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Czysty Zwykły widok Historia

import { Utils } from '@tldraw/core'
import { Vec } from '@tldraw/vec'
import { TLDR } from '~state/TLDR'
import type { PagePartial, TldrawCommand, TDShape, TDBinding, TDAsset } from '~types'
import type { TldrawApp } from '../../internal'
export function insertContent(
app: TldrawApp,
content: { shapes: TDShape[]; bindings?: TDBinding[]; assets?: TDAsset[] },
opts = {} as { point?: number[]; select?: boolean; overwrite?: boolean }
): TldrawCommand {
const { currentPageId } = app
const { point, select, overwrite } = opts
const page = app.document.pages[currentPageId]
const before: PagePartial = {
shapes: {},
bindings: {},
const afterAssets: Record<string, TDAsset> = {}
const after: PagePartial = {
shapes: {},
bindings: {},
if (overwrite) {
// Map shapes and bindings onto new IDs to avoid overwriting existing content.
for (const shape of content.shapes) {
before.shapes[] = page.shapes[]
after.shapes[] = shape
if (content.bindings) {
for (const binding of content.bindings) {
before.bindings[] = page.bindings[]
after.bindings[] = binding
if (content.assets) {
for (const asset of content.assets) {
afterAssets[] = asset
} else {
// Map shapes and bindings onto new IDs to avoid overwriting existing content.
const oldToNewIds: Record<string, string> = {}
// The index of the new shape
let nextIndex = TLDR.getTopChildIndex(app.state, currentPageId)
const shapesToInsert: TDShape[] = content.shapes
.sort((a, b) => a.childIndex - b.childIndex)
.map((shape) => {
const newShapeId = Utils.uniqueId()
oldToNewIds[] = newShapeId
// The redo should include a clone of the new shape
return {
id: newShapeId,
const visited = new Set<string>()
// Iterate through the list, starting from the front
while (shapesToInsert.length > 0) {
const shape = shapesToInsert.shift()
if (!shape) break
if (shape.parentId === 'currentPageId') {
shape.parentId = currentPageId
shape.childIndex = nextIndex++
} else {
// The shape had another shape as its parent.
// Re-assign the shape's parentId to the new id
shape.parentId = oldToNewIds[shape.parentId]
// Has that parent been added yet to the after object?
const parent = after.shapes[shape.parentId]
if (!parent) {
if (visited.has( {
// If we've already visited this shape, then that means
// its parent was not among the shapes to insert. Set it
// to be a child of the current page instead.
shape.parentId = 'currentPageId'
// If the parent hasn't been added yet, push this shape
// to back of the queue; we'll try and add it again later
// If we've found the parent, add this shape's id to its children
// If the inserting shape has its own children, set the children to
// an empty array; we'll add them later, as just shown above
if (shape.children) {
shape.children = []
// The undo should remove the inserted shape
before.shapes[] = undefined
// The redo should include the inserted shape
after.shapes[] = shape
Object.values(after.shapes).forEach((shape) => {
// If the shape used to have children, but no longer does have children,
// then delete the shape. This prevents inserting groups without children.
if (shape!.children && shape!.children.length === 0) {
delete before.shapes[shape!.id!]
delete after.shapes[shape!.id!]
// Insert bindings
if (content.bindings) {
content.bindings.forEach((binding) => {
const newBindingId = Utils.uniqueId()
oldToNewIds[] = newBindingId
const toId = oldToNewIds[binding.toId]
const fromId = oldToNewIds[binding.fromId]
// If the binding is "to" or "from" a shape that hasn't been inserted,
// we'll need to skip the binding and remove it from any shape that
// references it.
if (!toId || !fromId) {
if (fromId) {
const handles = after.shapes[fromId]!.handles
if (handles) {
Object.values(handles).forEach((handle) => {
if (handle!.bindingId === {
handle!.bindingId = undefined
if (toId) {
const handles = after.shapes[toId]!.handles
if (handles) {
Object.values(handles).forEach((handle) => {
if (handle!.bindingId === {
handle!.bindingId = undefined
// Update the shape's to and from references to the new bindingid
const fromHandles = after.shapes[fromId]!.handles
if (fromHandles) {
Object.values(fromHandles).forEach((handle) => {
if (handle!.bindingId === {
handle!.bindingId = newBindingId
const toHandles = after.shapes[toId]!.handles
if (toHandles) {
Object.values(after.shapes[toId]!.handles!).forEach((handle) => {
if (handle!.bindingId === {
handle!.bindingId = newBindingId
const newBinding = {
id: newBindingId,
// The undo should remove the inserted binding
before.bindings[] = undefined
// The redo should include the inserted binding
after.bindings[] = newBinding
// Now move the shapes
const shapesToMove = Object.values(after.shapes) as TDShape[]
if (shapesToMove.length > 0) {
if (point) {
// Move the shapes so that they're centered on the given point
const commonBounds = Utils.getCommonBounds( => TLDR.getBounds(shape))
const center = Utils.getBoundsCenter(commonBounds)
shapesToMove.forEach((shape) => {
if (!shape.point) return
shape.point = Vec.sub(point, Vec.sub(center, shape.point))
} else {
const commonBounds = Utils.getCommonBounds(
if (
Utils.boundsContain(app.viewport, commonBounds) ||
Utils.boundsCollide(app.viewport, commonBounds)
) {
const center = Vec.toFixed(app.getPagePoint(app.centerPoint))
const centeredBounds = Utils.centerBounds(commonBounds, center)
const delta = Vec.sub(
shapesToMove.forEach((shape) => {
shape.point = Vec.toFixed(Vec.add(shape.point, delta))
if (content.assets) {
for (const asset of content.assets) {
afterAssets[] = asset
const elm = document.createElement('textarea')
Object.values(after.shapes as Record<string, TDShape>).forEach((shape) => {
if ('text' in shape) {
elm.innerHTML = shape.text
shape.text = elm.value
if ('label' in shape) {
elm.innerHTML = shape.label!
shape.label = elm.value
return {
id: 'insert',
before: {
document: {
pages: {
[currentPageId]: before,
pageStates: {
[currentPageId]: { selectedIds: [] },
after: {
document: {
pages: {
[currentPageId]: after,
assets: afterAssets,
pageStates: {
[currentPageId]: {
selectedIds: select ? Object.keys(after.shapes) : [],