Wykres commitów

30 Commity (main)

Autor SHA1 Wiadomość Data
alex da35f2bd75
Bindings (#3326)
First draft of the new bindings API. We'll follow this up with some API
refinements, tests, documentation, and examples.

Bindings are a new record type for establishing relationships between
two shapes so they can update at the same time.

### Change Type

- [x] `sdk` — Changes the tldraw SDK
- [x] `feature` — New feature

### Release Notes

#### Breaking changes
- The `start` and `end` properties on `TLArrowShape` no longer have
`type: point | binding`. Instead, they're always a point, which may be
out of date if a binding exists. To check for & retrieve arrow bindings,
use `getArrowBindings(editor, shape)` instead.
- `getArrowTerminalsInArrowSpace` must be passed a `TLArrowBindings` as
a third argument: `getArrowTerminalsInArrowSpace(editor, shape,
getArrowBindings(editor, shape))`
- The following types have been renamed:
    - `ShapeProps` -> `RecordProps`
    - `ShapePropsType` -> `RecordPropsType`
    - `TLShapePropsMigrations` -> `TLPropsMigrations`
    - `SchemaShapeInfo` -> `SchemaPropsInfo`


Co-authored-by: David Sheldrick <d.j.sheldrick@gmail.com>
2024-05-08 12:37:31 +00:00
David Sheldrick f2827f6409
Allow clients to gracefully handle rejection (#3673)
This PR fixes the issue where sync clients would get into a reconnect
loop after being rejected by the sync server.

- Close the socket when in the error state (see useRemoteSyncClient)
- Show a 'plx refresh the page' screen that doesn't have a sad face on
<img width="665" alt="image"

- If older clients who can't handle rejection well need to be rejected
(e.g. due to a store migration being added) then we send them to a
special purgatory where the canvas goes blank and it shows the offline
indicator but the websocket connection stays open and it won't try to

### Change Type

- [x] `dotcom` — Changes the tldraw.com web app
- [x] `bugfix` — Bug fix

### Test Plan

1. Gonna manually test this one by doing sneaky deploys to a test PR
2024-05-02 13:54:21 +00:00
alex e03328faf3
delete untracked api.json and stale api-report.md files (#3619)
We don't need these

### Change Type
- [x] `internal` — Does not affect user-facing stuff
- [x] `chore` — Updating dependencies, other boring stuff
2024-04-25 17:27:28 +00:00
alex f78719b054
Expose migrations, validators, and versions from tlschema (#3613)
Previously, we weren't exporting migrations & validators for our default
shapes. This meant that it wasn't possible to make your own tlschema
with both our default shapes and some of your own (e.g. for custom
multiplayer). This fixes that by exposing all the migrations,
validators, and versions from tlschema.

### Change Type
- [x] `sdk` — Changes the tldraw SDK
- [x] `bugfix` — Bug fix
2024-04-25 14:31:26 +00:00
Mitja Bezenšek 15dd56a75e
Readonly / room creation omnibus (#3192)
Reworks how the readonly urls work. Till now we just used a simple
function that would scramble the slugs. Now we use a proper key value
mapping between regular and readonly slugs:

- We use two KV stores. One is for going from a slug to a readonly slug
and the other one for going the other way around. They are populated at
the same time.
- We separate preview KV stores (dev, preview, staging) from production
one. I've already created these on Cloudflare. [My understanding is
ids [can be
since we can only access KV from our worker. Happy to move them to env
variables though.

- [x] Disable creating new rooms when tldraw is embedded inside iframes
on other websites (we check the referrer and if it's not the same as the
iframe's origin we don't allow it)
- [x] Fork a project when inside an iframe now opens the forked project
on tldraw.com and not inside iframe.
- [x] We allow embeding of iframes, but we now track the where they are
used via the referrer. We send this to Vercel analytics.
- [x] Improved UX of the share menu to make it less confusing. Toggle is
- [x]  `/new` and `/r` routes not redirect to `/`.
- [x] This introduces a new `/ro` route for readonly rooms. Legacy rooms
still live on `/v`.
- [x] Brought back `dotcom-shared` project to share code between BE and
FE. Mostly types.
- [x] Prevent creating of rooms by entering `/r/non-existing-slug`. 
- [x] Handle getting a readonly slug for old rooms. Added a comment
about it
- [x] We no longer expose editor on the window object for readonly
rooms. Prevents the users disabling readonly rooms manually.

### Change Type

<!--  Please select a 'Scope' label ️ -->

- [ ] `sdk` — Changes the tldraw SDK
- [x] `dotcom` — Changes the tldraw.com web app
- [ ] `docs` — Changes to the documentation, examples, or templates.
- [ ] `vs code` — Changes to the vscode plugin
- [ ] `internal` — Does not affect user-facing stuff

<!--  Please select a 'Type' label ️ -->

- [ ] `bugfix` — Bug fix
- [ ] `feature` — New feature
- [x] `improvement` — Improving existing features
- [ ] `chore` — Updating dependencies, other boring stuff
- [ ] `galaxy brain` — Architectural changes
- [ ] `tests` — Changes to any test code
- [ ] `tools` — Changes to infrastructure, CI, internal scripts,
debugging tools, etc.
- [ ] `dunno` — I don't know

### Test Plan
1. Make sure old readonly rooms still work.
2. Creating a readonly link from an existing room should still use `/v`
3. Newly created rooms should use `/ro` path for readonly rooms. Make
sure these work as well.
4. `/r` room was disabled and redirects to `/`
5. `/new` should still work when not inside iframes.

