Repetier-Firmware  0.91
Printer Class Reference

#include <Printer.h>

Static Public Member Functions

static void setMenuMode (uint8_t mode, bool on)
static bool debugEcho ()
static bool debugInfo ()
static bool debugErrors ()
static bool debugDryrun ()
static bool debugCommunication ()
static bool debugNoMoves ()
static void disableXStepper ()
 Disable stepper motor for x direction.
static void disableYStepper ()
 Disable stepper motor for y direction.
static void disableZStepper ()
 Disable stepper motor for z direction.
static void enableXStepper ()
 Enable stepper motor for x direction.
static void enableYStepper ()
 Enable stepper motor for y direction.
static void enableZStepper ()
 Enable stepper motor for z direction.
static void setXDirection (bool positive)
static void setYDirection (bool positive)
static void setZDirection (bool positive)
static uint8_t isLargeMachine ()
static void setLargeMachine (uint8_t b)
static uint8_t isAdvanceActivated ()
static void setAdvanceActivated (uint8_t b)
static uint8_t isHomed ()
static void setHomed (uint8_t b)
static uint8_t isAutomount ()
static void setAutomount (uint8_t b)
static uint8_t isAnimation ()
static void setAnimation (uint8_t b)
static void toggleAnimation ()
static float convertToMM (float x)
static bool isXMinEndstopHit ()
static bool isYMinEndstopHit ()
static bool isZMinEndstopHit ()
static bool isXMaxEndstopHit ()
static bool isYMaxEndstopHit ()
static bool isZMaxEndstopHit ()
static bool areAllSteppersDisabled ()
static void setAllSteppersDiabled ()
static void unsetAllSteppersDisabled ()
static bool isAnyTempsensorDefect ()
static bool isManualMoveMode ()
static void setManualMoveMode (bool on)
static bool isAutolevelActive ()
static void setAutolevelActive (bool on)
static void setZProbingActive (bool on)
static bool isZProbingActive ()
static bool isZProbeHit ()
static void executeXYGantrySteps ()
static void endXYZSteps ()
static unsigned int updateStepsPerTimerCall (unsigned int vbase)
static void disableAllowedStepper ()
static float realXPosition ()
static float realYPosition ()
static float realZPosition ()
static void realPosition (float &xp, float &yp, float &zp)
static void insertStepperHighDelay ()
static void constrainDestinationCoords ()
static void updateDerivedParameter ()
static void updateCurrentPosition ()
static void kill (uint8_t only_steppers)
 Stop heater and stepper motors. Disable power,if possible.
static void updateAdvanceFlags ()
static void setup ()
static void defaultLoopActions ()
static uint8_t setDestinationStepsFromGCode (GCode *com)
 Sets the destination coordinates to values stored in com.
static void moveTo (float x, float y, float z, float e, float f)
static void moveToReal (float x, float y, float z, float e, float f)
static void homeAxis (bool xaxis, bool yaxis, bool zaxis)
static void setOrigin (float xOff, float yOff, float zOff)
 Home axis.
static int getFanSpeed ()

Static Public Attributes

static uint8_t menuMode = 0
 Number of steps per mm needed.
static float invAxisStepsPerMM []
 Inverse of axisStepsPerMM for faster conversion.
static float maxFeedrate [] = {MAX_FEEDRATE_X, MAX_FEEDRATE_Y, MAX_FEEDRATE_Z}
 Maximum allowed feedrate.
 X, Y, Z and E max acceleration in mm/s^2 for printing moves or retracts.
 X, Y, Z max acceleration in mm/s^2 for travel moves.
static unsigned long maxPrintAccelerationStepsPerSquareSecond []
static unsigned long maxTravelAccelerationStepsPerSquareSecond []
static uint8_t relativeCoordinateMode = false
 Determines absolute (false) or relative Coordinates (true).
static uint8_t relativeExtruderCoordinateMode = false
 Determines Absolute or Relative E Codes while in Absolute Coordinates mode. E is always relative in Relative Coordinates mode.
static uint8_t unitIsInches = 0
 0 = Units are mm, 1 = units are inches.
static uint8_t debugLevel = 6
 Bitfield defining debug output. 1 = echo, 2 = info, 4 = error, 8 = dry run., 16 = Only communication, 32 = No moves.
static uint8_t flag0 = 0
static uint8_t flag1 = 0
static uint8_t stepsPerTimerCall = 1
static unsigned long interval
 Last step duration in ticks.
static unsigned long timer
 used for acceleration/deceleration timing
static unsigned long stepNumber
 Step number in current move.
static float coordinateOffset [3] = {0,0,0}
static long currentPositionSteps [4]
 Position in steps from origin.
static float currentPosition [3]
static long destinationSteps [4]
 Target position in steps.
static float minimumSpeed
 lowest allowed speed to keep integration error small
static float minimumZSpeed
 lowest allowed speed to keep integration error small
static long xMaxSteps
 For software endstops, limit of move in positive direction.
static long yMaxSteps
 For software endstops, limit of move in positive direction.
static long zMaxSteps
 For software endstops, limit of move in positive direction.
static long xMinSteps
 For software endstops, limit of move in negative direction.
static long yMinSteps
 For software endstops, limit of move in negative direction.
static long zMinSteps
 For software endstops, limit of move in negative direction.
static float xLength
static float xMin
static float yLength
static float yMin
static float zLength
static float zMin
static float feedrate
 Last requested feedrate.
static int feedrateMultiply
 Multiplier for feedrate in percent (factor 1 = 100)
static unsigned int extrudeMultiply
 Flow multiplier in percdent (factor 1 = 100)
static float maxJerk
 Maximum allowed jerk in mm/s.
static float maxZJerk
 Maximum allowed jerk in z direction in mm/s.
static float offsetX
 X-offset for different extruder positions.
static float offsetY
 Y-offset for different extruder positions.
static unsigned int vMaxReached
 Maximumu reached speed.
static unsigned long msecondsPrinting
 Milliseconds of printing time (means time with heated extruder)
static float filamentPrinted
 mm of filament printed since counting started
static uint8_t wasLastHalfstepping
 Indicates if last move had halfstepping enabled.

