
610 wiersze
12 KiB

import { Box2dModel } from '@tldraw/tlschema'
import { Vec2d, VecLike } from './Vec2d'
import { PI, PI2, toPrecision } from './utils'
/** @public */
export type SelectionEdge = 'top' | 'right' | 'bottom' | 'left'
/** @public */
export type SelectionCorner = 'top_left' | 'top_right' | 'bottom_right' | 'bottom_left'
/** @public */
export type SelectionHandle = SelectionEdge | SelectionCorner
/** @public */
export type RotateCorner =
| 'top_left_rotate'
| 'top_right_rotate'
| 'bottom_right_rotate'
| 'bottom_left_rotate'
| 'mobile_rotate'
/** @public */
export class Box2d {
constructor(x = 0, y = 0, w = 0, h = 0) {
this.x = x
this.y = y
this.w = w
this.h = h
x = 0
y = 0
w = 0
h = 0
get point() {
return new Vec2d(this.x, this.y)
set point(val: Vec2d) {
this.x = val.x
this.y = val.y
get minX() {
return this.x
set minX(n: number) {
this.x = n
get midX() {
return this.x + this.w / 2
get maxX() {
return this.x + this.w
get minY() {
return this.y
set minY(n: number) {
this.y = n
get midY() {
return this.y + this.h / 2
get maxY() {
return this.y + this.h
get width() {
return this.w
set width(n: number) {
this.w = n
get height() {
return this.h
set height(n: number) {
this.h = n
get aspectRatio() {
return this.width / this.height
get center() {
return new Vec2d(this.midX, this.midY)
set center(v: Vec2d) {
this.minX = v.x - this.width / 2
this.minY = v.y - this.height / 2
get corners() {
return [
new Vec2d(this.minX, this.minY),
new Vec2d(this.maxX, this.minY),
new Vec2d(this.maxX, this.maxY),
new Vec2d(this.minX, this.maxY),
get snapPoints() {
return [
new Vec2d(this.minX, this.minY),
new Vec2d(this.maxX, this.minY),
new Vec2d(this.maxX, this.maxY),
new Vec2d(this.minX, this.maxY),,
get sides(): Array<[Vec2d, Vec2d]> {
const { corners } = this
return [
[corners[0], corners[1]],
[corners[1], corners[2]],
[corners[2], corners[3]],
[corners[3], corners[0]],
get size(): Vec2d {
return new Vec2d(this.w, this.h)
toFixed() {
this.x = toPrecision(this.x)
this.y = toPrecision(this.y)
this.w = toPrecision(this.w)
this.h = toPrecision(this.h)
return this
setTo(B: Box2d) {
this.x = B.x
this.y = B.y
this.w = B.w
this.h = B.h
return this
set(x = 0, y = 0, w = 0, h = 0) {
this.x = x
this.y = y
this.w = w
this.h = h
return this
expand(A: Box2d) {
const minX = Math.min(this.minX, A.minX)
const minY = Math.min(this.minY, A.minY)
const maxX = Math.max(this.maxX, A.maxX)
const maxY = Math.max(this.maxY, A.maxY)
this.x = minX
this.y = minY
this.w = maxX - minX
this.h = maxY - minY
return this
expandBy(n: number) {
this.x -= n
this.y -= n
this.w += n * 2
this.h += n * 2
return this
scale(n: number) {
this.x /= n
this.y /= n
this.w /= n
this.h /= n
return this
clone() {
const { x, y, w, h } = this
return new Box2d(x, y, w, h)
translate(delta: VecLike) {
this.x += delta.x
this.y += delta.y
return this
snapToGrid(size: number) {
const minX = Math.round(this.minX / size) * size
const minY = Math.round(this.minY / size) * size
const maxX = Math.round(this.maxX / size) * size
const maxY = Math.round(this.maxY / size) * size
this.minX = minX
this.minY = minY
this.width = Math.max(1, maxX - minX)
this.height = Math.max(1, maxY - minY)
collides(B: Box2d) {
return Box2d.Collides(this, B)
contains(B: Box2d) {
return Box2d.Contains(this, B)
includes(B: Box2d) {
return Box2d.Includes(this, B)
containsPoint(V: VecLike | number, y?: number) {
return Box2d.ContainsPoint(this, V, y)
getHandlePoint(handle: SelectionCorner | SelectionEdge) {
switch (handle) {
case 'top_left':
return new Vec2d(this.minX, this.minY)
case 'top_right':
return new Vec2d(this.maxX, this.minY)
case 'bottom_left':
return new Vec2d(this.minX, this.maxY)
case 'bottom_right':
return new Vec2d(this.maxX, this.maxY)
case 'top':
return new Vec2d(this.midX, this.minY)
case 'right':
return new Vec2d(this.maxX, this.midY)
case 'bottom':
return new Vec2d(this.midX, this.maxY)
case 'left':
return new Vec2d(this.minX, this.midY)
toJson(): Box2dModel {
return { x: this.minX, y: this.minY, w: this.w, h: this.h }
resize(handle: SelectionCorner | SelectionEdge | string, dx: number, dy: number) {
const { minX: a0x, minY: a0y, maxX: a1x, maxY: a1y } = this
let { minX: b0x, minY: b0y, maxX: b1x, maxY: b1y } = this
// Use the delta to adjust the new box by changing its corners.