- [x] Unit Tests
- [ ] End to end tests

### Release Notes

1. This adds new functionality for readonly rooms:
- We have a new route `/ro` for newly created readonly rooms. These
rooms no longer use the scrambling logic to create readonly slugs.
Instead we now use KV storage from cloudflare to track the mapping for
slugs -> readonly slug and readonly slug -> slug.
- The old route `/v` is preserved, so that the old room still work as
they did before.
- For old rooms we will keep on generating the old readonly slugs, but
for new rooms we'll start using the new logic.
2. We no longer prevent embedding of tldraw inside iframes. 
3. We do prevent generating new rooms from inside the iframes though.
`/r`, `/new`, `/r/non-existing-id` should not allow creation of new
rooms inside iframes. Only `/new` still works when not inside iframes.
4. Forking a project from inside an iframe now opens it on tldraw.com
5. Slight copy change on the sharing menu. We no longer have a toggle
between readonly and non-readonly links.
6. `editor` and `app` are no longer exposed on the window object for
readonly rooms. Prevents users from using the `updateInstanceState` to
escape readonly rooms.


Co-authored-by: Mime Čuvalo <mimecuvalo@gmail.com>
2024-04-25 14:10:40 +00:00
alex 8151e6f586
Automatic undo/redo (#3364)
Our undo-redo system before this diff is based on commands. A command
- A function that produces some data required to perform and undo a
- A function that actually performs the change, based on the data
- Another function that undoes the change, based on the data
- Optionally, a function to _redo_ the change, although in practice we
never use this

Each command that gets run is added to the undo/redo stack unless it
says it shouldn't be.

This diff replaces this system of commands with a new one where all
changes to the store are automatically recorded in the undo/redo stack.
You can imagine the new history manager like a tape recorder - it
automatically records everything that happens to the store in a special
diff, unless you "pause" the recording and ask it not to. Undo and redo
rewind/fast-forward the tape to certain marks.

As the command concept is gone, the things that were commands are now
just functions that manipulate the store.

One other change here is that the store's after-phase callbacks (and the
after-phase side-effects as a result) are now batched up and called at
the end of certain key operations. For example, `applyDiff` would
previously call all the `afterCreate` callbacks before making any
removals from the diff. Now, it (and anything else that uses
`store.atomic(fn)` will defer firing any after callbacks until the end
of an operation. before callbacks are still called part-way through

## Design options
Automatic recording is a fairly large big semantic change, particularly
to the standalone `store.put`/`store.remove` etc. commands. We could
instead make not-recording the default, and make recording opt-in
instead. However, I think auto-record-by-default is the right choice for
a few reasons:

1. Switching to a recording-based vs command-based undo-redo model is
fundamentally a big semantic change. In the past, `store.put` etc. were
always ignored. Now, regardless of whether we choose record-by-default
or ignore-by-default, the behaviour of `store.put` is _context_
2. Switching to ignore-by-default means that either our commands don't
record undo/redo history any more (unless wrapped in
`editor.history.record`, a far larger semantic change) or they have to
always-record/all accept a history options bag. If we choose
always-record, we can't use commands within `history.ignore` as they'll
start recording again. If we choose the history options bag, we have to
accept those options in 10s of methods - basically the entire `Editor`
api surface.

Overall, given that some breaking semantic change here is unavoidable, I
think that record-by-default hits the right balance of tradeoffs. I
think it's a better API going forward, whilst also not being too
disruptive as the APIs it affects are very "deep" ones that we don't
typically encourage people to use.

### Change Type

- [x] `sdk` — Changes the tldraw SDK
- [x] `improvement` — Improving existing features
- [x] `galaxy brain` — Architectural changes

### Release Note
#### Breaking changes
##### 1. History Options
Previously, some (not all!) commands accepted a history options object
with `squashing`, `ephemeral`, and `preserveRedoStack` flags. Squashing
enabled/disabled a memory optimisation (storing individual commands vs
squashing them together). Ephemeral stopped a command from affecting the
undo/redo stack at all. Preserve redo stack stopped commands from wiping
the redo stack. These flags were never available consistently - some
commands had them and others didn't.

In this version, most of these flags have been removed. `squashing` is
gone entirely (everything squashes & does so much faster than before).
There were a couple of commands that had a special default - for
example, `updateInstanceState` used to default to being `ephemeral`.
Those maintain the defaults, but the options look a little different now
- `{ephemeral: true}` is now `{history: 'ignore'}` and
`{preserveRedoStack: true}` is now `{history:

If you were previously using these options in places where they've now
been removed, you can use wrap them with `editor.history.ignore(fn)` or
`editor.history.batch(fn, {history: 'record-preserveRedoStack'})`. For
editor.nudgeShapes(..., { ephemeral: true })
can now be written as
editor.history.ignore(() => {

##### 2. Automatic recording
Previously, only commands (e.g. `editor.updateShapes` and things that
use it) were added to the undo/redo stack. Everything else (e.g.
`editor.store.put`) wasn't. Now, _everything_ that touches the store is
recorded in the undo/redo stack (unless it's part of
`mergeRemoteChanges`). You can use `editor.history.ignore(fn)` as above
if you want to make other changes to the store that aren't recorded -
this is short for `editor.history.batch(fn, {history: 'ignore'})`

When upgrading to this version of tldraw, you shouldn't need to change
anything unless you're using `store.put`, `store.remove`, or
`store.applyDiff` outside of `store.mergeRemoteChanges`. If you are, you
can preserve the functionality of those not being recorded by wrapping
them either in `mergeRemoteChanges` (if they're multiplayer-related) or
`history.ignore` as appropriate.

