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Czysty Zwykły widok Historia

import { Utils } from '@tldraw/core'
import { intersectCircleCircle, intersectCircleLineSegment } from '@tldraw/intersect'
import Vec from '@tldraw/vec'
import getStroke from 'perfect-freehand'
import { EASINGS } from '~constants'
import { getShapeStyle } from '../shape-styles'
import type { ArrowShape, TLDrawHandle } from '~types'
export function getArrowArcPath(
start: TLDrawHandle,
end: TLDrawHandle,
circle: number[],
bend: number
) {
return [
bend < 0 ? 0 : 1,
].join(' ')
export function getBendPoint(handles: ArrowShape['handles'], bend: number) {
const { start, end } = handles
const dist = Vec.dist(start.point, end.point)
const midPoint =, end.point)
const bendDist = (dist / 2) * bend
const u = Vec.uni(Vec.vec(start.point, end.point))
const point = Vec.round(
Math.abs(bendDist) < 10 ? midPoint : Vec.add(midPoint, Vec.mul(Vec.per(u), bendDist))
return point
export function renderFreehandArrowShaft(shape: ArrowShape) {
const { style, id } = shape
const { start, end } = shape.handles
const getRandom = Utils.rng(id)
const strokeWidth = getShapeStyle(style).strokeWidth
const startPoint = shape.decorations?.start
? Vec.nudge(start.point, end.point, strokeWidth)
: start.point
const endPoint = shape.decorations?.end
? Vec.nudge(end.point, start.point, strokeWidth)
: end.point
const stroke = getStroke([startPoint, endPoint], {
size: strokeWidth,
thinning: 0.618 + getRandom() * 0.2,
easing: EASINGS.easeOutQuad,
simulatePressure: true,
streamline: 0,
last: true,
const path = Utils.getSvgPathFromStroke(stroke)
return path
export function renderCurvedFreehandArrowShaft(
shape: ArrowShape,
circle: number[],
length: number,
easing: (t: number) => number
) {
const { style, id } = shape
const { start, end } = shape.handles
const getRandom = Utils.rng(id)
const strokeWidth = getShapeStyle(style).strokeWidth
const center = [circle[0], circle[1]]
const radius = circle[2]
const startPoint = shape.decorations?.start
? Vec.rotWith(start.point, center, strokeWidth / length)
: start.point
const endPoint = shape.decorations?.end
? Vec.rotWith(end.point, center, -(strokeWidth / length))
: end.point
const startAngle = Vec.angle(center, startPoint)
const endAngle = Vec.angle(center, endPoint)
const points: number[][] = []
const count = 8 + Math.floor((Math.abs(length) / 20) * 1 + getRandom() / 2)
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
const t = easing(i / count)
const angle = Utils.lerpAngles(startAngle, endAngle, t)
points.push(Vec.round(Vec.nudgeAtAngle(center, angle, radius)))
const stroke = getStroke([startPoint, ...points, endPoint], {
size: 1 + strokeWidth,
thinning: 0.618 + getRandom() * 0.2,
easing: EASINGS.easeOutQuad,
simulatePressure: false,
streamline: 0,
last: true,
const path = Utils.getSvgPathFromStroke(stroke)
return path
export function getCtp(shape: ArrowShape) {
const { start, end, bend } = shape.handles
return Utils.circleFromThreePoints(start.point, end.point, bend.point)
export function getArrowArc(shape: ArrowShape) {
const { start, end, bend } = shape.handles
const [cx, cy, radius] = Utils.circleFromThreePoints(start.point, end.point, bend.point)
const center = [cx, cy]
const length = getArcLength(center, radius, start.point, end.point)
return { center, radius, length }
export function getCurvedArrowHeadPoints(
A: number[],
r1: number,
C: number[],
r2: number,
sweep: boolean
) {
const ints = intersectCircleCircle(A, r1 * 0.618, C, r2).points
if (!ints) {
console.warn('Could not find an intersection for the arrow head.')
return { left: A, right: A }
const int = sweep ? ints[0] : ints[1]
const left = int ? Vec.nudge(Vec.rotWith(int, A, Math.PI / 6), A, r1 * -0.382) : A
const right = int ? Vec.nudge(Vec.rotWith(int, A, -Math.PI / 6), A, r1 * -0.382) : A
return { left, right }
export function getStraightArrowHeadPoints(A: number[], B: number[], r: number) {
const ints = intersectCircleLineSegment(A, r, A, B).points
if (!ints) {
console.warn('Could not find an intersection for the arrow head.')
return { left: A, right: A }
const int = ints[0]
const left = int ? Vec.rotWith(int, A, Math.PI / 6) : A
const right = int ? Vec.rotWith(int, A, -Math.PI / 6) : A
return { left, right }
export function getCurvedArrowHeadPath(
A: number[],
r1: number,
C: number[],
r2: number,
sweep: boolean
) {
const { left, right } = getCurvedArrowHeadPoints(A, r1, C, r2, sweep)
return `M ${left} L ${A} ${right}`
export function getStraightArrowHeadPath(A: number[], B: number[], r: number) {
const { left, right } = getStraightArrowHeadPoints(A, B, r)
return `M ${left} L ${A} ${right}`
export function getArrowPath(shape: ArrowShape) {
const {
handles: { start, end, bend: _bend },
} = shape
const { strokeWidth } = getShapeStyle(style, false)
const arrowDist = Vec.dist(start.point, end.point)
const arrowHeadLength = Math.min(arrowDist / 3, strokeWidth * 8)
const path: (string | number)[] = []
const isStraightLine = Vec.dist(_bend.point, Vec.round(, end.point))) < 1
if (isStraightLine) {
// Path (line segment)
path.push(`M ${start.point} L ${end.point}`)
// Start arrow head
if (decorations?.start) {
path.push(getStraightArrowHeadPath(start.point, end.point, arrowHeadLength))
// End arrow head
if (decorations?.end) {
path.push(getStraightArrowHeadPath(end.point, start.point, arrowHeadLength))
} else {
const { center, radius, length } = getArrowArc(shape)
// Path (arc)
path.push(`M ${start.point} A ${radius} ${radius} 0 0 ${length > 0 ? '1' : '0'} ${end.point}`)
// Start Arrow head
if (decorations?.start) {
path.push(getCurvedArrowHeadPath(start.point, arrowHeadLength, center, radius, length < 0))
// End arrow head
if (decorations?.end) {
path.push(getCurvedArrowHeadPath(end.point, arrowHeadLength, center, radius, length >= 0))
return path.join(' ')
export function getArcPoints(shape: ArrowShape) {
const { start, bend, end } = shape.handles
const points: number[][] = [start.point, end.point]
if (Vec.dist2(bend.point,, end.point)) > 4) {
// We're an arc, calculate points along the arc
const { center, radius } = getArrowArc(shape)
const startAngle = Vec.angle(center, start.point)
const endAngle = Vec.angle(center, end.point)
for (let i = 1 / 20; i < 1; i += 1 / 20) {
const angle = Utils.lerpAngles(startAngle, endAngle, i)
points.push(Vec.nudgeAtAngle(center, angle, radius))
return points
export function isAngleBetween(a: number, b: number, c: number): boolean {
if (c === a || c === b) return true
const PI2 = Math.PI * 2
const AB = (b - a + PI2) % PI2
const AC = (c - a + PI2) % PI2
return AB <= Math.PI !== AC > AB
export function getArcLength(C: number[], r: number, A: number[], B: number[]): number {
const sweep = Utils.getSweep(C, A, B)
return r * (2 * Math.PI) * (sweep / (2 * Math.PI))