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2020-06-10 07:54:22 +00:00
Class for filter/smooth data.
Copyright (c) 2020 Gabriele Gilardi
- generalize to multidimensional input arrays
- use NaN or input values for points not filtered?
- plot filtered data
- add plot filter
import sys
import numpy as np
def Generalized(X, b, a):
Applies a generic filter
X Data to filter
b Transfer response coefficients (numerator)
a Transfer response coefficients (denominator)
Y Filtered data
idx Index first element in Y actually filtered
Elements from 0 to (idx-1) are set equal to NaN.
# Initialize
nel_X = len(X)
nel_b = len(b)
nel_a = len(a)
idx = np.amax([0, nel_b-1, nel_a-1])
Y = X.copy()
# Apply filter
for i in range(idx, nel_X):
tmp = 0.0
# Contribution from [b] (numerator)
for j in range(nel_b):
tmp = tmp + b[j] * X[i-j]
# Contribution from [a] (denominator)
for j in range(1, nel_a):
tmp = tmp - a[j] * Y[i-j]
# Filtered value
Y[i] = tmp / a[0]
# Set elements from 0 to (idx-1) equal to NaN
Y[0:idx] = np.nan
return Y, idx
class Filter:
def __init__(self, X):
self.X = np.asarray(X)
self.nel = len(X)
self.idx = 0
def SMA(self, N=10):
Simple Moving Average
N = order/smoothing factor
b = np.ones(float(N)) / float(N)
a = np.array([1.0])
Y, self.idx = Generalized(self.X, b, a)
return Y
def EMA(self, N=10):
Exponential Moving Average
N = order/smoothing factor
The damping term <alpha> is determined as equivalent to a N-SMA
alpha = 2.0 / (float(N) + 1.0)
b = np.array([alpha])
a = np.array([1.0, alpha-1.0])
Y, self.idx = Generalized(self.X, b, a)
return Y
def InstTrend(self, alpha=0.5):
Instantaneous Trendline (2nd order, IIR, low pass, Ehlers)
alpha = damping term
b = np.array([(alpha-alpha**2/4.0), (alpha**2/2.0),
a = np.array([1.0, -2.0*(1.0-alpha), (1.0-alpha)**2])
Y, self.idx = Generalized(self.X, b, a)
return Y
def PassBand(self, P=5, delta=0.3):
Pass Band
P = cut-off period (50% power loss, -3 dB)
delta = band centered in P and in percent
(Example: 0.3 => 30% of P => 0.3*P, if P = 10 => 0.3*10 = 3)
beta = np.cos(2.0 * pi / float(P))
gamma = np.cos(2.0*pi*(2.0*delta)/float(P))
alpha = 1.0 / gamma - np.sqrt(1.0 / gamma ** 2 - 1.0)
b = np.array([(1.0-alpha)/2.0, 0.0, -(1.0-alpha)/2.0])
a = np.array([1.0, -beta*(1.0+alpha), alpha])
Y, self.idx = Generalized(self.X, b, a)
return Y
def StopBand(self, P=5, delta=0.3):
Stop Band
P = cut-off period (50% power loss, -3 dB)
delta = band centered in P and in percent
(Example: 0.3 => 30% of P => 0.3*P, if P = 10 => 0.3*10 = 3)
beta = cos(2.0*pi/float(P))
gamma = cos(2.0*pi*(2.0*delta)/float(P))
alpha = 1.0/gamma - sqrt(1.0/gamma**2 - 1.0)
b = np.array([(1.0+alpha)/2.0, -2.0*beta*(1.0+alpha)/2.0,
a = np.array([1.0, -beta*(1.0+alpha), alpha])
Y, self.idx = Generalized(self.X, b, a)
return Y
def GaussLow(self, P=2, N=1):
Gauss Low (low pass, IIR, N-th order, must be P > 1)
P = cut-off period (50% power loss, -3 dB)
N = times the filter is called (order)
P = np.array([2, P], dtype=int).max() # or error? warning?
A = 2.0**(1.0/float(N)) - 1.0
B = 4.0*sin(pi/float(P))**2.0
C = 2.0*(cos(2.0*pi/float(P)) - 1.0)
delta = sqrt(B**2.0 - 4.0*A*C)
alpha = (-B + delta)/(2.0*A)
b = np.array([alpha])
a = np.array([1.0, -(1.0-alpha)])
Y = np.copy(self.X)
for i in range(N):
Y, self.idx = Generalized(Y, b, a)
return Y
def ZEMA1(self, N=10, K=1.0, Vn=5):
Zero lag Exponential Moving Average (type 1)
N = order/smoothing factor
K = coefficient/gain
Vn = look back bar for the momentum
The damping term <alpha> is determined as equivalent to a N-SMA
alpha = 2.0 / (float(N) + 1.0)
b = np.zeros(Vn+1)
b[0] = alpha * (1.0 + K)
b[-1] = - alpha * K
a = np.array([1.0, -(1.0-alpha)])
Y, self.idx = Generalized(self.X, b, a)
return Y