##### 3. Side effects
Before this diff, any changes in side-effects weren't captured by the
undo-redo stack. This was actually the motivation for this change in the
first place! But it's a pretty big change, and if you're using side
effects we recommend you double-check how they interact with undo/redo
before/after this change. To get the old behaviour back, wrap your side
effects in `editor.history.ignore`.

##### 4. Mark options
Previously, `editor.mark(id)` accepted two additional boolean
parameters: `onUndo` and `onRedo`. If these were set to false, then when
undoing or redoing we'd skip over that mark and keep going until we
found one with those values set to true. We've removed those options -
if you're using them, let us know and we'll figure out an alternative!
2024-04-24 18:26:10 +00:00
David Sheldrick 4f70a4f4e8
New migrations again (#3220)
Describe what your pull request does. If appropriate, add GIFs or images
showing the before and after.

### Change Type

- [x] `sdk` — Changes the tldraw SDK
- [x] `galaxy brain` — Architectural changes

### Test Plan

1. Add a step-by-step description of how to test your PR here.

- [ ] Unit Tests
- [ ] End to end tests

### Release Notes


- The `Migrations` type is now called `LegacyMigrations`.
- The serialized schema format (e.g. returned by
`StoreSchema.serialize()` and `Store.getSnapshot()`) has changed. You
don't need to do anything about it unless you were reading data directly
from the schema for some reason. In which case it'd be best to avoid
that in the future! We have no plans to change the schema format again
(this time was traumatic enough) but you never know.
- `compareRecordVersions` and the `RecordVersion` type have both
disappeared. There is no replacement. These were public by mistake
anyway, so hopefully nobody had been using it.
- `compareSchemas` is a bit less useful now. Our migrations system has
become a little fuzzy to allow for simpler UX when adding/removing
custom extensions and 3rd party dependencies, and as a result we can no
longer compare serialized schemas in any rigorous manner. You can rely
on this function to return `0` if the schemas are the same. Otherwise it
will return `-1` if the schema on the right _seems_ to be newer than the
schema on the left, but it cannot guarantee that in situations where
migration sequences have been removed over time (e.g. if you remove one
of the builtin tldraw shapes).

Generally speaking, the best way to check schema compatibility now is to
call `store.schema.getMigrationsSince(persistedSchema)`. This will throw
an error if there is no upgrade path from the `persistedSchema` to the
current version.

- `defineMigrations` has been deprecated and will be removed in a future
release. For upgrade instructions see

- `migrate` has been removed. Nobody should have been using this but if
you were you'll need to find an alternative. For migrating tldraw data,
you should stick to using `schema.migrateStoreSnapshot` and, if you are
building a nuanced sync engine that supports some amount of backwards
compatibility, also feel free to use `schema.migratePersistedRecord`.
- the `Migration` type has changed. If you need the old one for some
reason it has been renamed to `LegacyMigration`. It will be removed in a
future release.
- the `Migrations` type has been renamed to `LegacyMigrations` and will
be removed in a future release.
- the `SerializedSchema` type has been augmented. If you need the old
version specifically you can use `SerializedSchemaV1`


Co-authored-by: Steve Ruiz <steveruizok@gmail.com>
2024-04-15 12:53:42 +00:00
David Sheldrick 5557f6be5b
Revert "squish sync data events before sending them out" (#3331)
Reverts tldraw/tldraw#3118
2024-04-03 10:31:28 +01:00
Dan Groshev b42a222c88
squish sync data events before sending them out (#3118)
Recently (https://github.com/tldraw/tldraw/pull/3012), we started
aggregating data messages before sending them out. However, local
testing shows that we generate *many* redundant messages (see the test
file for an example of a real buffer captured during local testing with
just two users). This PR adds a function to squish those updates
together, reducing the amount of data we need to transfer and load on
the client that won't need to process those redundant messages.

The function is checked with [fast-check](https://fast-check.dev/), a JS
property test framework, to make sure that squished deltas result in
exactly the same state as the original ones.

### Change Type

- [x] `minor` — New feature

### Test Plan

1. Needs a group smoke test

- [x] End to end tests
2024-04-02 08:57:58 +00:00
alex 408a269114
log message size in worker analytics (#3274)
Adds logging of message size in worker analytics.

This also adds the environment to worker analytics as `blob2`. We need
this because previously, all the analytics from all environments were
going to the same place with no ability to tell them apart, which means
we can't easily compare analytics on e.g. a particular PR.

