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title: Editor
status: published
author: steveruizok
date: 3/22/2023
order: 1
- ui
- app
- editor
- control
- select
The [Editor](?) class is the main way of controlling tldraw's editor. You can use it to manage the editor's internal state, make changes to the document, or respond to changes that have occurred.
By design, the [Editor](?)'s surface area is very large. Almost everything is available through it. Need to create some shapes? Use [Editor#createShapes](?). Need to delete them? Use [Editor#deleteShapes](?). Need a sorted array of every shape on the current page? Use [Editor#getCurrentPageShapesSorted](?).
This page gives a broad idea of how the [Editor](?) class is organized and some of the architectural concepts involved. The full reference is available in the [Editor](?) API.
## Store
The editor holds the raw state of the document in its [Editor#store](?) property. Data is kept here as a table of JSON serializable records.
For example, the store contains a [TLPage](?) record for each page in the current document, as well as an [TLInstancePageState](?) record for each page that stores information about the editor's state for that page, and a single [TLInstance](?) for each editor instance which stores the id of the user's current page.
The editor also exposes many _computed_ values which are derived from other records in the store. For example, [Editor#getSelectedShapeIds](?) is a method that returns the editor's current selected shape ids for its current page.
You can use these properties directly or you can use them in signals.
import { track, useEditor } from 'tldraw'
export const SelectedShapeIdsCount = track(() => {
const editor = useEditor()
return <div>{editor.getSelectedShapeIds().length}</div>
### Changing the state
The [Editor](?) class has many methods for updating its state. For example, you can change the current page's selection using [Editor#setSelectedShapes](?). You can also use other convenience methods, such as [Editor#select](?), [Editor#selectAll](?), or [Editor#selectNone](?).
editor.selectNone(), myOtherShapeId)
editor.getSelectedShapeIds() // [myShapeId, myOtherShapeId]
Each change to the state happens within a transaction. You can batch changes into a single transaction using the [Editor#batch](?) method. It's a good idea to batch wherever possible, as this reduces the overhead for persisting or distributing those changes.
New migrations again (#3220) Describe what your pull request does. If appropriate, add GIFs or images showing the before and after. ### Change Type - [x] `sdk` — Changes the tldraw SDK - [x] `galaxy brain` — Architectural changes ### Test Plan 1. Add a step-by-step description of how to test your PR here. 2. - [ ] Unit Tests - [ ] End to end tests ### Release Notes #### BREAKING CHANGES - The `Migrations` type is now called `LegacyMigrations`. - The serialized schema format (e.g. returned by `StoreSchema.serialize()` and `Store.getSnapshot()`) has changed. You don't need to do anything about it unless you were reading data directly from the schema for some reason. In which case it'd be best to avoid that in the future! We have no plans to change the schema format again (this time was traumatic enough) but you never know. - `compareRecordVersions` and the `RecordVersion` type have both disappeared. There is no replacement. These were public by mistake anyway, so hopefully nobody had been using it. - `compareSchemas` is a bit less useful now. Our migrations system has become a little fuzzy to allow for simpler UX when adding/removing custom extensions and 3rd party dependencies, and as a result we can no longer compare serialized schemas in any rigorous manner. You can rely on this function to return `0` if the schemas are the same. Otherwise it will return `-1` if the schema on the right _seems_ to be newer than the schema on the left, but it cannot guarantee that in situations where migration sequences have been removed over time (e.g. if you remove one of the builtin tldraw shapes). Generally speaking, the best way to check schema compatibility now is to call `store.schema.getMigrationsSince(persistedSchema)`. This will throw an error if there is no upgrade path from the `persistedSchema` to the current version. - `defineMigrations` has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release. For upgrade instructions see - `migrate` has been removed. Nobody should have been using this but if you were you'll need to find an alternative. For migrating tldraw data, you should stick to using `schema.migrateStoreSnapshot` and, if you are building a nuanced sync engine that supports some amount of backwards compatibility, also feel free to use `schema.migratePersistedRecord`. - the `Migration` type has changed. If you need the old one for some reason it has been renamed to `LegacyMigration`. It will be removed in a future release. - the `Migrations` type has been renamed to `LegacyMigrations` and will be removed in a future release. - the `SerializedSchema` type has been augmented. If you need the old version specifically you can use `SerializedSchemaV1` --------- Co-authored-by: Steve Ruiz <>
2024-04-15 12:53:42 +00:00
