n), +A.z!.toFixed(n))
static Nudge(A: VecLike, B: VecLike, distance: number) {
return Vec.Add(A, Vec.Tan(B, A).mul(distance))
static ToString(A: VecLike) {
return `${A.x}, ${A.y}`
static ToAngle(A: VecLike) {
let r = Math.atan2(A.y, A.x)
if (r < 0) r += Math.PI * 2
return r
static FromAngle(r: number, length = 1) {
return new Vec(Math.cos(r) * length, Math.sin(r) * length)
static ToArray(A: VecLike) {
return [A.x, A.y, A.z!]
static ToJson(A: VecLike) {
const { x, y, z } = A
return { x, y, z }
static Average(arr: VecLike[]) {
const len = arr.length
const avg = new Vec(0, 0)
if (len === 0) {
return avg
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
return avg.div(len)
static Clamp(A: Vec, min: number, max?: number) {
if (max === undefined) {
return new Vec(Math.min(Math.max(A.x, min)), Math.min(Math.max(A.y, min)))
return new Vec(Math.min(Math.max(A.x, min), max), Math.min(Math.max(A.y, min), max))
* Get an array of points (with simulated pressure) between two points.
* @param A - The first point.
* @param B - The second point.
* @param steps - The number of points to return.
static PointsBetween(A: VecModel, B: VecModel, steps = 6): Vec[] {
const results: Vec[] = []
for (let i = 0; i < steps; i++) {
const t = EASINGS.easeInQuad(i / (steps - 1))
const point = Vec.Lrp(A, B, t)
point.z = Math.min(1, 0.5 + Math.abs(0.5 - ease(t)) * 0.65)
return results
static SnapToGrid(A: VecLike, gridSize = 8) {
return new Vec(Math.round(A.x / gridSize) * gridSize, Math.round(A.y / gridSize) * gridSize)
const ease = (t: number) => (t < 0.5 ? 2 * t * t : -1 + (4 - 2 * t) * t)