This means that all the other blobs get shifted along one, so we won't
be able to query across the boundary of when this gets released for
those properties. I think this is fine though - it's things like
`roomId` that I don't think we were querying on anyway.

You can query the analytics through grafana - [docs

### Change Type
- [x] `internal` — Does not affect user-facing stuff
- [x] `chore` — Updating dependencies, other boring stuff
2024-03-27 11:33:47 +00:00
alex 05f58f7c2a
React-powered SVG exports (#3117)
## Migration path
1. If any of your shapes implement `toSvg` for exports, you'll need to
replace your implementation with a new version that returns JSX (it's a
react component) instead of manually constructing SVG DOM nodes
2. `editor.getSvg` is deprecated. It still works, but will be going away
in a future release. If you still need SVGs as DOM elements rather than
strings, use `new DOMParser().parseFromString(svgString,

## The change in detail
At the moment, our SVG exports very carefully try to recreate the
visuals of our shapes by manually constructing SVG DOM nodes. On its own
this is really painful, but it also results in a lot of duplicated logic
between the `component` and `getSvg` methods of shape utils.

In #3020, we looked at using string concatenation & DOMParser to make
this a bit less painful. This works, but requires specifying namespaces
everywhere, is still pretty painful (no syntax highlighting or
formatting), and still results in all that duplicated logic.

I briefly experimented with creating my own version of the javascript
language that let you embed XML like syntax directly. I was going to
call it EXTREME JAVASCRIPT or XJS for short, but then I noticed that we
already wrote the whole of tldraw in this thing called react and a (imo
much worse named) version of the javascript xml thing already existed.

Given the entire library already depends on react, what would it look
like if we just used react directly for these exports? Turns out things
get a lot simpler! Take a look at lmk what you think

This diff was intended as a proof of concept, but is actually pretty
close to being landable. The main thing is that here, I've deliberately
leant into this being a big breaking change to see just how much code we
could delete (turns out: lots). We could if we wanted to make this
without making it a breaking change at all, but it would add back a lot
of complexity on our side and run a fair bit slower


Co-authored-by: huppy-bot[bot] <128400622+huppy-bot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
2024-03-25 14:16:55 +00:00
Dan Groshev d7b80baa31
use native structuredClone on node, cloudflare workers, and in tests (#3166)
Currently, we only use native `structuredClone` in the browser, falling
back to `JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(...))` elsewhere, despite Node
supporting `structuredClone` [since
and Cloudflare Workers supporting it [since
This PR adjusts our shim to use the native `structuredClone` on all
platforms, if available.

Additionally, `jsdom` doesn't implement `structuredClone`, a bug [open
since 2022](https://github.com/jsdom/jsdom/issues/3363). This PR patches
`jsdom` environment in all packages/apps that use it for tests.

Also includes a driveby removal of `deepCopy`, a function that is
strictly inferior to `structuredClone`.

### Change Type

<!--  Please select a 'Scope' label ️ -->

- [x] `sdk` — Changes the tldraw SDK
- [x] `dotcom` — Changes the tldraw.com web app
- [ ] `docs` — Changes to the documentation, examples, or templates.
- [ ] `vs code` — Changes to the vscode plugin
- [ ] `internal` — Does not affect user-facing stuff

<!--  Please select a 'Type' label ️ -->

- [ ] `bugfix` — Bug fix
- [ ] `feature` — New feature
- [x] `improvement` — Improving existing features
- [x] `chore` — Updating dependencies, other boring stuff
- [ ] `galaxy brain` — Architectural changes
- [ ] `tests` — Changes to any test code
- [ ] `tools` — Changes to infrastructure, CI, internal scripts,
debugging tools, etc.
- [ ] `dunno` — I don't know

### Test Plan

1. A smoke test would be enough

- [ ] Unit Tests
- [x] End to end tests
2024-03-18 17:16:09 +00:00
David Sheldrick dc05890407
[sync] allow connections from v4 clients (#3173)
See discussion on discord in development channel

### Change Type

<!--  Please select a 'Scope' label ️ -->

- [ ] `sdk` — Changes the tldraw SDK
- [x] `dotcom` — Changes the tldraw.com web app
- [ ] `docs` — Changes to the documentation, examples, or templates.
- [ ] `vs code` — Changes to the vscode plugin
- [ ] `internal` — Does not affect user-facing stuff

<!--  Please select a 'Type' label ️ -->

- [x] `bugfix` — Bug fix
- [ ] `feature` — New feature
- [ ] `improvement` — Improving existing features
- [ ] `chore` — Updating dependencies, other boring stuff
- [ ] `galaxy brain` — Architectural changes
- [ ] `tests` — Changes to any test code
- [ ] `tools` — Changes to infrastructure, CI, internal scripts,
debugging tools, etc.
- [ ] `dunno` — I don't know

### Test Plan

1. Add a step-by-step description of how to test your PR here.

- [ ] Unit Tests
- [ ] End to end tests

### Release Notes

- Add a brief release note for your PR here.
2024-03-16 10:21:37 +00:00
Dan Groshev a933aaf619
Simplify tlsync types (#3139)
Replace enums with (const) object types. Was supposed to include
https://github.com/tldraw/tldraw/pull/3144, but had to bail out