### Listening for changes, and merging changes from other sources
New migrations again (#3220) Describe what your pull request does. If appropriate, add GIFs or images showing the before and after. ### Change Type - [x] `sdk` — Changes the tldraw SDK - [x] `galaxy brain` — Architectural changes ### Test Plan 1. Add a step-by-step description of how to test your PR here. 2. - [ ] Unit Tests - [ ] End to end tests ### Release Notes #### BREAKING CHANGES - The `Migrations` type is now called `LegacyMigrations`. - The serialized schema format (e.g. returned by `StoreSchema.serialize()` and `Store.getSnapshot()`) has changed. You don't need to do anything about it unless you were reading data directly from the schema for some reason. In which case it'd be best to avoid that in the future! We have no plans to change the schema format again (this time was traumatic enough) but you never know. - `compareRecordVersions` and the `RecordVersion` type have both disappeared. There is no replacement. These were public by mistake anyway, so hopefully nobody had been using it. - `compareSchemas` is a bit less useful now. Our migrations system has become a little fuzzy to allow for simpler UX when adding/removing custom extensions and 3rd party dependencies, and as a result we can no longer compare serialized schemas in any rigorous manner. You can rely on this function to return `0` if the schemas are the same. Otherwise it will return `-1` if the schema on the right _seems_ to be newer than the schema on the left, but it cannot guarantee that in situations where migration sequences have been removed over time (e.g. if you remove one of the builtin tldraw shapes). Generally speaking, the best way to check schema compatibility now is to call `store.schema.getMigrationsSince(persistedSchema)`. This will throw an error if there is no upgrade path from the `persistedSchema` to the current version. - `defineMigrations` has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release. For upgrade instructions see - `migrate` has been removed. Nobody should have been using this but if you were you'll need to find an alternative. For migrating tldraw data, you should stick to using `schema.migrateStoreSnapshot` and, if you are building a nuanced sync engine that supports some amount of backwards compatibility, also feel free to use `schema.migratePersistedRecord`. - the `Migration` type has changed. If you need the old one for some reason it has been renamed to `LegacyMigration`. It will be removed in a future release. - the `Migrations` type has been renamed to `LegacyMigrations` and will be removed in a future release. - the `SerializedSchema` type has been augmented. If you need the old version specifically you can use `SerializedSchemaV1` --------- Co-authored-by: Steve Ruiz <>
2024-04-15 12:53:42 +00:00
For information about how to synchronize the store with other processes, i.e. how to get data out and put data in, see the (Persistence)[/docs/persistence] page.
### Undo and redo
The history stack in tldraw contains two types of data: "marks" and "commands". Commands have their own `undo` and `redo` methods that describe how the state should change when the command is undone or redone.
You can call [Editor#mark](?) to add a mark to the history stack with the given `id`.
// do some stuff
When you call [Editor#undo](?), the editor will undo each command until it finds either a mark or the start of the stack. When you call [Editor#redo](?), the editor will redo each command until it finds either a mark or the end of the stack.
// A
editor.mark('duplicate everything')
// B
editor.undo() // will return to A
editor.redo() // will return to B
You can call [Editor#bail](?) to undo and delete all commands in the stack until the first mark.
// A
editor.mark('duplicate everything')
// B
editor.bail() // will return to A
editor.redo() // will do nothing
You can use [Editor#bailToMark](?) to undo and delete all commands and marks until you reach a mark with the given `id`.
// A
// B
// C
editor.bailToMark('first') // will return to A
## Events
The [Editor](?) class receives events from its [Editor#dispatch](?) method. When the [Editor](?) receives an event, it is first handled internally to update [Editor#inputs](?) and other state before, and then sent into to the editor's state chart.
You shouldn't need to use the [Editor#dispatch](?) method directly, however you may write code in the state chart that responds to these events. See the [Tools page](/docs/tools) to learn how to do that, or read below for a more detailed information about the state chart itself.
### State Chart
The [Editor](?) class has a "state chart", or a tree of [StateNode](?) instances, that contain the logic for the editor's tools such as the select tool or the draw tool. User interactions such as moving the cursor will produce different changes to the state depending on which nodes are active.
Each node can be active or inactive. Each state node may also have zero or more children. When a state is active, and if the state has children, one (and only one) of its children must also be active. When a state node receives an event from its parent, it has the opportunity to handle the event before passing the event to its active child. The node can handle an event in any way: it can ignore the event, update records in the store, or run a _transition_ that changes which states nodes are active.
When a user interaction is sent to the editor via its [Editor#dispatch](?) method, this event is sent to the editor's root state node ([Editor#root](?)) and passed then down through the chart's active states until either it reaches a leaf node or until one of those nodes produces a transaction.
alt="A diagram showing an event being sent to the editor and handled in the state chart."
title="The editor passes an event into the state start where it is handled by each active state in order."
### Path
You can get the editor's current "path" of active states via `editor.root.path`. In the above example, the value would be `""`.
You can check whether a path is active via [Editor#isIn](?), or else check whether multiple paths are active via [Editor#isInAny](?).
```ts // ''
editor.isIn('') // true
editor.isIn('') // true
editor.isIn('') // false
editor.isInAny('', '') // true
Note that the paths you pass to [Editor#isIn](?) or [Editor#isInAny](?) can be the full path or a partial of the start of the path. For example, if the full path is ``, then [Editor#isIn](?) would return true for the paths `root`, ``, or ``.