Static Private Member Functions

static void homeXAxis ()
static void homeYAxis ()
static void homeZAxis ()

Member Function Documentation

static bool areAllSteppersDisabled ( ) [inline, static]
void constrainDestinationCoords ( ) [static]
static float convertToMM ( float  x) [inline, static]
static bool debugCommunication ( ) [inline, static]
static bool debugDryrun ( ) [inline, static]
static bool debugEcho ( ) [inline, static]
static bool debugErrors ( ) [inline, static]
static bool debugInfo ( ) [inline, static]
static bool debugNoMoves ( ) [inline, static]
void defaultLoopActions ( ) [static]
static void disableAllowedStepper ( ) [inline, static]
static void disableXStepper ( ) [inline, static]

Disable stepper motor for x direction.

static void disableYStepper ( ) [inline, static]

Disable stepper motor for y direction.

static void disableZStepper ( ) [inline, static]

Disable stepper motor for z direction.

static void enableXStepper ( ) [inline, static]

Enable stepper motor for x direction.

static void enableYStepper ( ) [inline, static]

Enable stepper motor for y direction.

static void enableZStepper ( ) [inline, static]

Enable stepper motor for z direction.

static void endXYZSteps ( ) [inline, static]
static void executeXYGantrySteps ( ) [inline, static]
static int getFanSpeed ( ) [inline, static]
void homeAxis ( bool  xaxis,
bool  yaxis,
bool  zaxis 
) [static]
void homeXAxis ( ) [static, private]
void homeYAxis ( ) [static, private]
void homeZAxis ( ) [static, private]
static void insertStepperHighDelay ( ) [inline, static]
static uint8_t isAdvanceActivated ( ) [inline, static]
static uint8_t isAnimation ( ) [inline, static]
static bool isAnyTempsensorDefect ( ) [inline, static]
static bool isAutolevelActive ( ) [inline, static]
static uint8_t isAutomount ( ) [inline, static]
static uint8_t isHomed ( ) [inline, static]
static uint8_t isLargeMachine ( ) [inline, static]
static bool isManualMoveMode ( ) [inline, static]
static bool isXMaxEndstopHit ( ) [inline, static]
static bool isXMinEndstopHit ( ) [inline, static]
static bool isYMaxEndstopHit ( ) [inline, static]
static bool isYMinEndstopHit ( ) [inline, static]
static bool isZMaxEndstopHit ( ) [inline, static]
static bool isZMinEndstopHit ( ) [inline, static]
static bool isZProbeHit ( ) [inline, static]
static bool isZProbingActive ( ) [inline, static]
void kill ( uint8_t  only_steppers) [static]

Stop heater and stepper motors. Disable power,if possible.

void moveTo ( float  x,
float  y,
float  z,
float  e,
float  f 
) [static]
void moveToReal ( float  x,
float  y,
float  z,
float  e,
float  f 
) [static]
static void realPosition ( float &  xp,
float &  yp,
float &  zp 
) [inline, static]
static float realXPosition ( ) [inline, static]
static float realYPosition ( ) [inline, static]
static float realZPosition ( ) [inline, static]
static void setAdvanceActivated ( uint8_t  b) [inline, static]
static void setAllSteppersDiabled ( ) [inline, static]
static void setAnimation ( uint8_t  b) [inline, static]
void setAutolevelActive ( bool  on) [static]
static void setAutomount ( uint8_t  b) [inline, static]
uint8_t setDestinationStepsFromGCode ( GCode com) [static]

Sets the destination coordinates to values stored in com.