// The dragging handle (corner or edge) will determine which
// corners should change.
switch (handle) {
case 'left':
case 'top_left':
case 'bottom_left': {
b0x += dx
case 'right':
case 'top_right':
case 'bottom_right': {
b1x += dx
switch (handle) {
case 'top':
case 'top_left':
case 'top_right': {
b0y += dy
case 'bottom':
case 'bottom_left':
case 'bottom_right': {
b1y += dy
const scaleX = (b1x - b0x) / (a1x - a0x)
const scaleY = (b1y - b0y) / (a1y - a0y)
const flipX = scaleX < 0
const flipY = scaleY < 0
if (flipX) {
const t = b1x
b1x = b0x
b0x = t
if (flipY) {
const t = b1y
b1y = b0y
b0y = t
this.minX = b0x
this.minY = b0y
this.width = Math.abs(b1x - b0x)
this.height = Math.abs(b1y - b0y)
static From(box: Box2dModel) {
return new Box2d(box.x, box.y, box.w, box.h)
static FromPoints(points: VecLike[]) {
if (points.length === 0) return new Box2d()
let minX = Infinity
let minY = Infinity
let maxX = -Infinity
let maxY = -Infinity
let point: VecLike
for (let i = 0, n = points.length; i < n; i++) {
point = points[i]
minX = Math.min(point.x, minX)
minY = Math.min(point.y, minY)
maxX = Math.max(point.x, maxX)
maxY = Math.max(point.y, maxY)
return new Box2d(minX, minY, maxX - minX, maxY - minY)
static Expand(A: Box2d, B: Box2d) {
const minX = Math.min(B.minX, A.minX)
const minY = Math.min(B.minY, A.minY)
const maxX = Math.max(B.maxX, A.maxX)
const maxY = Math.max(B.maxY, A.maxY)
return new Box2d(minX, minY, maxX - minX, maxY - minY)
static ExpandBy(A: Box2d, n: number) {
return new Box2d(A.minX - n, A.minY - n, A.width + n * 2, A.height + n * 2)
static Collides = (A: Box2d, B: Box2d) => {
return !(A.maxX < B.minX || A.minX > B.maxX || A.maxY < B.minY || A.minY > B.maxY)
static Contains = (A: Box2d, B: Box2d) => {
return A.minX < B.minX && A.minY < B.minY && A.maxY > B.maxY && A.maxX > B.maxX
static Includes = (A: Box2d, B: Box2d) => {
return Box2d.Collides(A, B) || Box2d.Contains(A, B)
static ContainsPoint = (A: Box2d, B: VecLike | number, y?: number) => {
if (typeof B === 'number') {
return !(B < A.minX || y! < A.minY || B > A.maxX || y! > A.maxY)
return !(B.x < A.minX || B.y < A.minY || B.x > A.maxX || B.y > A.maxY)
static Common = (boxes: Box2d[]): Box2d => {
let minX = Infinity
let minY = Infinity
let maxX = -Infinity
let maxY = -Infinity
for (let i = 0; i < boxes.length; i++) {
const B = boxes[i]
minX = Math.min(minX, B.minX)
minY = Math.min(minY, B.minY)
maxX = Math.max(maxX, B.maxX)
maxY = Math.max(maxY, B.maxY)
return new Box2d(minX, minY, maxX - minX, maxY - minY)
static Sides = (A: Box2d, inset = 0) => {
const { corners } = A
if (inset) {
// TODO: Inset the corners by the inset amount.
return [
[corners[0], corners[1]],
[corners[1], corners[2]],
[corners[2], corners[3]],
[corners[3], corners[0]],
static Resize(
box: Box2d,
handle: SelectionCorner | SelectionEdge | string,
dx: number,
dy: number,
isAspectRatioLocked = false
) {
const { minX: a0x, minY: a0y, maxX: a1x, maxY: a1y } = box
let { minX: b0x, minY: b0y, maxX: b1x, maxY: b1y } = box
// Use the delta to adjust the new box by changing its corners.