### Change Type

<!--  Please select a 'Scope' label ️ -->

- [ ] `sdk` — Changes the tldraw SDK
- [ ] `dotcom` — Changes the tldraw.com web app
- [ ] `docs` — Changes to the documentation, examples, or templates.
- [ ] `vs code` — Changes to the vscode plugin
- [x] `internal` — Does not affect user-facing stuff

<!--  Please select a 'Type' label ️ -->

- [ ] `bugfix` — Bug fix
- [ ] `feature` — New feature
- [ ] `improvement` — Improving existing features
- [ ] `chore` — Updating dependencies, other boring stuff
- [ ] `galaxy brain` — Architectural changes
- [ ] `tests` — Changes to any test code
- [ ] `tools` — Changes to infrastructure, CI, internal scripts,
debugging tools, etc.
- [x] `dunno` — I don't know
2024-03-13 17:18:25 +00:00
Dan Groshev e527d7d0d7
Debounce/aggregate tlsync messages (#3012)
There is very little point sending data messages more often than 60
times a second, so we buffer them before sending.

### Change Type

- [x] `internal` — Any other changes that don't affect the published

### Test Plan

1. Smoke test (on a retro?)

- [x] End to end tests


Co-authored-by: David Sheldrick <d.j.sheldrick@gmail.com>
2024-03-11 13:33:47 +00:00
Mitja Bezenšek b5aff00c89
Performance improvements (#2977)
This PR does a few things to help with performance:
1. Instead of doing changes on raf we now do them 60 times per second.
This limits the number of updates on high refresh rate screens like the
iPad. With the current code this only applied to the history updates (so
when you subscribed to the updates), but the next point takes this a bit
2. We now trigger react updates 60 times per second. This is a change in
`useValue` and `useStateTracking` hooks.
3. We now throttle the inputs (like the `pointerMove`) in state nodes.
This means we batch multiple inputs and only apply them at most 60 times
per second.

We had to adjust our own tests to pass after this change so I marked
this as major as it might require the users of the library to do the

Few observations:
- The browser calls the raf callbacks when it can. If it gets
overwhelmed it will call them further and further apart. As things call
down it will start calling them more frequently again. You can clearly
see this in the drawing example. When fps gets to a certain level we
start to get fewer updates, then fps can recover a bit. This makes the
experience quite janky. The updates can be kinda ok one second (dropping
frames, but consistently) and then they can completely stop and you have
to let go of the mouse to make them happen again. With the new logic it
seems everything is a lot more consistent.
- We might look into variable refresh rates to prevent this overtaxing
of the browser. Like when we see that the times between our updates are
getting higher we could make the updates less frequent. If we then see
that they are happening more often we could ramp them back up. I had an
[experiment for this
here](4834863966 (diff-318e71563d7c47173f89ec084ca44417cf70fc72faac85b96f48b856a8aec466L30-L35)).

Few tests below. Used 6x slowdown for these.

# Resizing

### Before


### After


# Drawing 
Comparison is not 100% fair, we don't store the intermediate inputs
right now. That said, tick should still only produce once update so I do
think we can get a sense of the differences.

### Before


### After


### Change Type

- [ ] `patch` — Bug fix
- [ ] `minor` — New feature
- [x] `major` — Breaking change
- [ ] `dependencies` — Changes to package dependencies[^1]
- [ ] `documentation` — Changes to the documentation only[^2]
- [ ] `tests` — Changes to any test code only[^2]
- [ ] `internal` — Any other changes that don't affect the published
- [ ] I don't know

[^1]: publishes a `patch` release, for devDependencies use `internal`
[^2]: will not publish a new version

### Release Notes

- Improves the performance of rendering.


Co-authored-by: Steve Ruiz <steveruizok@gmail.com>
2024-03-11 13:17:31 +00:00
alex a0628f9cb2
tldraw_final_v6_final(old version).docx.pdf (#2998)
Rename `@tldraw/tldraw` to just `tldraw`! `@tldraw/tldraw` still exists
as an alias to `tldraw` for folks who are still using that.

### Test Plan

- [x] Unit Tests
- [ ] End to end tests

### Release Notes

- The `@tldraw/tldraw` package has been renamed to `tldraw`. You can
keep using the old version if you want though!
2024-02-29 16:06:19 +00:00
Steve Ruiz 2211ca0063
bump typescript / api-extractor (#2949)
This PR bumps TypeScript to 5.3.3 and API extractor. We started getting
some weird behavior in CI due to different versions of the two
libraries, ie where the CI api.jsons would differ from those built

### Change Type

- [x] `dependencies` — Changes to package dependencies[^1]
2024-02-25 11:43:17 +00:00
David Sheldrick 987a576423
Check tsconfig "references" arrays (#2891)
Closes #2800

This PR makes it so that `check-scripts` will error out if you forget to
add a "references" entry to a tsconfig file when adding an internal
dependency in our monorepo.

If these project references are missed it can prevent TS from
building/rebuilding things when they need to be built/rebuilt.

