
92 wiersze
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import glob from 'fast-glob'
import { mkdirSync, writeFileSync } from 'fs'
import { exec } from '../../../scripts/lib/exec'
import { Config } from './vercel-output-config'
import { config } from 'dotenv'
import json5 from 'json5'
import { nicelog } from '../../../scripts/lib/nicelog'
import { T } from '@tldraw/validate'
// We load the list of routes that should be forwarded to our SPA's index.html here.
// It uses a jest snapshot file because deriving the set of routes from our
// react-router config works fine in our test environment, but is tricky to get running in this
// build script environment for various reasons (no global React, tsx being weird about decorators, etc).
function loadSpaRoutes() {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires
const routesJson = require('../src/__snapshots__/routes.test.tsx.snap')['the_routes 1']
const routes = T.arrayOf(
reactRouterPattern: T.string,
vercelRouterPattern: T.string,
return => ({
check: true,
src: route.vercelRouterPattern,
dest: '/index.html',
path: './.env.local',
nicelog('The multiplayer server is', process.env.MULTIPLAYER_SERVER)
async function build() {
// make sure we have the latest routes
await exec('yarn', ['test', 'src/routes.test.tsx'])
const spaRoutes = loadSpaRoutes()
await exec('vite', ['build', '--emptyOutDir'])
await exec('yarn', ['run', '-T', 'sentry-cli', 'sourcemaps', 'inject', 'dist/assets'])
// Clear output static folder (in case we are running locally and have already built the app once before)
await exec('rm', ['-rf', '.vercel/output'])
mkdirSync('.vercel/output', { recursive: true })
await exec('cp', ['-r', 'dist', '.vercel/output/static'])
await exec('rm', ['-rf', ...glob.sync('.vercel/output/static/**/*')])
version: 3,
routes: [
// rewrite api calls to the multiplayer server
src: '^/api(/(.*))?$',
dest: `${
process.env.MULTIPLAYER_SERVER?.replace(/^ws/, 'http') ?? ''
check: true,
// cache static assets immutably
src: '^/assets/(.*)$',
headers: { 'Cache-Control': 'public, max-age=31536000, immutable' },
// serve static files
handle: 'miss',
// finally handle SPA routing
// react router will handle drawing the 404 page
check: true,
src: '.*',
dest: '/index.html',
status: 404,
overrides: {},
} satisfies Config,