// The dragging handle (corner or edge) will determine which
// corners should change.
switch (handle) {
case 'left':
case 'top_left':
case 'bottom_left': {
b0x += dx
case 'right':
case 'top_right':
case 'bottom_right': {
b1x += dx
switch (handle) {
case 'top':
case 'top_left':
case 'top_right': {
b0y += dy
case 'bottom':
case 'bottom_left':
case 'bottom_right': {
b1y += dy
const scaleX = (b1x - b0x) / (a1x - a0x)
const scaleY = (b1y - b0y) / (a1y - a0y)
const flipX = scaleX < 0
const flipY = scaleY < 0
2. Aspect ratio
If the aspect ratio is locked, adjust the corners so that the
new box's aspect ratio matches the original aspect ratio.
if (isAspectRatioLocked) {
const aspectRatio = (a1x - a0x) / (a1y - a0y)
const bw = Math.abs(b1x - b0x)
const bh = Math.abs(b1y - b0y)
const tw = bw * (scaleY < 0 ? 1 : -1) * (1 / aspectRatio)
const th = bh * (scaleX < 0 ? 1 : -1) * aspectRatio
const isTall = aspectRatio < bw / bh
switch (handle) {
case 'top_left': {
if (isTall) b0y = b1y + tw
else b0x = b1x + th
case 'top_right': {
if (isTall) b0y = b1y + tw
else b1x = b0x - th
case 'bottom_right': {
if (isTall) b1y = b0y - tw
else b1x = b0x - th
case 'bottom_left': {
if (isTall) b1y = b0y - tw
else b0x = b1x + th
case 'bottom':
case 'top': {
const m = (b0x + b1x) / 2
const w = bh * aspectRatio
b0x = m - w / 2
b1x = m + w / 2
case 'left':
case 'right': {
const m = (b0y + b1y) / 2
const h = bw / aspectRatio
b0y = m - h / 2
b1y = m + h / 2
if (flipX) {
const t = b1x
b1x = b0x
b0x = t
if (flipY) {
const t = b1y
b1y = b0y
b0y = t
const final = new Box2d(b0x, b0y, Math.abs(b1x - b0x), Math.abs(b1y - b0y))
return {
box: final,
scaleX: +((final.width / box.width) * (scaleX > 0 ? 1 : -1)).toFixed(5),
scaleY: +((final.height / box.height) * (scaleY > 0 ? 1 : -1)).toFixed(5),
equals(other: Box2d | Box2dModel) {
return Box2d.Equals(this, other)
static Equals(a: Box2d | Box2dModel, b: Box2d | Box2dModel) {
return b.x === a.x && b.y === a.y && b.w === a.w && b.h === a.h
/** @public */
export function flipSelectionHandleY(handle: SelectionHandle) {
switch (handle) {
case 'top':
return 'bottom'
case 'bottom':
return 'top'
case 'top_left':
return 'bottom_left'
case 'top_right':
return 'bottom_right'
case 'bottom_left':
return 'top_left'
case 'bottom_right':
return 'top_right'
return handle
/** @public */
export function flipSelectionHandleX(handle: SelectionHandle) {
switch (handle) {
case 'left':
return 'right'
case 'right':
return 'left'
case 'top_left':
return 'top_right'
case 'top_right':
return 'top_left'
case 'bottom_left':
return 'bottom_right'
case 'bottom_right':
return 'bottom_left'
return handle
] as const
/** @public */
export function rotateSelectionHandle(handle: SelectionHandle, rotation: number): SelectionHandle {
// first find out how many tau we need to rotate by
rotation = rotation % PI2
const numSteps = Math.round(rotation / (PI / 4))
const currentIndex = ORDERED_SELECTION_HANDLES.indexOf(handle)
/** @public */
export function isSelectionCorner(selection: string): selection is SelectionCorner {
return (
selection === 'top_left' ||
selection === 'top_right' ||
selection === 'bottom_right' ||
selection === 'bottom_left'
/** @public */
top_left_rotate: 'top_left',
top_right_rotate: 'top_right',
bottom_right_rotate: 'bottom_right',
bottom_left_rotate: 'bottom_left',
mobile_rotate: 'top_left',
} as const