### Change Type

- [x] `internal` — Any other changes that don't affect the published
2024-02-21 13:07:53 +00:00
alex 93c2ed615c
[Snapping 1/5] Validation & strict types for fractional indexes (#2827)
Currently, we type our fractional index keys as `string` and don't have
any validation for them. I'm touching some of this code for my work on
line handles and wanted to change that:
- fractional indexes are now `IndexKey`s, not `string`s. `IndexKey`s
have a brand property so can't be used interchangeably with strings
(like our IDs)
- There's a new `T.indexKey` validator which we can use in our
validations to make sure we don't end up with nonsense keys.

This PR is part of a series - please don't merge it until the things
before it have landed!
1. #2827 (you are here)
2. #2831
3. #2793
4. #2841
5. #2845

### Change Type

- [x] `patch` — Bug fix

### Test Plan

1. Mostly relying on unit & end to end tests here - no user facing

- [x] Unit Tests
2024-02-14 17:53:30 +00:00
Mime Čuvalo 2ad47958bb
dev: swap yarn test and test-dev for better dx (#2773)
As discussed offline, just making `yarn test` do what we expect it to.

### Change Type

- [x] `internal` — Any other changes that don't affect the published
2024-02-14 16:05:59 +00:00
Steve Ruiz b379a7a47c
[dotcom] `TLSyncRoom` tidy (#2712)
I went through the sync room code today while thinking about syncing. As
I worked through it, I added some comments etc for my own readability.
There is no change in how the code works.

There are a few functions declared in the body of `handlePushRequest`.
We might want to re-arrange things so that we're not re-declaring those
on each push (there are a LOT of pushes, basically every mouse move from
every client). I did try that but reverted that change; it feels like a
proper solution would be bigger than what I wanted to do here.

### Change Type

- [x] `internal` — Any other changes that don't affect the published
2024-02-05 17:25:07 +00:00
Dan Groshev d0f6ef80fc
Update the project to Node 20 (#2691)
### Change Type
- [x] `internal` — Any other changes that don't affect the published
2024-01-31 16:53:40 +00:00
Dan Groshev a43b172b64
make CI check for yarn install warnings and fix the peer deps ones we have (#2683)
- [x] `internal` — Any other changes that don't affect the published
2024-01-30 11:41:46 +00:00
Mime Čuvalo 23f60ee98e
dev: add test-dev command for easier testing of packages (#2627)
@si14 you might know a better way to wire this up! lemme know if there's
something more clever here.

### Change Type

- [x] `internal` — Any other changes that don't affect the published

### Release Notes

- Adds easier testing command for individual packages.
2024-01-29 10:29:38 +00:00
Steve Ruiz a1e242ae3a
[DX] Use tabs in JSON.stringify (#2674)
Occasionally the auto-built items, such as Sections.json, will be
flagged as having changes in a commit. This is because we generate that
file using spaces but our formatting uses tabs.

This PR changes all JSON.stringify({}, null, 2) to JSON.stringify({},
null, '\t'). Problem solved!

### Change Type

- [x] `patch` — Bug fix
2024-01-28 21:13:47 +00:00
Mitja Bezenšek 3f453569f6
Improved duplication (#2480)
Improves duplication. It will now remember the offset and shapes of your
`alt + drag` duplication and use that if you use the duplicate action
immediately after this.


Fixes https://github.com/tldraw/tldraw/issues/2264

### Change Type

- [ ] `patch` — Bug fix
- [x] `minor` — New feature
- [ ] `major` — Breaking change
- [ ] `dependencies` — Changes to package dependencies[^1]
- [ ] `documentation` — Changes to the documentation only[^2]
- [ ] `tests` — Changes to any test code only[^2]
- [ ] `internal` — Any other changes that don't affect the published
- [ ] I don't know

[^1]: publishes a `patch` release, for devDependencies use `internal`
[^2]: will not publish a new version

### Test Plan

1. Add a step-by-step description of how to test your PR here.

- [ ] Unit Tests
- [ ] End to end tests

### Release Notes

- Add a brief release note for your PR here.


Co-authored-by: Taha <98838967+Taha-Hassan-Git@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: David Sheldrick <d.j.sheldrick@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Steve Ruiz <steveruizok@gmail.com>
2024-01-26 14:54:52 +00:00
Mime Čuvalo 07cda7ef9f
arrows: add ability to change label placement (#2557)
This adds the ability to drag the label on an arrow to a different
location within the line segment/arc.


- A lot of the complexity lay in ensuring a fixed distance from the ends
of the arrowheads.
- I added a new type of handle `text-adjust` that makes the text box the
very handle itself.
- I added a `ARROW_HANDLES` enum - we should use more enums!
- The bulk of the changes are in ArrowShapeUtil — check that out in
particular obviously :)

Along the way, I tried to improve a couple spots as I touched them:
- added some more documentation to Vec.ts because some of the functions
in there were obscure/new to me. (at least the naming, hah)
- added `getPointOnCircle` which was being done in a couple places
independently and refactored those places.

### Questions
- the `getPointOnCircle` API changed. Is this considered breaking and/or
should I leave the signature the same? Wasn't sure if it was a big deal
or not.
- I made `labelPosition` in the schema always but I guess it could have
been optional? Lemme know if there's a preference.
- Any feedback on tests? Happy to expand those if necessary.