For the computation of the destination, the following facts are considered:

  • Are units inches or mm.
  • Reltive or absolute positioning with special case only extruder relative.
  • Offset in x and y direction for multiple extruder support.
static void setHomed ( uint8_t  b) [inline, static]
static void setLargeMachine ( uint8_t  b) [inline, static]
static void setManualMoveMode ( bool  on) [inline, static]
static void setMenuMode ( uint8_t  mode,
bool  on 
) [inline, static]
void setOrigin ( float  xOff,
float  yOff,
float  zOff 
) [static]

Home axis.

void setup ( ) [static]

< Current feedrate in mm/s.

static void setXDirection ( bool  positive) [inline, static]
static void setYDirection ( bool  positive) [inline, static]
static void setZDirection ( bool  positive) [inline, static]
static void setZProbingActive ( bool  on) [inline, static]
static void toggleAnimation ( ) [inline, static]
static void unsetAllSteppersDisabled ( ) [inline, static]
void updateAdvanceFlags ( ) [static]
void updateCurrentPosition ( ) [static]
void updateDerivedParameter ( ) [static]

Acceleration in steps/s^3 in printing mode.

Acceleration in steps/s^2 in movement mode.

static unsigned int updateStepsPerTimerCall ( unsigned int  vbase) [inline, static]

Field Documentation

Number of steps per mm needed.

float coordinateOffset = {0,0,0} [static]
float currentPosition [static]
long currentPositionSteps [static]

Position in steps from origin.

uint8_t debugLevel = 6 [static]

Bitfield defining debug output. 1 = echo, 2 = info, 4 = error, 8 = dry run., 16 = Only communication, 32 = No moves.

long destinationSteps [static]

Target position in steps.

unsigned int extrudeMultiply [static]

Flow multiplier in percdent (factor 1 = 100)

float feedrate [static]

Last requested feedrate.

int feedrateMultiply [static]

Multiplier for feedrate in percent (factor 1 = 100)

float filamentPrinted [static]

mm of filament printed since counting started

uint8_t flag0 = 0 [static]
uint8_t flag1 = 0 [static]
unsigned long interval [static]

Last step duration in ticks.

float invAxisStepsPerMM [static]

Inverse of axisStepsPerMM for faster conversion.

Maximum allowed feedrate.

float maxJerk [static]

Maximum allowed jerk in mm/s.

Acceleration in steps/s^3 in printing mode.

Acceleration in steps/s^2 in movement mode.

float maxZJerk [static]

Maximum allowed jerk in z direction in mm/s.

uint8_t menuMode = 0 [static]
float minimumSpeed [static]

lowest allowed speed to keep integration error small

float minimumZSpeed [static]

lowest allowed speed to keep integration error small

unsigned long msecondsPrinting [static]

Milliseconds of printing time (means time with heated extruder)

float offsetX [static]

X-offset for different extruder positions.

float offsetY [static]

Y-offset for different extruder positions.

uint8_t relativeCoordinateMode = false [static]

Determines absolute (false) or relative Coordinates (true).

uint8_t relativeExtruderCoordinateMode = false [static]

Determines Absolute or Relative E Codes while in Absolute Coordinates mode. E is always relative in Relative Coordinates mode.

unsigned long stepNumber [static]

Step number in current move.

uint8_t stepsPerTimerCall = 1 [static]
unsigned long timer [static]

used for acceleration/deceleration timing

uint8_t unitIsInches = 0 [static]

0 = Units are mm, 1 = units are inches.

unsigned int vMaxReached [static]

Maximumu reached speed.

uint8_t wasLastHalfstepping [static]

Indicates if last move had halfstepping enabled.

float xLength [static]
long xMaxSteps [static]

For software endstops, limit of move in positive direction.

float xMin [static]
long xMinSteps [static]

For software endstops, limit of move in negative direction.

float yLength [static]
long yMaxSteps [static]

For software endstops, limit of move in positive direction.

float yMin [static]
long yMinSteps [static]

For software endstops, limit of move in negative direction.

float zLength [static]
long zMaxSteps [static]

For software endstops, limit of move in positive direction.

float zMin [static]
long zMinSteps [static]

For software endstops, limit of move in negative direction.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
 All Data Structures Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Friends Defines