> If all you're interested in is the state below `root`, there is a convenience method, [Editor#getCurrentToolId](?), that can help with the editor's currently selected tool.
import { track, useEditor } from 'tldraw'
export const BubbleToolUi = track(() => {
const editor = useEditor()
// Only show the UI if the bubble tool is active
if (!editor.getCurrentToolId() === 'bubble') return null
return <div>Creating bubble</div>
## Side effects
The [Editor#sideEffects](?) object lets you register callbacks for key parts of the lifecycle of records in the [Store](#Store).
You can register callbacks for before or after a record is created, changed, or deleted.
These callbacks are useful for applying constraints, maintaining relationships, or checking the integrity of different records in the document.
For example, we use side effects to create a new [TLCamera](?) record every time a new page is made.
The "before" callbacks allow you to modify the record itself, but shouldn't be used for modifying other records.
You can create a different record in the place of what was asked, prevent a change (or make a different one) to an existing record, or stop something from being deleted.
The "after" callbacks let you make changes to other records in response to something happening.
You could create, update, or delete any related record, but you should avoid changing the same record that triggered the change.
For example, if you wanted to know every time a new arrow is created, you could register a handler like this:
editor.sideEffects.registerAfterCreateHandler('shape', (newShape) => {
if (newShape.type === 'arrow') {
console.log('A new arrow shape was created', newShape)
Side effect handlers are also given a `source` argument - either `"user"` or `"remote"`.
This indicates whether the change originated from the current user, or from another remote user in the same multiplayer room.
You could use this to e.g. prevent the current user from deleting shapes, but allow deletions from others in the same room.
## Inputs
The [Editor#inputs](?) object holds information about the user's current input state, including their cursor position (in page space _and_ screen space), which keys are pressed, what their multi-click state is, and whether they are dragging, pointing, pinching, and so on.
Note that the modifier keys include a short delay after being released in order to prevent certain errors when modeling interactions. For example, when a user releases the "Shift" key, `editor.inputs.shiftKey` will remain `true` for another 100 milliseconds or so.
This property is stored as regular data. It is not reactive.
## Editor instance state
The [Editor#getInstanceState](?) method returns settings that relate to each individual instance of the editor. In the case that the user has the same editor open in multiple tabs, or if there are multiple editors on the same page, then each editor will have its own instance state. See the [TLInstance](?) docs to learn more about the record itself.
## User preferences
The editor's user preferences are shared between all instances. See the [TLUserPreferences](?) docs for more about the user preferences.
## Common things to do with the editor
### Create a shape id
To create an id for a shape (a [TLShapeId](?)), use the libary's [createShapeId](?) helper.
import { createShapeId } from 'tldraw'
createShapeId() // `shape:some-random-uuid`
createShapeId('kyle') // `shape:kyle`
The `id` property of any record in tldraw is "branded" with the type of that record. For shapes, that means that all shape ids are formatted as `shape:{id}`. The TypeScript type of a record's `id` also includes a reference to the type of the record that it belongs to. TypeScript will complain if you use a regular `shape:some-id` string, but the [createShapeId](?) helper will provide the type.
### Create shapes
To create shapes, use the [Editor#createShape](?) or [Editor#createShapes](?) methods.
type: 'geo',
x: 0,
y: 0,
props: {
geo: 'rectangle',
w: 100,
h: 100,
dash: 'draw',
color: 'blue',
size: 'm',
A shape must be a partial of the full shape (a [TLShapePartial](?)). All props are optional except for the `type` of the shape. The shape's corresponding [ShapeUtil](?) will provide the default props for any props not provided. The `id` will be created if not provided.
### Update shapes
To update shapes, use the [Editor#updateShape](?) or [Editor#updateShapes](?) methods.
id:, // required
type: shape.type, // required
x: 100,
y: 100,
props: {
w: 200,
The update must be a partial of the full shape (a [TLShapePartial](?)). All props are optional except for the `type` of the shape and its `id`.
### Delete shapes
To delete shapes, use the [Editor#deleteShape](?) or [Editor#deleteShapes](?) methods.
You can delete a shape using the shape's `id` or the shape record itself.
### Get a shape
You can get a shape with the [Editor#getShape](?) method.
You can get a shape using the shape's `id` or the shape record itself.
### Turn on read only mode
You can use the [Editor#updateInstanceState](?) method to turn on read only mode.
editor.updateInstanceState({ isReadonly: true })
### Move the camera
You can set the camera to a specific x, y, and zoom with the [Editor#setCamera](?) method.
editor.setCamera(0, 0, 1)
### Freeze the camera
You can prevent the user from changing the camera using the [Editor#updateInstanceState](?) method.
editor.updateInstanceState({ canMoveCamera: false })
### Turn on dark mode
You can turn on or off dark mode via the [setUserPreferences](?) method. Note that this effects all editor instances that share the same user—even instances in other tabs.
setUserPreferences({ isDarkMode: true })
See the [tldraw repository]( for an example of how to use tldraw's Editor API to control the editor.