### Change Type

- [ ] `patch` — Bug fix
- [x] `minor` — New feature
- [ ] `major` — Breaking change
- [ ] `dependencies` — Changes to package dependencies[^1]
- [ ] `documentation` — Changes to the documentation only[^2]
- [ ] `tests` — Changes to any test code only[^2]
- [ ] `internal` — Any other changes that don't affect the published
- [ ] I don't know

[^1]: publishes a `patch` release, for devDependencies use `internal`
[^2]: will not publish a new version

### Test Plan

1. For arrow in [straightArrow, curvedArrow] test the following:
   a. Label in the middle
   b. Label at both ends of the arrow
   c. Test arrows in different directions
d. Rotating the endpoints and seeing that the label stays at the end of
the arrow at a fixed width.
   e. Test different stroke widths.
   f. Test with different arrowheads.
2. Also, test arcs that are more circle like than arc-like.

- [x] Unit Tests
- [ ] End to end tests

### Release Notes

- Adds ability to change label position on arrows.


Co-authored-by: Steve Ruiz <steveruizok@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: alex <alex@dytry.ch>
2024-01-24 10:19:20 +00:00
Dan Groshev 5ce38563e9
Bump Yarn to 4.0.2 and add version constraints (#2481)
This PR bumps Yarn to 4.0.2, adds version constraints and fixes reported

Current constraints (per @ds300):

1. all dependencies (both prod and dev) should have consistent versions
across the project
2. only the root `package.json` should have `packageManager` set

Removed 54 packages due to deduplication.

### Change Type

- [ ] `patch` — Bug fix
- [ ] `minor` — New feature
- [ ] `major` — Breaking change
- [x] `dependencies` — Changes to package dependencies[^1]
- [ ] `documentation` — Changes to the documentation only[^2]
- [ ] `tests` — Changes to any test code only[^2]
- [ ] `internal` — Any other changes that don't affect the published
- [ ] I don't know

[^1]: publishes a `patch` release, for devDependencies use `internal`
[^2]: will not publish a new version


<summary>An example of a report with a bunch of problems</summary>

❯ yarn constraints
➤ Errors prefixed by '⚙' can be fixed by running yarn constraints --fix

├─ @tldraw/monorepo@workspace:.
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["@types/react"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^18.2.47' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^18.2.33' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^5.57.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^5.10.2' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["@typescript-eslint/parser"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^5.57.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^5.10.2' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["eslint"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^8.37.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '8.36.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["eslint-config-prettier"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^8.8.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^8.3.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["eslint-plugin-react"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^7.32.2' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '7.28.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["prettier-plugin-organize-imports"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^3.2.2' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^3.2.3' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["tsx"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^3.12.7' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^4.0.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  └─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["typescript"]; conflicting values are:
│     ├─ '^5.2.2' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│     └─ '^5.0.2' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
├─ @tldraw/docs@workspace:apps/docs
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting dependencies["@types/ws"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^8.5.9' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^8.5.3' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting dependencies["@vercel/analytics"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^1.1.1' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^1.0.1' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting dependencies["concurrently"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^8.2.2' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  ├─ '^8.2.1' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '7.0.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting dependencies["dotenv"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^16.3.1' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^16.0.3' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting dependencies["eslint"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^8.37.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '8.36.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting dependencies["eslint-config-next"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '13.2.4' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '12.2.5' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting dependencies["next"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^14.0.4' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^13.2.3' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting dependencies["prettier-plugin-organize-imports"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^3.2.2' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^3.2.3' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting dependencies["react"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '18.2.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^18.2.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting dependencies["react-dom"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '18.2.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^18.2.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting dependencies["tsx"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^3.12.7' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^4.0.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting dependencies["typescript"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^5.2.2' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^5.0.2' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting dependencies["ws"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^8.14.2' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  ├─ '^8.13.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^8.16.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  └─ ⚙ Invalid field packageManager; expected null, found 'yarn@3.5.0'
├─ dotcom@workspace:apps/dotcom
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting dependencies["@radix-ui/react-popover"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '1.0.6-rc.5' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^1.0.7' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting dependencies["@vercel/analytics"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^1.1.1' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^1.0.1' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting dependencies["react"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '18.2.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^18.2.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting dependencies["react-dom"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '18.2.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^18.2.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting dependencies["react-router-dom"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^6.17.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^6.9.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["@types/react"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^18.2.47' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^18.2.33' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["dotenv"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^16.3.1' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^16.0.3' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["vite"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^5.0.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^4.3.4' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["ws"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^8.14.2' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  ├─ '^8.13.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^8.16.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  └─ ⚙ Invalid field packageManager; expected null, found 'yarn@3.5.0'
├─ dotcom-asset-upload@workspace:apps/dotcom-asset-upload
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting dependencies["itty-router"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^2.6.6' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^4.0.13' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["@types/ws"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^8.5.9' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^8.5.3' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  └─ ⚙ Invalid field packageManager; expected null, found 'yarn@3.5.0'
├─ @tldraw/bookmark-extractor@workspace:apps/dotcom-bookmark-extractor
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting dependencies["tslib"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^2.6.2' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^2.4.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["typescript"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^5.2.2' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^5.0.2' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  └─ ⚙ Invalid field packageManager; expected null, found 'yarn@3.5.0'
├─ @tldraw/dotcom-worker@workspace:apps/dotcom-worker
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting dependencies["itty-router"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^2.6.6' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^4.0.13' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["concurrently"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^8.2.2' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  ├─ '^8.2.1' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '7.0.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["typescript"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^5.2.2' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^5.0.2' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  └─ ⚙ Invalid field packageManager; expected null, found 'yarn@3.5.0'
├─ examples.tldraw.com@workspace:apps/examples
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting dependencies["@vercel/analytics"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^1.1.1' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^1.0.1' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting dependencies["react"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '18.2.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^18.2.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting dependencies["react-dom"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '18.2.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^18.2.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting dependencies["react-router-dom"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^6.17.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^6.9.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting dependencies["vite"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^5.0.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^4.3.4' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["dotenv"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^16.3.1' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^16.0.3' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  └─ ⚙ Invalid field packageManager; expected null, found 'yarn@3.5.0'
├─ huppy@workspace:apps/huppy
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting dependencies["next"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^14.0.4' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^13.2.3' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting dependencies["react"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '18.2.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^18.2.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting dependencies["react-dom"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '18.2.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^18.2.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["eslint-config-next"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '13.2.4' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '12.2.5' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  └─ ⚙ Invalid field packageManager; expected null, found 'yarn@3.5.0'
├─ @tldraw/vscode-editor@workspace:apps/vscode/editor
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["@types/react"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^18.2.47' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^18.2.33' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["concurrently"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^8.2.2' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  ├─ '^8.2.1' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '7.0.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["dotenv"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^16.3.1' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^16.0.3' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["react"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '18.2.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^18.2.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["react-dom"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '18.2.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^18.2.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["tslib"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^2.6.2' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^2.4.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  └─ ⚙ Invalid field packageManager; expected null, found 'yarn@3.5.0'
├─ tldraw-vscode@workspace:apps/vscode/extension
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^5.57.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^5.10.2' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["@typescript-eslint/parser"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^5.57.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^5.10.2' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["tslib"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^2.6.2' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^2.4.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["tsx"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^3.12.7' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^4.0.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  └─ ⚙ Invalid field packageManager; expected null, found 'yarn@3.5.0'
├─ config@workspace:config
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting dependencies["eslint-config-prettier"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^8.8.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^8.3.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting dependencies["eslint-plugin-react"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^7.32.2' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '7.28.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  └─ ⚙ Missing field packageManager; expected null
├─ @tldraw/assets@workspace:packages/assets
│  └─ ⚙ Missing field packageManager; expected null
├─ @tldraw/editor@workspace:packages/editor
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["@testing-library/jest-dom"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^5.16.5' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^5.14.1' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["jest-canvas-mock"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^2.5.1' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^2.5.2' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["jest-environment-jsdom"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^29.4.3' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^28.1.2' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  └─ ⚙ Invalid field packageManager; expected null, found 'yarn@3.5.0'
├─ @tldraw/state@workspace:packages/state
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["@types/react"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^18.2.47' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^18.2.33' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  └─ ⚙ Invalid field packageManager; expected null, found 'yarn@3.5.0'
├─ @tldraw/store@workspace:packages/store
│  └─ ⚙ Invalid field packageManager; expected null, found 'yarn@3.5.0'
├─ @tldraw/tldraw@workspace:packages/tldraw
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting dependencies["@radix-ui/react-popover"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '1.0.6-rc.5' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^1.0.7' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["@testing-library/jest-dom"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^5.16.5' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^5.14.1' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["jest-canvas-mock"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^2.5.1' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^2.5.2' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["jest-environment-jsdom"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^29.4.3' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^28.1.2' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  └─ ⚙ Invalid field packageManager; expected null, found 'yarn@3.5.0'
├─ @tldraw/tlschema@workspace:packages/tlschema
│  └─ ⚙ Invalid field packageManager; expected null, found 'yarn@3.5.0'
├─ @tldraw/tlsync@workspace:packages/tlsync
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting dependencies["ws"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^8.14.2' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  ├─ '^8.13.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^8.16.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["typescript"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^5.2.2' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^5.0.2' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  └─ ⚙ Invalid field packageManager; expected null, found 'yarn@3.5.0'
├─ @tldraw/utils@workspace:packages/utils
│  └─ ⚙ Invalid field packageManager; expected null, found 'yarn@3.5.0'
├─ @tldraw/validate@workspace:packages/validate
│  └─ ⚙ Invalid field packageManager; expected null, found 'yarn@3.5.0'
└─ @tldraw/scripts@workspace:scripts
   ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["typescript"]; conflicting values are:
   │  ├─ '^5.2.2' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
   │  └─ '^5.0.2' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
   └─ ⚙ Invalid field packageManager; expected null, found 'yarn@3.5.0'

2024-01-18 11:09:17 +00:00
Steve Ruiz d7002057d7
unbrivate, dot com in (#2475)
This PR moves the tldraw.com app into the public repo.

### Change Type

- [x] `internal` — Any other changes that don't affect the published


Co-authored-by: Dan Groshev <git@dgroshev.com>
Co-authored-by: alex <alex@dytry.ch>
2024-01-16 14:38:05 +00:00